Jason "Mayhem" Miller vs. Nick Diaz will we see it next year?


Championship Contender
As just about everybody knows, early this year at Strikeforce: Nashville, Jason Miller was involed in a brawl with Jake Shields, Gilbert Melendez, Nate Diaz and Nick Diaz.

Of the 4 scrap pack members involved in the fight Nick's been the only one to maintain a grudge against Miller. Similarly Miller has made claims that Diaz caused the brawl due to him throwing the first punch, (a claim Diaz denies). Both have spoken in interviews about eachother, Miller calling him stupid and a wannabe ganster thug, who acts like a child. Diaz responded calling Mayhem a bitch-boy and filming a video response flipping the double bird.

The feud has escalated throughout the year, with Miller sporting t-shirts designed to insult Diaz and Diaz continuing to mention his dislike for Miller in interviews. Currently Miller is set to compete at Dream this month against Sakuraba, and Diaz is facing KJ Noons this October. However, Miller's Strikeforce ban is up sometime this month and Miller has laid down the challenge, claiming to have spoken to Scott Coker. Diaz has supposedly been ducking the fight claiming that he's a 170lb fighter and Miller a 185lb fighter and that Miller should drop to his weight, Miller in turn claimed that Diaz had no issue fighting old guys like Frank Shamrock at 180lbs.

Both guys seem to really hate eachother at this point and if Miller is to be believed, Coker wants them to fight. So...

Do you think we will see Nick Diaz vs. Jason Miller in 2011?

Do you want to see Nick Diaz vs. Jason Miller in 2011?

And of the two who do you want to win?

I do think we'll see it happen, I definitely want it to happen and I'd rather see Miller win than Diaz, I'm a Miller fan and straight up I dislike Diaz as he looks and speaks in the exact same manner as this stoner douche who used to live in my apartment and stole money from me and some housemates. How about you fight fans?
All of their suspension's are up this month.

I think the fight will happen if there is the on again/off again Middleweight tourney in Strikeforce that keeps being talked about. Other than that I don't see it happening. Everyone wants to always to talk shit about the Diaz brothers, but lets not forget Miller is no angel himself. He comes off a bit of a douche as well. Its just not older guys that Diaz fights when he moves up, he also fought Scott Smith who is like only 30 years old.

If the fight were to happen as a grudge match, I would have it at a catchweight at 178 lbs. that way Miller drops only 7 pounds and Diaz gains 8. All around that would make it pretty fair for both fighters, no one is making huge changes. If Miller is the one pressing for the fight so bad than he should be making the move down to fight Diaz.

I would want to see Diaz get the win. Say what you want about Diaz, the guy is a tremendous fighter. I think he has better BJJ and definitely is the better boxer out of the two.

I do think we'll see it happen, I definitely want it to happen and I'd rather see Miller win than Diaz, I'm a Miller fan and straight up I dislike Diaz as he looks and speaks in the exact same manner as this stoner douche who used to live in my apartment and stole money from me and some housemates. How about you fight fans?

I don't get it? Because some idiot stole from you and your friends that looks and acts like Nick Diaz, you want Diaz to fight fans? What is the upside to that? Other than watching him destroy people. I could understand you wanting Miller to win, but the fighting fans part I just don't get.

EDIT: Thank you to Blue Cardinal, I get you were asking fight fans what they want to see. Still find it funny you want to Diaz to lose because he reminds you of a douche bag.
First off, let me say that Nick Diaz is nothing like in real life the way he portrays himself as in MMA. The only thing real about the way he presents himself is that he smokes pot, but that's it. He's not a thug or gangster or any other thing you want to call him just because he might curse up a storm and throw up the middle finger every now and then. He does all that for show though, because it's the way he chooses to promote himself. However, if you watch his fights in Japan, you'll see he's very different than how he is here.

Anyways, win or lose against KJ Noons, I do believe Nick Diaz next opponent will be Mayhem Miller, at a catchweight of something like 180 pounds. And I'm positive it'll go down in January or February.

Now, Nick Diaz is my all time favorite fighter, but I'm also a HUGE fan of Mayhem, to the point where he would perhaps crack my top ten. So, obviously I have a lot of respect for his skills, and I do think he would give Diaz one hell of a fight. Diaz has the edge on the feet, and they're about what-and-what on the ground, so I would expect the fight to go Diaz's way on the feet, but we'll see an absolutely beautiful showcase on the ground from both fighters, much like what we saw from Mayhem and Shields in the first three rounds of their fight against one another.

So, yeah... I do think this will go down, and I certainly hope it does.
I am not a real big fan of either man. However, the lesser of the two evils is definitely Nick Diaz. I have said many times that I am not a huge fan of trash talk, which is ironic since I am a Koscheck fanboy, and both of these guys love to trash talk. However, both fighters are very exciting and a fight between them would surely be awesome. I would put my money on Diaz though. I have a shit ton of respect for the guy and he is quickly rising up my list of favorite fighters, not for his personality of course. Whereas, Mayhem has always rubbed me the wrong way and just annoyed the piss out of me. He is a talented fighter and can hang with most fighters, I respect that, but his constant mouth running just wears on me.

As for a possible fight between these two, hell yes this fight should and I think will happen at the beginning of 2011. It would be a huge fight for Strikeforce and there is already a lot of hype surrounding it. Strikeforce would be stupid to not make this fight happen. It has a great storyline behind it and is a fight that has some exciting fighters, the making of a fight that will get the casual fan interested. As for the fight itself, I would put my money on Diaz. He is easily one of the best all around fighters in the world today, and I just think he would be able to do more then Miller. After the Noons fight I wouldn't be surprised if this fight was signed within the next week. Diaz doesn't back down and I am sure he is only focusing on redeeming his loss to Noons right now. As soon as that fight is over Mayhem will become public enemy number one.
Still find it funny you want Diaz to lose because he reminds you of a douche bag.

No dude, you misunderstand. I want Diaz to lose because Miller is in my top 5 favourite fighters, I just happen not to like Diaz because he seems like a bit of a cunt. I know JMT covered that saying how he presents himself in MMA isn't him in reality, still between the slurred speech and just the general way he presents himself, from what I've seen at least, strikes me as someone who's a major douche. Great fighter no doubt, but he just seems off, imo.

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