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It's Time For A Triple H Heel Turn


The Cerebral Assassin
I don't care how they do it. I don't care what needs to be done. It just HAS to be done. Triple H is just not a face, just like Rey Mysterio or John Cena are not heels. HHH works WAY better as a heel, and I'll debate with ANYONE on that. Its just his character's true persona. Its who his character really is. The jerk who gets to the top no matter what, and doesnt give a damn what he has to do or who he has to beat to get there. Triple H, IMO, had two peeks in his career thus far, and they were both during heel runs (one during the late 90's when he was with Stephanie and started to win WWE Championships & one during the early 2000's around the time he was with Evolution and literally beat a laundry list of wrestlers in defense of his World Title (he beat the likes of Scott Steiner, Kevin Nash, Kane, RVD, Shawn Michaels, etc.) and looked virtually unbeatable). HHH simply has to get back to doing what he does best- being a heel. Everything HHH does as a heel is also much better as well (his promos are better, he can use dirty tactics in the ring, and his sledgehammer-wielding comes across as even more insane). I mean, it was fine for HHH to come back as face at SummerSlam a while back, but its been a long time since then, and he should have turned heel by now. Triple H needs to be a heel. Who else agrees?
HHH as a face is the same thing as HHH as a heel, for the most part. The character remains the same, he just changes who he aims his promos at.

Personally, I think at this stage in his career HHH is almost going to be cheered no matter what he does anyway, so just make him fight whoever is around. And its not like he strictly fights heels. HHH's goal has always been doing whatever he can to be champ. While the champ on his show is Edge, he's going to look like face. If Hardy was the champ he'd look more heelish. But his tactics would remain the same.

He's never been a cowardly heel, so to start that now would be silly. He's evolved to the point where he's always the same person. And its up to who he's facing to decide if Trips gets cheered or booed. And love 'em or hate 'em, its hard to out play the game.
I agree, a heel turn will hopefully rejuvinate him. He's a pretty good face and can be pretty funny but most people (including myself and obviously PlayTheGame) think he's a lot better and more entertaining as a heel.

Maybe they could have him lose at the EC at NWO and he gets really pissed off and starts smashing everthing and everyone after the match, thus, turning heel.

Dont think that will happen though, Edge is probably retaining but hopefully HHH will turn heel within the next few months before WM. If i'm seeing Trips ME a WM again i wanna see him as a heel.
Triple H as a heel HAS to come. He's gotten stale as a face the last time I saw him. While his "jokes" get a little chuckle, it's kind of annoying and boring after a while. Don't worry Trips: If you turn heel, people won't stop buying your merchandise. Edge is a heel and his merchandise sells good. If Trips is going to keep the audience in their seats, he has to turn heel. Bring out the sledgehammer more, not just to scare off monsters. Use it on people your size or smaller too. Be the bad guy you used to be. If he stays face for life, then people might walk out when he appears because they know what's going to happen in his matches: punch punch punch taunt taunt don't sell hits, punch punch kick, finally start selling stuff to a small extent, hit the Pedigree, win.
No doubt HHH as a face is boring, and cheap. I lost all respect for the man once he turned face. He debuted as one of the most hated "french" heels of all time. No one cheered this man when he came to the ring. His whole career was based on how well he played the heel. The man was part of one of the most mind boggling feuds in wrestling history. HHH being the man who was responsible for trying to eliminate Austin, this generation's Hulk Hogan. This is the same man who turned on HBK after he made his triumphant return to the ring.

I'm tired of hearing people talk about how he will be cheered no matter what at this point. Says who? HHH has always been able to draw whatever response from the crowd. Obviously this is controlled once he is either face or heel, but you get the point. I remember when he was on Howard Stern, and he literally vowed to never become "face", and he did months later. I completely lost respect for this man once this happened. Some stars should never turn face, and others should never turn heel. HHH should have never turned face. The same way Sting should have never turned heel.
HHH does indeed need to go heel. Right now the top heel on Smackdown is Edge. That's all well and good. he's one of the best in the business at it. However, after his is.....Big Show I guess, followed by Matt Hardy. That's about as weak as a 2-3 as you can get. When your top three faces are Hardy, Taker and HHH and those are your heels, there's no balance at all to it. The faces look dominant which never works for long. One of those three has to turn heel soon. Hardy is feuding with one of the top heels so he's out. Taker is at the point where he's going to be popular no matter what. That leaves the Game. He's a solid if not great heel and needs to make the change. He's been a face since his return and it's time for a change.
Triple H is one of the most boring faces ever. He is a great heel, but a horrid face. The only reason he gets by as a face is if he is doing it comically. That being said, turn Triple H heel. He should have been heel a few months ago, and he should have lost to Hardy as a heel. The only problem with that is Edge is the deserving champion. He is the number one heel, and a Triple H heel turn almost certainly gives him the belt over Edge. At least this way Edge gets the belt.
I too feel that "enough is enough, and it's time for change"..as it were.
Triple H as a face is not boring, contrary to popular belief. He is still one of the most over guys and best wrestlers in the company, and he still fights heels and faces alike and normally beats people...just not in heelish ways and with heel promos. But I agree, there is just something special about Triple H as a heel. He has definitely done his best work as a heel back during the days of the McMahon-Helmsley regime and Evolution. I think he has been the best heel WWE had for years now until Edge and Orton perfected their craft and have now taken that mantle.

