It's truly a new era and WWE is just about to get really good!!

That N Word

Actively evolving
Everyone is saying that the WWE is doomed with all of the injuries that has happened as of late. However, I think the WWE is really about to get entertaining. Right now out of the available talent and NXT Talent you makes sense to be brought up at the moment our top faces and top heels can be

Top Babyfaces on the RTWM
  • Roman Reigns
  • Dean Ambrose
  • AJ Styles/Finn Balor and The Bullet Club
  • Brock Lesnar
  • The Undertaker and Kane
  • Kalisto
  • Cesaro (who is rumored to return soon)

Top Heels on the RTWM
  • Kevin Owens
  • Triple H
  • Sheamus/Del Rio and The League Of Nations
  • Samoa Joe
  • Dolph Ziggler (turn him heel)
  • Bray Wyatt and The Wyatt Family
  • Heath Slater and The Social Outkast

The Announce Team For Raw SHOULD be:Corey Graves,The Miz,Byron Saxton

The Announce Team For SmackDown SHOULD be: Jerry Lawler, Mauro Ranallo, Wade Barrett

WWE has a huge opportunity here. What they need to do is capitalize on this. First thing they should do is change the set and bring back the red (Raw) and blue (SmackDown) ring ropes.

Following WrestleMania, do a Bullet Club invasion angle: with them going after The Authority starting with the League Of Nations and then have them turn heel and show their intentions is to take over the whole company and all the titles. This would lead to The Authority being faces and going to an unlikely ally in Reigns to save the WWE. And then eventually The Wyatt's would target Bullet Club as babyfaces.

The next thing is get rid of the fat on the roster: Retire off Show,Kane,Henry,Goldust. Send Miz and Barrett to commentary roles. Cement Reigns as the new "face" of WWE, have Cena return at the start of 2017 as a heel targetting Reigns for his spot back.

Push talent: Push the likes of Kalisto,Ziggler,Wyatt,Cesaro,and Ambrose to that next level in 2016. Have Ziggler turn heel and get rid of the pink showofff gimmick and give him more of a edgy badass opportunist gimmick.

New Part-Timers: Move Cena,Orton,Bryan to part-time status. Have The Rock,Triple H,and Jericho wrestle their last matches in 2017 or 2018. Brock Lesnar's contract expires in 2018 so we know he will be gone then. As for Cena, his deal expires next year and i've heard rumors of retirement. But I highly doubt that will happen and it shouldn't.

As for the point of this thread is after Mania, WWE has so many great options to do to keep the fans entertained. I would have Owens wins the Rumble and beat Brock to retain the title at Mania and go a dominant reign as champ. Bullet Club coming in to the mix "invading" the company with new additions Joe,and (old edition) Balor.

This also needs to be the year that Women's wrestling picks up with Sasha,Charlotte,Paige,Becky,Bayley,etc. Do different stuff sucks as Women's Ladder Matches,and IronWomen Matches.

All the belts needs to be treated with the prestige they deserve as well. Also add more Extreme Matches to Raw and SD! such as a Elimination Chamber Match,Ladder Matches,etc. I'm not saying every week because it would get old but every once in a while and shake things up.

Roman Reigns is very underrated on the mic because while he is not great, he is not as bad as he is made out to be. He makes one little error and fans trip over it, Mr.McMahon or Rollins makes a slip up and nobody notices. What I mean by that point is by the end of this year he will have enough ability on the mic to be the "face" that runs the place.

A new era is upon us and it's sink or swim time for the WWE!
Half the people you listed are either unsigned, down in NXT or haven't made a big enough impact to be noted yet. Heath Slater a top heel? A faction that ceases to exist in WWE? The product wasn't lacking in stars before, just storylines to invest into and workers in need of programs. I think these string of injuries opens up opportunities for many people on the main roster we have grown to love.

The product will never appeal the common fan now. If many had their way everyone brought in or up to the main roster would be world champ their debut match. I am hoping to see opportunity for under workers like Ziggler or The Miz that can get over on their own. They've been serviceable workers to the company and deserve increased roles in the company over anyone in NXT or anyone signing.

The fantasy booking on here in the last 48 hours involving AJ Styles has been laughable. Speculations of how much he's going to make, if he's going to be a jobber, a main eventer, his bad back, if he's going to be a lawyer, if his wife is committing adultery. It has all been unreal. Personally? I am not opposed to a RR appearance but ultimately hope he ends up in NXT.

