It's no longer a rumour!

The Rob

Telling me I'm invincible..
Yes, it's finally been made official. Toy Story 3 is being made as we speak and will be released on June 18th 2010... I may have to start camping outside the cinema to make sure I see it on release day lol. It dosen't matter how good or bad it is, it's going to be one of the highest antisipated films of next year. By the time it'll be released, it would of been 10 years since Toy Story 2! Madness!

Heres the trailer:
I don't think it's been a rumour for a while now. Actually, I don't think it's been a rumour since the film was announced about 18 months ago.

Anyway, should be brilliant. But that doesn't stop it from being pointless. Has to be better than Cars, won't be as good as Toy Story 2, will likely be somewhere in the middle next to A Bug's Life.
I think I might be one of the only individuals to not have a built up excitement level for this movie. Mainly because the first one was the debut of Buzz Light year, the second was all about Woody becoming worthless and a collector's item.

At the end of the second one, they get a Puppy. So unless this one is about the Puppy chewing a new ass through all of the toys, and turning a sweet little Disney/pixar creation into a nightmarish horror film.. I truly fail to see what they could do, to top either of the first two.

I liked the films thus far. I felt the cast was pretty standard and good all-around as well. But I'm all for stories that mean something. And this film just screams "Cash cow, let's continue milking it." In other words.. they know it'll make a fortune, millions upon millions.. but they also know they truly don't have to put any type of story with it, because it'll still sell millions upon millions. Which sucks.
I think I might be one of the only individuals to not have a built up excitement level for this movie. Mainly because the first one was the debut of Buzz Light year, the second was all about Woody becoming worthless and a collector's item.

At the end of the second one, they get a Puppy. So unless this one is about the Puppy chewing a new ass through all of the toys, and turning a sweet little Disney/pixar creation into a nightmarish horror film.. I truly fail to see what they could do, to top either of the first two.

I liked the films thus far. I felt the cast was pretty standard and good all-around as well. But I'm all for stories that mean something. And this film just screams "Cash cow, let's continue milking it." In other words.. they know it'll make a fortune, millions upon millions.. but they also know they truly don't have to put any type of story with it, because it'll still sell millions upon millions. Which sucks.
No, Will, you're not the only one not anticipating it. I for one feel like it might take attention away from a film that I've been waiting on for most of my life. Next year marks the release of ThunderCats!

But on topic, I don't understand how they can milk it anymore. Most of us that saw the first couple are adults now, so some people will go see it for nostalgia. Outside of that, have very many young children seen Toy Story? Also, I don't think they'd be able to develope too many new characters, this long after the original two.

Don't get me wrong, I enjoy the first two films, and this one could suprise me (who am I kidding? I'll go see it), I'm nearly concerned it won't be as good as we hope.

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