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It doesnt matter

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Pre-Show Stalwart
I am shocked about how people jump to such conclusions that because of Kurt Angle"s arrest that he's gonna be fired, or he's definitely gonna lose the title tonight because of what he did. I dont understand how people on these sites are so shocked that Kurt Angle came out the winner of the match tonight. Even as the story unfolded all day on Sunday I couldnt help but think, all this guy is gonna get pinned for, pun intended, is for the driving under suspended licenses, and that is far from an offense worthy of loosing a title over. Face it, the whole stalking charge is her word against his, and if he really does have a prescription for HGH then nothing there for that either. This is not like RVD getting busted for violating the wellness policy by smoking weed while driving. This is not like Jeff Jarrett cheating with and playing house with Kurt Angle's ex wife. Besides who could blame Kurt Angle if he slipped up a bit with all the crap he must be going through with his ex. I think its a shame that people got caught up in that drama probably hoping something big would go down to shake up the title picture or the company itself just to have some excitement in their own lives, disregarding the facts. I was very amused how TNA handled it though with making it look like Angle was injured. Making the IWC think, ok this is how they are going to get the title off him. Then for him to hop up and get the victory, it was genius. Anyone else agree with me? If you dont go ahead and comment too. Good luck changing my mind.
The IWC is ridiculous. I've gone on other forums and read how Angle should be suspended or even fired and whatnot. That's so ridiculous. Kurt Angle HGH was prescribed so it's not like he violated anything if TNA even has a wellness policy that is on the same level as WWE. Second of all, how can your job punish someone for stalking and driving with a suspended license? These IWC fans want TNA to play the law and punish him while they're forgetting that the judicial court system will deal with him for his outside behavior. TNA suspending him for something he did in his personal life is not their job. The logic that the IWC has is amazing to me.

If anything this is free publicity for TNA. With Russo being the head booker, I don't see why he wouldn't jump all over this and let Angle retain the title. The name TNA is now getting press because of their top star and world champion, Kurt Angle. This is exposure which is something TNA has been trying to get for a long time. Anybody who thinks Angle should have been punished by TNA for something non-work related are just dummies imo!
So whats the point of this thread?

You aren't really asking a question. Also, apparently you aren't willing to let any of us change your mind regarding the issue. So why should anyone bother posting in this thread?

You don't want our opinion on it and you never really asked any questions. You are mostly just flaming the IWC. Good job.

I am going to give my opinion anyway. If he was INDEED stalking this woman, than he needs some help. If you remember correctly, there are already reports that (while living together) she felt the need to leave. Angle has issues. Let's face it.

"WrestleZone.com can now exclusively confirm that the star is Trenesha Biggers, better known to TNA Wrestling fans as Rhaka Khan. Biggers, who made it to the final 25 of the 2005 WWE Diva Search, had moved in with Angle followed his break-up with ex-wife Karen Angle. Things didn't work out and Biggers moved out of Angle's house, filing an order of protection against the former Olympic gold medalist."

When it comes to drugs, it's just a downward spiral with him. He practically lied about the WWE and Vince to make his drug issue seem like it was somebody else's problem. That right there just screams immature. Also isn't this drug the one Benoit was getting in large doses from Dr. Astin before he snapped and killed his family?

"The female TNA star was allegedly at a Starbuck's coffee store and spotted Angle following her so she called the police. When authorities arrived on the scene they found a syringe as well as Human Growth Hormone Hygetropin in Angle's car. Kurt told the police that he had valid prescriptions for the drugs found."

Yeah... maybe Angle should get some help and quit dabbling in the illegal drugs that he DOES NOT have a prescription for.
I am shocked about how people jump to such conclusions that because of Kurt Angle"s arrest that he's gonna be fired, or he's definitely gonna lose the title tonight because of what he did. I dont understand how people on these sites are so shocked that Kurt Angle came out the winner of the match tonight. Even as the story unfolded all day on Sunday I couldnt help but think, all this guy is gonna get pinned for, pun intended, is for the driving under suspended licenses, and that is far from an offense worthy of loosing a title over. Face it, the whole stalking charge is her word against his, and if he really does have a prescription for HGH then nothing there for that either. This is not like RVD getting busted for violating the wellness policy by smoking weed while driving. This is not like Jeff Jarrett cheating with and playing house with Kurt Angle's ex wife. Besides who could blame Kurt Angle if he slipped up a bit with all the crap he must be going through with his ex. I think its a shame that people got caught up in that drama probably hoping something big would go down to shake up the title picture or the company itself just to have some excitement in their own lives, disregarding the facts. I was very amused how TNA handled it though with making it look like Angle was injured. Making the IWC think, ok this is how they are going to get the title off him. Then for him to hop up and get the victory, it was genius. Anyone else agree with me? If you dont go ahead and comment too. Good luck changing my mind.