It's tough to say this is a new era because I am quite sure the company wasn't anticipating a slew of injured workers that appear on live TV weekly. I would identify this as an opportunity for workers that have been floating about in obscurity to be given a platform to be relevant or serviceable in the absence of their injured peers.

So no I don't want to see no Finn Balor right now, or Samoa Joe or AJ Styles, Festus or the Japanese guy until after WM season.
Having great talent is nothing new for WWE. Thing is that was never a problem. If they continue to just bring these NXT guys out there for 15-20 minute matches no one cares about it'll just be a massive waste.
I don't think that a new era in WWE is upon us at all.

If anything, this period of time with all of these guys out because of injury is an opportunity for others to make a name for themselves and for the WWE to build new stars. Its time to push some guys like the Wyatt, Ambrose, Cesaro (who I hear will be back soon enough), and others. Also, this would be a perfect time to bring back Daniel Bryan. I know I say this in just about every WWE thread I post in, but I just can't believe that they still haven't cleared him yet. (It pisses me off) Other than possibly building some new stars during this time period, unfortunately it's going to be more of the same from the WWE. We're on the road to Wrestlemania, meaning that soon enough all of the part-timers will be coming back for their yearly storylines leading into Wrestlemania and what not. It's very possible that we won't see any of those anticipated new hires in serious storylines until after WM. They may appear at the Rumble, but I wouldn't get your hopes up about them coming to the main roster before WM or anything.

WWE has been sticking to the same tire formula for many many years and unfortunately, I don't see them changing it any time soon. Sorry.
Having great talent is nothing new for WWE. Thing is that was never a problem. If they continue to just bring these NXT guys out there for 15-20 minute matches no one cares about it'll just be a massive waste.

If there's no creative direction behind it then it defeats the whole purpose. It wouldn't matter who it is.
There is nothing wrong with getting your hopes up at all. A lot of people seem to forget that anything can happen not only in this world, but especially wrestling. It may not be a new era, but I have a feeling that some stuff is about to change. I haven't been excited on and off, but I have high hopes for 2016!

Watching wrestling and especially WWE has helped me learn that you may never get to see your dream matches or get what you wanted. However that is what I believe to be one of the best things. There is good and the bad in every year. It really is what you make it and how you take it.

Instead of being negative I would rather stay happy and hopeful. I started avoiding spoilers and it really has helped me enjoy it a bit more.

In regards to the new guys and NXT people. NXT is still WWE and they can pretty much be called up whenever or at least make an appearance. Also I am pretty sure we don't know their contracts word for word... If there is a will there is a way. We'll see what happens. I want to see AJ soon, but whenever the time is right. Sooner or later.

Also: I wonder if Bryan will come back...He's the reason I got back into wrestling ._.
Ignoring the fantasy booking of the OP, I feel pretty good about the near future. The lack of stars and failing ratings will hopefully force WWE to focus more on the quality of the storylines, surprises, and characters. Those are the things that make make Raw more enjoyable for me. WWE numbers will probably fall somewhat in the short term but my enjoyment should rise.
Half the people you listed are either unsigned, down in NXT or haven't made a big enough impact to be noted yet. Heath Slater a top heel? A faction that ceases to exist in WWE? The product wasn't lacking in stars before, just storylines to invest into and workers in need of programs. I think these string of injuries opens up opportunities for many people on the main roster we have grown to love.

The product will never appeal the common fan now. If many had their way everyone brought in or up to the main roster would be world champ their debut match. I am hoping to see opportunity for under workers like Ziggler or The Miz that can get over on their own. They've been serviceable workers to the company and deserve increased roles in the company over anyone in NXT or anyone signing.

The fantasy booking on here in the last 48 hours involving AJ Styles has been laughable. Speculations of how much he's going to make, if he's going to be a jobber, a main eventer, his bad back, if he's going to be a lawyer, if his wife is committing adultery. It has all been unreal. Personally? I am not opposed to a RR appearance but ultimately hope he ends up in NXT.

It's tough to say this is a new era because I am quite sure the company wasn't anticipating a slew of injured workers that appear on live TV weekly. I would identify this as an opportunity for workers that have been floating about in obscurity to be given a platform to be relevant or serviceable in the absence of their injured peers.

