It's 2015, What Do YOU Want?

Johnny Scumm

InZayn In The Membrane
So, we ca all look back on 2014 in WWE & say what we would've liked to see. Maybe Daniel Bryan not getting injured, Dean Ambrose winning more main event matches, Undertaker's streak continuing...those kinds of things.
But in this thread, we need to look forward. Through 2015, titles will change hands, huge feuds will take place & things we don't care about are most likely going to happen. But, what do YOU want to see in 2015? New superstars moving up, first-times champions or just something minor? Here's a few of mine, in no particular order.

Turn Adam Rose into Adam Kruger.
We're all sick of Adam Rose by now. His "shtick" isn't funny and it's getting more bland as weeks go by. What better way to use him as to turn him back to his South African character, Leo Kruger? Yeah, call him Adam Kruger, but get that sadistic side back to him.

The Undertaker to NOT Wrestle
I've heard rumours that Undertaker may be fighting Bray Wyatt this year, but for the first time in a long time, I have no desire to see Undertaker wrestle this year at any PPV. It's starting to get to the stage where his matches aren't the spectacle they once were & without the streak, it'd be slightly meaningless. Partner him with Wyatt, who isn't a star in the ring & I've got a very bad feeling about that.

Seth Rollins to win the WWE Title, holding it for 3 months+
If Seth Rollins cashes in MiTB to win the WWE Title, most people would see the person he beats winning the belt back in a very small amount of time, after all, it's Rollins (Small guy, big belt). However, if Rollins were to hold the title past the 3 month mark, it'd just make it all the better for me. To see him enter the title picture with Reigns or Ambrose might just brighten up the year.

Kevin Owens, Adrian Neville, Sami Zayn, Hideo Itami & Finn Balor to all make main roster appearances.
I'm not saying that I want them to be permanent fixtures to Raw/SD, but maybe a Rumble appearance, or a match like the NXT guys had on Raw last year to promote one of their PPV's, that'd be great.

Cesaro & Tyson Kidd to become the star Tag Team of 2015.
Mick Foley described this one perfectly, it just seems "right".

This is it from me for now. No Sting, no more to think of. But if anything comes up, I'll post it in. Now, take your turn.
No hot-potato with titles

Sure, title matches are cool and they've had to have them more frequently as of late in order to make up for the lack of their top belt. That doesn't mean they should be trading belts back and forth every few weeks.

New ways of cashing in MitB

This is not likely to happen, but with a few exceptions, we've mainly seen guys who hold the briefcase cashing in after the champion is either injured or immediately after a match. Let's see something different, I really don't care what it is.

Please, for the love of God, bring back #1 contender tournaments

This is a really good way to build someone up and also build anticipation for an eventual title match. But they need to be careful with who they pick to participate, otherwise it's too obvious who will win and therefore not as exciting.
all titles to become meaningful again

I know this covers a wide area of the issue with creative but Let's face it, there only is 5 of them, SURELY as a point of starting to improve the overall product there can be 5 continues feuds, as a priority across the 5 main hours of programming every week. Holding one of those 5 titles should be the pinnacle....right now the majority mean nothing!!

NXT superstars being visible on WWE programming

Surely this is a win win all round, firstly it creates a point of interest on a 3 hour raw. It gives casual fans a glimpse at the future. Chances are the quality of the matches will be very good...this will surely encourage folk to maybe buy there network to see these guys on a weekly basis. It gives the wrestlers an opportunity in front of larger crowds. seems to obvious to materialise.

I'll leave it at that for now, anything to make those 3 hour raws more bareable. I used to sit up till 4 in the morning to watch them. Now between advert and shit product I usually watch the full show on a Tuesday morning before work in about an hour.

Here's hoping 2015 will be better :)
Daniel Bryan back on top
i want DB to win the Royal Rumble, go to WM and take back ththe title he never lost. He can't have a long reign because rollins has til july? To cash in but let Bryan in the title pictre for a few months at least.

Ziggle to have a shot at the WWE Title on PPV
I dont need to see him win it (i would mark out like crasy if he did) but see him reach thst level would be a,azing.