Personally i don'T even want to change your mind about this because you already made it clear what your opinions were and will i don't agree with you on any of the points you made or the way you made them, i still think you have the right to your opinion. The problem is that you don't see the bigger picture in all of this. I for one do want Angle to lose the belt and be suspended, not necessarily because of what happened but just so he can get the help he needs to get heathly both mentally and physically. The fact of the matter is that Kurt Angle needs helps, he just doesn't want to ask for it because he's to macho or if you like pig-headed. The guy is a compulsive liar and will say anything so that he doesn't have to take care of himself, that's why Karen divorce him in the first place.

I'm sure that i'm not the only one in the IWC that thinks that TNA should try to help him instead of using his problem to promote the company. Kurt will probably get a slap on the wrist for what happenned last week and probably won'T go to jail but if he continues to live his life the way he does right now, in a couple of years we might get another wrestling tragedy like Chris benoit.
Pepper Wadman said:
Yeah... maybe Angle should get some help and quit dabbling in the illegal drugs that he DOES NOT have a prescription for.

It has already been reported that Angle had a prescription for the HGH so you can put the illegal drugs talk to rest.

While it isn't officially confirmed as of this writing, WrestleZone.com can also exclusively report that Angle did in fact have a valid prescription for the HGH, as was speculated previously.
First of all, lets take a look at this WHOLE pic not just what some people want to believe.....Farlance, he was not arrested just for driving with a suspended license......he was also arrested for violation of a restraining order, which is serious enough in itself, and the HGH with needles....

Now if it is infact proven he has a legal prescription, then so be it, he still has the R.O. issue to deal with, which will not be taken lightly....Secondly, I feel for the doctor who may have prescribed it, because now what just happened, is Angle in all of his selfishness, just opened the doors for a federal investigation to begin in the doctors activities, as well them possible poking around TNA now. Look what happened to Astin, when they found out he was prescribing to Benoit....the guy is gonna be in the can for the next 10 yrs....Dont think for one second, that the DR that who may have prescribed to Angle isnt shitting bricks right now....

This situation is a whole helluva lot bigger than Angle being arrested for a suspended license....This thing could have longterm and very serious ramifications, and reprecussions for Angle, TNA, and his doctor. I wonder how the boys at TNA felt about it, especially the ones on the HGH with him.....alot of people's lives are going to turned upside down by this, as well as a wrestling company who is trying to get to that next level.
Angle absolutely should have dropped that title last night, and in a totally unexpected move, should have put it on Morgan....would,ve been the perfect oppurtunity for them to address the issue by punishing Angle for his arrogance and stupidity, and to push a "new guy" for lack of a better term, over the top....Im disappointed in TNA because all they did was show they dont give a shit about anything at all other than their main event, and thats it.

to all the people out there that believe, this is less serious than it is, either dont know about the legal system, or are in denial because they like Angle too.....I like Angle, but there comes a point when you have to draw a line in the sand, and now is the time...do something before its too late, and alot of people get dragged down in this mess, that started by 1 guy chasing a broad around Pittsburgh.
. Also isn't this drug the one Benoit was getting in large doses from Dr. Astin before he snapped and killed his family?

"The female TNA star was allegedly at a Starbuck's coffee store and spotted Angle following her so she called the police. When authorities arrived on the scene they found a syringe as well as Human Growth Hormone Hygetropin in Angle's car. Kurt told the police that he had valid prescriptions for the drugs found."

Yeah... maybe Angle should get some help and quit dabbling in the illegal drugs that he DOES NOT have a prescription for.

