It's Heavily Implied That Abyss Rapes Chelsea

Uncle Sam

Rear Naked Bloke
I mean, I'm not reading too much into this. I'm barely inferring anything. Taz and Tenay told us to "use our imagination" as Abyss carried her away against her will, encouraging us to think of "a grizzly bear mauling a rabbit". Now, if he's not going to fuck her, he's going to brutally torture her. I don't know what else I'm meant to draw from that. We're meant to boo the man trying in vain to save her from such a horrible fate and cheer the demented ****** that's apparently legally entitled to her pussy for the next however many days.

That's it. That's the topic. Discuss.
Sting's been saying it all along. The blood's on Hogan's hands. The fact is that the company had a few okay months before he showed up. Sex slaves are just another part of the change that Hogan has brought. While some people (mostly Sam) recognize that this is a bad thing, the sex-deprived wankers in the iMPACT! Zone likely see Abyss as a sort of Robin Hood: Taking from the decent looking men and giving it to Chelsea. For those fans, it's something to aspire to. So there's no doubt in my mind that they'll continue to boo righteous men like Sting and Wolfe who stand firmly against this. Expect Sting to enter the storyline soon, leading to a RVD/Abyss vs. Sting/Wolfe on PPV in a "man who gets the fall gets a briefcase full of pussy" match.
While I highly doubt TNA would have Abyss rape Chelsea, I can see why someone might think it would happen. Ever since his storyline relationship with Lauren, Abyss hasn't had a woman, and why would he? Seriously, besides Daffney, who in their right mind would willingly want to be with Abyss? He's a creepy giant, and he's also not the most charming guy to be around. This is kind of odd because The Monster is supposed to be Hogan's pupil, and you could say he's the #2 face in the entire company. Acquiring a woman's services against her will isn't something a face usually does.

Anyway, I've given up on Abyss at this point. His character has been ruined for the past two years.
I think this is going to lead to Abyss' heel turn. He wins the ring, he wins Chelsea, he's Hogan's best's only a matter of time before success runs to his head. Once that happens, you feel more like you can do anything, so why bother doing what Hogan tells him to? I think an Abyss heel turn after potentially raping Chelsea will just have him run Abyssamania on TNA and if it's done right, he can be a very solid heel TNA champ. I think he'll "go to far" with Chelsea, and Hogan will have a sit down, and instead of being scared, insecure Abyss, he's gonna tell Hogan to shove it. Would be awesome.
Wow another cant beleive TNA did this topic....How original. Let me just bring up two stories involving the same guy that were much worse

Kane/Lita pregancy

Katie Vick
I like the implication that Abyss is similar to Kane. You'll do well here.

But seriously, so outraged am I by this angle that I created what one could label a diagram - were one so inclined:


I think that pretty adequately sums up the disgust each and every one of you should be feeling at this angle, particularly when even the announcers invite us to imagine, in gruesome detail, the non-consensual love-making between these two mismatched individuals.

Seriously TNA, what the fuck?
I like the implication that Abyss is similar to Kane. You'll do well here.

But seriously, so outraged am I by this angle that I created what one could label a diagram - were one so inclined:


I think that pretty adequately sums up the disgust each and every one of you should be feeling at this angle, particularly when even the announcers invite us to imagine, in gruesome detail, the non-consensual love-making between these two mismatched individuals.

Seriously TNA, what the fuck?

Dont think you get my point. Im saying its been done worse. Kane isnt the only one. Edge/Lita/Matt storyline with edge comming out on top could be taken as showing that what edge did was the way to go about it. I think you need to calm it down. Its something that wrestling has been about for awhile. They did stuff ether similar or worse in WCW and in WWE/WWF. I wasnt comparing Kane to Abyss,I was stating that this "OMG why would TNA do this?" is over reacting very much. Also the only reason it was even hinted at is because Taz making that grizzly bear statement which I have a feeling wasnt something Hogan told him to do. Taz has a history of making some pretty bad jokes. Other wise they are not implying that at all. The whole management services rivalary thing has been around for along time. Test/Steiner for Stacy was the one that comes to mind first. Its a simple storyline that is used to tease someone turning face/heel.
They're doing a "Beauty and The Beast" Storyline. Over the next month they will imply that Abyss and Chelsea will grow closer to one another and eventually Chelsea will fall for the Big monster.

