It is Shaping up to be a Nice Summer


Layeth The Smackdown!
Here is what we have so far this summer in the WWE: The NXT Alliance/Invasion, Hardy/McIntyre, RKO/Edge, Next week's mystery GM (He is gonna whop some candy ass), Cena/Sheamus, Bourne's push, a Bryan Danielson return, Bret Hart being taken out, NXT season 2 (Kaval), 619 New Champ, SES getting bigger, Maryse/Ted Romance, HHH SS return, and Undertaker/Kane storyline. If you ask me this could be one of the best summers in the WWE in a long time. I look forward to seeing all these rivalries and storylines unfold and grow stronger in the Summer. Did I miss something? Your thoughts on the Summer lineup?
I think you might be getting your hopes up a little bit. Some of the things you listed are assumptions; Rock being the GM (I'm guessing that's what you meant, and I doubt that's happening), Triple H SS return, Bret Hart being out, Bournes push, Danielson coming back....ok, actually everything you named is an assumption.

Those things COULD happen, but I wouldn't hold your breath. The WWE is changing things up a lot as of late, so nothing is set in stone. I am guessing they have long-term plans, but nothing solid. NXT invasion is going well, but who knows how long it will last. Looks like Sheamus and Cena will feud, but that could change easily, especially with MITB coming up. Triple H might be out longer, Kane might NOT be the attacker, SES might not add anyone beyond Mercury (who's already there). And I highly doubt Bret is just completely done for. It would be a pretty sloppy, lazy way to get rid of him.

Not saying you're wrong, but I think you might be jumping the gun a bit.
Yeah, you left out Miz and the U.S title. I'm hoping they can make a good feud in time to really showcase Miz and the belt. I don't want to see transitional reigns and squash matches.

But this definitely is looking like a good summer.
also hopefully Edge/Orton will continue their feud for a little while longer & is the Miz now gunning to become the WWE Champ as well??? i hope so & i guess he can start by winning the MITB match at the upcoming PPV (dont know if RAW & SD will each have their own or not but still i think Miz will win even if their's a MITB match featuring both brands)

kinda makes sense since he'll take Jericho's spot when he's taking time off to do that one game show or whatever
I've been out of the loop for a little while. What's the deal with Taker/Kane storyline??

In reality, Undertaker broke his nose and orbital bone at the hands of Rey Mysterio so he was too injured to compete in the recent Fatal4Way PPV, so the storyline is that someone beat the holy living crap out of Undertaker and turned him into a vegetable who is on life support at the hospital... okay okay I've exaggerated... he's in a vegetated state and Kane is angry that someone did this to his brother and is looking for the culprit... it is speculated that Kane probably beat up Taker himself though.

As far as the thread goes...
Money in the Bank
It is shaping up to be one of the more memorable summers but there is a lot of things I do not like about it. First of all I HATE THE IDEA of a Money in the Bank PPV. MITB is a part of WM and it has been for 6 years... and I feel like MITB PPV is a cheap installment for King of the Ring.

Edge v Orton
I'm a fan of both of them and I am absolutely in love with this feud, especially because Edge isn't being a cowardice heel, and RKO is my favorite wrestler and this tweener/face turn is 6 years in the making. Tonight solidified a more personal feud with Edge's cryptic "Now the real fun begins" message, in my opinion.

Great invasion angle, the Daniel Bryan thing is a little annoying because I really liked his personal feud with Michael Cole and the Miz... so I hope he comes back. I'm not gonna further discuss the whole reason he got fired, but I will say that... REALLY? STICKING A MAN INTO A CAR AND CRASHING IT FIFTY TIMES IS PG AND CHOKING SOMEONE FOR 5 SECONDS IS RATED R?

Please be Steph or HBK... but since the WWE is milking it's use of the internet I do not think we will find out who it is anytime soon.

Sheamus as Champ/John Cena
Sheamus is growing on me.
If John Cena becomes a 10 time champion before Edge... I will be mad.

Rey as Champ
A lot of people aren't happy about this, but I am because I like Rey, and there was a time where I hated him for using Eddie's death as a stepping stone to win the title, but this time wasn't about being the underdog or overcoming the odds, this was a Fatal 4Way and Rey sweeped in. Oh and he does deserve another title run before he retires because he is genuinely great, good family man, good company man, good wrestler, fun to watch, great.

LayCool + Kaval = Win.
Please change McGuillicutty's name.

Triple H
I want him to return, but now isn't the time. He doesn't have anyone to feud with.

Chris Jericho/Evan Bourne
Tonight scared the holy $**+ out of me. I love Jericho, he cut an amazing promo at F4W on Sunday and I know there's tons of speculation but I don't want him to leave anytime soon. And ESPECIALLY not leave practically the same way he did back in '05 was it?

The feud is really good. Evan is great and the matches the two of them put together are amazing.

That's my thoughts :shrug:


John Morrison
JoMo needs to win MITB. That is the only thing that will make me happy for that pay-per-view.

Dislike. Maryse is too hot for Ted, I don't like how Maryse is being portrayed as a gold-digger.

Rumor has it Cody Rhodes is supposed to join SES and Mercury needs to show his face soon. I want Serena Deeb to wrestle her debut match already... maybe even win the Women's Championship... she has a killer spear.
Definelty Agreed.I watched RAW tonite,and for the first time in a while it ACTUALLY felt like a WWE WRESTLING PROGRAM,and not some bullshit guest host/comedy kids nonsense.The midcard is being showcased very nicely,JoMo,Truth,Miz,Bourne,Ryder.Etc Etc.It is definetly improving and has improved alot.Cena's not champion?New face has the title?Mid cards?Unique new ppv concepts?....Wow..Good time to be a wrestling fan in my opinion.(Sucks to be the Competition..Ehem*Cough*Cough* TNA.
Yea I do believe this summer is going to be one of the best for WWE.... Hell they are showcasing their talent really good and I can only expect it to keep getting better... Hands down Vinnie has struck gold again and I can't wait to watch what happens next

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