A Shield Triple Threat Match
The lunatic, the roman empire and the future all collide!!!

Less Bella Twin nonesense......
I have no problem with ith the Bellas on top of th division ( brie is a good worker and nikki is ok) because of their charisma and the attention they bring to ththe division but they could benefit from keeping their storylines simple.... Joining your nemesis after she made ur life a living hell for a month is dumb and lazy writing.
I know what three things I wish for in 2015:

1. A return to realism. Lets get rid of the bunnies, the bulls, and the ballroom dancers. Please move away from Stardust and El Torito and Hornswoggle. Let's not even consider a Mighty Mouse. I don't need a return to the Attitude Era. But I do need some attitude, some reality, some physicality, something which doesn't make my head hurt or make me embarrassed to still be a fan of professional wrestling.

2. Sting versus the Undertaker at Wrestlemania 31. I'm tired of the speculation. I'm tired of wondering will Sting sign with WWE (which he did), will he appear in a WWE ring (which he also did), and now, in what capacity. I'm sick of people talking like Sting and Taker are decrepit, physically handicapped senior citizens who may crack in half if they dare step inside a wrestling ring. Especially Taker. He had one bad match, one which he was clearly injured going into and further injured once the match began. People talk like he's an embarrassment, a shell of his former self. And I for one am ready for the Deadman and the Icon to prove everyone wrong, by putting off a spectacle on the grandest stage of them all.

3. The ever speculated John Cena heel turn. To hell with everyone who discounts this as a pipe dream, an impossibility that will financially cripple WWE due to a lack of merchandise sales, or which will shut down charitable foundations such as Make A Wish. I'm ready for John Cena to shock the world and turn professional wrestling on its ear for a little while, and in doing so, display the versatility and range that will truly establish him as one of the greatest of all time.

Hey, I wouldn't even mind it if 2 and 3 could get smushed together a little bit in the process. Could make for some interesting television.
I totally agree with the whole Undertaker not wrestling thing. He really needs a year off. I think he has enough left in the tank for ONE more amazing match. That's all we need, and that's all we should want.

Daniel Bryan 5 Star Match

Maybe this is asking too much, and I guess I don't mean it literally, but I just want Daniel Bryan to have a match with someone that is on his level, pure wrestling-wise. I don't know who that would be against, now that Punk is gone, but there are a few worthy candidates:

Seth Rollins - could be the best worker in the company right now (non-Bryan, non-NXT)

Dolph Ziggler - Dolph wouldn't have to get the s*** beat out of him, and could easily keep up with Bryan

Cena - They had a great match at SummerSlam 2013, and he's not my first choice, but they could have a great match again.

Lesnar - This is the match I most want to see. They could actually do some wrestling, and Brock could probably keep up with Bryan. Flair and Vader had a match back in the day, and these guys could easily top what they did.
Right now it looks like we're headed into Sting\HHH and Bray\Undertaker I want both of those!! Sting vs HHH is an epic dream match come true greatest WCW babyface against greatest WWE heel. Undertaker and Bray will hopefully be a passing of the torch moment and I can only imagine the Bray promos and interactions between both men. Book it in 2015 WWE!!
Build up multiple top guys. For the love of god, don't rely on one guy to carry the main event scene. Have 4 or 5 guys that can be relied on to sell a main event of Wrestlemania for the next 5 years, without relying on the part timers/ legends.
Cut Back On The Sports Entertainment Format - Over the course of the last 3 months or so of 2014, there was a very noticeable uptick in the number of "sports entertainment" themed matches, skits and/or segments. For most of 2013 and most of 2014, there weren't a lot of those things on WWE television and I think it made a stronger product. I think Vince McMahon has lost it if he genuinely thinks that people truly give a damn about seeing a South African nobody who wears more eye liner than the cheapest streetwalker feud with a man dressed in a bunny costume. People also don't care about women's matches that last all of about 2 minutes and tend to have a lot of silliness that's really stereotypical and outdated. I don't mind a "sports entertainment" segment or match every now and again, but we're getting to the point where they have at least 2 or 3 on a weekly basis.

