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J4L's Wrestlemania Review!

Johnny Scumm

InZayn In The Membrane
Well, I was nearly done typing this and Safari closed and I have no way of regaining it. I was at the 6 Person Mixed Gender Match and there is not a chance I'm going to type this all again. Now, what I'm going to do is take the Match Descriptions from WZ, Rate Them, then give my Opinion overall at the end. Also, I'm going to give out "Wrestlemania Awards", which you could do your own version of in another post. Apologies for this not being my own work, but I ain't doing it twice.

Edge vs Alberto Del Rio - World Heavyweight Championship
Del Rio's personal announcer introduces him. He comes out in some fancy car. He gets out of the car and makes his way to the ring while his announcer babbles in Spanish. Christian's music hits and out he comes. We get our first shot of the announce booth with Josh Mathews and Jerry Lawler at the desk and Michael Cole glassed in his little booth. Edge's music hits and out he comes. He gets an enormous pop. Edge controls the match early on, but it's not long before Del Rio goes directly to work on the injured arm of Edge. Christian is on the outside trying to get the crowd to rally behind Edge while he's stuck in an arm lock. Del Rio misses a big spot and goes crashing to the floor. Edge is recovering in the ring. Edge flips over the top rope and crashes into Del Rio on the floor. That looked cool. Edge goes to the top rope. Del Rio races up to the top himself and arm-drags Edge off it. Del Rio teases his armbar finisher. Edge hits a spinning kick to slow things down. Del Rio applies his armbar finisher but Edge escapes. Edge goes to the top but Del Rio catches him with an awesome jumping spin-kick to knock him down. Christian and Brodus Clay get into it on the outside. This distracts Del Rio as Edge tries a roll-up pin attempt. No dice, Del Rio kicks out at two. Edge face-plants Del Rio and now the crowd is chanting "Spear." Edge gets the phsycho peepers going as he prepares for the spear. And he pulls on the goldylocks. Edge misses the spear and Clay smashes Edge's injured arm into the ring post. Del Rio locks in the cross-armbreaker finishing hold. Edge is trying to fight it off. Del Rio pulls on it hard. Edge manages to escape. Edge is going for some modified sharpshooter type hold. He's got it and Del Rio is crawling to the ropes. Christian hits a spinning DDT off the apron onto Clay on the floor. Del Rio is still fighting out of the submission hold in the ring. He finally gets out but Edge immediately spears him and pins him. Edge retains the title.
After the victory, Edge walks up the ramp. He stops at Del Rio's expensive car. He starts kicking the door. Christian comes out with a crowbar and a lead pipe. Edge smashes the hell out of the car. Del Rio looks on looking sad. Edge's music hits one more time and to the back he goes.
Rating: 3.5/5

Cody Rhodes vs Rey Mysterio
Rhodes comes out as they show the history of the Rhodes-Mysterio feud. Mysterio is out next in a Captain America-looking costume. Cool fireworks go off and he finally makes his walk to the ring. This could be a show-stealer, we'll see! Mysterio attacks Rhodes early, not even letting him take his jacket off. Rhodes finally slows him down. Rhodes tries ripping the knee brace off of Mysterio. Rhodes with a huge jumping kick off the middle rope. Rhodes is in firm control of the action. Rhodes hits an Alabama Slam for a nearfall. Rhodes holds Mysterio up in a suplex position for a solid 10-20 seconds while on the middle ropes. He finally leans back and finishes the superplex. Crowd really dug that. A "Cody, Cody" chant breaks out. Rhodes keeps control of Mysterio and is working on getting some heel heat back by trash-talking Mysterio. He attempts a Cross Rhodes but Mysterio counters, knocking Rhodes out of the ring. Mysterio is slowly fighting back now. Mysterio goes for the 6-1-9 but Rhodes catches him coming in and slingshots him in the ropes. Rhodes is working on taking the knee brace off of Mysterio. He finally does take it off and throws it to the floor. Mysterio hits a big moonsault off the top rope for a nearfall. Mysterio working on taking the mask off of Rhodes. He finally does. Mysterio sets up a 6-1-9. He hits it on the exposed face of Rhodes. Mysterio goes for a splash off the top but Rhodes moves. Mysterio kicks him down. Mysterio puts the face protective mask of Rhodes on his own face. He ties it up and goes after Rhodes. He's hitting flying headbutts on him with the mask. Mysterio hits a huge diving headbutt off the top rope for a nearfall. Mysterio takes Rhodes' mask off. Mysterio goes for a dive onto Rhodes on the floor but Rhodes catches him coming through the ropes with a knee brace shot to the face. He gets back in the ring and hits the Cross Rhodes for the pinfall. Rhodes wins.
Rating: 4.5/5

