I've Decided to Go 5 Stars for Cena/Punk


RIP Sgt. Michael Paranzino / RIP CM
Upon a third viewing today and after much deliberation, I have decided to go the full five stars for Cena/Punk, upgrading it from the ****3/4 I gave it upon my initial viewing. Even the few shaky near-botches in the match don't detract from anything and it's all a part of the insane atmosphere. This match was just a fucking event. Add in the fact that I had to rate it higher than the opening ladder match, and I decided to go the full five only a few minutes ago.

Not that you care or anything. Just thought I'd share my thoughts though since I know a few people had asked me if I had changed my mind/rating yet. Carry on with your normal business.
I agree it was an incredible match!! John Cena can still make 5 star matches, see?
Another awesome match was last night Kane vs Orton, what would you give X?
Man, I have been struggling with this decision since the match came out. Can't decide between ****1/2 and *****. Probably going to give it another rewatch soon.
Hurray for peer pressure! But you did make the right choice.

Aye, I'm sure there are some people who are going to call me a poseur or something since Meltzer gave them the full five and I am a self-admitted mark for the man's work, but I assure you, that was not the reason I went the full five. The final straw was thinking about this match and comparing it to Joe/Punk II which I also gave five stars, and I thought to myself that this match was just as good and probably a good bit better than that incredible match, and I went five for that match, so how can I not go five here? I normally don't like to compare matches with one another like that but in this case I felt it was only right, especially given how intensely I enjoyed that match and entire show.

I agree it was an incredible match!! John Cena can still make 5 star matches, see?
Another awesome match was last night Kane vs Orton, what would you give X?

I saw it, but to be honest I probably wasn't paying the most attention to about half of the match, so I'll probably need to watch it again before going on a concrete rating for it, but from what I saw last night I thought it was easily *** atleast. I'm going to watch it again I think.


that DVD needs to come out, like, now

Fo Realz. That shits going to sell like hot cakes. If hot cakes were actually something people bought in high quantities.
X why don't you review the weekly shows any more?

It just gets a bit tiresome having to recap/review every part of a wrestling show sometimes, sometimes I like to just sit back and just watch the show, and maybe hand out some star ratings at most. That's what I do with the TV shows these days usually. I've got so many other stuff on the backlog set to review that TV shows just seemed like something I could cut for now.

However, I'm going to start doing reviews of Smackdown once again as I'll be taking over the 411 review duties for the show sometime in August, and I'm hoping to do that steadily for a while so there's that.
So let me get this straight.

It took you a week and an hour and a half of watching something to determine if it got 97.5% or 100%? And people say I have too much time on my hands.
Aye, I'm sure there are some people who are going to call me a poseur or something since Meltzer gave them the full five and I am a self-admitted mark for the man's work, but I assure you, that was not the reason I went the full five. The final straw was thinking about this match and comparing it to Joe/Punk II which I also gave five stars, and I thought to myself that this match was just as good and probably a good bit better than that incredible match, and I went five for that match, so how can I not go five here? I normally don't like to compare matches with one another like that but in this case I felt it was only right, especially given how intensely I enjoyed that match and entire show.

I was curious about your opinion, because I asked if you were ranking it ***** the next day. I saw KB give it an A+, so I was curious how you ranked it as well. Its not indicative of you being a Meltzer mark, you've given 5 stars to matches like Angle and Anderson at Lockdown 2010, Angle vs HBK, Benoit vs Angle, HbK vs HHH at Summerskam 02, Benoit vs Jericho, and others I cant remember, none of which Meltzer gave ***** to.

I decided on ***** personally after watching it the second time on replay. The question I asked was, "did the match live up to the incredible hype?", and it did. There was nothing I didnt like about the match.

that DVD needs to come out, like, now
Hells yes. I need to see this match.
It just gets a bit tiresome having to recap/review every part of a wrestling show sometimes, sometimes I like to just sit back and just watch the show, and maybe hand out some star ratings at most. That's what I do with the TV shows these days usually. I've got so many other stuff on the backlog set to review that TV shows just seemed like something I could cut for now.

However, I'm going to start doing reviews of Smackdown once again as I'll be taking over the 411 review duties for the show sometime in August, and I'm hoping to do that steadily for a while so there's that.
I read both your site and KB's quite often. so the more reviews, the better IMO.
I still believe people will come to pick holes in it in the future like we do now to the attitude era, and it's the current situation is making people put on that extra little bit. I'm calling 4 1/2 for insurance and because I do believe poorly executed moves detract from the match. MO.
I slept better last night than I have in weeks. I'd like to believe this decision had something to do with it.

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