So no I don't want to see no Finn Balor right now, or Samoa Joe or AJ Styles, Festus or the Japanese guy until after WM season.

That is exactly the point. How can you possibly make stars without giving them the push. Do you think Rock,Austin,and Cena were stars over night? No, they had to get that platform. And yes I put Slater as a top heel because it's time he get pushed with his new stable. It has potential. Alot of factions/tag teams started from a group of jobber/nobodies that became some of the greatest teams of all-time.
I love when things don't go according to plan and WWE is forced to shake things up. It always makes for exciting television. Remember a couple months ago when Seth Rollins went down to a knee injury? All the plans got thrown out the window. Roman beat Dean to win a tournament for the vacant title! Sheamus cashed in! The League of Nations formed! Roman won the title and our hearts!

Desperate WWE is best WWE.

I long for those halcyon days of late 2015. Luckily, Cena's injury is finally going force WWE to get creative on the Road to WrestleMania. I expect the era of the next couple months to be defined by some combination of Ambrose, Owens, or Wyatt being marginally elevated so some combination of Taker, Triple H, and Brock have people who can make them look good at Mania.

The times, they are a changin'.
Everyone is saying that the WWE is doomed with all of the injuries that has happened as of late. However, I think the WWE is really about to get entertaining. Right now out of the available talent and NXT Talent you makes sense to be brought up at the moment our top faces and top heels can be

Top Babyfaces on the RTWM
  • Roman Reigns
  • Dean Ambrose
  • AJ Styles/Finn Balor and The Bullet Club
  • Brock Lesnar
  • The Undertaker and Kane
  • Kalisto
  • Cesaro (who is rumored to return soon)

Top Heels on the RTWM
  • Kevin Owens
  • Triple H
  • Sheamus/Del Rio and The League Of Nations
  • Samoa Joe
  • Dolph Ziggler (turn him heel)
  • Bray Wyatt and The Wyatt Family
  • Heath Slater and The Social Outkast

The Announce Team For Raw SHOULD be:Corey Graves,The Miz,Byron Saxton

The Announce Team For SmackDown SHOULD be: Jerry Lawler, Mauro Ranallo, Wade Barrett

WWE has a huge opportunity here. What they need to do is capitalize on this. First thing they should do is change the set and bring back the red (Raw) and blue (SmackDown) ring ropes.

Following WrestleMania, do a Bullet Club invasion angle: with them going after The Authority starting with the League Of Nations and then have them turn heel and show their intentions is to take over the whole company and all the titles. This would lead to The Authority being faces and going to an unlikely ally in Reigns to save the WWE. And then eventually The Wyatt's would target Bullet Club as babyfaces.

The next thing is get rid of the fat on the roster: Retire off Show,Kane,Henry,Goldust. Send Miz and Barrett to commentary roles. Cement Reigns as the new "face" of WWE, have Cena return at the start of 2017 as a heel targetting Reigns for his spot back.

Push talent: Push the likes of Kalisto,Ziggler,Wyatt,Cesaro,and Ambrose to that next level in 2016. Have Ziggler turn heel and get rid of the pink showofff gimmick and give him more of a edgy badass opportunist gimmick.

New Part-Timers: Move Cena,Orton,Bryan to part-time status. Have The Rock,Triple H,and Jericho wrestle their last matches in 2017 or 2018. Brock Lesnar's contract expires in 2018 so we know he will be gone then. As for Cena, his deal expires next year and i've heard rumors of retirement. But I highly doubt that will happen and it shouldn't.

As for the point of this thread is after Mania, WWE has so many great options to do to keep the fans entertained. I would have Owens wins the Rumble and beat Brock to retain the title at Mania and go a dominant reign as champ. Bullet Club coming in to the mix "invading" the company with new additions Joe,and (old edition) Balor.

This also needs to be the year that Women's wrestling picks up with Sasha,Charlotte,Paige,Becky,Bayley,etc. Do different stuff sucks as Women's Ladder Matches,and IronWomen Matches.

All the belts needs to be treated with the prestige they deserve as well. Also add more Extreme Matches to Raw and SD! such as a Elimination Chamber Match,Ladder Matches,etc. I'm not saying every week because it would get old but every once in a while and shake things up.

