It's Thor Day, Motherfuckers.

Serious Mozzarella

Special Victims Unit
So it's Thor Day today, meaning one of the most anticipated of the Thor movies was released 14 hours and 12 minutes ago. While there already is a review thread for all movies, and such, Thor deserves its own thread.


Share stories of the movie, the comics, the anticipation, the midnight showing, the experience here.

As for me, I'm bringing my ass over to the theaters pretty soon. I'm gonna catch the first showing before the kids are out of school.
It's REAAALLLY good.

There are lots of comedy and the correct amount of drama, the acting is good overall (They kinda wasted Portman) and it isn't cheesy!.

The only downside is that the action isn't enougt.
I heard it was sold out, so I'll probably end up seeing it sometime next week when I'm not working. I'm already preparing to eat my words - I honestly thought it looked like shit and had no problems voicing that. After hearing what people have been saying about it I can't resist going out and seeing it. Hopefully it lives up to the hype. It's obviously going to make serious bank this weekend.
I personally found the movie awesome.Special effects,3D effects,etc. were good but i do have to agree it was lacking in action.MAin action scenes were only to be found at the start and in the end of the movie.Although being a fan of superheroes movies,i think it was overall a very nice film.I'll give it 4/5.
The movie kicked seven kinds of ass, Hemmsworth was perfect, Portman gave me a boner, and whoever the dude was the played Loki was also spot. Didn't really have high expectations for this one, but I am happy to be surprised. On another note... June 17th cannot come soon enough. HAL JORDAN FTW!
I haven't seen Thor yet but I know a few people who managed to sneak tickets to the advanced screening of the show and all of them have said it is amazing. It came out a couple of days ago in the UK but I have not had the money to go and see it.

That being said, it is first on my agenda come Friday when I get paid again. As I said, all of the brief reviews I have heard of this movie tell me that it is definitely something that you should see. Also, I will be going to see it in 3D, simply because it probably deserves it. A lot of other movies do 3D but do it sparingly. I have an inclination that Thor will be a movie that makes a big deal of it's 3D aspect and puts it to good use. For that reason, I don't feel as though I will be cheated if I shell out and see it in the iMAX.

Still, Thor has huge credentials and I am really looking forward to seeing a movie that has come highly praised and with a huge expectation level at it's feet. There hasn't been too many massive movies this year and I am hoping that Thor will be one of the movies that really sets cinema up for a great summer of film. Judging by the early reviews, I would say that it is not too far from the truth.

Fingers crossed.

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