I don't think it is right around the corner, but hopefully it won't be long now. Smackdown's main event at WM is probably gonna be HHH vs Edge so he has to stay face through that feud at least. After that, they could have him turn and feud with some of the younger guys but also Michaels and Undertaker one last time before they retire. Idk if you let him be the champion and do it, do it slow and methodically like his face turn, or just all at once..but it could and should definitely be done.

A case that I know people would argue is that he would take away from the top heels (Orton and Edge) right now depending on what show he was on (as I could def. see him moving over to Raw and turning heel). But what you have to look at is what WWE used to be. Think of the time before the brand extensions when the you had a few major heels (HHH, Angle, Taker sometimes, Jericho) and your faces (Rock, Austin, Taker again) and that wasn't really cluttered. Just because you are one of the top 2 heels on a show doesn't mean that you have to always compete with the other to be in the title picture. There are plenty of feuds that Edge/HHH or Orton/HHH could have to keep themselves occupied when not in the title hunt.

So ultimately, I think this should happen and I think it may well happen between now and WM26.
This is the best thread i have come across so far. You cant be further from the truth . We all need heel HHH and since his return after injury everyone has been waiting for it. But for some reason he is still face. This could be as a result of one of three factors which I all disagree with.
1-Sales HHH as a face obviously has higher sales as t shirts bags or hats.But I dont think that HHH's sales would plummet with a heel turn I remember in 2005 2006 he was cheered as a heel as Orton is now and I used to see a countless number of triple h shirts maybe even more than now this could be due to the fact of the living WALLMART: SUPER CENA.
2-Another reason could be that he is needed as a face now which is very untrue WWE has two of the best faces of all time in cena and batista plus the underrated Kennedy at least for now that is and legends like HBK and Taker.
3-He could just love the cheers and the fans' love? I wont even talk about that one.
So all in all I am more than waiting to see it happen and I would love to see it against HBK, now that was epic. Finallly I will ask you:What do you think of heel triple h in Legacy down the road as Ric Flair was in Evolution? I know it still wont happen now but it can after 2 or 3 years that is if leagacy remains intact that long.
There is no way in hell Triple H will ever be an effective heel ever again. Sure he will get his boos. But he gets those now. Which are from smarks in the audience wanting him to be a heel, or just people that find him boring. Turn him heel, he then gets cheered by all those smarks. It's a double edged sword. Because Trips does work better as a heel and god knows I love me some heel Triple H. But let me ask you this. Is there an effective way to do it now?

He is a top level guy who has been around forever. People (Most) respect him for that. They respect him for what he has done and accomplished. Even when he was a heel before he was getting cheered. I just don't know if there is an effective way to do it. He could go after The Undertaker. But people will cream their pants at the thought of them two having another feud. He could go after Jeff Hardy, but that's been done to death. He could side with Vickie Guerrero but that would be silly. Or he could get switched back to Raw after the draft and pick up his feud with HBK again. But that in itself has been done to death. Who is left? Cena...been there, Batista...done that.

There is an effective way. It would play off his backstage reputation that people with half a brain hate him for. He turns heel against a big name. Goes through that feud. Then he starts it up with the younger talent...Mr. Kennedy, MVP, Kofi Kingston, Hell even Rey Mysterio. He makes it seem like he is holding them down, bury them, and literally just fuck with them. Until the fans hate him so much and support the others that when these said wrestlers finally beat him the fans go crazy for these superstars. It will also make it look like Triple H got what he deserved.

So yes and no. It's possible that Trips can turn heel and it might be time for it. But it's going to be very difficult to pull off unless WWE wants to think outside the box a little bit.
I'm one of the biggest HHH fans alive, but I have to disagree with you.
I think considering his age, where he's at in his career, and that he's done everything there is to accomplish in the business, that he's right where he should be.
His heel side-it's been done. And I really don't see people taking him seriously as a heel anymore.
I frankly find it refeshing to see so many people from so many different ages, races, walks of life in general cheering him now.
Another thing-All the people who hate on him for his "backstage politics"-whatever-have to watch all the fans cheer him on Smackdown every week now. So I say keep him a face.
To be heel again, Triple H will have to sell out like Austin. I saw someone up there mention that he hasn't played the cowardly heel, and this is the route he has to go.