Roman Reigns is very underrated on the mic because while he is not great, he is not as bad as he is made out to be. He makes one little error and fans trip over it, Mr.McMahon or Rollins makes a slip up and nobody notices. What I mean by that point is by the end of this year he will have enough ability on the mic to be the "face" that runs the place.

A new era is upon us and it's sink or swim time for the WWE!

Lolol, you have your RAW and Smackdown announce teams backwards. Mauro Ranallo is the new voice of the WWE. Guaranteed.
I don't really understand the need for every year of wrestling be shoehorned into some proverbial "era", but things are always changing in the WWE, and all the current injuries are making those changes happen faster than they usually do.
.... but things are always changing in the WWE, and all the current injuries are making those changes happen faster than they usually do.

That's the key, and if some of those changes were brought about by current circumstances, so be it.

For instance, if WWE would never have even spoken to AJ Styles and his buddies had the current roster not suddenly become injury-depleted, it's a case of management jumping on the situation in an effort to fix things. That's all good.

However, if you're one of those good folks who have been detesting everything the Creative team comes up with, just remember that they're still the same guys & gals who were there before the new wave or performers was acquired and/or promoted.
That is exactly the point. How can you possibly make stars without giving them the push. Do you think Rock,Austin,and Cena were stars over night? No, they had to get that platform. And yes I put Slater as a top heel because it's time he get pushed with his new stable. It has potential. Alot of factions/tag teams started from a group of jobber/nobodies that became some of the greatest teams of all-time.

You bolded a part of a sentence and completely overlooked the rest. You're talking about overlooking talent that's already on the main roster for guys in NXT and moving two active workers - one whom which is a former WWE champ and moving them to announce team. Why? Heath Slater as much as I like him has been a jobber for a few years. I've never seen circumstances like this turn out great in the long run. It worked for Zack Ryder briefly because of himself finding a way to get over outside of WWE.
That's the key, and if some of those changes were brought about by current circumstances, so be it.

For instance, if WWE would never have even spoken to AJ Styles and his buddies had the current roster not suddenly become injury-depleted, it's a case of management jumping on the situation in an effort to fix things. That's all good.

However, if you're one of those good folks who have been detesting everything the Creative team comes up with, just remember that they're still the same guys & gals who were there before the new wave or performers was acquired and/or promoted.

I'm not one of those folks that's gonna hate on everything the WWE does. Of course there's stuff I like and stuff I don't. But not everything is going to be to my tastes, in any facet of life. I'll enjoy what I enjoy, and find other shit to do when the crappy parts happen.

The rise of social media has definitely given birth to a whole new realm of "It's all about MEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!'". That has to be a real motherfucker to deal with for creative and the WWE in general.
I'm not one of those folks that's gonna hate on everything the WWE does. Of course there's stuff I like and stuff I don't. But not everything is going to be to my tastes, in any facet of life. I'll enjoy what I enjoy, and find other shit to do when the crappy parts happen.

The rise of social media has definitely given birth to a whole new realm of "It's all about MEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!'". That has to be a real motherfucker to deal with for creative and the WWE in general.

If anything they've embraced social media more than any other professional sport.
I said it in another thread.

Now through Summerslam when these guys are slated to come back are either going to be a time where new stars are built and the WWE is forced to get creative...

Or we're gonna get John Cena vs. Little Jimmy and R-Truth for the WWE Title tier main events.

Hopefully it's the former.

The WWE has relied on some combination of HHH, Cena, Orton, Jericho, Edge, Batista, etc. for pretty much a decade now. That era of post 2006 until now where you had guys like the Jeff/Matt Hardy, Kofi, Cody Rhodes, Mr. Kennedy, Ryback, Dolph, Lashley, Barrett, Swagger, etc. and none of them really amounted to main event stars (for various reasons, some that weren't WWE's fault of course) has proven to hurt the WWE in the long run.

You had a few new stars get built (Del Rio, Rollins, Punk, Bryan, Sheamus), but a decade since Cena becoming a main event player and you only have 5-6 true stars that you've created since is not healthy for diversity in your main event scene and we're seeing the results of that now with a pretty barren WM on the horizon.

Hopefully they realize their mistake and the next few months have some new faces and some innovative storyline.

However, let's also keep in mind that the WWE has no competition to theoretically, they COULD just coast until Cena and those are able to return, and they really wouldn't lose anything, they aren't going to lose their main fans to anyone.

