It's The Last Raw Before The Post-Wrestlemania Raw Pre-Show! 23/3/15

Johnny Scumm

InZayn In The Membrane
That's right, it's the last episode of Monday Night before Sunday's epic pre-show to the post-Wrestlemania Monday Night Raw.

This week;

- Lesnar & Reigns come face to face in the ring, will they finally bust up & get physical or will we have to wait til Sunday?
- Ambrose, Barrett, Stardust, R-Truth, Harper, Bryan & Ziggler may or may not get involved as their IC Title Ladder Match looms ever closer. Is it a Money In The Bank replacement? Course it is.
- Will we see Undertaker? Will we see Sting? Are we that lucky?
- OR, will we get lengthy Bray Wyatt & Triple H promos to supplement them instead?

All that & more, tonight!
It doesn't feel like WrestleMania is this Sunday. Hopefully that will change tonight.

Also, this x 1000.

It's been pretty laid back, as good as some of the promo work has been leading up to it. Some big, well made video packages, along with some great promos & matches worth watching could get me very interested.
This is random, but I'm still annoyed/bewildered that the Wrestlemania logo has that weird play button instead of a number. I really don't get what that's supposed to mean. Why not just do both? Put number below and the play button below that - Boom, everyone's happy. Or have the 31 inside the button and have it and the play symbol alternate in the scrolling the sign does.

That play button is clearly the root of all the problems with this year's Wrestlemania. Had they just put a simple 31 there, Bryan would be facing Brock, Orton would have hit Rollins with his car and nuked the state of Iowa the week he came back, Sting would have strapped Stephanie to one of his old harnesses and repelled her into orbit, and Andre the Giant would've returned from the dead to win his own battle royal, ascending to heaven with the trophy while telling the company to "Quit doin' this shit". Roman Reigns would also be a really interesting dude.

But noooo, they had to mess with tradition and now they've created this weird bizarro reality where people are more upset or apathetic about WRESTLEMANIA than genuinely excited, despite it being this Sunday. And it's all because of that god damn play button.
For Sky Sports, where they're currently showing a "From The Vault", Kofi Kingston vs Ziggler in a 2/3 Falls US Title Match is an obvious classic.

The play button is there as a symbol of this years location. Next year will be t g e same with a star for Dallas. Vince no longer likes the Roman numbering. He believes it makes the event dated.
I hope when Sting speaks in the mic, all that comes out is that weird voice from that promo a couple weeks back.

This isn't a scene that needs commentary. It's freaking STING opening Raw. We don't need a history lesson.
Sting is in the house. Will he join the nWo or stay loyal to WCW? Tony, Heenan and Mango are on the edge of their seats.

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