'I've got two torn quads, and don't know how much longer I have left'. There. Easy.
Top it off with him stealing Edge's wife, and there is no way he gets cheered in any arena, ever. A cowardly Triple H, and and 'EXCUSE ME!' intro may force me to turn off my television.
Lets be real. I like the cowardly heel routine. It was a good idea. But for him to go with Vickie is just too far. Does it really make any semse at all. First Edge, then Big Show and then back to Edge. How would Triple H fit into that. Maybe it's just me being a fan of Triple H and not wanting him to side with Vickie, but it just seems a little ridiculous. I however love the cowardly heel routine.
Triple H. turning heel is a great thing to do right now. Triple H. turning heel, and siding with Vickie Guerrero is just plain stupid though. Triple H. is above being in that type of role, and if he isn't, then it deserves to be played out with his Wife.. which would gain even more heel heat if they went back to "controlling" a brand. (ie. Raw)

I'm honestly looking for Triple H. to make the move back to Raw at some point, likely the draft, in favor of being the face to feud with Legacy and side with a face Stephanie. (unless Steph turns on Shane and helps Orton, Sunday)

Fact is, Triple H. isn't a good face, because everyone in the crowd and everyone on the internet literally hates the guy. They can't stand him, mainly because he's better than they are. He's locked himself into a solid spot in the company, via being married to the Boss' Daughter or otherwise, and people can't stand that.

If they do turn him heel though, I want the C.A. back though. The guy that made Steve Austin & The Rock's lives living hell. Not the pussy who hides behind a group of people.
HHH does indeed need to go heel. Right now the top heel on Smackdown is Edge. That's all well and good. he's one of the best in the business at it. However, after his is.....Big Show I guess, followed by Matt Hardy. That's about as weak as a 2-3 as you can get. When your top three faces are Hardy, Taker and HHH and those are your heels, there's no balance at all to it. The faces look dominant which never works for long. One of those three has to turn heel soon. Hardy is feuding with one of the top heels so he's out. Taker is at the point where he's going to be popular no matter what. That leaves the Game. He's a solid if not great heel and needs to make the change. He's been a face since his return and it's time for a change.

uhhh actually if u wanna get all with the facts triple hs been babyface since 2006 when DX returned, so just figured id correct u all since u love u all love ur facts and as far as hhh is concerned a heel turn would really freshen the scene as he can feud with rey taker hbk cena batista christian guys like tht but he can still feud with them as a babyface do u not remember the success he had with the cena/hhh feud both babyfaces and a rly good feud and he can still feud with guys like jbl big show mvp tbk kennedy
He's definetly a better heel. It would give me reasoning for my hatred of the man. But in reality he ain't too bad of a face. He still gets huge reactions. Those reactions would be just as huge if he were to make a sudden turn on say Shawn maybe. Or Jeff??? Or Rey Mysterio? Those are really the only people he could turn on that would get the right reaction. As a face right now he's fine. It makes a HHH/Edge feud more likely without Edge having to turn face. Although that could be refreshing too...Edge should stay heel He's over. Triple H should stay face. He's over too. If it aint broke dont fix it.
HHH is a natural heel defianatly, I also think that a heel turn will likely occur after the nd of the Orton storyline. Though I disagree that there is an urgency to a heel turn, it will happen when it benefits the company to, HHH is better as a heel but at the moment they need him as a face. There are already signs HHH will gradually become more and more ruthless and agressive during this feud until the heel turn natualy occurs rather than a huge swerve in my opinion. After mania HHH will turn heel, the only reason the turn hasn't happend already is to keep the heel/face balance on smackdown. Once the draft comes along it will be more balanced and HHH can go back to been a natural heel.
He's exactly the same as a heel of face, so it doesn't make the slightest bit of difference. The only thing that changes is the tone of his voice. He still makes quips, he still never loses via Swanton Bombs, he still has a really long face entrance. The only difference is that it's more acceptable to pin all your lower level talent as a heel.
No,Don't you know WWE won't let a HEEL VS HEEL thing happen at the most overrated mania ever,and Triple H being Heel won't attract kids,like what vince wants.

Why is it the most overrated mania ever?
Why is it a heel vs heel thing?

A.) It would be a match not a thing.

B.) Triple H's opponent hasn't been confirmed yet. Are you releasing spoilers without putting a spoiler tag in front of your post first.Did you learn secret things at your stupid WWE Universe forum?

C.) Go back to watchin TNA you fucking smark.

note: sorry i lose my temper with stupid people.
No it's not. It's time for Triple H to do the right thing, and that's lay on his back after taking a clean RKO at Wrestlemania 25 and let Randy Orton take the torch from him as the new dominant heel of the company. This ist eh Age of Orton, not the age of a 40 year old man that has 13 world title reigns.

Edge, Jericho, Orton, it's a whose whose list of modern heels just waiting for their chance to shine, and what better way to do it then to put down super over baby faces that have a resume like Michaels, Taker and Triple H. This isn't 1999, it's 2009, and it's not about The Game anymore.
I agree HHH as a heel is so much better, and the easiest way is to have him destroy a popular face. But nothings going to happen until after the Orton feud, and ive a feeling Orton will win [hopefully] with a little help from Vince, and HHH will remain face.

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