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WZCW's First Triple Crown Champion
Real Name: Braeden Underwood

Gimmick Name: Jalapeño

Nickname: "The Feisty Fixture"

Height: 5 ft. 9 in.

Weight: 209

Hometown: Windsor Ontario, Canada

Billed From: Albuquerque, New Mexico


----------------Hair Colour/Length: Bleach Blonde

----------------Eye Colour: Green

----------------Facial Hair: Moustache, with a slight soul patch

----------------Ring attire: assorted colored jeans, kneepads and wrestling boots, and usually tapes wrists.

----------------Backstage Attire: Simple every day casual wear such as: t-shirts, jeans, sneakers, and is always seen in sunglasses.

----------------Physical Features: Features like your typical and average cool dude.

----------------Tattoos: None

Alignment (Heel or Face, not Tweener): Face

Main Gimmick: A dancing party boy who is very optimistic and outgoing.

2 Characteristics of Gimmick: Crazy happy and is usually always has an excited vibe to him. Is great when it comes to pumping up a crowd

Strengths/Weaknesses (3 of each):

Strength: Uses high risk and high reward offense, when he connects it's usually very devastating to his opponents, and he is also quite the technical mastermind for mat work when the time calls.

Weaknesses: Takes too many risks with his style, misses a lot of his major moves, and is a sucker for falling for any tricks set out up by the heel.

Sample Pic of Wrestler:


Brief History:

Underwood grew up in Canada and always aspired to become a professional wrestler. He then went under the training of Mikey Whipwreck who taught him basic in ring style that he primarily uses. He ban around the independent scene for a while now where he invented the fun loving "Jalapeño" character he is so well known for today.

Entrance Music:


Entrance Description: Three loud pyros go off as soon as his music hits. He then enters the arena by dancing with an alignment of different break dancing moves to "wow" the crowd for some cheap pops on the way to the ring. While bright and flashing lights are also added to the entrance for some extra effect.

He wears a bright orange flame themed vest to the ring, but takes it off before every match as he never wrestles in it.

Finishing Move: Flamethrower (Corkscrew senton)
Secondary Finisher: Muta Lock

15 Most Used Moves: (2 signature moves):

Corkscrew Moonsault
Springboard Roundhouse
Springboard elbow smash
Double knee backbreaker
Gut Drop (leg drop to mid-section)
Springboard clothesline
Snap DDT
Springboard moonsault
Sit-out facebuster

Sample RP.

*We cut away to the backstage area where Josh Matthews is about to welcome the newest member of the roster to WZCW.*

Matthews: "Ladies and gentleman I would like to intoduce to you the newest and perhaps most exciting member to our roster: Jalapeño!"

Jalapeño: "Well, it's about time the party got started here in WZCW! Wouldn't you agree Josh!?"

Matthews: "I guess so..."

Jalapeño: "Enough about that Josh, let's just talk about what I have seen thus far in this locker room. What I have seen is a bunch of sticks in the mud filling out this locker room! There is a lack of fun in this place and I Jalapeño, The Feisty Fixture am I here to get things going again. Parties, dancing, and the word fun will be brought back to the WZCW, courtesy of Jalapeño!

*The camera then zooms in on an intense Jalapeño, as the interview segment fades away to the next segment*[/QUOTE]
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