Jack "Kurt Angle" Swagger

The Shockmaster

Pre-Show Stalwart
Just by the title most of you fellow posters should see where I'm heading with this. Little by little Jack Swagger is becoming the 2nd version on Kurt Angle. First is his overall gimmick. Hes a All American Collegiate Athlete while Kurt was the American Gold Medalist. They're ring gear is also similar. Instead of boosting about being the only gold medalist in wrestling Swagger has a list of accolades a mile long that no one else in wrestling has. But all of this still doesn't bother me as much as the next thing does.

First Swagger started doing the Ankle Lock. Okay, Angle is not the only one to use this move(ex; Ken Shamrock) but still seems a little fishy given the fact that his gimmick is so close to Kurt's. Next is what really pissed me off. Swagger a few weeks ago out of nowhere hits an "All American Slam". Are you shitting me? It is the same exact move as the Olympic Slam.

This just really pisses me off and its not because Kurt Angle is currently in TNA. Its because your giving a guy with almost an identical gimmick the same move set as a guy that is a wrestling legend and gave the best years of his career to the WWE. The only reason I could accept for the wwe doing this is if they were expecting Angle not to resign with TNA. Then they could of hopefully signed him bringing him in the fued with Swagger till WM.

I guess this was more of a rant than a opinion but ill ask some questions
- Do you see the connection between Swagger and Angle?
- Do you like the idea of them doing this?
- Do you think that they were doing this because of a possible return from Kurt Angle?
WWE never appreciates their wrestlers, even when their making money for them. At least then though, they respect them. I think Swagger is a complete rip off of Angle, how couldn't you, and I don't like it one bit.

I don't think they're doing this because of a possible Angle return, he just re-signed with TNA for another year. I think WWE didn't know what to do with Swagger and they felt that re-packaging Swagger as close as they could too Angle could work.

Personally, I think it might be. Most WWE fans now a days don't even know what the Olympic slam was and if they saw Angle do it on TNA, they'd think Angle stole the move.

I think the moves/gimmick are helping Swagger though. So it's paying off for WWE.
Then again WWE helped make Kurt Angle(the sports entertainer), so I'm kind of split on this.
They are making Swagger somewhat similar to Angle for the reason being that Swagger does resemble him by nature. When he first debuted the moment I saw him in the ring I thought he was Kurt Angle version 2.

They were both wrestlers in the past and have that same style of wrestling. I don't see a problem with him doing a few of Angles moves. The only real problem would be if Kurt ever returned to the WWE.
I agree, Jack Swagger seems identical to Kurt Angle. But I don't see a big problem. It's a little creepy,because Jack Swagger is a fan of Kurt Angle. But all in all, Jack Swagger is a wonderful wrestler. He's great on the mic. LOL, I didn't even see him do the angle slam, I'll look back at it. But Jack is entertaining in the ring and in the mic. He does different moves too, like the thunderslam, reverse splash, northerlights suplec, gutwrench powerbomb, gutwrench suplex, I enjoy him. Kurt Angle is great, better then Swagger obviously. But WWE is just trying to push the young guys. Jack Swagger has a bright future (I Quote: Stone Cold).
I don't have an issue with it at all.

Seriously,the same moves? Grabbing someone's ankle and twisting it is common sense if you ask me in a grappling situation. And though an olympic slam was Angle's move, it doesn't mean others can't do it. As long as they're not in the same company, it's fair game.

Angle's persona as a real wrestler got over; why not try it again? This is WRESTLING remember, so I'm sure there will be more than one person in the business with an amateur background. That's like saying the Iron Shiek and Yokozuna were the same, because they were both foreign heels.

In time, Swagger will veer off into a maturation of his own character,but the boasting the amateur background is a way to make him seem like the real deal in the ring.
I really do think Kurt is one of the greatest of all time; a brilliant technical wrestler, and a brilliant character too as he could be funny, arrogant and intense. Swagger is like a younger Angle with his in-ring work and he is impressive, but on the stick he just seems to be lacking.

For now it's okay, as MisterMondayNight says above focusing on his amateur background gives him credibility but in the long run they need to give him a new, *ahem*, angle.
I don't see the issue here, people take too much notice of Swagger to realise gimmicks are used time and time again. Look at Ted DiBiase, its a spin of his own father's gimmick and there are countless amounts of it. Hell it can be argued Angle stole The Patriot's gimmick (he did with the music at least)
Haha, by my signature you can clearly see that I feel the same.

At first I didn't mind it, but now it's kinda weird.
Every week you find something new that makes him more like Angle.
The gimmick, then the Ankle lock, then the Olympic Slam (which I missed) and who know's what he's gunna do next.

