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J4L's Friday Night Smackdown Booking

Johnny Scumm

InZayn In The Membrane
"Extreme Aftermath"


("Know Your Enemy" by Green Day hits and Smackdown's Pyro goes off. The crowd are cheering like mad-men and Booker T, Josh Mathews and Michael Cole are out announcers for the night.

Mathews: Welcome to Friday Night Smackdown! We already know that we've got one hell of a show lined up for you. I'm Josh Mathews and with me at Ringside are Michael Cole & Booker T

Booker: Yeah Josh, we've got a HELL of a Show man. This night's gonna be crazy! We got us a Beat The Clock Challenge tonight, for the Number One Contendership of the World Heavyweight Title, where the winner of this Challenge will face Christian at Over The Limit, in a 30 Minute, Iron-Man Match!

Mathews: That's right Booker. Teddy announced the Matches earlier on today, through WWE.Com and I can tell you them right now! We're gonna have Sheamus vs Daniel Bryan, Cody Rhodes vs Kane, Sin Cara vs Alex Riley and Randy Orton vs Wade Barrett! What a great line-up. Also, we're going to see Christian take on Brodus Clay in a Singles Match later on, requested by Christian himself after Brodus attempted to get himself involved in the World Title Match at Extreme Rules.

Booker: We're gonna have ourselves a good time tonight, here's our first Match coming up right now!

Tony Chimel: The following is the first of 4 Beat The Clock Challenge Matches. Making his way to the Ring, The Celtic Warrior, KING SHEAAMUS!

"Written In My Face" hits and sets the Crowd off all negative. He comes out, without his Title, which he lost at the Pay-Per-View, but raises his hands and lets out a huge Roar! After that, Daniel Bryan's Music hits and he follows out to the Ring.

Chimel: Also making his way to the Ring, DANIEEL BRYYAN!

The Bell rings and Sheamus immediately attempts his Brogue Kick. Luckily Daniel Bryan manages to duck out of the way of it. Sheamus turns round into a Dropkick to the gut from Bryan. Sheamus lands on his knees and Bryan runs towards the ropes. He comes off of the Ropes, and hits Sheamus with an Enziguiri Kick to the Head. He goes for an early pin, 1...2...KICKOUT! Sheamus powers out of the Pin Attempt and Bryan delivers a few kicks to Sheamus' downed body. Bryan goes to lift Sheamus, but he tackles Bryan down to the Mat and delivers a few punches to the Head of Bryan. He lifts him up and hits Bryan with an Uppercut. Bryan falls against the Ropes. Sheamus goes onto the Apron and hits Bryan with a Neckbreaker, snapping his Head off the Ropes. Daniel is down. He eventually gets up and Sheamus launches himself over the Top Rope, hitting a Shoulder Block. He tries for a Pin, 1...2...KICKOUT!

Booker: Sheamus just can't get that win yet!

Mathews: No, it seems like he may be having to put more effort in if he wants to take this.

As Sheamus goes to lift Bryan off the Mat, he hits him with a Dropkick to the knee, grounding Sheamus. Bryan climbs the Ropes and waits for Sheamus to get up. Once he does, he delivers a HUGE missile dropkick to Sheamus, planting him to the Mat. He tries to get the win, 1..KICKOUT. Sheamus powers out early from that one. There's a trade of blows now as Bryan takes control of it, delivering Kicks to Bryan's mid-section, following it up with a big one to the Head. Sheamus tries to get up, but Bryan hits him with a Hurricana, taking him back down. Bryan signals to the Crowd and they cheer out to him. He attempts to lock in the LeBell Lock on Sheamus. Sheamus struggles and eventually gets out of it. Bryan is up, along with Sheamus and he turns around, but gets hit with the BROGUE KICK!

Booker: That has to be it!


Chimel: Your winner, setting a Time of 8 Minutes and 32 Seconds, SHEEAAMUS!

Mathews: Sheamus has set a pretty good time there. We've got our next Match, which is Cody Rhodes vs Kane, coming up after this Commercial Break.