But then when the month is over, she will chose desmond over Abyss and break his heart after she turns on him. This will unleash a heartbroken monster out for blood and this is when we will see the abyss Heel turn.
Dont think you get my point. Im saying its been done worse. Kane isnt the only one. Edge/Lita/Matt storyline with edge comming out on top could be taken as showing that what edge did was the way to go about it. I think you need to calm it down. Its something that wrestling has been about for awhile. They did stuff ether similar or worse in WCW and in WWE/WWF. I wasnt comparing Kane to Abyss,I was stating that this "OMG why would TNA do this?" is over reacting very much. Also the only reason it was even hinted at is because Taz making that grizzly bear statement which I have a feeling wasnt something Hogan told him to do. Taz has a history of making some pretty bad jokes. Other wise they are not implying that at all. The whole management services rivalary thing has been around for along time. Test/Steiner for Stacy was the one that comes to mind first. Its a simple storyline that is used to tease someone turning face/heel.

And I don't think you get his point. In those examples Kane and Edge were the heels. In this one Abyss is the face.
Don't know i this has been touched on but this Abyss-Wolfe storyline is a crappy rehash of the Goldust-Pillman angle with Terri in 1997.
Not to exaggerate but this is officially TNA's Katie Vick in my mind. I mean nobody's gotten into a coffin and dry-humped a corpse yet, but honestly, it's on that level for me. Owning a woman for 30 days? Seriously? In 2010?

As has already been said this is definitely NOT face behaviour. Heels do it, and they make the women do demeaning things in front of the audience, and we make little jokes about how far the ownership extends, but those are just us being silly, the ownership is what we're shown on tv, and then a valiant face liberates them. Abyss is not doing anything with her in front of the audience, he's taking her home with him, laughing like a demented monster the entire way. Why the hell does he want her if not to do the monster mash all night? He's shown no signs he likes her, so romanticists out there can't even infer that from it... unless I missed his reasoning for wanting her.

How the hell can you reason that the guy trying to save a woman from the unwilling captivity of a massive scary man is the BAD GUY?! Have they stated on-screen whether or not Desmond and Chelsea are supposed to be an item or if she's just his valet/associate? I can't really decide which they're meant to be. If it's the former then seriously TNA, how do you book this? Man tries to save girlfriend from monster is perhaps the oldest face vs heel story of all time, look at the Mario Bros. ffs! And yet Desmond's the heel?

I'm not a WWE fanboy, I'm not a TNA hater, I defended every single move Hogan & Bischoff made when they arrived for about 2 months. I have posted short essays on how we should wait and see what happens before we cave the roof in on them. I defended the Nasty Boys... but I can't defend this. This is terrible writing and terrible execution. It's terrible business sense, and it makes me feel genuinely afraid that nobody in the big scary room that makes the decisions in TNA has raised their hand and asked what the hell they're smoking. Less scary, more worrying is the idea that someone has said this but they've been ignored.

TNA needs to get a grip, because this angle smells an awful lot like a calling card for a cataclysmic downfall. They can easily let the 30 days expire, never breath a word about what happened, and pretend it never happened and maybe they can take steps back in the right direction... but I fear it's not going to get any better.
And I don't think you get his point. In those examples Kane and Edge were the heels. In this one Abyss is the face.

Edge was a heel yes, and so was Kane... however, Kane eventually turned around to be the face of the team, and in fact Snitsky became the heel followed by Edge.
Ether you guys have not watched at all or you got some weird sight problems....Abyss has taken her home and laughed like a monster? Really? Because from what I have watched,He has stood up for her against Wolfe and taken quite amounts of pain. He has not acted like a perverse monster just waiting to have his way. He has acted as the face this whole time. Yes he has asked that the 30 days have been inforced but he hasnt acted like this psycho that wants to do stuff with her. Infact the only thing even involving that mindset was Taz's joke he made. Everything else points to this just being another storyline manager war. Also the whole Hes face so this doesnt work is extremely biased and one sided. So if it was a heel and they made the refernce there wouldnt be a problem but since hes a face OOOOOOO NOOOOOOOO! Really? Come on if your gonna look at something like this,at least look at it from both sides. This is not something to get overly worked up about like some of you have. Its happened before in wrestling and will happen again. The only way once again this was that kind of reference is because someone took Taz's comment wayyyyy to seriously and acted as if it was the pivitol statement in the storyline.
Not to exaggerate but this is officially TNA's Katie Vick in my mind. I mean nobody's gotten into a coffin and dry-humped a corpse yet, but honestly, it's on that level for me. Owning a woman for 30 days? Seriously? In 2010?