Oh maybe you should do your research on what Benoit was on before you post it on a forum it wasnt even close to that. As for Angle stalking that woman it was hearsay from her. her word against his. Good luck proving that. Yuo just proved my point about people jumping to conclusions on here. theres no proof for any of the accusations except for the driving under suspension
Angle absolutely should have dropped that title last night, and in a totally unexpected move, should have put it on Morgan....would,ve been the perfect oppurtunity for them to address the issue by punishing Angle for his arrogance and stupidity, and to push a "new guy" for lack of a better term, over the top....Im disappointed in TNA because all they did was show they dont give a shit about anything at all other than their main event, and thats it.

to all the people out there that believe, this is less serious than it is, either dont know about the legal system, or are in denial because they like Angle too.....I like Angle, but there comes a point when you have to draw a line in the sand, and now is the time...do something before its too late, and alot of people get dragged down in this mess, that started by 1 guy chasing a broad around Pittsburgh.

For one thing you saying Angle should have dropped the title to Morgan shows where you stand, you were looking for some huge surprise to get off from. You bring up the legal system but you forgot the fundamental innocent until proven guilty. So quick to judge. Nobody knows Kurt Angle or that Racka Kahn lady. FOr all we know she was lying and accusing him of stalking and he really could have been just looking for a hotel. Another one who proved my point that people are just jumping to conclusions and are more concerned about who gets the title.
taking a step back, I honestly feel a little sympathetic for mr gold medal. If he did have a prescription, and the whole following her in the car is all fabricated, hell even if he was suspended for driving, I think something has gone wrong with Kurt. At the end of the day as a wrestling fan (who doesn't really like TNA), I just wish him a speedy recovery of whatever he's going through. If TNA felt like the best thing is to keep the title on him then so be it, they know more than I do.

I just hope that if he does need help, he gets it.

Where is the proof Angle had a prescription for that stuff? His word? His lawyer's word? Forgive me if I don't believe them.

Show me anywhere on the internet where it says that stuff is legal in the U.S.. Yes, I know SOME HGH is legal, but that doesn't mean the stuff Angle had was legal. Everywhere I have looked it says this stuff is banned in the U.S..

It's called Hygetropin. Someone show a place that says it is legal to have in the U.S. and that Doctors can prescribe it.

Just look at this website: http://www.hygetropin-hgh.com/terms.php

Look at their "terms." Does that sound to you like everything is on the "up and up?" Look at this:

"You state that you are permitted by the law in your area to accept Hygetropin or Human Growth Hormone. It is your full responsibility to check the laws in your area if you are permitted to import and use Human Growth Hormone for personal use. Hygetropin-HGH.com, its employees, hygene, our affiliates or/and any one who works with us will not be held responsible for any problem you may have with the law in your area or authorities in your area."

Yeah, that sounds like something a reputable drug company would say! Use your heads, people! If this stuff was legal, it would say you need a prescription for it! Instead, they use cryptic language like, "you need the consent of your Doctor." Come on! It's obvious this stuff is illegal.

Oh, here's more info from their FAQ: http://www.hygetropin-hgh.com/faq.php

To which countries do you ship?
We ship and give guranteed delivery for the following countries:
United Kingdom, Germany, Spain, France, Italy, Sweden, Finland, Belgium, Denmark, Netherlands, Austria, Greece, Cyprus, Ireland, Switzerland, Czech Republic, Romania, Poland, South Africa, Japan, Thailand, Singapore, Philippines.
We will not ship to any other country than these.

We want to specifically stress that we do not ship to the U.S., Canada or Australia please do not email us regarding these countries as we will never ship there.


Angle may have a prescription for some other form of HGH, but not this stuff! Of course, he'll probably make some ridiculous claim like he thought this stuff was legal.
rhaka khan saw kurt angle in a public place, in his car AND in his hometown. not like he was playing hide and peep in the bushes outside her home! its completely ridiculous and shows the stupidity of most people when they read a report from the media. once under the magnifying glass its just gets bigger. whos to say rhaka khan isnt crying wolf so that shes in the spotlight?
I am still curious as to the point of this thread.

What is it's intended purpose? So far you posted a thread about your opinion on a matter and don't want any one elses.

Also, regarding the comment about me looking in to things and not just jumping to conclusions, where do you have the information saying he had a prescription? I don't see your proof. At least I posted some links as opposed to simply saying "well that's my opinion don't try and change my mind" and then disputing everything else any one else says. Why did you even bother making the thread to begin with if you don't want a debate? Don't even try feeding me the BS that I have no proof to back up my statements because neither do you. At least I have links.