The Corre vs Big Show, Kane, Santino Marella & Kofi Kingston
The Corre are out first. Big Show and Kane come out together. Santino Marella is out next, followed by Kofi Kingston. This one is getting underway! That didn't last long. The good guys beat up The Corre and Big Show lands the knockout punch to end this one real fast.
Rating: 1/5

Randy Orton vs CM Punk
Things get started after each guy makes their entrance. Punk working on the injured leg of Orton early into the contest. Punk landing a lot of fancy, flashy kicks. Orton getting some offense in now. Punk cuts him off. Punk is again working on the leg of Orton. This is turning into a really good match. Cool high spot where Orton superplexes Punk off the very top rope. Punk regains control of the offense and is again attacking the leg of Orton. Crowd getting behind Orton now, trying to will him into a comeback. Orton finally breaks free and is making his comeback now. He's selling the leg big time but still putting together a nice string of offense, including a powerslam. Orton hits an Angle-Slam style slam for a nearfall. Punk fighting back with an assortment of kicks, finishing by sweeping the legs of Orton. He locks in the Anaconda Vice as the crowd reacts. Announcers are selling this like the finish. Orton rolls and gets his foot on the ropes to break the hold. Punk is on the outside of the ropes on the apron. Orton smashes Punk's head onto the ring post. Orton does his draping DDT across the ropes. He hits it and then starts pounding the ground. Pyscho peepers are out and he's ready to finish off Punk. Orton backs up, looking for the punt kick. Orton goes for it but his leg gives out and he collapses. Punk is shown smiling sadistically. He walks over smiling and licking his chops. Orton explodes to his feet and attempts an RKO but Punk avoided it. Punk looks relieved and he starts smiling again. Punk slingshots himself into the ring and Orton catches him coming in with the RKO. That looked awesome! He pins him and ends this one.
Rating: 4/5

Jerry Lawler vs Michael Cole W/Special Guest Ref - Stone Cold
Booker T and Jim Ross come out for commentary. Now we hear Michael Cole on the microphone at the entrance way. He's dressed up in amateur wrestling headgear and tights with a big orange hoody on. PPV cut out on me for a few minutes. I missed Stone Cold's entrance and Jerry Lawler's. Austin apparently did something to Swagger. He's in a regular Stone Cold shirt. Austin calls for the bell. Lawler runs to the floor where Cole is hiding behind Jack Swagger. Cole hides in his glass case while Lawler beats down Swagger. Lawler goes to Cole and Cole extends his hand for a handshake and begs him off. Lawler shakes his hand. Cole thanks him. Now Cole realizes he's screwed. Lawler pulls Cole's arm through a hole in the glass. He's making him smash his head into the wall several times. Lawler climbs into there now. He's bashing Cole's head off of everything in sight. Lawler finally yanks Cole out of there. He smashes his head off the General Manager's computer stand. Austin is shown in the ring looking on smiling. Lawler finally rolls Cole into the ring. Austin is screwing with Cole a bit while Swagger knocks out Lawler on the floor. Cole is finally on his feet in the ring. Cole with a baseball slide onto Lawler. Swagger locks in the ankle lock on Lawler on the floor. Cole calls for Austin to start a count out on Lawler. Lawler finally gets in the ring. Cole jumping on the leg of Lawler on the ropes. Cole with a nearfall. Lawler starting to fight back. Cole cuts him off. This match is horrendous. It's good to hear JR on commentary though. Crowd is chanting "boring" in unison. Agreed. Cole pulls his strap down, mocking Lawler. Cole applies an ankle lock. The announcers call it the "an-Cole Lock." Austin asking Lawler if he wants out. Lawler says no. Lawler finally fights out and knocks Cole down. Time for Lawler to beat up Cole and head to the finish. Lawler stomps him a few times and Swagger throws in the towel. Swagger gets up on the apron now. Austin picks the towel up, wipes his head with it and throws it at Swagger. Swagger comes in the ring. Swagger gets in Austin's face so Austin hits him with a Stone Cold Stunner. "That's my dog right there!" - Booker T. Austin asks Cole if he wants to continue or not. Cole pleads with Austin. Cole smacks Austin's hand. The entire crowd just "oooh'd!" Austin pushes Cole into a right hand by Lawler. This match is god awful. Crowd chanting for Lawler now. Lawler hits a standing dropkick on Cole. Austin smiles and nods. Lawler climbs to the top rope. He points to the sky and then takes the strap down. He comes flying off the ropes with a fist. He covers him and as Austin counts to two, Lawler picks Cole up to stop the count. Austin smiles. Lawler slaps on the ankle lock on Cole. Cole taps. Austin doesn't stop it though. Cole is tapping like a mad man. Austin just keeps saying "do you give up" really slow. Austin lets it go a bit longer before finally calling for the bell and raising Lawler's hand.Swagger carries Cole out like a baby. Austin's music hits and he calls for the beers. Austin gives a beer to Lawler. He gives him another. Austin has two beers as well. They crash all four of them together and start drinking. Booker T wants in on it. He comes in from commentary and is asking to join the party. Booker asking if the fans wanna see the spinarooni lol. He does a big one. Austin smiles. Booker's music hits. He calls for a bunch more beers. Everyone's drinking now. Austin stuns Booker while he's drinking. Booker's music stops and Austin's comes back on. Lawler is shown applauding. Austin calls for more beers. The Raw GM sound hits and Josh Matthews gets on the mic. Austin's music stops. Austin looks perplexed. Matthews says via the GM that Austin abused his authority by getting involved in the match. Therefore, Lawler is disqualified and the winner of the match is Michael Cole. Lawler goes to complain. Matthews tells him again that he lost. Lawler throws Matthews in the ring. Austin stuns him. Austin's music returns and more beers are consumed.
Rating (And I was expecting something decent here): 0.5/5

