It's Official The REAL Sting Returns on 1.3.13!


Mid-Card Championship Winner
this was on Impact Wrestling earlier tonight.


A reckoning is at hand, their road will be paved in their own blood.

what does this mean?

1.3.13 is the date for Genesis. I'm guessing this is relevant to Genesis.

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My guess is its the culmination of Aces and 8's. Maybe the mastermind will be revealed at least as they like to kick off the new Year with a Bang
1.3.13 is the date for Genesis. I'm guessing this is relevant to Genesis.

No it ain't. Genesis is on the 13th. This may very well be the debut of someone. The return of Abyss maybe. Crimson, it did say blood. Point is this is standard fare to hype major debuts. Not everyone is going to make big strides by going through Gut Check after all.
Actually 1.3.13 is an Impact Event and not a PPV. I just hope its not another re-package of Abyss. Imagine if EB and TNA has kept a new signing quiet. El Generico beats Steen for the WHT and Steen debuts with TNA. Thats my wish but I am sure some clues after FR will lead to this promo
damn. I was focusing on the 13, as 13 was the day, January 13th. doh. 13 is 2013 the year.
1.3.13 is January 3rd, 2013. Impact.

I wonder if this is Aces/Eights, or Sting, or Abyss.
It's already been said but I agree with it being Abyss.
I see some sort of transition between Joseph Park and Abyss happening from here to there.
Park is trying to get Hogan to let him wrestle and Hogan (as heard tonight) is trying to make him go through OVW and train.
I also agree with the hope that it isn't him.
With the orangeish colors and the number 13 I immediately thought of Taz but that obviously doesn't make much sense. It could be Abyss but it doesn't make much sense to me that they would hype a return of a character that's still kinda on tv. I could see JP going through some kind of big transformation. Like he does when he sees his own blood, but bigger.

I honestly think it's the debut of somebody new or returning. I just can't really think of anyone who is a big enough deal to get his own vignette other that Jarrett.

I guess sting's been off tv for a while too...

I'm really just thinking out loud
To me, this absolutely screams Abyss, or something completely out of left field we're simply not expecting (like when Judas Messias debuted in TNA years back). The road to hell? Since when has Sting ever been a "road to hell" kinda guy? I get him wanting revenge (day of reckoning), but I just get the sense that Abyss is on his way back to TNA in some fashion.
To me, this absolutely screams Abyss, or something completely out of left field we're simply not expecting (like when Judas Messias debuted in TNA years back). The road to hell? Since when has Sting ever been a "road to hell" kinda guy? I get him wanting revenge (day of reckoning), but I just get the sense that Abyss is on his way back to TNA in some fashion.

It made me think of Sting's original promos for his Crow gimmick. Not exactly the same but the "insane Icon" joker persona is pretty long in tooth. It could be a darker sting character. Think of Jericho's last set of return vignettes. Super dark and creepy, not what you would really expect from Y2J at all.

I know it's a farfetched guess but i'm thinking it's not impossible. If I were to put money on it I would bet it was someone completely new though.
It's the date that Jake the Snake is scheduled to reach his goal weight from working out with DDP.

No seriously

John Morrison comes down to the ring seemingly to help the faces in a tag match, but hits his finisher on the face in the ring after the heels leave the ring. Then cuts a promo about how he made that organization rich up north and he's the leader of Aces & 8's.

Or (please god) same scenario except with Petey Williams, or pre-face paint and knife Samoa Joe!

Ok really seriously

How about Cody Hall!

No but really, it would be great if it could be a former or current MMA fighter, and do it the right way and have him remain relevant instead of burying him in his first match.
If the rumors of TNA/AAA working together are true I wouldn't be surprised if it were Ricky Banderas/Judas Mesias. It's his style of vignette and all.

Really hope its neither Abyss or Crimson. Abyss simply because I much prefer Joseph Park and despite the fact both could feature on television, I'd prefer it only one did. And Crimson because as I've stated as the topic of a previous thread, I think hes absolute garbage.
It's probably Sting or Abyss, but it could be King Mo. They made such a big deal about Mo and there was so much hype about him, so much PR he did for both Impact and Bellator. He has name value and has been underutilized. He's finally healthy and training, and learning how to be a sports entertainer. He could be coming in to dispose of Aces and Eights...
Wish it is alex shelley in the form of suicide since suicide just disappeared out of nowhere and as far as i know wwe do not let signed talents go to other promotions and alex shelley has to much damn extra time why not spend it on tna
To me this very obviously screams the return of Sting. I'm so beyong fully convinced that this vignette was for Sting that I can't even bring myself to realistically entertain any other options. If it is in fact for someone other than "the Icon", I will be one person who TNA has actually managed to surprise this time around.

