Jason Webb vs. Ace Cannon (Carnage)

::We are seen in the back parking lot of the arena where the first Carnage card just took place a short while ago. We then see Henry Mack standing there with a mic in his hand by the backdoor.::

HM: Here we are in the back parking lot awaiting comments about tonights events at Carnage from the next WCZW superstar that comes out these doors.

:: Right as Henry Mack finishes the door swings open and it is none other then Ace Cannon who come out.

HM: Ace, Ace... Can I get a few words with you about tonights Carnage and your win over Rob Caraway?

AC: Henry Mack, since your standing here and I'm awaiting a call from a lady friend about some plans tonight and I'm also in a good mood, so I will answer your meaningless questions.

HM:Well first off Ace what are your feelings on your victory over Rob Caraway tonight?

AC: Well let me just start off by saying history has been written. I was guranteeing that he would be my first victim on my way to greatness and I was right. I will give him alittle credit, he was a good oppoenet somone I almost didn't take serious engouth. But in the end all the hooch he has smoked killed way too many brain cells and my genuis beat him.

HM: SO you call pulling a ref in front of you "genuis" and using a chiar to help you win "genuis"?

AC: I sure do Henry.. I'm the smartest man in this damn company and I showed that tonight! I mean granted I out-smarted the dumbest man in this company but it was still genuis and that along with my excellent in-ring abilty will lead to the world title around my waist.

HM: Well Ace, with that said what do you think about your oppenet in the semi-finals Jason Webb?

AC: Jason Webb... I watched his match and I was actually impressed... Not at his wrestling abilty becasue it's worse then Andy Kaufmans! I was impressed with his foul mouth, I have never heard anybody lace together profanity like that guy did.. His words are more coloful then a Gay-Pride rainbow. Which in an ironic turn of events I saw on his car that him and that goofy manager of him travel around in.

HM: Ace, are you calling them gay?[/COLOR]

HM: No, but is all I'm saying is that I use the internet and frequent wrestling rumor websites like Wrestlezone.com and they had alittle rumor up there about them.

HM: Well Ace, besides the stupid rumors you have read how do you feel about your upcoming match with Jason Webb?

AC: It is simple Jason Webb equals victim number two! His name will go into the history books right under Rob Caraways name. I mean is all Jason Webb is a foul mouth redneck peice of crap. Only thing that makes him diffrent from my last oppenet is that he doesn't smoke the mary-jane and doesn't make God awful rock music. Just look a Jason Webb... Does he reminf anybody of another superstar that was in another company? A guy who flipped off people that was a redneck? Yeah well for all you stupid fans out there let me give you his nickname STONE COLD. Now let me stop a second so you all can make the connection............Ok, now back to what I was getting ready to say, Jason Webb your living a lie, your living a lifestyle of a badass that was cool in 1999, now it's un-orginal and pointless. So when we step into the ring thursday Jason Webb 3:16 isn't going to read "I just fucked you up." It is going to be revised to say Jason Webb 3:16 says "Ace just kicked my ass and is the soon to be world champion." So sit back on that Webb, I hope you and your monkey boy manager can comeback at me with something orginal becasue I swear to you Webb I'm on a damn mission and your "Bad Ass" isn't to bad for me to beat one two three in the middle of the ring!

HM: Well Ace thoes are some stong words, is there any closing comments you might want to add?

::Just then the phone rings... Ace look at it and ignores it..::

HM: Ace your lady friend is calling..

AC: I know, but I'm so damn pissed about Jason Webb that I want to close this interview out with alittle something. Webb, since your such a "Bad Ass" I would love to get down in a special way with you... No not hardcore, not a cage, nothing that played out like your gimmick but a nice old school I QUIT MATCH! I want to see just how bad you are. So talk to your boy and let me know and maybe Mr.Doberman will have the balls to make this match.

::Ace takes his phone out and returns the call and walks away from the camera::

HM: WOW! Thoes are some strong words from Ace Cannon. We will see the outcome in the coming days.

::The camera fades to black::
"Bad Ass" Jason Webb and Bobby "The Brain" Lewis are standing by backstage.