The Undertaker vs Triple H
And it's time for the big one! No Holds Barred match between The Undertaker and Triple H, with 'Taker's streak on the line. The video package is airing now to hype it up one final time. They both had AWESOME entrances. Triple H came out first to "For Whom The Bell Tolls" by Metallica. He was dressed up like a king. The lights go out, his regular theme music comes on and he's in his ring attire doing his usual entrance. Undertaker came out to some cool special effects and tons of fireballs behind him. The bell rings and they immediately go at it. Taker knocks HHH out of the ring. He clears off the Spanish announce table. HHH spears Taker through Michael Cole's glass structure. That looked bad ass, too. Taker re-enters the ring and hits a huge flying clothesline coming off the ropes. Taker grabs HHH's arm and goes to work on it. Taker goes up for Old School. HHH throws him off the ropes before he can do anything. HHH clotheslines Taker over the top rope and onto the floor. He goes out after him. HHH whips Taker into the barricade hard. Real hard. HHH clears off the english announce table now as Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler scurry away. HHH puts Taker on the table. HHH goes for the Pedigree. Taker breaks free and tries chokeslamming HHH. HHH avoids it but Taker back body drops HHH off the table and onto the floor. He hit hard too when he came down. They show a slow motion replay and it looked bad ass. Taker does his running dive over the top rope onto HHH on the floor. It looked cool. "Holy shit" chant breaks out from the crowd as both men are down on the outside. Taker gets up first. He grabs the bottom set of the ringside steps. Taker rams HHH's head into them. They get on the steps, with the cleared off Spanish announce table behind them. Taker runs at HHH and HHH catches him coming in on the steps, and sidewalk slams him through the announce table, all in one motion. Looked awesome. Taker hits a chokeslam on HHH for a nearfall. He attempts The Last Ride but HHH reverses into a Pedigree. Taker escapes that, only to be spinebustered by "The Game." HHH attempts a pin, but only gets two. HHH grabs a steel chair and throws it into the ring. He runs at Taker with it but Taker hits him with a big boot in the face. Taker now picks up the chair. Taker blasts HHH with it across the back - real hard. Crowd even responded with sympothy after that one. Taker goes for another one but HHH hits the Pedigree out of nowhere. He tries a pin immediately but Taker kicks out at 2 1/2. Crowd was hot for that nearfall. Taker hits HHH with the Last Ride for a nearfall. HHH kicks out at two and Taker is pissed. Taker hits the Tombstone. He crosses HHH's arms and pins him, but HHH kicks out at two. Crowd thought that was the finish. Big time. Taker looks quite frustrated. Taker grabs the chair again. He puts it in the middle of the ring. HHH reverses and hits a DDT on Taker, face-first onto the steel chair. They get up and HHH hits another Pedigree. This time he pins him but Taker kicks out. Crowd was hot for that one too. HHH hits a third Pedigree in a row. He pins him again, and again Taker kicks out at 2 1/2. HHH can't believe it. HHH blasts Taker with the chair across the back. And again. HHH screams "stay down!" at Taker and then repeatedly beats him with the chair. He hits him about 10 times. Crowd is boo'ing HHH now. HHH sees Taker crawling to get up again and looks at him in disbelief. He again screams "stay down" to him. Taker finally gets to his feet and HHH blasts him with a violent chair shot across the head. Taker is down again. Taker is fighting to get up. HHH looks at him in disbelief and again yells "stay down." Now he says "just die. Stay down. What's wrong with you?" He gets in his face to say it agani and Taker grabs him by the throat. HHH shakes his head while being choked and simply pushes his hand off. Taker stumbles into the ropes. He puts his hands up like "c'mon mother f'er!" HHH does the throat slit sign. He picks Taker up for a Tombstone. He Tombstones him in the center of the ring. He holds his hands across his chest and pins him. 1-2......kick out. Crowd 100% bought that as the finish. HHH backs up in shock on the ring mat. This match is still going, baby! And it's quickly turning into a classic. HHH goes to the floor and grabs a sledgehammer. He brings it into the ring. Taker is struggling on the ropes to get to his feet. HHH drags him by the foot to the center of the ring. Out of nowhere, Taker pulls him into the Hell's Gate submission hold. HHH is fighting like crazy to get out. He fades away and goes limp. Now he's got some life again and is fighting to get out. We see a close-up of his hand grabbing the sledgehammer. He holds it high while still locked in the hold. It simply falls out of his hand and he goes limp again. A few more seconds go by and HHH slowly taps out. Taker = 19-0.
Rating (Like any Taker WM Match): 5/5

