"It's Beautiful"

Spidey Revivey

Porn is okay here long as it ain't dudes.
A Coca Cola commercial made it's rounds during the Super Bowl and all over the internet recently and it has gained quite a reputation. If you missed the ad, then here is the video:


A general summary: It's a video that has "America, The Beautiful" playing in the background, but instead of the common English translation, Coca Cola made the song multi-lingual. Quite a few people took to the web shortly after to criticize the company's decision to make the commercial; some have went so far as to "boycott" Coke products.

Now I'm not quite understanding what the big deal is with this video. If someone can point out to me where there's an "outrage", then please do so, because from what I gather, it's a commercial promoting diversity and diversity is what makes America (no pun intended) beautiful. So I ask you guys to fill me in-

What is so bad about this video?

And of course since this will clearly hit the language hot button:

Should English be the only language Americans speak? If so, what reason could you give for your answer?
You'd think a country founded by immigrants and build on the culture of other countries would know better by now. I guess not. What's the issue with the US anthem being sung in a different language? I would consider it an honor that people would go through that trouble in the first place. Coca-Cola or not, someone out there went through the trouble of translating my national anthem for other countries to hear and understand. What a crime.

The commercial itself is pretty damn awesome.
I think the people who are mad are taking things the wrong way & have no real reason to be mad. I like the video. I get the reasoning behind it & think it was well done.

This country would not be a country if not for others of varied national backgrounds. Most of the people angry with this are likely middle to upper class white people. The same people who are incapable of tending to their own lawns, bagging their own groceries or working anywhere other than a cozy air conditioned office. Either that or they are dumb racist rednecks who think 'Murica is all about beer & tits.

If you dont speak 2 languages at this day & age, then you are behind the times regardless of where you live. I dont expect everyone to be fluent, but at the very least attempts should be made- especially Spanish as a second language if you live in the US. Hell, most people in Europe speak 3 or more languages & I think that many Americans could use that kind of cultural & lingual diversity.

All in all- nothing wrong with that video & I doubt those people are actually boycotting the product. If so, Coke is not going to miss those people & their racist dollars.
I personally thought it was a brilliantly put together piece advert that shows how beautiful and diverse America truly is. Unfortunately there is a high level of blind ignorance when it came to the reaction about how 'America, The Beautiful' should only be sung in English when the U.S. is recognised to have no official language at the federal level.

There is nothing wrong with the video, just the ignorance of those who are uptight about who the country belongs to. The U.S. is full of many cultures, English speakers only forms a part of it based on majority, as well as the World's fifth-largest Spanish-speaking population. The problem lies with individual prejudice that blinds them to the fact that the U.S. has a secret beauty beneath what they think is how the U.S. should be. Which is what the irony is behind the advert, that America IS beautiful from how diverse it is, just don't be blind to see it.
In today's world more than ever, those of us who can see the foolishness of situations such as this must suffer the fools gladly. The information age has provided every semi-literate person with access to the internet a platform with which to display their ignorance. These people are not the majority. They are an endangered species, desperately clinging to an America that no longer exists and that most of them never knew in the first place. Outbursts such as this and the one last year over a Cheerios commercial (the follow-up to that that aired last night was adorable, by the way) are a death rattle.

My method for dealing with these worked-up idiots is the same as when I deal with worked-up idiots on here: I laugh at them and the thought of them sitting there stewing. Heck, I've even got a .gif for 'em:

Given that there are a large number of people who are in favor of closing the borders and don't like that many products now contain Spanish along with the English it's not shocking that people would bitch about it. I haven't many of the comments that people have made about it so I'm just going off an assumption here but I'm guessing people are taking it to mean that Coke was somehow implying that it's okay for immigrants to not speak English. That's only going based off about 3 comments I've seen though. That's the stance they were taking.

I feel like that is flawed thinking and that it wasn't the intent of Coke at all. I thought Coke was trying to promote unity and diversity. I see no problem with that. I didn't even give the commercial a second thought when it aired. Nor did I expect it to get such backlash.

It's kind of sad that a positive commercial that seems to promote unity can cause division like that. People are incredibly ridiculous.
I honestly don't get the controversy. Why NOT sing your loyalty to the country in your native language? America always has been a melting pot of languages from Pa Dutch, to Yiddush.
People who complain about that are inbred, ignorant racists. This is a land of many cultures, and always will be.

What's funny is that these same racists gloat over defeating the English, and driving them out of here in the 1700s. But they insist on speaking their language? Pathetic.