So who knows, interesting times indeed.
On paper, this WWE roster looks really good. In reality, there are a TON of issues, mainly part-timers who don't show up, injuries, and a terrible Creative team.

Let's look at your top faces:

Roman Reigns and Dean Ambrose - Okay, I'll give you them.

A.J. Styles, Finn Balor, and Bullet Club - Balor is in NXT, and Styles and Bullet Club hasn't even debuted yet (if they're even signed).

Brock Lesnar - Part-time

Undertaker and Kane - Part-time and way past their prime

Kalisto - He's a tag team star who hasn't done anything YET.

Cesaro - Injured

Now the heels:

Kevin Owens - I'll give you this one.

Triple H - Part-time

League of Nations - They're just boring and they're only together to get Reigns over.

Samoa Joe - Not on the main roster

Dolph Ziggler - He's face and he just lost to HEATH SLATER.

Bray Wyatt and Wyatt Family - Bray just can't get a big win. He lost to Cena. He lost to Taker. He lost to Reigns. Until he does get a big win, no one will care.

Heath Slater and Social Outcast - :lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:

Nothing else you talk about is going to happen. Michael Cole and JBL will commentate on Raw. A Bullet Club invasion isn't going to happen. In WWE's eyes, they're rookies. They're going to NXT just like everyone else (except Sting) and will be down there for at least 6 months (IF they even signed).

Big Show, Kane, Mark Henry, and Goldust aren't going anywhere. WWE loves its veterans. Reigns isn't the "face of the WWE", at least not until he improves his AWFUL mic skills. Cena will return WAY before 2017 as a face.

At this point, I decided to stop reading. It's just not worth it. Absolutely nothing you said in this post is going to happen (or even should happen).

EDIT - Perhaps I was a little harsh. I understand wanting new stars pushed, but it's not going to happen.
Now's the time to lean on one of the few stars that you have. Y2J Chris Jericho. Let him win the RR, then turn heel and put Reigns over at WM 32. That should be your main event on the card. Ambrose, KO, and Bray need to continue their momentum toward the top.
I wouldn't call it a new era but I agree things are gonna get interesting and hopefully good.

As cruel as this may be to say this but the rash of injuries to the top talent opens a door wide for guys that may have been overlooked this time of year.

The tag team scene and women's scene will hopefully get better if creative stops being stupid The Social Outcasts can fill the mid card hole and as much as people don't like them we need the LoN to fill out the main event. And then there's Kalisto his partner is injured and with Cena out he seems to be in line for a US title feud that Cena would have gotten.

I'm excited to see how the WWE deals with all this.
I wouldn't call it a new era but I agree things are gonna get interesting and hopefully good.

As cruel as this may be to say this but the rash of injuries to the top talent opens a door wide for guys that may have been overlooked this time of year.

The tag team scene and women's scene will hopefully get better if creative stops being stupid The Social Outcasts can fill the mid card hole and as much as people don't like them we need the LoN to fill out the main event. And then there's Kalisto his partner is injured and with Cena out he seems to be in line for a US title feud that Cena would have gotten.

I'm excited to see how the WWE deals with all this.

This and then some.

With all the injuries, this gives and I hate to sound like a broken record, some people who would not have had the chance previously to shine and move up.

Ambrose should definitely be elevated, although with Reigns in the top spot, he's still in a holding pattern. Owens can move, along with Wyatt (who is really being overlooked by a lot of fans in these threads), meaning I don't see his name much. Kalisto, just for the fact that Sin Cara is out. Hopefully the WWE will surprise us all and book these guys to the best of their ability, that is a big if in my mind.

Only one question remains. Once the NJPW wrestlers debut no doubt they will not be treated like bottom feeders, so if you are injured right now, there is a chance that you might lose whatever spot you had on the roster when you return. Not Cena, Rollins or Orton of course. I'm talking about guys like Cesaro. I would have hoped he would have been pushed higher, but with bigger names coming in, he might in fact be pushed back.

Guys like Barrett, who I love, will more than likely be done. Shame really they could have done so much with him, but he is just one very unlucky person.
If anything they've embraced social media more than any other professional sport.

MLB does it just as good, if not better than the WWE. And that's kind of funny, because much of the establishment in baseball is grumpy old fucks.

I was thinking more in terms that if creative was at a dead end and looked to social media for ideas, they'd be ridiculously confused and the content of the show would be ridiculously confusing as a result.