I'm expecting a rebirth of a Crow-Sting-esque character, only with the red facepaint. A silent lurking Sting, coming back to seek revenge against the Aces and Eights much like he returned to attempt to vanquish the NWO. I don't expect any promo's from Sting, only violence.

The smart money is on the Lethal Lockdown match for 2013's Lockdown being a Sting-led team facing Aces and Eights. With TNA attempting to make Lockdown its biggest PPV gate yet, I don't expect them to take too long setting the wheels into motion.
Surprised this hasn't been said yet. There's a certain somebody who's been missing from TNA and Impact Wrestling for a very long time.


It's not an add for Genesis. I don't think it's an ad for Abyss. It's just my opinion that TNA will continue the Joseph Park thing, showing him training in OVW through Lockdown, having him team with Sting in the impending Lethal Lockdown match. Whether or not they reveal him as Abyss at, or leading up to that time, I have no idea. I personally don't care; I like the Park character, but I would also like to see Abyss come back. Either way it works for me.

I also don't think it's Sting. They'll probably hold off on him until the build-up to Lockdown as well. In fact if he became like TNA's version of the Undertaker, taking most of the year off to heal up, and then putting on one or two matches per year, I'd be perfectly fine with this. He's a good draw if not used every week.

Crimson makes the most sense to me. He's been down training in OVW as well, and he'd be a good guy to show up and make an impact on the first episode of TNA in 2013. Have him kick James Storm's face off for ending his undefeated streak, and set up a match between the two at Genesis.

The other options are:
1) A big reveal for Aces & Eights

2) King Mo finally does something with TNA other than be a worthless enforcer

3) Somebody brand new (or an old face) makes their unexpected news

It's probably not going to be an Aces & Eights thing. For one, just like Abyss and Sting they'll want to stretch that shit out until Lockdown. For two, they've been keen on keeping themselves secret for quite some time; it's not in their style to have a video package and reveal themselves in grand fashion. The league of shadows works in secret, after all... And for the same reason, it's not going to be Eric Bischoff or Jeff Jarrett, who I am still convinced is behind all the Aces & Eights junk to begin with.

It's probably NOT going to be King Mo. The package doesn't fit his M.O. at all, and yes, that pun was VERY much intended.

So if it's not Crimson, we'll probably see the debut of a brand new character, or a returning face we haven't seen for quite some time. I'm sure rumors will spin in the next few weeks; info might even leak and we'll know exactly who it is. My money is still on Crimson, but if I had to take another shot in the dark, I'd probably go with somebody like Matt Hardy. He's done his time away from TNA, and seems to have gotten his life in order (again). The promo kind of fits something he'd do on YouTube. I think we'd have heard something if John Morrison was talking with TNA. Could be Awesome Kong's return, but again...I think we would have heard something. And why not go back to WWE, who has said the door is always open for her?

In conclusion, my picks in order from most likely, to least likely are:

Matt Hardy
Some guy from OVW
Some guy from AAA
1004 other people
Chris Jericho
Surprised this hasn't been said yet. There's a certain somebody who's been missing from TNA and Impact Wrestling for a very long time.


Really hope its neither Abyss or Crimson. Abyss simply because I much prefer Joseph Park and despite the fact both could feature on television, I'd prefer it only one did. And Crimson because as I've stated as the topic of a previous thread, I think hes absolute garbage.

I'm not the only one to mention him either.

The longer Crimson stays off my television the better. I'm more than willing to give him another chance to sway my opinion on him but I've very little faith. His OVW work has supposedly been pretty much the same to his main roster work sans mentioning the "streak" every ten seconds. At the least he'll have hopefully improved his God awful microphone ability.
Well I really think this is going to be Aces and Eights. by the time 1. 3. 13 comes around I think your see all of the members of Aces and Eights unmasked, except for the lead and the VP and in my opinion 1. 3. 13 marks the date on which the leader of Aces and Eights will show up on impact and declair his intensions. this will lead to the A&E vp getting a shot at the world title at Genesis, where I expect he will win the championship and unmask.
I can't help but wonder if the folks at TNA have any idea themselves what this video clip means. They have been known in the past to embark upon some storyline or angle, wih all of the associated hype, without fully thinking it through, and when things fall through or no direction becomes clear, they don't always have a contingency plan. They have a history of building expectations, but being unable to deliver upon them. I have always maintained that this was what happened at Bound For Glory 2010. They either had no idea what they were going to do with the whole "they" thing and they never figured it out first or last, or they had a plan which fell apart and they were unable to come up with a plan B which didn't suck. And the end result was a colossal disappointment.