Personally, I have no respect for monolingual people. Their anger will only fuel multiculturalism, which is good.
I'm definitely not upset at the video, but I understand those with a large aversion to multiculturalism (something that hasn't exactly worked out great in Europe) and why they're reacting like this. I don't think any other country would allow a nationalist song to be played in a number of different languages. Imo its a cheesy and cheap tactic, which Coca-Cola knew would spark controversy.
I liked the commercial. I'm not any more or less likely to drink Coca-Cola products, but I can't say I understand any legitimate argument against the ad.
I don't think any other country would allow a nationalist song to be played in a number of different languages.
Of course not. I wonder if there's anywhere even close to America which would allow their national songs sung/played in different languages...

People who complain about that are inbred, ignorant racists. This is a land of many cultures, and always will be.

What's funny is that these same racists gloat over defeating the English, and driving them out of here in the 1700s. But they insist on speaking their language? Pathetic.

Personally, I have no respect for monolingual people. Their anger will only fuel multiculturalism, which is good.

Wow, name calling and false accusations of inbreeding. You're a special type of poster. Yeah, didn't like the commercial but it's more because I hate the song in any language.

I agree with Slyfox though, I'm not more likely to buy Coke products or less likely.
I'm definitely not upset at the video, but I understand those with a large aversion to multiculturalism (something that hasn't exactly worked out great in Europe) and why they're reacting like this. I don't think any other country would allow a nationalist song to be played in a number of different languages. Imo its a cheesy and cheap tactic, which Coca-Cola knew would spark controversy.
The difference between antimulticulturalism in Europe and here, is that the Europeans there are native to their land, so their culture was there first. They have a right to complain.

But over here, the white man came many years after this land was inhabited, and thus have no right to complain about other cultures, since they are nothing but intruders here.
The difference between antimulticulturalism in Europe and here, is that the Europeans there are native to their land, so their culture was there first. They have a right to complain.

But over here, the white man came many years after this land was inhabited, and thus have no right to complain about other cultures, since they are nothing but intruders here.
That doesn't exactly make sense, given the fact that Native Americans were also "intruders". Native Americans are just people from Southeast Asia (Mongolians, such peaceful people :rolleyes:) who crossed the Bering Strait. The fought each other for land regularly, with different civilizations scattered all around the Americas. Immigrants from England and Ireland are mainly responsible for building and maintaining the country we recognize today as the US, and had the Native Americans had the means, mode, and opportunity to do the same they would have. Its human nature. Anyway, the only way this country has been able to tackle both civil issues domestically, and foreign threats (Nazism, Terrorism) is being united in the idea that regardless of where you're from, you're an American protected under American values and freedoms. Other countries, by the way share the same belief. If you travel from the US to Spain, regardless of whether you're of Caucasian, African, or Hispanic descent, they consider you to be American. The rest of the world speaks in terms of national borders, I think its time the US does the same.
That doesn't exactly make sense, given the fact that Native Americans were also "intruders". Native Americans are just people from Southeast Asia (Mongolians, such peaceful people :rolleyes:) who crossed the Bering Strait. The fought each other for land regularly, with different civilizations scattered all around the Americas. Immigrants from England and Ireland are mainly responsible for building and maintaining the country we recognize today as the US, and had the Native Americans had the means, mode, and opportunity to do the same they would have. Its human nature. Anyway, the only way this country has been able to tackle both civil issues domestically, and foreign threats (Nazism, Terrorism) is being united in the idea that regardless of where you're from, you're an American protected under American values and freedoms. Other countries, by the way share the same belief. If you travel from the US to Spain, regardless of whether you're of Caucasian, African, or Hispanic descent, they consider you to be American. The rest of the world speaks in terms of national borders, I think its time the US does the same.
And the way to show the world we're American is to speak the language of our father country, England?

I'm not exactly sure what you're trying to say. Multiculturalism has always been a part of this country. Recognizing the fact there are people in this country who are from different cultures should not be reviled, but revered. It's the very idea of America being a place anyone can come to which has led to its prosperity. The early infrastructure in this country was built in large part because of African Americans. Our technology development is in large part due to those from other countries, because our own software development education is sorely lacking in America. Diversity has brought about the wide range of quality food options we enjoy.

Contrary to your statement, I do not believe people are right to be upset with the commercial or the message it was sending (which, by the way, the message was that everyone loves Coke, so it's okay for you to drink it as well). We need far less xenophobia in this country and far more tolerance for everyone. Ironically, it is intolerance which does more to lead to separate sub-cultures than anything else.
I'm more of a Pepsi guy myself, but I thought the commercial was downright brilliant. What made it so brilliant, to me, was it's simplicity and use of symbolism of what America is supposed to be; "The Dream" if you will. It's also brilliant because, intentional or not, the controversy has people talking.