John Morrison, Trish Stratus & Snooki vs Dolph Ziggler & Lay-Cool w/Vickie Guerrero
Snooki slaps Dolph to start things off. Trish and McCool are going to be first in the ring. McCool works over Trish for a while before Trish starts coming back. They're duking it out on the top rope now and they both fall sideways and crash onto the floor - hard! Back in the ring, Ziggler breaks up a nearfall attempt by Trish. Morrison knocks Dolph to the floor. Morrison hits Starship Pain on Ziggler on the floor. Trish tags Snooki in. The crowd shits all over here. She hits a cartwheel and two back-flips into an elbow in the corner. Awesome! She hits some cool flip move into a splash for the pinfall victory.
Rating: 3/5

The Miz vs John Cena - WWE Championship
The Miz comes out first. John Cena is up next. There's a big chorus singing as a DMX song plays. Finally Cena comes out and his music hits. He runs to the ring. And our main event is officially underway. Cena in control of the offense early on. Cena hits a huge leg-drop off the top rope onto Miz. Nice. Miz avoids a Cena move and now Miz is in control of the offense. Miz baseball-slide style dropkicks Cena in the ribs. He knocks him to the floor. Miz cheap-shots Cena across the apron and rolls him back in the ring. Nearfall by Miz. Miz with a nice facebuster/neckbreaker combo move for another nearfall. Miz takes the padding off of one of the turnbuckles. Cena rolls Miz up for a nearfall but the ref was distracted by the turnbuckle situation still. Back on their feet, Cena and Miz slug it out near the exposed turnbuckle. Cena slaps the STF onto Miz out of nowhere. Miz is struggling to get to the ropes to break the hold. He finally does. Thanks to Alex Riley, Cena is blasted into the exposed turnbuckle bolt. Miz immediately follows up with the Skull Crushing Finale for a nearfall. Cena kicks out at two. A small "Yabba Dabba" chant breaks out. The ref is bumped during a second Skull Crushing Finale attempt. Cena reverses and hits the FU on Miz. He tries a pin but the ref is still down. Alex Riley hits Cena in the face with a metal briefcase. Immediately after, Miz covers Cena and the ref is revived for the count. Cena still kicks out at two. Riley is back up on the apron distracting the ref. Miz has the metal briefcase again. Cena ducks and Miz nails Riley off the apron with the briefcase. Cena immediately after hits an FU for a pinfall attempt. Miz kicks out at two. Crowd bought into that false-finish big time. Miz rolls to the floor to recover. Cena follows him out and hits a huge running clothesline on Miz, knocking him over the barricade and into the crowd. They are double counted out. The Rock comes out and says there's no way WrestleMania ends like that. He demands the match be restarted. Now it's no count out, no time limit, no DQ, no doubt about it, no crying to your mama. He does a few more catchphrases and the match resumes. Cena goes to work on Miz. He throws him back in the ring. Out of nowhere, The Rock hits a Rock Bottom on Cena and walks off. Miz crawls over and pins Cena for the 1-2-3. Miz retains the WWE title thanks to The Rock.
Rating: 4.5/5