Jason: You see, Bobby, anyone can come out here and try to act like a hard ass, but their is only one Bad Ass, and you are looking at him, pal! The baddest motherfucker in the world and I am not dead like some nameless pussy likes to claim! You are talking to a man that was raised on the streets of New Jersey, not some punk bitch that thought up a nickname like Bad Ass! I was given this nickname because people knew that I didn't take shit from anyone! You are looking at a american original, a true legend, not some kid just out of the minor leagues!

Jason points into the camera.

Jason: See, Ace, you are just another jobber in my way! Another guy to beat to get to my ultimate prize, the WZCW World Heavyweight Championship! Your chances are slim and none, and slim just hit the bricks!

Bobby: You really think you can make this man say I quit? You are looking at the toughest man to beat in professional wrestling. A man that has wrestled Midnite Raven, Glacier, Nature, Charles Everton, DX Kid, Whacko, Kold, Angel, Griff Vain, and Halo. A man that has wrestled the best in the world not some ham and eggers.

Jason: You want an I quit match!? No chance, pal! You would have no shot at making me say I quit! Not only have I wrestled legends, but also in three and a half years, I have never submitted, never tapped out, never uttered the word I quit! I quit is never a word you will hear from Jason Webb in a match! I can take pain, I can take the pressure! Can you, pal!? Can you take the constant pain I will inflect on you!? Can you take the intensity I bring to that ring!? Can you walk down that aisle and beat me!? I don't think you can! To be the man, you have to beat the man, and always and forever, I am the man!

James Magnum walks into the camera.

Magnum: Have you seen Lolah, Jay?

Jason: Don't you see I am doing a promo, dumbass!?

Magnum ignores the question.

Magnum: Bobby, have you seen Lolah?

Jason: You crazy motherfucker! I haven't seen Lolah, maybe she is playing Gears of War.

Magnum: Thanks.

Magnum just walks off as Jason shake his head.

Jason: See, Ace, you can talk tough but can you really be tough!? Not only am I going to kick your ass, I will also outwrestle your ass! I don't need no weapons, I could beat you with the things god graced me with, a great body and a greater mind! Things you can not comprehend with that little pea of a brain you have!

Jason points into the camera.

Jason: Everyone has a Waterloo and yours is upon you! You are in the way of me and proving wrong all those motherfuckers in the place I was before! A place that has become riddened with politics and political favors, things I don't need or never needed because I am the best! I am not the best because some company puts their advertising into me, I am not the best because I kiss ass, I am the best because no one works harder and better than me! So, Ace, like my great friend Scott Hall says, "Don't sing it, bring it!"

Jason walks off the camera and Bobby follows him as the camera fades to black.
::The camera opens up on a building from far away and you can see a figure standing in front of what looks like to be a gym. As the camera inches closer we see it is none other then The Future Ace Cannon. Ace is wearing a collard polo shirt, a pair of stone washed blue jeans and Puma sneakers. As the camera gets closer Ace begins cracks alittle smile and starts to speak..

AC: I'm glad you guys made it... Even thougth your about an hour late. Anyway follow me inside.

::Ace opens the door and the camera follows him in. The camera pans around and we see weight benches, free weights, leg machines, cardio equipment,and a couple wrestling rings. Ace keeps walking until he comes to a man standing near one of the rings. Ace greets him with a handshake and Ace begins to talk.::

AC: Sean Denny... It has been way to long since I last talked to you. How the hell have you been?

SD: I have been good...Still trainning big mouth kids around here like you and wrestling on the indy circuit around here, and winning every title in the area. Anyway what the hell brings you here?

AC: Well I came here to get my mind of things and comeback to my roots to get things straight.

SD: Whats bothering you kid?

AC: This match with Jason Webb might be the biggest in my career to date. I'm not as confident going against him as I was with Rob Caraway.