I dont see Angle coming back to the WWE, I just sense Vince's jealousy that TNA stole his biggest star.
Just a question, in which Match did he do the Olympic slam? I must of missed it. Was it on Smackdown?

I do agree though that they should stop trying to make swagger so much like angle and start trying to give him his own character.
To be honest I didn't see the match either. My friend keeps on telling it to me though because he knows i get pissed off about anything involving Swagger. So either my friend is a complete shithead or Swagger did actually do it. Given the progression in the rate of which they are making him more like Angle I wouldn't be surprised if he did.

I have no problem with Swagger being the All American American....I just have a problem with him being the American Gold Medalist.
The WWE made Kurt Angle what he is, they made him famous and gave him this perfect gim so when Kurt went to TNA it was really like TNA stole the WWE's only American based superstar. So Jack Swagger is a version 2 but you shouldn't be pissed at all 'cause with Angle not returning to the WWE, they needed a replacement.
hey Shock master i will confess that i saw the connection between them for a long long time now it was only made clear when they had him do the ankle lock it does bother me much though i miss kurt from wwe to the point that swagger doing his moves is great to me but to me i am just glad he makes it look like "his" move.
I imagine it was an attempt to try to get's Kurt's attention. Kurt was approaching his contract negotiation's; with Vince, HBK, Bret Hart, Trips, Edge, Christian, Matt, Jeff, Jericho Flair, JR, Joey Styles, Lawler and ECW all moving off air actually is helping move past the attitude era. With the JR saying Dwyane's missing the ring, Austin never saying never, I think It woulda been a great Idea for them to get Kurt back to give this kid a Rub.

I would like to make a wrestlemania prediction. The miz will be the first person to waist his money in the bank chance, Get some backing from the Rock, as well as Orton to Stone Cold. It set's up well. For Miz Having a mania moment by winning the title against The Viper. I mean I just wanna see Orton and Miz get Stunned, and recieve the Most Electrifying Move in All Sport's Entertainment!, The people's elbow. and set up for a mania Gimmick match, Stone Cold Vs The Rock one last time in WWE ring. It makes sense and sets up for wrestlemania 2012. (ask me about that prediction later.) It woulda been a little extra special if they coulda got the guy from the Era who can still go and has remained relevent for it as well.) I think WWE is starting to do as we asking and getting ready for the future.
I like Swagger alot and want to see him back on top, i of course saw some similarities between him and angle but its not like everytime hes seen on wwe tv ppl are like "OMG theres the angle rip off" no hes his own man and will hopefully be a big star someday and as far as trying to put him over as a legit main eventer its simple.....quit having the dirty newcomers win by cheating.....look at sheamus, hes a dirty relative newcomer and is a legit main eventer because he decimates superstars week after week and not by having someone help him, he does it by himself and is a threat to the entire wwe roster.
I just wish the WWE did not try to recreate gimmick after gimmick or try to replace previous superstars. Why does there have to be another Kurt angle, or Shawn Michaels (JoMo) ect... Just leave the old legacies behind and create new ones.
I just wish the WWE did not try to recreate gimmick after gimmick or try to replace previous superstars. Why does there have to be another Kurt angle, or Shawn Michaels (JoMo) ect... Just leave the old legacies behind and create new ones.

Please further explain your opinion because it seems to me that you do not know what your talking about. Morrison is not a recreated HBK, Michaels had a completely different gimmick and attitude than Morrison. And the American hero is something that is used everywhere because there's always a chance of an American vs. Foreign fued.
I agree, Jack Swagger seems identical to Kurt Angle. But I don't see a big problem. It's a little creepy,because Jack Swagger is a fan of Kurt Angle. But all in all, Jack Swagger is a wonderful wrestler. He's great on the mic. LOL, I didn't even see him do the angle slam, I'll look back at it. But Jack is entertaining in the ring and in the mic. He does different moves too, like the thunderslam, reverse splash, northerlights suplec, gutwrench powerbomb, gutwrench suplex, I enjoy him. Kurt Angle is great, better then Swagger obviously. But WWE is just trying to push the young guys. Jack Swagger has a bright future (I Quote: Stone Cold).

Did you REALLY just say that Swagger was "good on the mic"... :lmao: You are one funny dude... You know someone who IS good on the mic??? Matt Morgan... Remember the gimmick that he was given??? He was a dumb, goofy, st--- st--- stuttering big man... How stupid was that??? Now we have Swagger who realling is just a dumb, goofy, lisping ****** and what kind of gimmick does he get??? A serious one... WTF!!!??? Why on earth does ANYONE take this moron seriously??? If he were used in a comedy type role then I MIGHT find him SLIGHTLY entertaining... He just looks like a college frat boy who is on steroids...