As has already been said this is definitely NOT face behaviour. Heels do it, and they make the women do demeaning things in front of the audience, and we make little jokes about how far the ownership extends, but those are just us being silly, the ownership is what we're shown on tv, and then a valiant face liberates them. Abyss is not doing anything with her in front of the audience, he's taking her home with him, laughing like a demented monster the entire way. Why the hell does he want her if not to do the monster mash all night? He's shown no signs he likes her, so romanticists out there can't even infer that from it... unless I missed his reasoning for wanting her.

How the hell can you reason that the guy trying to save a woman from the unwilling captivity of a massive scary man is the BAD GUY?! Have they stated on-screen whether or not Desmond and Chelsea are supposed to be an item or if she's just his valet/associate? I can't really decide which they're meant to be. If it's the former then seriously TNA, how do you book this? Man tries to save girlfriend from monster is perhaps the oldest face vs heel story of all time, look at the Mario Bros. ffs! And yet Desmond's the heel?

I'm not a WWE fanboy, I'm not a TNA hater, I defended every single move Hogan & Bischoff made when they arrived for about 2 months. I have posted short essays on how we should wait and see what happens before we cave the roof in on them. I defended the Nasty Boys... but I can't defend this. This is terrible writing and terrible execution. It's terrible business sense, and it makes me feel genuinely afraid that nobody in the big scary room that makes the decisions in TNA has raised their hand and asked what the hell they're smoking. Less scary, more worrying is the idea that someone has said this but they've been ignored.

TNA needs to get a grip, because this angle smells an awful lot like a calling card for a cataclysmic downfall. They can easily let the 30 days expire, never breath a word about what happened, and pretend it never happened and maybe they can take steps back in the right direction... but I fear it's not going to get any better.

I completely agree with what you have posted on this. The heel is supposed to be the one that owns the girl for 30 days, not the face... and especially when the face is a freakish monster.

Someone mentioned that this would be Beauty and the Beast or the TNAs version of Kane/Lita. Are you serious? Face facts, there is no such thing as beauty and the beast. Girls dont go for hideous monsters. And NO girl goes for a guy that 1. is a monster and 2. is being depicted as pretty much a rapist. This is honestly the most piss poor booking. I have to think Hogan and Bischoff were really high when they came up with this crap.

Going back to Kane/Lita, was it a good storyline? No, it was not. It was stupid and poor use of both talents. Kane never needs to be involved in a romance angle in his career. He is the Undertaker's brother. Abyss is another wrestler that NEVER needed to be involved in a romance angle. Especially when Greenlight 13 put it perfectly... he hasnt shown any interest except sleeping with her. POOR BOOKING and ultimately a complete FAIL by TNA.
Okay, I debated for a while before deciding to weigh in here. First of all, I applaud JDavis328 for actually paying attention to what's happening as opposed to the obviously misleading comments given by the TNA commentators. It seems to me that one comment is the only thing that paints Abyss "ownership" of Chelsea in a sexual way. From what I've seen, all that pertains to is services as a valet and nothing more. If one is paying attention, one will realize that we are currently dealing with the dumb and awkward version of Abyss who is more concerned with the wellbeing of Chelsea than taking advantage of his supposed "rights".

It's my opinion that many people secretly want this storyline to be all about rape and sexual slavery due to some strange fantasies of their own and because they want to be outraged at the TNA product. Latching on to one comment to create an entire subtext that very likely doesn't exist feeds that need.

Anyways, my view is that people should actually pay attention to what is being done rather than what snide comment that the announce team is making. Remember that they have their own agenda in each story as well.
Okay, I debated for a while before deciding to weigh in here. First of all, I applaud JDavis328 for actually paying attention to what's happening as opposed to the obviously misleading comments given by the TNA commentators. It seems to me that one comment is the only thing that paints Abyss "ownership" of Chelsea in a sexual way. From what I've seen, all that pertains to is services as a valet and nothing more. If one is paying attention, one will realize that we are currently dealing with the dumb and awkward version of Abyss who is more concerned with the wellbeing of Chelsea than taking advantage of his supposed "rights".