I'm sure the date refers to an episode of Impact, and it involves something to do with Aces and Eights. Beyond this, I wouldn't spend a lot of time speculating or predicting what it all means or where it is all heading. All this does is raise fans' expectations to unrealistic levels, making the fall that much worse. Especially when the higher ups at TNA probably don't even know themselves what is about to occur.

Aces and Eights. A Hogan. And beyond that, a crap shoot which has yet to be determined or properly thought out. That's my guess.
Well I really think this is going to be Aces and Eights. by the time 1. 3. 13 comes around I think your see all of the members of Aces and Eights unmasked, except for the lead and the VP and in my opinion 1. 3. 13 marks the date on which the leader of Aces and Eights will show up on impact and declair his intensions. this will lead to the A&E vp getting a shot at the world title at Genesis, where I expect he will win the championship and unmask.

Here is where I see this being difficult to swallow as the pay-off...

Obviously A&8's will be in the Lethal Lockdown match at Lockdown, as the match is generally a chance for a heel stable to get taken out by a group of babyfaces. I can't imagine that TNA would want to build Lockdown around a A&8's lethal lockdown match as well as a world title match featuring the leader of that faction. That is simply putting too many eggs in the A&8's basket leading into a very important PPV.

Also- with no PPV scheduled between Genesis and Lockdown, the VP of A&8s taking the belt at Genesis gives him no chance to drop it, unless that happens just randomly on an episode of Impact, which would also serve to take away time that could be used to be building the actual match that will headline for Lockdown for the belt(likely Aries/Hardy again if TNA believes Hardy will re-sign). Since they reportedly scheduled things in the manner that they did for the express purpose of giving themselves the added time to properly build the key matches at that event, I don't forsee them sacrificing some of that time by having an A&8's member(no matter who that may be) embark on a short lameduck title run.
1.3.13 isn't that far away. in fact it looks like that will be the next time Impact is live. dates has Impact being taped this Monday and Tuesday, because of the holidays. the next date for action is December 29th, which is a Saturday, and I'm assuming a house show. I'm assuming the tapings on Monday/Tuesday will cover the next 3 weeks worth of Impact.
the next time Impact is live will be the 1.3.13, less than a month away.

I don't think it's Crimson. despite the streak he had, he was never really that much of an impact wrestler. even the streak had many matches where he was not domination the way you would think with such a streak.

I'm thinking Sting. he will want to come back and seek revenge on Aces/Eights. he should return without the messed up joker face paint and something more serious.
Im pretty lost with this one. The promo seems fairly uncertain as to what it is meant to be. Id question if IW even know what it is yet.

It wont be Sting because the "road to hell" just isnt his thing. Crimson doesnt really stand at a level in the company where he would get a promo like this. Part of me would like to say Jarrett but I cant work out why he would want revenge.

Someone mentioned Judas Mesias before. This could be a possibility but again why?!

Another thought would be that TNA are bringing in yet another stable. 13 being Tazz's number. The video is mostly oranges, blacks and whites. It could be something along the lines of a Nation of Violence. This could also be another reason as to why TNA have started introducing other commentators behind the desk as well.

I would love to see a return but I cant think of anyone who would have a blood fued or a huge rivalry going right back into the company.

Id love to see The Sinister Minster James Mitchell one more time.

Other thoughts (dare I say them) - The Wildcat Chris Harris, Ravens Flock, Cold Blooded Matt Hardy, Vampiro, Black Reign, MCMG
I was just thinking Matt Hardy now, I feel like thats the kind of thing TNA would hype up for me to just be disappointed by.
When I saw this promo five possible ideas came to mind. Sting, Abyss, Crimson, AAA, or Bellator.

Sting is known for his return videos in TNA. So it wouldn't surprise me if they do it again.

Abyss has been gone for away now. You would think it would be time for his return sooner or later.

They talked about blood. Which is also red. Which made me think of Crimson.

The rumor is TNA wants AAA involved with Lockdown somehow. So it could be them.

Bellator is allowed on Spike TV this January. A week after 1.3.13 is their debut show I believe.
At his HOF-induction, Sting said that it was his last year with TNA, which is fair, because he's older than Taker and does more appearances. That's why I think it won't be Sting.
A Sting return is TOO typical and predictable, it's happened WAAAY too many times. It's probably Abyss return as he has been off for a year and he has that gimmick that fits him in with the A's & 8's drama.

The promo is nothing like what Crimson would say. He's the OVW world champ anyway. He's got that to focus on.

It COULD be an Aces and Eights reveal but I'm sure they would announce that as people are waiting for the reveal and the video would involve a lot more of the biker culture as that's their theme. The 3.1.13 (I'm from the UK) video package vocab and theme is nothing like them. "Blood" and "violence" is nothing like what we have seen from them, again; this has Abyss written all over them.

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