You have nothing but apparently your all mighty opinion which means jack shit. Also, stop dick riding Kurt Angle, it's obvious this guy needs help. He drove drunk a year or two ago. He stalks women who left him (apparently like I said, they lived together only for her to leave because of his behavior), He lied about Vince about his drug problem to focus the blame on the WWE as opposed to himself which was selfish and wrong. Not to mention he did this at a time when the WWE was vulnerable.

He is hooked on countless drugs and has been breaking the law driving while his license was suspended. Stop making up your own facts to pick up for a wrestler who needs help. You are just making excuses. And unlike our opinions which one can disagree with, that my friend, is fact. You cannot deny this man needs help.

Also, if those drugs were prescribed, then I can admit that I was wrong regarding THAT issue. However, that's not the only issue at hand. So let's stop pretending shall we? And in case anyone thinks I don't like Angle, that is not true. I'm just calling it like it is. And OP, next time you respond, don't respond to one thing and then claim everything else was false. It's obvious the real issue here is the fact Angle has a drug problem and has some kind of insecurity issues regarding the opposite sex right now.
I am still curious as to the point of this thread.

What is it's intended purpose? So far you posted a thread about your opinion on a matter and don't want any one elses.

Also, regarding the comment about me looking in to things and not just jumping to conclusions, where do you have the information saying he had a prescription? I don't see your proof. At least I posted some links as opposed to simply saying "well that's my opinion don't try and change my mind" and then disputing everything else any one else says. Why did you even bother making the thread to begin with if you don't want a debate? Don't even try feeding me the BS that I have no proof to back up my statements because neither do you. At least I have links.

You have nothing but apparently your all mighty opinion which means jack shit. Also, stop dick riding Kurt Angle, it's obvious this guy needs help. He drove drunk a year or two ago. He stalks women who left him (apparently like I said, they lived together only for her to leave because of his behavior), He lied about Vince about his drug problem to focus the blame on the WWE as opposed to himself which was selfish and wrong. Not to mention he did this at a time when the WWE was vulnerable.

He is hooked on countless drugs and has been breaking the law driving while his license was suspended. Stop making up your own facts to pick up for a wrestler who needs help. You are just making excuses. And unlike our opinions which one can disagree with, that my friend, is fact. You cannot deny this man needs help.

Also, if those drugs were prescribed, then I can admit that I was wrong regarding THAT issue. However, that's not the only issue at hand. So let's stop pretending shall we? And in case anyone thinks I don't like Angle, that is not true. I'm just calling it like it is. And OP, next time you respond, don't respond to one thing and then claim everything else was false. It's obvious the real issue here is the fact Angle has a drug problem and has some kind of insecurity issues regarding the opposite sex right now.

Ok I said good luck changing my opinion. Of course I like hearing what other people have to say or I would not have posted this topic. The whole topic is about people jumping to conclusions. It is not about if Angle is right or wrong. There is a burden of proof. Angle said he had a prescription, the burden of proof is on the authorities to prove that, not for us to assume. As for these forums there are no rules that say that I have to be open to others opinions, I am allowed to post a topic to discuss and stand by my argument. You tell me I have no proof of my opinion, but when its innocent until proven guilty I need no proof. You on the other hand think that if you start a sentence with OBVIOUSLY that makes it a fact. You say...Its obvious he needs help....how do you back this up? He stalks women.....according to who? One woman her word against his? He lied to Vince.......Where you in the room? Was this conversation recorded? He is hooked on countless drugs? ......OK if you say so it must be true right. He needs help?......Only the people close to him know that, not people who read random wrestling websites and draw conclusions from what they read.
O.K. so i just want to bring something very interesting that i heard from last night edtion of The LAW radio show from Dave Meltzer about the whole Kurt Angle situation. He said ''That Kurt Angle would have been in any other wrestling organization (WWE, ROH, Other independant company) he woudl have been suspended or even worst fired from the company but since he's in TNA and TNA always booked there stories way in advance and don't believe in making last minute changed, Kurt Angle is still champion and they probably while make Kurt look like the victim. After that they talk about how Angle needed help and compare to Benoit, he's actually sending distress signals that TNA shouldn't turn a blind eye on.

So even a well respected wrestling journalist like Dave Meltzer believe that TNA made the wrong move last night and that Kurt needs help before it's too late.

If you want to listen to the show just go to The fight network website at
www.thefightnetwork.com and download yesterday's episode.

there you go deus that link tell that "Hygetropin must be prescribed by a physician for usage; Because HGH (and it's variations like Hygetropin) is illegal otherwise."