Back from Commercial, we can see Ezekiel Jackson & Wade Barrett having a conversation

[B]Barrett[/B]: Look Jackson, I've got a Match against Randy Orton tonight and I want to be the Number One Contender to the World Title. You in my corner or not?

Jackson: Wade, you gotta understand this. There's only one thing I'm focusing on now

Barrett: And what's that then?

Jackson: Your Intercontinental Title. Me vs You, next week on Smackdown, how about it? For THAT title.

Barrett: YOU WHAT?! You're part of The Corre, you're not meant to be taking Titles from me! The answer's no, you aren't having a Match against me.

Jackson stares at Barrett, before eventually walking away. Camera is back to the Arena as we're set up for a Match

Chimel: The following is the 2nd of 4 Matches in a Beat The Clock Challenge. Making his way to the Ring, COODY RHODEES!

Rhodes comes down to the Ring but Kane's music hits before Cody can even hit the Ring.

Chimel: Also making his way to the Ring, the opponent, The Big Red Monster, KAAANE!

The two men are in the Ring and this one begins. Considering it's Beat The Clock, they spend the first 40 seconds circling the Ring, staring at each other. Eventually, Kane makes a move towards Rhodes, but Rhodes rolls out of the Ring. Kane follows and Rhodes reacts by getting straight back into the Ring. Kane attempts getting in through the middle of the Ropes, but Rhodes dropkicks him out on the floor. Rhodes climbs to the top Rope and as Kane gets to his feet, his hits a HUGE Moonsault, landing on Kane. The ref begins to count them both out. 1!....2!....3!...4!...5! Kane gets to his feet and rolls back in the Ring. 6!...7!...8! Eventually Cody gets up and makes it back into the Ring, before 9. He runs at Kane, but Kane grabs him and tries for a Chokeslam. Cody manages to boot Kane in the gut, and hit him with a Boot to the Face after coming off of the Ropes. He tries for a Pin, we're 3 minutes through. 1..2...KICKOUT

Cole: Come on Cody! You can do this, you have 5 more minutes, get a Pin!

Booker: There's no way Kane's losing this one yet Cole, keep dreaming

We're back in the Ring and Kane has control of the Action, he Irish Whips Rhodes to the Ropes and catches him with a massive Big Boot on the rebound. Kane climbs the Ropes and hits Cody with his punch to the face, followed with a Roll on the Mat. Kane goes over for a Pin, 1...2..KICKOUT! Rhodes still not giving up yet. Kane picks him up and hits him with a suplex, followed up by a pin. 1...2..KICKOUT. Cody gets up about the same time as Kane and Rhodes rolls out of the Ring, yet again. Rhodes doesn't want to lose this, but it doesn't seem like he wants to win much either as he starts to walk down the Ramp, 6:30 through. At a count of 6, Kane gets out of the Ring and grabs Rhodes, he takes him down the Ramp and rolls him in the Ring himself. Rhodes is the first man up as Kane tries to get in the Ring. Cody grabs Kane and hits CROSS-RHODES! The crowd are going crazy as they don't want Rhodes to get this. Cody goes for the Pin, 1...2..ROPE BREAK! Kane gets his foot up on the Ropes and the Ref breaks this one up. The two men get to their feet. Rhodes charges at Kane again, but Kane catches him by the Throat! He goes for it, CHOKE -BUZZ!-

The Buzzer goes to signal that the time is out on this one. No man has managed to Beat The Clock, so this one is automatically over. As Kane had Rhodes in the Choke Hold, he finishes off with the ChokeSlam, putting Rhodes down to the Canvas. He makes his way to the back

Mathews: Well, no-one managed to beat Sheamus' time yet, but we've still got 2 Matches left to go in the Beat The Clock Challenge! Anything could happen

Booker: Indeed it could Josh. We're taking a commercial break now, but after this, we've got the World Heavyweight Champion Christian, going up against the HUGE Brodus Clay, don't turn over, stay tuned!

Cut to Commercial Break

(Still got 3 Matches to write, they will be up tomorrow (Friday), so that it can coincide with the day of Smackdown. I'll take a break over the Weekend, starting again on Monday.)

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