America is supposed to be the melting pot; a place where all different philosophies, skin colors, religious beliefs and cultures are all part of forming a unique society. I know that the ideal of America doesn't always jive with reality because there's still inequality out there, whether it be based on skin color, religion, sexual orientation or plain dislike of anything foreign. It's not the America that a lot of conservatives want. For instance, Rush Limbaugh's version of America means that if you're not Caucasian, heterosexual and Christian, then you're fucked. I hope it won't always be that way, though such change almost certainly won't come along in my lifetime.

At any rate, the Coke commercial is essentially a 60 second homage to the American Dream. Remember the old Coke commercial that had people of all different races & skin colors lip synching to the song "I'd Like To Teach The World To Sing" with the lyrics reworked to "I'd like To Buy The World A Coke Today?"


It's essentially the same damn thing in terms of the message and overall concept. Most of the people who seem to have issues with it are hardcore conservatives like Limbaugh, Coulter and those who share their beliefs.
This is great news for racists and The Coca-Cola Company.

Racists get another thing to stir up their base over and Coke gets free advertising. Hell, I wouldn't put it past Coke to set up their own social media campaign anonymously saying a bunch of racist stuff against itself. It's full on Eric Bischoff time.

I know a popular opinion around here is that these companies (WWE) don't know what their doing and how it is affecting people but they've been in business for a long time and spend a lot of time and money making decisions and thinking about the effect those decisions are going to have on people and their bottom line.

I know some say that the commercial and controversy won't make them any more or less to drink/buy the product and I don't know any of you well enough personally but it's really strong advertising. Soft drinks can be an impulse buy. Most of us don't have a loyal favorite. We don't go to a grocery store or restaurant thinking about what we are going to specifically drink. Brand recognition and awareness are everything. Coke wants their product to be the first thing on your mind when you are buying a drink. It works. I like lemonade and root beer more than cola but yet for some reason it is what I ask for at a restaurant. We don't keep soft drinks in the house but will buy them for a party. I always get Coke. I don't know why but I always do. They are stuck in my brain and now they will be further stuck in my brain because of this controversy.

Thank you racists for your support of The Coca-Cola Company.
And the way to show the world we're American is to speak the language of our father country, England?
Does the origin of the language really matter? It been the dominant language of this country, and in much of the world, for many years.

I'm not exactly sure what you're trying to say. Multiculturalism has always been a part of this country. Recognizing the fact there are people in this country who are from different cultures should not be reviled, but revered. It's the very idea of America being a place anyone can come to which has led to its prosperity. The early infrastructure in this country was built in large part because of African Americans. Our technology development is in large part due to those from other countries, because our own software development education is sorely lacking in America. Diversity has brought about the wide range of quality food options we enjoy.

Contrary to your statement, I do not believe people are right to be upset with the commercial or the message it was sending (which, by the way, the message was that everyone loves Coke, so it's okay for you to drink it as well). We need far less xenophobia in this country and far more tolerance for everyone. Ironically, it is intolerance which does more to lead to separate sub-cultures than anything else.
I'm not saying multiculturalism should be reviled at all. I love studying other cultures and am aware of the contributions all sorts of people, especially African Americans have made in the US. However, I understand the fear of some who see places like Europe and its struggle with multiculturalism and understand that pro-multicultural/liberal elements are gaining traction within the US. I guess its a generational thing. Like I said, it doesn't bother me, but I get why baby boomers don't feel comfortable with 'Murica resembling New York more than Texas or Utah.
I really liked the commercial, it was put together really well and if anything painted America itself in a pretty damn good light, my opinion.

To the shock of no one this brought numerous people in an uproar because it was sung in different languages. After the whole ordeal with I think Mark Anthony singing America the Beautiful at the All Star game(because apparently a non-white born American singing about America is SO disrespectful) this should have been foreseen.

I will never understand why anyone would be outraged by something like this. You can sing O' Canada in some Congan dialect for all I care, its not offensive and actually I would kind of like to hear that now that I've mentioned it. I just don't get how that is Un American.