There you go you can get it as long as its prescribed by a physician to you so there you go it is technically legal if you have a prescribtion for it.

That is hardly what I would call proof.

Show me a reputable source that says the FDA has approved Hygetropin for use in the United States. I have been to the FDA's website and it says NOTHING about Hygetropin. Odd for something that is supposedly approved for use!
Farlance....you are in denial...its plain and simple.....remember my first post when we all start reading about a Dr. in Pennsylvania getting investigated for having prescribed HGH to wrestlers......remember my first post when we all read about the FEDS poking around TNA also......simply put, you are delusional....I didnt need anything to "get off too" as you put it, by seeing a title change last night....and I couldnt care less who out of the other 2 guys got it...the point of a title change was to punish angle for his actions and irresponsibility, arrogance, and getting arrested for violating the law the day before a PPV and nothing else.....you seem deluded to the point that you are talking about he said she said etc.....it doesnt matter about the hows and whys.....you have determined that he didnt have the HGH, didnt have a suspended license, and wasnt stalking the broad, but happened to coincidentally show up where she was at like 7 in the morning on a random saturday morning.

Lets just ignore it all, and let Angle keep the title for another 18 months or so.....sounds good.

by the way, Benoit was getting prescribed HGH amongst other things also....just cause it is prescribed doesnt make it legal....The FEDS will show you that just the same way they showed everyone that in the Benoit case which led AStin to be sentenced to 10 yrs in the can for the stuff he was prescribing to wrestlers....get a clue and get past the fact that you are an Angle ball washer that hopes he gets back to WWE someday, but settles for him being TNA champ in the meantime.
p.s farlance....the burden of proof is not on the authorities to show he had a prescription.....the burden of proof is on Angle to show he had a prescription, since he was charged.......you are a dope.......LAW 101...if your defense is that you had a legal prescription, then it will be your job to prove that since the "authorities" are the ones charging him with illegal possession of steriods....

Jesus Christ, at first I thought you were just delusional and in denial, now I see that you are just a dope.
I've always saide the same thing, who cares what these wrestlers do on their own time as long as it doesn't get out of hand (like a wrestler constantly beating on his wife, or another famous incident that doesn't need to be mentioned). Until Angle does something really bad then it would be best to leave him alone (and a DUI is not what I consider really bad, if he killed someone while drunk, thats a different story).

SIDE NOTE: Personally I think it would be best if they get rid of Angle (at least until he gets his personal shit together), not because of what happened on Saturday (as it looks like it could very well be a big misunderstanding) but he is becoming more of a liability to TNA then an asset.

With the Jeff Jarrett/Karen Angle thing, this arrest, his previous DUI, his powerplaying in the TNA office and rumors of Kurt becoming more and more mentally unstable (only a rumor though), thats alot of baggage for one person to take all at once.

Kurt is becoming a guy who although a great wrestler, is ultimately causing more damage to TNA's growth as a company rather than a guy who is going to help bring TNA to its "next level" (he's been there for almost 3 years and TNA is in the same position they are in when he started). I don't think he'll be another Benoit, but he could end up being another Dynamite Kid (which isn't much better).
p.s farlance....the burden of proof is not on the authorities to show he had a prescription.....the burden of proof is on Angle to show he had a prescription, since he was charged.......you are a dope.......LAW 101...if your defense is that you had a legal prescription, then it will be your job to prove that since the "authorities" are the ones charging him with illegal possession of steriods....

Jesus Christ, at first I thought you were just delusional and in denial, now I see that you are just a dope.

While I do agree with you that Farlance is a little biased, your statement is incorrect. It is on the prosecutor to prove you guilty, meaning if they say you have an illegal substance, they have to prove you DON'T have a prescription for it. The burden of proof is always on the prosecutor and never on the defendant.

Also TNA has every right to suspend or fire Kurt for any indiscretion that goes against company policy and as you are so fond of saying Farlance, you nor I have first hand knowledge of what TNA's company policy is on being arrested or allegedly violating a Restraining Order issued by the court. One can use common sense and determine they frown on it so a suspension is more than within their rights.
Oh maybe you should do your research on what Benoit was on before you post it on a forum it wasnt even close to that. As for Angle stalking that woman it was hearsay from her. her word against his. Good luck proving that. Yuo just proved my point about people jumping to conclusions on here. theres no proof for any of the accusations except for the driving under suspension

How is it heresay if Angle was picked up in the vacinity of where she was and she has a restraining order against him? You know what that means? It means he broke the restraining order and was violating the rules of said restraining order, so there's no he said she said anything.. they picked him up right near her and arrested him. :lol:

He can say he didn't know all he wanted, but that still doesn't mean he didn't violate the restraining order.
While I do agree with you that Farlance is a little biased, your statement is incorrect. It is on the prosecutor to prove you guilty, meaning if they say you have an illegal substance, they have to prove you DON'T have a prescription for it. The burden of proof is always on the prosecutor and never on the defendant.

