Japanese 'Research' in Aussie Waters


I'm better than you!
So, what's everyone's opinion on the Japanese whalers in the Antarctic hunting and killing hundreds of whales?

The other day they rammed on of our stealth ships almost killing the passengers. They have taken this thing to a whole other level and I'm sick and tired of our government doing nothing about it. All they do is pussy foot around the topic and say "we're investigating it". FUCK THAT, do something about it.

If Kevin Rudd got off his plane seat from jet setting around the world and stayed in our country long enough he might realise how fucked up it's getting. I swear the next big headline regarding the whalers and the aussie ships will be someone dieing. Something needs to be done and the Australian government needs to do it.

What are your thoughts on the situation, I know all the Americans and others might not know what I'm on about but youtube or google it because it's fucked up. All the Aussies will know what I'm on about.


Question, is it possible that the whaling ship couldn't see your stealth ship (on account of it being impossible to see on radar) and bumped into it, rather than maliciously ramming it?

that said, I'm not a fan of whaling. the 'researched' species are often rare enough without being hunted, and they die in a very painful manner. They're shot with a harpoon with an explosive tip, which pierces the skin, then kicks out barbs and is then dragged onto the ship to be butchered. However if the japanese are going to hunt whales, they should at least be honest about it and say that they're being hunted for food, rather than research.
The thing is, they're being hunted in Australian waters. They are aiming to kill 1000 minke whales, 20 rare fin whales and 50 humpbacks this summer. It's absolutley ridiculous to kill that many whales for 'scientific' purposes, it's bullshit. They kill them to eat them, no question.

The ship was in full view of the Japanese vessel. It was daylight, they turned to hit it. It's obvious that it was intentional.

Check this link out about recent events.


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