It's a longshot, but does anyone here do freelance videography?


Unregistered User
Or photography, but preferably videography. For the past 6 months I had an unpaid internship for a sports academy outside of Boston doing videography for them, mostly making youtube videos for advertising purposes. They offered to throw some paid work my way, and while I'm fully capable of doing this work, I don't know how much to charge them. I figure it varies on how much work they throw my way, but should I charge 100 a video? 200 a video?

Here's a few examples of the type of stuff I did for them. I apologize for the low quality, but the camera I was using was complete shit, and I have recently purchased myself a much better camera.

So like I said, I know it's a longshot, but I've been asking around everywhere for advice, so I figured I'd give this place a shot. If you have any idea how much freelance videographers charge for work like this, let me know. Thanks.
A lot of freelance video editors charge an hourly rate rather than a flat one. An average hourly rate is about $25-$30 an hour. It depends on how good you feel your work is. My friend and I were taught video editing for about 2 years at my Vocational High School so we are pretty good at it (it was our main shop/focus area). I never charged people because I just enjoy doing it and I don't do it all that frequently any more. But my friend usually charges about $200-$300 per video which is usually about a weekend or two's worth of work depending on your work or school schedule.
Phoenix does Photography, but I don't think he does videography
Well I would most likely only be able to shoot Tuesdays and weekends, but I never really shoot for more than a few hours, most of the good stuff comes through editing and post-production work.

I'm thinking maybe charging 20 bucks hourly as the train I take to get there is $50+ for a 10 trip ticket, so that way it'll cover the travel expenses. Then, after that, I guess I could charge $100 for a finished video, as I think that is pretty reasonable.
Well I would most likely only be able to shoot Tuesdays and weekends, but I never really shoot for more than a few hours, most of the good stuff comes through editing and post-production work.

I'm thinking maybe charging 20 bucks hourly as the train I take to get there is $50+ for a 10 trip ticket, so that way it'll cover the travel expenses. Then, after that, I guess I could charge $100 for a finished video, as I think that is pretty reasonable.

That actually sounds like a pretty decent deal. I'd start there and maybe slowly ask for a bit more if you continue to do work for them.

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