Swagger does not have the ability to get over on his own, so that is why they are modeling him after Kurt Angle... No I do not like the fact that they are doing this, and, quite frankly, I really wish that I would never have to see this TOOL again... To each his own, but guys like Swagger, Miz, R-Truth, Nexus, etc... are the reason why WWE has been doing such poor ratings...
Did you REALLY just say that Swagger was "good on the mic"... :lmao: You are one funny dude... You know someone who IS good on the mic??? Matt Morgan... Remember the gimmick that he was given??? He was a dumb, goofy, st--- st--- stuttering big man... How stupid was that??? Now we have Swagger who realling is just a dumb, goofy, lisping ****** and what kind of gimmick does he get??? A serious one... WTF!!!??? Why on earth does ANYONE take this moron seriously??? If he were used in a comedy type role then I MIGHT find him SLIGHTLY entertaining... He just looks like a college frat boy who is on steroids...

Swagger does not have the ability to get over on his own, so that is why they are modeling him after Kurt Angle... No I do not like the fact that they are doing this, and, quite frankly, I really wish that I would never have to see this TOOL again... To each his own, but guys like Swagger, Miz, R-Truth, Nexus, etc... are the reason why WWE has been doing such poor ratings...

Swagger might not be very good on the mic, but he's a damn good wrestler. As for the WWE's lower ratings lately it's Monday Night Football. It happens every year and it's common sense. If you had any clue you would realize this is the reason for the decline in numbers not the wrestlers you just listed. Get a brain and get a clue.
Did you REALLY just say that Swagger was "good on the mic"... :lmao: You are one funny dude... You know someone who IS good on the mic??? Matt Morgan... Remember the gimmick that he was given??? He was a dumb, goofy, st--- st--- stuttering big man... How stupid was that??? Now we have Swagger who realling is just a dumb, goofy, lisping ****** and what kind of gimmick does he get??? A serious one... WTF!!!??? Why on earth does ANYONE take this moron seriously??? If he were used in a comedy type role then I MIGHT find him SLIGHTLY entertaining... He just looks like a college frat boy who is on steroids...

Swagger does not have the ability to get over on his own, so that is why they are modeling him after Kurt Angle... No I do not like the fact that they are doing this, and, quite frankly, I really wish that I would never have to see this TOOL again... To each his own, but guys like Swagger, Miz, R-Truth, Nexus, etc... are the reason why WWE has been doing such poor ratings...

Dude chill the fuck out with all the question marks, very unnecessary. You are one of two things, a person who wasn't paying attention to Swagger when he had his title run or an idiot. Swagger wasn't following the American Hero gimmick WHICH WASN'T ONLY USED BY ANGLE, USED BY HOGAN, SLAUGHTER, LUGER. MANY IN THE PAST HAVE USED IT AND MANY IN THE FUTURE WILL USE THIS GIM, THE REASON KURT RAN WITH IT FOR SO LONG IS BECAUSE WE WON THE OLYMPICS YOU DUMB FUCK. This gimmick is NOT KURT ANGLE's it is a shared gimmick utilized by many. And Swagger looks like he's on steroids? He looks like an average joe to me which makes it even more amazing that he's an All American. And really, you're the one blasting a great wrestler when you don't know what the fuck your talking about so I'm pretty sure that you are the only tool here.
Swagger might not be very good on the mic, but he's a damn good wrestler. As for the WWE's lower ratings lately it's Monday Night Football. It happens every year and it's common sense. If you had any clue you would realize this is the reason for the decline in numbers not the wrestlers you just listed. Get a brain and get a clue.

I don't even really know where to begin with this... MNF is NOT some new thing that the NFL just invented... MNF has been on for several years... The 3.3 rating that you "gloat" about is still pretty poor... Raw was coming off of a pay per view called Hell in a Cell... I am positive that the name alone for that pay per view had people tuning in to see what happend the night before... Add in the factor that Raw was actually a fairly decent show this week... That has not happend in a VERY LONG time...

Raw has competed with MNF for MANY years... During that span, Raw has NEVER delivered such poor ratings as they did the past two weeks... You do not even need to take this as being my own "opinion"... Just read Jim Ross's latest blog and he even says, in effect, that if WWE were putting out a compelling product then the ratings would reflect that even with MNF being on the air... If Jim Ross is willing to ackwoledge this, then why can't people in here??? The simple fact that Raw dipped below 3.0 should be enough to convince ANYONE that there are some real problems here... WCW's final show drew a 3.3 rating... I would hardly be excited by a 3.3 ....
Dude chill the fuck out with all the question marks, very unnecessary. You are one of two things, a person who wasn't paying attention to Swagger when he had his title run or an idiot. Swagger wasn't following the American Hero gimmick WHICH WASN'T ONLY USED BY ANGLE, USED BY HOGAN, SLAUGHTER, LUGER. MANY IN THE PAST HAVE USED IT AND MANY IN THE FUTURE WILL USE THIS GIM, THE REASON KURT RAN WITH IT FOR SO LONG IS BECAUSE WE WON THE OLYMPICS YOU DUMB FUCK. This gimmick is NOT KURT ANGLE's it is a shared gimmick utilized by many. And Swagger looks like he's on steroids? He looks like an average joe to me which makes it even more amazing that he's an All American. And really, you're the one blasting a great wrestler when you don't know what the fuck your talking about so I'm pretty sure that you are the only tool here.

