Jack Swagger Released


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Swagger appeared on Chael Sonnen's podcast and announced that he has requested and been granted his release from WWE.


Is this really a surprise? He hasn't meant anything in years and it's not like he's even been a regular on TV in recent months. Swagger is someone who was DYING for a new gimmick but WWE just insisted on having him be the same guy with the same character who didn't go anywhere but we can't change anything because it would suggest that WWE's writing isn't the best ever.

Any thoughts on Swagger? Where do you see him going?
He'll be fine. His technical skill means he'll get work. Sitting on his ass was probably making him bored

Japan, ROH or maybe TNA.

He may go the MMA route to be fair. He's got a legit amateur wrestling background and that helped Brock getting into MMA.
He's not a very good professional wrestler. He'll find work because of his name and history but I can't see him lasting anywhere for very long unless he improves greatly or agrees to work for pennies on the dollar.
I believe he has said he wants to try his hand at MMA. If that is true, then he could end up in TNA since they have the whole Fight Network partnership.
Swagger will find work in pro wrestling easily simply because of his time in WWE if nothing else.

IF various reports are accurate, then going to TNA may not be the all but certain thing it once was as it's been reported that TNA is no longer really interested in signing WWE guys. Given Swagger's years in WWE, he'd probably expect to be paid more than most other guys in TNA who haven't been in WWE and signing Swagger isn't going to increase viewership. Signing guys mainly because they were in WWE for years is a flawed strategy that's cost TNA millions.

Swagger turns 35 in about 3 weeks, so it's not as though he still doesn't have some time. I could see him ultimately trying the Cody Rhodes thing where he sorta works for various high profile companies for a while making some money without making too big of a splash, at least for a while.
I hope Jack Swagger does well and I think there's a spot in TNA, ROH, or even the UK / US indys for him. I don't picture him moving well in NJPW, because they'd almost for sure want him on a schedule and not a one off. Luckily he's been with WWE literally his entire pro-wrestling career, and is an accomplished college athlete. He also has a finance degree if he really wanted to pursue something else. He'll continue wrestling over a MMA venture I'm pretty sure. I don't think the money is there as opposed to what he'd get on even a semi-tight U.S / U.K indy schedule.

It's not surprising at all really, but kind of out of the blue either way. It's a good time for him to jump ship either way, for sure. In Mexico he could make quite a bit if that'd work out. If he could do ROH and split Indy dates he could stack up quite a bit while having a less ridiculous traveling schedule. NJPW might actually want to grab him if he'd comply with a contract. Even 4 months ago I'd say no, but current state NJPW is an option. He has a lot of options even outside of wrestling, and for sure he's somewhat of a collective individual.

I hope the best for him, and I think we'll be seeing him around on an upcoming WCPW show or something sooner than later. I think he has a little more higher value than a lot of individual's cases outside of WWE.
I'm absolutely amazed he hadn't asked for a release sooner. Swagger was never going to be a top draw in WWE (or anywhere) but he certainly deserved better. Swagger is proof positive that pushing world title runs onto unprepared talent is a mistake.

Towards the end of the noughties and beginning of the teens, WWE had a habit of using their title belts to get talent over. The reverse should be true, talent needs to get over than be rewarded with a belt.

CM Punk, Sheamus, Del Rio, and Swagger were all pushed into world titles before the crowd had fully accepted them. All slid down the card after their title wins, and some like Swagger never recovered.

Swagger shouldn't have won MITB in 2010. Even if he had to, they needed to wait for him to cash in. Swagger would never connect with the audience until his Real American gimmick, but that all went away with his arrest.

Swagger seemed poised to return to the world title scene in 2013 (by this point the World Heavyweight Championship was more of a secondary title) but the arrest saw him slip off the mid card.

Zeb Colter and the We the People catch phrase were more over than Jack. Swedish wrestler Cesaro was better in the Real American gimmick. Swags was always kind of a runner up. Nonetheless, his arrest was for pot possession lead to him disappearing altogether.

Swagger is only 33 and leaving is a smart career move. He must love WWE, because he stuck through a true burial (being left off TV). Swagger won't be missed because he hasn't been consistently on TV in years. He's shown up, then vanished. For his sake, I hope he goes to Impact or New Japan, or anything. Swagger could return to WWE in 3 to 5 years, possibly raising his stock.
Swagger should have run off to Japan after the whole drugs thing went down. He has been lucky to get his entrance played on t.v since. The guy has been in need of some sort of gimmick change for the longest time but wasn't important enough to waste energy on by the look of it.
Eh, only the few Swagger fans will miss his presence. Swagger had his moments in the early 2010's but the past few years a lot of superior talent has come in and overshadowed him, case in point, Cesaro when they were the Real Americans. There's not much you can do with Swagger other than fodder on house shows and putting better guys over (Corbin, Rusev). I have no doubt he'll find work on the independent scenes if he wants to continue a pro wrestling career. If not, I wish him luck in the MMA scene if that's what he wants to do. I can't say I will miss him though.
Maybe he can go home for a few months and smokeba lot of pot...