Stop Playing Hot Potato With Titles - I think this is another sign that Vince McMahon has taken more of a hands on approach when it comes to making creative decisions. Vince likes Sports Entertainment and he likes frequent title changes. In my opinion, a title should change hands no more than maybe 3 times a year. There were 5 different tag title reigns in 2014 and 3 of them took place within a 4 month span of each other. There were 7 different runs with the IC title in 2014 with the longest run lasting 57 days, though that was due to Barrett having to vacate the title after being injured. The rest of the year saw The Miz, Dolph Ziggler and Luke Harper playing hot potato with the strap. If Barrett keeps the title to Extreme Rules, I'll be satisfied as another short run as champ won't do him any good.

Divas To Have More Relevance - I can't say it enough: if you want to bother with women's wrestling, then at least try to make it as good as you possibly can instead of cheap, meaningless filler designed to eat up 3 minutes or so of airtime. AJ Lee, Paige, Brie Bella, Nikki Bella, Natalya, Emma, Natalya, Naomi and Alicia Fox are all solid to outstanding in-ring workers and I guarantee that fans will watch if WWE makes them into more than airtime filler.

Daniel Bryan To Have A Real Run As Champion - With Bryan's return to action, this has to at least have some officials rethinking rumored plans for the WrestleMania main event. Bryan's the most popular face in the company, he's probably the most universally over star in WWE whether you're a casual or hardcore fan, male, female, or kid. If Bryan being injured hadn't taken him out for the entire 2nd half of 2014 and he'd gotten to have a proper run as champ, I don't think that there'd be as much potential risk of fans hijacking this year's WM main event if he's not in it.

Vince McMahon To Resign As CEO Of WWE Or Grant Triple H Full Creative Control - It's no secret that if you watch NXT and compare it to the main roster, there's a clear difference in booking styles. Vince is more into the "Sports Entertainment" filler whereas Triple H is more of a straight up wrestling content/promo guy who tries to make the most of the airtime he has. I'm not saying that Triple H won't make the wrong decision sometimes or that everything will be epic, but I think he's much more of a stabilizing factor than Vince McMahon is. For example, Vince loves the formula he uses for John Cena and won't even think of changing it and, as a result, he's put too many of WWE's eggs in one basket. In NXT, there's no single "face", but rather a healthy number of strong guys ready to step into that top spot if necessary because of strong, consistent booking. On the main roster, you have John Cena as the undisputed "face" of WWE with the only real heir apparent to be Daniel Bryan because fans have thoroughly embraced him. However, it's unlikely he'll ever be the "face" because he doesn't have the physical appearance of a superhero that Vince feels the "face" of the company should have. In NXT, you've got Adrian Neville, Sami Zayn, Kevin Owens, Tyler Breeze, Finn Balor and Hideo Itami; half a dozen guys who's able or close to being able to be the top guy in NXT. Vince is getting old, I think he's growing more and more out of with the tastes of modern fans and is no longer able to maintain as strong of an overall strong product because of his inability or unwillingness to make some needed changes.
Brock Lesnar actually hitting the Shooting Star Press. Yes I'm serious. If this is his last hurrah I would like to remember his as more than just a suplex machine.
Brock Lesnar actually hitting the Shooting Star Press. Yes I'm serious. If this is his last hurrah I would like to remember his as more than just a suplex machine.

Wasn't the last time he did this against Angle and he came down hard, took a hard bump to the neck and they had to finish quickly? (Didn't stop him completing 2 F5's afterwards though, the guy is iron)