It's pretty funny that you've dumbed down Angle's gimmick to Amercian Hero. Did you never see any of Kurt's heel runs? Especially his first? You know the Three I's Integrity Intensity Intelligence? Angle's speeches about being better than everyone because of his accomplishments? Swangle is a clone through and through. At first they tried to make him Brock 2.0, Amateur background overpowering other wrestlers but they failed on that one and tried to remake him as Kurt Jr.

At one point they even had Swagger come out in the same wrestling gear that Kurt wore during his early days. Same patterns on his clothes and everything. Swagger is an Angle clone, unfortunately he's a very poor clone he's got non of Kurt's personality and unlike Kurt he's yet to have a memorable match. But if you can't see the blatant recycling of Kurt's heel run in Swagger then you are blind.
Dude chill the fuck out with all the question marks, very unnecessary. You are one of two things, a person who wasn't paying attention to Swagger when he had his title run or an idiot. Swagger wasn't following the American Hero gimmick WHICH WASN'T ONLY USED BY ANGLE, USED BY HOGAN, SLAUGHTER, LUGER. MANY IN THE PAST HAVE USED IT AND MANY IN THE FUTURE WILL USE THIS GIM, THE REASON KURT RAN WITH IT FOR SO LONG IS BECAUSE WE WON THE OLYMPICS YOU DUMB FUCK. This gimmick is NOT KURT ANGLE's it is a shared gimmick utilized by many. And Swagger looks like he's on steroids? He looks like an average joe to me which makes it even more amazing that he's an All American. And really, you're the one blasting a great wrestler when you don't know what the fuck your talking about so I'm pretty sure that you are the only tool here.

For starters I was indeed paying attention when that dumbass had his title run... Let me ask YOU a question ALMIGHTY ONE... Why do you think the WWE pulled the title off of Swagger sooooo quickly, and then repackaged him with more of a Kurt Angle based gimmick? Could it POSSIBLY be because Swagger wasn't ready for it, and that the fans DIDN'T take him seriously? Since Swagger's character was in such bad shape it needed to be repackaged...

When in THE HOLY FRICKIN' HELL DID I SAY ANYTHING ABOUT SWAGGER HAVING AN AMERICAN HERO BASED CHARACTER??? Swagger has been doing the Ankle Lock & recently did the Olympic Slam slam... THAT IS HOW HE HAS BEEN MOLDED AFTER KURT ANGLE!!! Are you that thick in your head?

When did I ever say that Swagger was on steroids??? I didn't MORON!!! I said (and I quote) "Swagger looks like a college frat boy who is on steroids"... Do I need to break this down for your small brain??? I said Swagger looks like a college frat boy, which he DOES... Are you with me so far??? How many college frat boys are built like Swagger? Not very many... You still with me? So since Swagger "looks" like a college frat boy, but he obviously has a much larger build then he "looks like a college frat boy who is on steroids"... SERIOUSLY, NO ONE CAN BE AS DUMB AS YOU!!! No wonder you are in love with Swagger...
The "All American Slam" is not exactly the same as the Olympic Slam. Angle should return to the real wrestling company if he wants to protect his gimmick and be taken seriously.
LOL we should wait for the three german suplexes or four as now what kurt does. Enough with the copying of one guy, when you steel a gimmick change something, but noooo, swagger just copies Kurt more week after week as if they can just take a gold medal and give it to swagger. I feel swagger is a victim and if he doens't follow what he is told, hell face the fate of anderson, angle, etc...
I can see a lot of Angle in Swagger, but I also see a lot of "Dr. Death" Steve Williams in him. I believe he still does the Dr. Bomb and the Oklahoma Stampede in his move set as well as an ankle lock. So yes he does do a lot of things the resemble Kurt Angle he has also done a lot to pay homege to Dr. Death Steve Williams within his move set, and the fact that he played both football and wrestled at the University of Oklahoma. So if you ask me you have to also throw in some Dr. Death if you want to talk about who he copying, but I believe the Dr. Death spots are more of a tribute than just "copying".

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