I agree immigrants should have to learn the language of where they are moving and all (it drives me nuts when trying to order a cheeseburger from a guy who can't speak a word of English) but that doesn't mean they have to stop celebrating their language and culture just because they are here, its possible to respect the country you live in and the country you are from at the same time. All I know is when I hear a Chinese person sing Oh Canada in Chinese (living close to Chinatown for a number of years I've heard it lots) I never think "that's disrespectful, how dare they?" I think "that's pretty damn cool they took the time to learn Oh Canada in Chinese", in a way they are respecting Canada while at the same time respecting their own country which is perfectly fine and perfectly acceptable.

To all of you that were offended by this commercial don't worry, people singing America the Beautiful in different languages doesn't mean the terrorists are winning.
Does the origin of the language really matter? It been the dominant language of this country, and in much of the world, for many years.
It shouldn't matter...which is why I don't understand why people are upset at the origins of the languages used in the commercial.

However, I understand the fear of some who see places like Europe and its struggle with multiculturalism and understand that pro-multicultural/liberal elements are gaining traction within the US. I guess its a generational thing. Like I said, it doesn't bother me, but I get why baby boomers don't feel comfortable with 'Murica resembling New York more than Texas or Utah.
A) Nearly 40% of Texas is Hispanic or have some kind of Hispanic background. Just saying.
B) The people who are "outraged" are not outraged because of anything to do with Europe. They are "outraged" because people who don't look or think like them are being treated as equals.
A) Nearly 40% of Texas is Hispanic or have some kind of Hispanic background. Just saying.
That doesn't exactly make Texas the melting pot New York is. Even with some racial diversity, there is a very specific ideology that drives things in Texas, an ideology that originates from the white people who live there.

B) The people who are "outraged" are not outraged because of anything to do with Europe. They are "outraged" because people who don't look or think like them are being treated as equals.
I'm not going to speak for bigots who always have some spare time to share their disgusting beliefs with the world, but I think there was a subset of people who understood the politically charged nature of certain commercials during the Superbowl, especially this one. Multiculturalism is a liberal belief that hasn't worked well in many parts of the world, regardless of whether or not people are racist. Its easy to see why that would piss some people off.

Anyway I don't want to play devils advocate anymore. I liked the commercial, I thought it was pretty sweet, albeit a bit cheesy and predictable (I remember the same concept being used for another commercial when I was younger).
That doesn't exactly make sense, given the fact that Native Americans were also "intruders". Native Americans are just people from Southeast Asia (Mongolians, such peaceful people :rolleyes:) who crossed the Bering Strait. The fought each other for land regularly, with different civilizations scattered all around the Americas. Immigrants from England and Ireland are mainly responsible for building and maintaining the country we recognize today as the US, and had the Native Americans had the means, mode, and opportunity to do the same they would have. Its human nature. Anyway, the only way this country has been able to tackle both civil issues domestically, and foreign threats (Nazism, Terrorism) is being united in the idea that regardless of where you're from, you're an American protected under American values and freedoms. Other countries, by the way share the same belief. If you travel from the US to Spain, regardless of whether you're of Caucasian, African, or Hispanic descent, they consider you to be American. The rest of the world speaks in terms of national borders, I think its time the US does the same.
But the natives weren't intruding on other people, they were the 1st ones here. This is their turf. They're not really intruders.

Multiculturalism does not affect these values you speak of. You can be free of tyranny in any language.

It's here to stay, and it's a possibility English won't be the #1 language here for the first time in centuries, Remember, native languages used to be #1 here, until the Spanish colonized the SE. Then Spanish was #1 till English took that spot, and now its reign may be ceded back to Spanish, like Cena taking the title back after a long drought.

And that's fine, it's a nice language, it'll get you laid more.
But the natives weren't intruding on other people, they were the 1st ones here. This is their turf. They're not really intruders.
I have huge admiration for the Native Americans, but this isn't "their terf". No one group of people controls any piece of land forever. War and conquest are a part of human nature and had the native americans been the more advanced civilization and the Europeans the backwards natives sitting on plentiful resources they would have done the same thing.

Multiculturalism does not affect these values you speak of. You can be free of tyranny in any language.
No ones saying its impossible for a multicultural region to tackle global conflicts, buts its difficult to get groups of people with a wide range of differing values to work towards a common goal. Its an issue thats tearing Europe apart right now.

It's here to stay, and it's a possibility English won't be the #1 language here for the first time in centuries, Remember, native languages used to be #1 here, until the Spanish colonized the SE. Then Spanish was #1 till English took that spot, and now its reign may be ceded back to Spanish, like Cena taking the title back after a long drought.

And that's fine, it's a nice language, it'll get you laid more.
I have no problem with spanish, I speak it quite fluently, and it wont get you laid when everyone else around you speaks it ;)

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