I've just cried.


Lovable degenerate.
And it surprised me, The last time I cried was when I hit a car at 50mph, And had to kick my way out of it.

I think the last couple of days have just caught up with me.

I had to go to the doctors last week, Because I tore my calf muscle streching after getting out of bed. Then friday my uncle's girlfriend came down unannounced, And didnt have time to mentally prepare myself for the annoying bitch.

Yesterday, I hit my head on the roof of my car, Which gave me a headache all motherfucking day. Then I run out of Co-Codamal(Strong-ish painkillers, For the calf). Then when I go to go home at 5.30pm, My car wouldnt start, And it took the twat who came out to look at it first time till 9.30 to show up, And when he did show, the silly prick wasnt a mechanic, He was just a recovery driver, Even though I told my breakdown company it was more than likely flooded(I didnt have the proper equipment to diagnose it), So I sent the fucker home, And told the breakdown monkeys that I needed what I asked for first time, And told them if someone wasnt out for 10.30pm i'm going to claim(just an idle threat). They did come before 10.30pm, But it took the fucking idiot another hour and a half to tell me the coil was fucked.

After that calamity, He asked me to if I would like my car taking home, Which was just over a mile away, So I said yes ( my tools are there), As I get in the truck, I lose my footing, And hyper-extend my hip, Which hurt like a bitch, And made me feel like my leg was a pole of jelly, So I get in at around 12am-12.30am, To find i've also got to make myself some food, Even though I asked my mum to put me something in the microwave, So I can go straight to bed(back at work in 5 hours, For another 12 hour shift).

Then I hear a bang on the road outside to see some cunt kick off my wing mirror, So I went out and caught him, gave him a few smacks, And kicked the cunt in the ribs while i nicked his drivers licence(For police, Etc), And my leg gave out, And I hit the deck, The cunt then gave me a booting, Which has left a knot in my back.

And to top it off, I went and (what I think is) pulled my tricep, But cant go to the doctors until tomorrow, And when I do finish work tonight, I've got to walk 3 miles so I can go and get a new coil, So I can get the car back on the road, So I can go and see the doctor.

I got into my office this morning put my shit away, And just cried, Like a fucking baby.
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=( Crying doesn't always make people feel better, but in this case, I hope it did. I'm sure once you get yourself and your car fixed up you'll feel better. :)

Flames Out
Fuck, I feel for you man.

Remember though, these tough times only makes us stronger.
It's all good bro everybody cries at some point. You had a horrible week. Hopefully your luck turns around soon.
...spunky ftw??....


Usually i'd just shrug it all off, But When I got here, I just thought "I've got 12 more hours of this shit", And bawled like a bitch.

But to be fair, I dont feel like hurling myself off the 6th floor, I just feel like hurling the computer from the 6th floor.

My pride is hurt more than anything else. I mean I laided the shit outta the guy that kicked my mirror off the car, and I end up taking kicks to the shoulder blade.
Why is NorCal not mocking you? I half expected his reply to read:

"Got hit full on by a truck the other day. All eighteen wheels went over me, breaking every bone in my body. Truck then exploded. I pulled myself out of the flaming wreckage and walked it off. Pussy."
Why is NorCal not mocking you? I half expected his reply to read:

"Got hit full on by a truck the other day. All eighteen wheels went over me, breaking every bone in my body. Truck then exploded. I pulled myself out of the flaming wreckage and walked it off. Pussy."

NorCal's awesome.

I was expecting Jake to say something like that though.

And FINALLY I have some good news, My dad went and fetched the coil, So i've only got to walk home instead. :), And fit thje part, Which is two bolts and a clip.
Hey man don't worry about it. You'll get over it and everything'll heal up eventually. And everybody's allowed to cry if they want to.

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