It's my opinion that many people secretly want this storyline to be all about rape and sexual slavery due to some strange fantasies of their own and because they want to be outraged at the TNA product. Latching on to one comment to create an entire subtext that very likely doesn't exist feeds that need.

Anyways, my view is that people should actually pay attention to what is being done rather than what snide comment that the announce team is making. Remember that they have their own agenda in each story as well.

Omg thank you lol. Exactly what needed to be said and what I have been trying to get across the whole time
The storyline is similar to when Dusty Rhodes won the "services" of Baby Doll from Tully Blanchard in 1985.

But that's besides the point...what I'd like to see is a stable led by Flair that includes AJ, Wolfe, and Beer Money (a TNA Horsemen stable, if ya weel).
Really? Is this what it's coming to? Bad commentary plus a been done to death storyline all of a sudden TNA is using a rape angle? Really? Abyss carried her over his shoulder when he won her, carried her when she got knocked down which was after she walked with him to the ring. Top that off with comparing it to one of the most godawful angles the WWE ever produced.
Let me run down a little list here.
ECW: Beulah gets the 3D by the Dudleys. Francine gets the Superbomb by the Pit Bulls and gets Total Elimination from the Eliminators (and I'm leaving out times where a woman was either given a piledriver or hit with singapore cane shots)

WWE: Women by a male wrestler's finishing move or put in their submission hold, Hornswoggle chasing Melina who is only wearing a towel.

But you don't have somebody calling that statutory rape or sexual assault, do you? No. Because it's part of the show for better or worse.

It's pro wrestling, it's not a smut film.
No,Abyss is not raping Chelsea.There is nothing sexual about this storyline other than that stupid joke they made on the commentary.

Still,I can't help but root for Desmond Wolfe here.I mean come on,look at how Desmond tried to calm her down,and instead of just yelling and screaming,he calmly says "you're my girl".Whereas Abyss just stands over her not in the "I'm going to rape you" way,but in the "I'm going to eat you for dinner" way,like he's smelling a fresh piece of meat.
I don't really have a problem with this angle outside of the fact that it includes Abyss. Rape is obviously a very serious subject, but I think we're all ignoring the larger issue here, which is the question as to how Abyss still has a job. Irresponsible booking is a staple of TNA, and I find it really offensive that Abyss is a "top guy." Sorry, I just laughed and threw up at the same time. It's a shame that they are wasting Desmond Wolfe in a feud with Abyss. I'm not a real big TNA fan, and I'm not one of those guys that hates everything they do either, but Abyss is horrible. One of TNA's biggest problems is when they mess up, they mess up big. Hence, you have a guy that's not good in ring or on the stick (Abyss) involved in an agle that doesn't make sense. A real face would win Chelsea for 30 days, come out the next night with her and say "I wanted to hurt Desmond, my problem is not with you. I didn't win your services for myself, I won the right to give you freedom from Wolfe. Go back to him if you want, but your life is yours now, so do with it what you wish." But that would kinda make sense, so that's probably why they're not doing that.
I've been a TNA fan for a while now. I was excited about Bischoff, not so much Hogan or Flair. I agree with a lot on here, this is a dead story line. But its not really worth this much attention. The Kane, Lita, Edge and Snitsky one was way worse. The "killed" a baby, seriously that one was dumb. Also the HHH/Stephanie story line. HHH kidnapped her and forced her into marriage while she was drugged.
Abyss has no sexual organs, making rape and any sexual desires he may have, non-existent.

How in any facet of the imagination can anyone be stupid enough to think this is a good angle, in anyway, makes me weep for humanity. A disgusting looking beast raping a young women while the man she likes uses any means necessary to get revenge, sounds like every revenge film ever. But reversed, because TNA thinks it's fucking hip and revolutionary when it's just shit.
exactly this story line has been done to death they have used it so many times like
goldust vs pilman for terri
matt vs edge for lita
test vs stiener for stacy
kane and edge
omg tna stop trying to be wwe
I'm going to say no... this topic is wrong.

If anything I think they are trying to develop a love interest/triangle between Abyss, Desmond Wolfe, and Chelsea. If you notice when Wolfe was going after Abyss with the broken glass Chelsea was the one who stopped it seeing it had gone "too far". Also if you notice the commentary they point out that "Desmond Wolfe left in a hurry" and "must not care about Chelsea". Plus Chelsea was unconscious so it wasn't necessarily against her will (what else is he going to do leave her there?).

If you want to bring up rehashed storylines check this out.

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