Jaws: Unleashed

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GLaD I'm not you...
This game was probably the best 20$ I've ever spent. You get to play as Jaws, and well eat everything. The game is full of blood, and you can actually tear limbs off of people. The story line really is not all that great, the graphics are decent, the camera is ok and you can upgrade your shark which gives it kind of an RPG feel. Bottom line with this game. If your entertained for a long time by simply tearing people and other Marine Life apart then this is a game for you.
I've seen it, looks decent. I've never really been to fond of sharks but if I get to play as one and go on a rampage then I'm all for it.

Don't you have to fight a Megalodon at the end of the game?
Like I said, I have not gotten to the end yet, but if you have to fight one of them I'd be like... wtf... but yes you get to go on a rampage. Since it's a free roam enviorment you be able to stalk people on beaches... yes you can beach yourself grab a person and bring em back in the water
Just rechecked it out on IGN and it looks badass, although the graphics don't look like X box 360 graphics. If the game gets released of the computer console then I'm definitely going to get it.
I didnt even know they made it for 360... Well if that's the case then no the graphics are not up to that level, but for Ps2 and X-box it's good
I read a review for this game on I think Gamespot that said this was the most mindless, boring, and stupid game of all time. Were they wrong?
I read that too. I agree with the pointless thing as I said the storyline is lacking, but I dunno I'm just easily entertained by being able to rip people apart as a giant shark
rofl, You would be a7, you would be...

I saw this at Blockbuster today, think I might actually give it a rip. Call me crazy but ripping off limbs sounds pretty appealing to me as well.

But I mean...the RPG factor...has to be the stupidest fuckin thing, ever. Sweet! We can upgrade what bling our Shark has?! Dude thats radical!
yah it sounds lme, but there are some cool things like smacking a person into a building or bodyslamming a dock causing people to fall in.
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