After The Match
The Rock stays right outside the ring a few steps up the aisle. Rock is staring down The Miz. Miz finally stops and sees him and his music stops. Rock runs back into the ring and proceeds to layeth the smacketh down on the awesome one! Rock hits the People's Elbow now. Rock's music hits and that's probably gonna do it in Atlanta.

Right, again, apologies for the taking from WZ, but I got really annoyed at the fact I lost all my Work. Safari crashed and I had took about 1.5 Hours over this so far. I was not happy at all. Anyways, I think this was a pretty damn good Wrestlemania all in all.
Highlights: Rey/Rhodes, Ryder singing Friday, Punk/Orton, HHH/Undertaker, Snooki's "Flipping" and Cena/Miz/Rock
Lowlights: COLE AND LAWLER! Urgh, that was a big shit heap. Corre vs SD Group, The Orton/Punk Match Ending.
I enjoyed watching the show, although, it wasn't as great as I expected it to be. It could've been better, but it wasn't.
Overall Wrestlmania 27 Rating: 3.5/5

Now, it's time for my Wrestlemania Awards.
Best Moment: The Undertaker hitting 19-0.
Worst Moment:The WHOLE Lawler vs Cole Match.
Most Unexpected Moment:Snooki's Flips. I genuinely thought she was gonna be shit. It was impressive
Most Expected Moment:The RKO that Orton hit on Punk
Best Match:Although one was rated 4.5, Rhodes vs Rey & Taker/HHH are level for me.
Worst Match:Dare you ask? Lawler vs Cole
Nice little review bro. Glad to see you're trying to escape the Prison. How long have you been in here now?
Also X, if you wish to, I do a Raw Review each week, which has been going for the past 3 or 4 Weeks. I'll be doing a fresh one right after tonight's Raw.
I agree that this Mania was one of the worst I've seen. I've been watching since 2007. The entire show...it just didn't feel like Mania. It could have been the lack of MITB, it could have been the poor booking, or the entire way the storylines panned out. It was actually looking good the first 2 matches, but they really fucked things up.

Triple H vs Taker is overrated. I wanted it to be a great match, but the problem is..HBK and Taker set the bar so high their first meet at Mania. I thought the second HBK and Taker match sucked too. That's the problem. They're too predictable, and they try to force a good match. Hitting a bunch of finishers and having Taker keep kicking out isn't a good match.

The ending was terrible to say the least. I rated this Wrestlemania a 2 on the main site. I haven't been watching Raw for the last 3 months, but I don't think that had any major effects, this Mania...just sucked. I know that after 08...things started going downhill...but I think the product has finally hit rock bottom for me.

With HBK gone, Batista gone, and most likely Triple H, it just doesn't have that same feel to me. All the good guys running the show are all slowly leaving, and the new guys taking their place seem forced in or stand out. Miz and Del Rio should not have been in the two title matches. I know Miz is getting very high on the ladder, but still.

I actually didn't have a problem with the Cole and Jerry match. The ending was stupid, but now that I think about it...this is probably setting up something with revealing the Anonymous General Manager. At least I hope. If all that did was bridge this feud into one more match..that's going to be annoying.

Depending on how tired I am, I'll try to watch Raw...but I'm really losing faith in WWE. I'm just not enjoying it anymore. I think anybody could see...that this is not the same product we saw a few years ago, or even last year.

They need to do something BIG. I don't know what. Maybe like..a Cena heel turn. I think a Cena heel turn could solve everything. They don't realize how big that would be. But Cena has a new shirt...no way they'd turn him heel right when he debuts a new shirt. I think he should turn heel at Mania next year..in the main event.
Good review, man.

WM left something to be desired. No turns, no interferences (besides The Rock), nothing really that caught your eye. WWE is run by sponsors and special interests now.

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