Now that I just wrote that, I'm wondering if the dreaded 50/50 booking is a result of trying to please the morons on social media.
You think WWE is about to get good when you're talking about woman's wrestling picking up steam in 2016?... All the woman do is take up time on TV. WWE has it right with the woman. They know there is no revolution, they used it as a marketing ploy to fool all you fans and it worked. Hell, people are still using that term "divas revolution"..WWE knows most fans don't truly care for the woman. 2 of the most popular divas (supposedly) had a match a few weeks ago and the fans were chanting boring, i believe it was in New York to.. It just goes to show the fans don't truly care about the woman, you can hashtag whatever the fuck you want, that won't make them any money. Chanting boring during their matches is not a way to get them more exposure on TV.
Good talent means nothing if the company has no idea what they are doing. That is the problem wwe has had for years now and still has today so how are things going to get good? You need to understand, it is the basic foundation of wwe that is the problem. Vince doesn't want wwe to be a wrestling company with other interests, he wants wwe to be an entertainment company with sports entertainment as just part of it. That's the problem. Sports entertainment is wrestling but where the rules change depending on what the storyline is. Imagine any sport doing that - 3 strikes and you are out unless it is the 6th inning and the game is tied where you need 4 just to keep people entertained. But only in this game, tomorrow it is back to normal. Think baseball would survive? But that is what Vince wants so that is what wwe does even if it loses them viewers. Then you have the entertainment side - crappy shows and movies that don't add to the company yet the company is devoted to them. Is Total Divas really getting more women to watch Raw or Smackdown? So there is your problem - a company whose core business has been watered down and changed and who is more interesting in the fringe stuff even though they are not even second rate at it. As long as that is the case, wwe will NOT improve. You may see glimmers of hope here and there but it always goes back and until wwe really decides to change how they do business, this is how it will stay.
This was WCWs tactic - spend, spend, spend. They didn't know how to use Bret Hart or any over worker from ECW. They were in the worst possible storylines. At the end, no matter who is brought in the WWE manufactured talent is still going to be superior. I do not see them ever putting another Indie star such as CM Punk on a pedestal again - we may have seen it with Rollins in '15 but the company had to make up for Reigns not being over yet.
Everyone is saying that the WWE is doomed with all of the injuries that has happened as of late. However, I think the WWE is really about to get entertaining. Right now out of the available talent and NXT Talent you makes sense to be brought up at the moment our top faces and top heels can be

Top Babyfaces on the RTWM
  • Roman Reigns
  • Dean Ambrose
  • AJ Styles/Finn Balor and The Bullet Club
  • Brock Lesnar
  • The Undertaker and Kane
  • Kalisto
  • Cesaro (who is rumored to return soon)

Top Heels on the RTWM
  • Kevin Owens
  • Triple H
  • Sheamus/Del Rio and The League Of Nations
  • Samoa Joe
  • Dolph Ziggler (turn him heel)
  • Bray Wyatt and The Wyatt Family
  • Heath Slater and The Social Outkast

The Announce Team For Raw SHOULD be:Corey Graves,The Miz,Byron Saxton

The Announce Team For SmackDown SHOULD be: Jerry Lawler, Mauro Ranallo, Wade Barrett

WWE has a huge opportunity here. What they need to do is capitalize on this. First thing they should do is change the set and bring back the red (Raw) and blue (SmackDown) ring ropes.

Following WrestleMania, do a Bullet Club invasion angle: with them going after The Authority starting with the League Of Nations and then have them turn heel and show their intentions is to take over the whole company and all the titles. This would lead to The Authority being faces and going to an unlikely ally in Reigns to save the WWE. And then eventually The Wyatt's would target Bullet Club as babyfaces.

The next thing is get rid of the fat on the roster: Retire off Show,Kane,Henry,Goldust. Send Miz and Barrett to commentary roles. Cement Reigns as the new "face" of WWE, have Cena return at the start of 2017 as a heel targetting Reigns for his spot back.

Push talent: Push the likes of Kalisto,Ziggler,Wyatt,Cesaro,and Ambrose to that next level in 2016. Have Ziggler turn heel and get rid of the pink showofff gimmick and give him more of a edgy badass opportunist gimmick.