Not sure I want to see that again, I cringe whenever it's a neck injury. Lita's, urgh, it's hard to watch.
I want these fucking smarks to realize that WWE isn't the only wrestling company out there, and it's damn sure not the best.
What I would like to see in 2015 is:
1. Roman win the World Heavyweight Championship and take the title away from that part timer, Nothing against you Brock.
2. Seth to cash-in on Roman because Roman is not quite ready yet.
3. The Andre the giant memorial winner get a title shot later that night at WM31
4. Someone (John Cena) finally beat Rusev at WM31
5. Bring back number one contenders tournaments for the different belts.
6. Make some more tag teams to strengthen the tag team division like Show/Kane, Sheamus/Barrett you get the idea how about Orton/Neville
7. Charlotte to come up and beat the snot out of the Bella's and take that Divas title
8. Bring back King of the Ring
9. Roman to turn heel and Destroy all in his path
10. Dean or Daniel to win MITB
All 3 of The Shield guys to win the WWE World Title (Seth Cashes in at Wrestlemania) - Roman will most likely beat Lesnar for the title at Mania & I hope Rollins cashes in on him to not only become champion but become the 1st guy to cash in at WM. Then Rollins & Reigns can feud for a couple months until Dean Ambrose pops into the picture for a triple threat title match at Summerslam where he could sneak away with the belt.

Brock Re-signs - Though Brock's appearances are few & far between for the most part, when he does show up he makes an impact & when he wrestles he usually has an awesome match. Although I don't expect to see Lesnar stay with WWE, losing him will definitely damage the overall landscape.

Dolph Ziggler in the Main Event/WWE World Title picture - Ziggler has had a cup of coffee or two at the main event level, but not usally as the true main event & never for long. But he was always really good in all of those spots & never disappointed, not to mention has been absolutely on fire lately & killing it in nearly every match he has. That's why so many fans still want to see him succeed, he never did anything in the fans eye's to drop down a peg. Ziggler just keeps getting better & better & after his recent stints with the IC Title, he definitely deserves at least one real shot in the true main event.

Kevin Owens, Sami Zayn, Finn Balor, Hideo Itami & Adrian Neville Debut on the Main Roster - They are the golden boys of NXT & the next era of guys to dominate WWE like The Shield & Bray Wyatt. I can't wait to see them all debut & I hope it comes sooner rather than later.

Better Commentary - The commentary in WWE has been bad for several years now. From turning the announcers into full blown wrestler & having them put on an awful feud, all the way to the annoying barrage of arguing, out of date jokes/references & plain stupidity we hear today, the announcing NEEDS to change & quick. It's hurting the overall product presented on screen, to the point of where it can make a fairly good match or segment look so childish & cheesy (not to mention annoying with all the constant promotion of the network), that people won't even give it the time of day.

No More Bella Twins/Total Divas - This is probably the most unrealistic on the entire list but I absolutely loathe the Bellas & everything they do. They are the biggest wastes of space since, well... The Bella Twins. & on top of that they are "the stars" of a silly reality TV Show that is ridiculously repetitive & seems like it has already gone on too many seasons. Almost every episode is the same b.s. & the acting is horrendous. When adults used to say, "Don't stare at the TV, it'll rot your brain!", it's not because TV is bad for you. It's because you could end up watching garbage like Total Divas.

Push Mizdow - If WWE drops the ball on Damien Mizdow in 2015, it will easily be one of my biggest disappointment of the entire year. Not only am I a HUGE fan of Sandow & even thought he could've been co-main eventing WM for the World Title at one point in time (& am still hoping he wins a world title down the line) but at this point Sandow/Mizdow has proven he can make anything that WWE gives him work. So if he fails, it'd pretty much be all WWE's fault.
Cesaro to be in a meaningful storyline
Whether it's with Kidd or by himself, he's too talented to just be wrestling in random tag team matches.

Use Reigns right
Hopefully Thursday is the end of the Reigns/Show feud. Nobody sees Show as a legit threat. I want to see Reigns face opponents who could compliment him in the ring like Sheamus.

A consistent effort to keep the IC and US Championships a priority
Not everybody is going to be in the main event. Meanwhile, the parity in the mid card is plentiful. Yes, you may have Reigns in the main event but that shouldn't stop you from having Ziggler/BNB/Bryan/Harper dominate the IC title scene like the early 2000's with Jericho/Angle/Benoit or the US title scene with Rusev/Cena/Ryback etc.
I was a massive fan off these two in ROH, and while both Kevin and Sami have had to change there style of wrestling to suit that off the WWE, They continue to put on quality matches and in my opinion are far more gifted in the ring and on the mic, compared to half the guys already on the main roster.

