"It takes no talent"

Kanye South

I hate when someone says it takes no talent to make music. I don't care if it's fucking Soulja Boy, it takes effort. Whether you're Michael Jackson, T-Pain, or Miley Cyrus, it takes goddamn effort to make a hit record. I feel the stupidest thing you can ever say is, "It takes no talent". Sure, it may not be your taste in music, but everything takes talent. Soulja Boy has no talent? Tell that to the countless hit records and catchy dances he's made using a formula that countless shitty rappers have tried to copy. Miley Cyrus has no talent? Tell that to all the times a fucking 17-year old sung her heart out on live TV. Lil Wayne has no talent? Tell that to the 1000+ songs he has recorded in the last three years that has made him widely regarded as the best rapper today. T-Pain has no talent? Tell that to people like Flavor Flav, who have used autotune with fucktard results. Listen to this:


and compare it to this:


Big difference in quality.

So what I'm saying is, just because you don't like the music personally doesn't mean it didn't take any talent to make the song. Everything that was ever a hit in music takes talent. Fact.
It annoys me to no end when people try and say it takes no talent to make a song. I am a big lover of electronic music (Trance, Dance, Techno, etc.) and I hear that all the time. The ignorant masses say all you have to do is hit a button on a keyboard or computer.


I've tried making some electronic music. I have tons of ideas banging around in my head. I would love to be able to make those ideas a reality. But I can't, because I don't have the time or equipment to make them.

What also annoys me is people saying electronic music isn't music. I dare you to say that these songs are "not music".:

These songs took talent to make. I've heard a LOT of shitty electronic music in my day, where people overuse drum loops or have everything out of sync, or whatever. Music is music. There is thought involved in every song. Songs take time to make, and have to be just so in order for them to hit that perfect balance that makes them similar to old songs but unique enough to stand on their own.
I hate when someone says it takes no talent to make music. Sure, it may not be your taste in music, but everything takes talent.

This I agree with. I hate when people say that about artists that they personally don't like.

Miley Cyrus has no talent? Tell that to all the times a fucking 17-year old sung her heart out on live TV.

Popularity =/= Talent. Miley Cyrus might be incredibly popular but as a singer, she's nothing special. She doesn't lack talent entirely but she's average at best. She's talented enough to carry a tune. There are millions of girls that can sing just like her and much better than her. She got a big break, they didn't.

Everything that was ever a hit in music takes talent. Fact.

Sure it does, for the artists that write and create their own hit music. Lady Gaga writes all her music and has produced 5 #1 singles (Billboard Pop Charts). It takes talent to do that. Miley Cyrus has also hit #1 on the Billboard Pop Charts but it's not to her credit. She didn't write and produce Party in the USA. Her name and popularity elevated the track to #1, sure, but I wouldn't say it was HER talent that made it a hit, more so the talent of her producing team.

I agree it takes talent, but it's not always the artist that deserves the credit.

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