New Part-Timers: Move Cena,Orton,Bryan to part-time status. Have The Rock,Triple H,and Jericho wrestle their last matches in 2017 or 2018. Brock Lesnar's contract expires in 2018 so we know he will be gone then. As for Cena, his deal expires next year and i've heard rumors of retirement. But I highly doubt that will happen and it shouldn't.

As for the point of this thread is after Mania, WWE has so many great options to do to keep the fans entertained. I would have Owens wins the Rumble and beat Brock to retain the title at Mania and go a dominant reign as champ. Bullet Club coming in to the mix "invading" the company with new additions Joe,and (old edition) Balor.

This also needs to be the year that Women's wrestling picks up with Sasha,Charlotte,Paige,Becky,Bayley,etc. Do different stuff sucks as Women's Ladder Matches,and IronWomen Matches.

All the belts needs to be treated with the prestige they deserve as well. Also add more Extreme Matches to Raw and SD! such as a Elimination Chamber Match,Ladder Matches,etc. I'm not saying every week because it would get old but every once in a while and shake things up.

Roman Reigns is very underrated on the mic because while he is not great, he is not as bad as he is made out to be. He makes one little error and fans trip over it, Mr.McMahon or Rollins makes a slip up and nobody notices. What I mean by that point is by the end of this year he will have enough ability on the mic to be the "face" that runs the place.

A new era is upon us and it's sink or swim time for the WWE!

Can you share whatever you've been smoking? I feel like im missing out.

While i agree this is a good chance for WWE with the injuries, WWE have had big injuries before. Not much happens because it doesn't need to. WCW isnt around anymore and TNA is their closest threat and they have never been further from being a threat which makes threat at all.

The announce teams you have are awful. Byron Saxton isnt good at play by play. Michael Cole is, is still relatively young and has over 17 years experience working for the WWE. I've never liked him compared to other announcers but hes a lot better than Byron Saxton. You idea seems to be out with the old, in with the new, but whos there to guide the new? Miz and Graves have no big Announcing experience. You'd be throwing them in the deep end and when that happens, talent usually get exposed.

And why exactly do you want to retire Wade Barrett and The Miz? They both have a lot to give WWE. Whether thats in the upper midcard or putting others over. Wade Barrett is younger that AJ Styles and Samoa Joe you know. He is injury prone but so have many others over the years. Orton has been injured a lot aswell. Shall the WWE retire him?

Show, Kane and Goldust aren't going anywhere. Get used to it. If WWE retired them they would go elsewhere. Thats what WWE don't want. Big Show and Kane despite their age and declining abilities are still marketable. They are there to help others get over. So far you want those 4 to retire along with Miz and Barrett. 6 established do you intend to build new stars if you're retiring stars with name value? Who are people gonna beat? You cant push 10 wrestlers at a time. So 6 stars are retired and theres no one to take their immediate place.

Just because AJ Styles has been signed is no indication he will be a top star. He was big on the indies, the WWE is another kettle of fish.

Have Rock, HHH and Jericho wrestler their last matches? You mean 3 of the biggest draws still around? Part time or not they bring in money. Money is what WWE want above all. You would be an awful business man. I appriciate you want to build new stars, but these are the guys you need to bring in from time to time to build those stars. One wrestler beating HHH or the Rock at WM does more for them than winning the WWE title. HHH and Y2J can go for another 5 years minimum on a part time basis. In those 5 years at least 5 new stars could be made. Without them, coupled with the 6 you've retired, who are the stars of the future going to beat to get over?

And make Cena, Orton and Bryan part timers? What if they dont want to be part timers? then they leave, go elsewhere and bring in money for another promotion. Once again, poor business.

Ironwomen matches probably wouldnt be a good move. Outside of indys and NXT i cant see the casual fan caring enough about them. Trish and Lita are the two most over divas in the WWE for the last 15 years and even their match at the end of RAW once went on a bit too long. Popularity comes before talent. I cant see the casual fan becoming invested in it like they do in NXT.

And finally its not sink or swim. Its an opportunity to build new stars. However judging on the past 10 years this wont happen to any major extent. If they dont then they wont sink. The only way they will sink now is if another billionaire comes along to make a wrestling promotion and steals Cena, Orton, Bryan etc. or If a huge scandal hits the WWE. Otherwise no matter what they do with their talent, as long as they're making money, they wont be sinking anytime soon :)

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