It's going to happy one day, so why not 2015. all three guys are now main eventers and in my opinion all capable of being WWE champion. So why not let them go at it for the WWE title and find out just who is the superior member of the Shield.

I always wounder why WWE decided to ditch the King of the ring, I was always my favourite event next to the Royal Rumble and if it was brought back I really think it could help elevate guys such as Dolph Ziggler and Bray Wyatt to the next level.
1) For Vince to retire, and hand the reins over to Triple H

Now, I respect the hell out of Vince. And in the context of the wrestling industry, he's a genius. But out of a perhaps misplaced optimism, I want to see what Triple H is capable of. Maybe the devil I know is better than the devil I don't, but I think Vince doesn't quite understand the younger generation based on his interview a while back with Austin.

2) For the Undertaker to retire

Again, I love and respect the Undertaker. But it's difficult to watch him wrestle. Every move he takes makes me wince, wondering if it'll seriously hurt him. In a perfect world, Undertaker would be wrestling now like he was 6 or 7 years ago. But his body just can't do it anymore. And Bray Wyatt has some very high-impact moves that Undertaker just won't be able to take, like his running crossbody.

3) For Reigns and Lesnar to kill it at Wrestlemania

Can they do it? I have no idea. But, as a fan, I want them to put my doubts to rest and put on a 4 star match at Mania.

4) For Daniel Bryan to have a medium-length title reign

I know the WWE doesn't owe Bryan anything just because he got injured. But he's still incredibly over, and the closest anyone has ever come to rivalling Cena's reactions, and that includes Punk. And, hopefully, he's still so much fun to watch in the ring. So I would love to see Bryan hold the title for 6 months or so.

5) Seth Rollins to cash in successfully.

On Reigns preferrably. Because that feud would be sweet as balls.

6) Ambrose to step up his game.

I really like Ambrose. But his matches aren't good enough when they're not gimmick matches. He needs to do better in normal, one on one matches. Otherwise he'll never have a shot at a main event spot.

7) CM Punk to have a few fights in the UFC, then return to the WWE older and wiser.

I don't mind that Punk is going to the UFC. If any of us had a chance to follow a different passion, we'd take it in a heartbeat. I don't want him to fail like so many others do, but I think he will fail. I think he'll have maybe 3 or 4 fights, and lose at least half of them. But I think they'll be a huge growing experience for him. I think the fights, along with marriage and possibly having children, will make him more patient and more willing to compromise, leading to peace talks and, eventually, a final run with WWE.
Return of the Cruiserweight division/Title: Allows so much more potential for these excellent performers they can never seem to "Find" anything for.

Build reputable villains NOT associated with the Authority:

Cena Heel turn: It's time. Make it unexpected, no huge story going into it.

Re-Sign Lesnar: Has to be a better "Fan friendly" contract than this last one, but he is worth the $$$$

Consider TNA Talent: Austin Aries, Bobby Roode, James Storm, Samoa Joe and the Wolves could all enhance WWE.

Keep the NXT Format the same, but add an hour: The best overall talent on any "brand" has plenty of talent to make a two hour show work. Don't turn it into RAW, Keep the format the same.

Bring back KOTR for a June PPV: I would like to see mid carders in this, with the IC Title shot on the line at Summerslam.

Don't show your Royal Rumble hand so early: Enough said


Elevate those mid card Titles: The talent is there to do this. Give us another storyline instead of the Authority.
- Focus on the tag team division. Maybe even merging NXT with the Main roster to compete for the belts
- Building up the IC belt to what it used to be
- Ambrose back in the main event scene
- The rematch clause to actually mean something again. No WWE, we didn't forget.
- Them to clarify why they stripped Daniel Bryan of the belt because he couldn't defend it in 30 days when Lesnar didn't defend it for months.
- Cena to actually put someone over
- Ambrose vs. Rollins vs. Reigns
- Rollins to cash in successfully

I could go on and on for days.

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