SD: Listen Ace your the most talented kid I have ver seen. Your not even twenty one yet and your in the big time. I mean you have the greatest athletic ablity I have ever seen in the ring. Yeah you shoot off at the mouth too much and your way to cocky in the ring but I know you can kick this guys ass. He is nothing but a mouth, he is the only guy I ever seen in this business with a bigger mouth then you. Just go into that match with the attitude I see you exhibit all the time.

AC: What ego is that Sean?

SD: The "I'm better then everyone in this damn business attiude."

AC: Damn it Sean, your right. I am better then that loud mouth New Jersey peice of crap. Come thursday night Jason Webb will be elimnated from this tournament. He is all that stand in the way of me and the finals of this tournament. Thanks for the advice Sean, I knew my old trainer would have the right words of encouragement for me.

SD: Your welcome Ace.. Just remeber when you get into that ring that your the best damn wrestler ever to compete and that your the fuckin' FUTURE of this business!

:: Ace give Sean a hug and Ace walks out of the gym and the camera fades to black.::
:: The camera opens up in blackand white. We see Ace Cannon drinking a bottle of Fiji water and relaxing on a chair set up in the middle of the ring in an empty arena. Ace takes a swig of his water and caps it and sits it down next to him. He sits there in relative silence not saying much or really making any moves what so ever. He pick up his water and take another pull off his water. He then begins to speak.::

AC: Let me adress first things first.. Jason Webb. Your a "Bad Ass" but yet you won't make our match intresting by making it an "I Quit Match." WOW.. Thats not very "bad ass", if you ask me thats very bitch like. So I guess now I will just kick your ass in a tradtional match, but one important question was answered... We now know that Bobby must me the man in your relationship.

::Ace takes a drink of water and begins to talk again.::

AC: Jason Webb... A man I will fight tomorrow night in the semi-finals in the WCZW world title tournament. A man who has supposedly beat legends, and held belts from here to Timbuktu. A man who is from New Jersey that is a legit tough guy thus giving him the nickname "Bad Ass." Well do you want to know something Jason Webb? I'm different kind of beast!

:: Ace stops talking to ponder again. He takes a sip of water and gains his thoughts.::

AC:You see Jason, you being from New Jersey means nothing to me! Not a damn thing! Is all that means is your from the asshole of America. It doesn't mean your tough, and it doesn't mean your a badass. Is all it means is your nothing but another loud mouth Northern prick who writes checks his ass can't cash. You see Jason Webb, I don't claim to be a badass, I don't claim to be all this stuff you our. Is all I claim is that I'm ACE CANNON. THE FUTURE ACE CANNON! I didn't get the nickname THE FUTURE by just showing up one day in wrestling school and doing a few moonsaults. I have earned this name, I have put blood,sweat and tears into this industry since I got kicked out of The University Of Flordia. Football was my passion and I was a gifted player a guy who would have been a first round draft pick but I fucked up, and now here we are in present day...... Me VS You! I'll be damned if I come in here and screw up like I did in college! I'm hear to prove myself and I will and I will show you and the world why I'm THE FUTURE!

:: Ace takes another drink of his water and sits in silence again thinking.::

AC: So Jason let me explain something else to you. You run around here shootin' your damn mouth off about how you beat all these people I have never heard of. Yeah maybe it is me being a reckless youth and not knowing the history of these guys in the business. But there is a good reason I don't know these names. It is because these guys are NOBODIES! Jason get real close to your TV and read my lips as I repeat myself! THESE GUYS ARE NOBODIES! Did you get that Webb? DX KID, Midnite whatshisnuts, Whacko, Kold or Angel I have no clue who the fuck these guys our! Why? Well for the fourth time there nobodies. I mean Webb c'mon these guys could not carry my freakin' gym bag and furthermore nor can you, I mean your a damned legend in your own mind! But thats okay, I'm not just a professional wrestler, I'm also an ego killer! So in closing Jason Webb I would like to leave you with this. Carnage is right around the corner and I'm the most talented son of a bitch you have ever.....EVER... been in the ring with and I plan to bruise your ego and kill your LEGEND status!

:: Ace grabs his water and gets up from his chair and exits the ring. As he walks out the arena the camera fades to black....::

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