And while I don't see him in the impact zone any time soon, in think it would be interesting to see him part time at leastbin ring of honour.
He was always a mediocre wrestler, the only time he has ever been remotely interesting for me was during his time with Zeb Coulter and they screwed that up. Could have done alright if they had stuck with that, but it clearly made WWE uncomfortable that he wasn't getting the boos they expected.

He will do fine on the indies. Make enough money to get by, hell his ultra American gimmick would probably work a treat in Japan (is Zeb still unemployed?).

No loss from either side, barring Jack no longer getting a regular paycheck.
Swagger is going to have a bitch of a time going the Indy route. He never really got over in the last few years. TNA is not about to drop real dollars on a WWE washout on the wrong side of 30. I DO see him going to something like the World Series of Fighting, Singapore's ONE, or one of the lesser known MMA groups. Dana White will NOT sign Jack right off the bat, not after the CM Punk debacle. He could also go into coaching, utilizing his extensive amateur background. Does he have a Red Cross First Aid and CPR certificate? A license to teach? There are shitloads of schools that would give Swagger a decent living and benefits for his family. But, as for pro wrestling? I would be shocked if I ever see Jack Hager "Swagger" on TV again.
Swagger is someone who was DYING for a new gimmick but WWE just insisted on having him be the same guy with the same character who didn't go anywhere but we can't change anything because it would suggest that WWE's writing isn't the best ever.
Or maybe it's because Swagger is just that bad and since they finally found a character that gave him a little bit of life, they were reluctant to change it at all, since Swagger is so bad at nearly everything?

Swagger has the physical tools (though he could never really bulk up the way the WWE prefers), but he just doesn't have the charisma needed for the big leagues. In the ring, on the mic, in silent acting...the charisma just isn't there for him.

The WWE gave him plenty of opportunities...he just couldn't do anything with him.
The WWE lost nothing of value. Jack Swagger is truly awful at professional wrestling. He simply doesn't get it.

He should really go work on being a mixed martial artist. He's got the wrestling pedigree, is very athletic for his size and has very unique body dimensions. If he can get his striking together, he'd be a handful for anybody in the division.
I liked Swagger when he showed up. He is athletic and has good real wrestling background. Unfortunately for the guy, he has charisma of a ball. Can get past lip thing but his promos are bad. He was entertaining a bit with Colter and I really wonder what someone could do with that gimmick now when Trump won with gimmick story Colter did in WWE. Now reactions could be off the top. Again, unfortunately he screwed it up with weed and driving. So its mostly on him at least second time he got a chance for greatness. After that he was just lost in a shuffle. Suprised they didnt future endevour him sooner.
if Swagger gets his release from WWE, then yes i see Swagger in another wrestling ring. now will it be tna, roh or a small promotion, i dont know, but i do see him competing in the ring.

in the ring, Swagger doesnt have issues. Swagger's issues have always been on the mic, he's real bad on the mic. if he can improve on the mic and with his personality, then i think Swagger can be great. in the ring, he's a fine technical wrestler who has moves that actually look fine and sharp.
I think Jack Swagger would be a good fit for The Bullet Club in NJPW, he might be approaching 35 but he's plenty of gas left in the tank, let's be honest he hasn't done much for the last couple of years so if anything he probably has ring rust.
Swagger is one of those guys who was just there. Had totally forgotten about him to be honest, Darren Young is another. Swagger had all the charisma of a wet blanket and was just as appealing. Seriously surprised that it took them or him this long to part ways.

Hopefully he can find something better out there. Good luck to him, at least he didn't leave under the same circumstances as Ryback, who is no where to be seen yet.
The timing seems off to me. Maybe his contract was coming up shortly and he just opted out.... but I guess to me, why would you not want to just stick around for another month or two just to experience one more Wrestlmania and get another payday from it as well? He would have been in the ATGMBR most likely.

I'm guessing he'll be going to TNA within the next 6 months.
In my verdict, he lacked charisma to be a Main Event Star in WWE. He had the looks, technique, strength and all but WWE needs personality and charisma over the others which he lacked seriously. But he was over with the fans in his Real American gimmick, when Zeb Colter was around, especially while feuding with Rusev. WWE failed to utilize that opportunity and push him up the Midcard level.

Anyhow, a man of his caliber can shine in the Indy scenes. He had made himself a name in WWE as a former Heavyweight Champion that alone will be enough for the independent circuit to promote him. I wish him all good luck in his future.
If Cody Rhodes can make something of himself away from WWE then Swagger will be fine. He's got one of the most underrated world title reigns of the past decade and can make an excellent comic/serious wrestler in any promotion.
Put Swagger in a mask and have him join the Decay. No reason why but it sounds good at the moment.
So a bit of interesting news. Swagger is already booked for his first indie event, against Del Rio. WWE however released a statement today saying they haven't granted him his release, and even if they do they are holding him to his 90 no compete clause.
This isn't surprising at all. I've actually been expecting this.

Swagger had a good career. He won the World Title and had memorable feuds with Orton and Del Rio. He also had the tag team with Cesaro. Unfortunately he never hit that 'next level' some were expecting him to, mostly due to that DUI and having no personality. He could be entertaining, but his mic skills were horrible.

He'll probably get some pretty good paydays on the indy scene. He has the name value. He could try a MMA career, but it's probably too late.

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