Also TNA has every right to suspend or fire Kurt for any indiscretion that goes against company policy and as you are so fond of saying Farlance, you nor I have first hand knowledge of what TNA's company policy is on being arrested or allegedly violating a Restraining Order issued by the court. One can use common sense and determine they frown on it so a suspension is more than within their rights.

Sorry, you're wrong. I'm a cop. I work in the narcotics division. It isn't the state's burden to prove you don't have a prescription. Do you know why? It is logically impossible to prove a negative! Can you prove there is no such thing as bigfoot? No! It's impossible to logically prove bigfoot does NOT exist. It's up to people who believe bigfoot does exist to provide evidence he exists.

Now, you're probably thinking, "But you're innocent until proven guilty, so why would Angle have to prove he DOES have a prescription." Simple: that's the way the law is written. Prescription drugs are controlled substances. You have to provide PROOF you are authorized to have it! It's kind of like driving without a license. When you get pulled over, you have to show the cop you are authorized to drive by presenting him with a license. If you don't have it, the cop can still check your name and date of birth to see if you have a license, but left it at home. There is no centralized database like that for prescriptions though. So, if you have a controlled substance, you have to be able to furnish proof you have a prescription for it. In some jurisdictions, even if you have a prescription for a drug, it is illegal for you to carry it around in a container other than the one provided by the Dr. or pharmacy! So, if you carry your pain killers around in a sandwich bag and don't have proof you have a prescription for it with you, that's a violation of the law (some places, not necessarily all places).

Angle had an illegal substance. I have seen no proof anywhere this stuff can legally be possessed in the U.S.. It is up to Angle to provide documentation that he was authorized to possess any controlled substance.
How is it heresay if Angle was picked up in the vacinity of where she was and she has a restraining order against him? You know what that means? It means he broke the restraining order and was violating the rules of said restraining order, so there's no he said she said anything.. they picked him up right near her and arrested him. :lol:

He can say he didn't know all he wanted, but that still doesn't mean he didn't violate the restraining order.

Farlance obviously doesn't know what hearsay is. I think what he was trying to say is, "It's just based on her word." In that case, yes, he is right. It is only based on her word. But then again, that's how Protection Orders usually work!! It's usually just based on the word of the person seeking the order. They do have to swear to what they are saying, so they could be charged with perjury if it is not true. Regardless, there was a COURT ORDER Angle was served with. That means he has to stay away from her, period, until there is a hearing to determine if the protection order is necessary and warranted. That's when the court will listen to both sides and determine if the order is needed or not. But until then, the order stands! He can't go near her! Now, did he go there Saturday to stalk her? I don't know. I wasn't there. But it does seem odd that they both ended up at the same place at the same time, she noticed him and he stuck around long enough for the cops to arrest him. I mean, if he was running an errand, and not just sitting in his car watching her, why was he just sitting in his car where she could see him for so long?? If he had some legitimate business to tend to, why was he just sitting in his car right near her for so long?? Seems odd to me! These are things I haven't seen people asking, probably because they don't deal with this kind of stuff on a daily basis. I do. It's not looking good for Angle, I can you that!
p.s farlance....the burden of proof is not on the authorities to show he had a prescription.....the burden of proof is on Angle to show he had a prescription, since he was charged.......you are a dope.......LAW 101...if your defense is that you had a legal prescription, then it will be your job to prove that since the "authorities" are the ones charging him with illegal possession of steriods....

Jesus Christ, at first I thought you were just delusional and in denial, now I see that you are just a dope.

Dude where the hell did I say that the burden of proof for the prescription was on the prosecution? I never said that in regards to the prescription. He DOES have to provide that. I was referring to the stalking and all that. My main point was that people are so quick to judge the situation as a whole, as a reason to take the title off him, suspend him, or fire him. If he has a prescription for something illegal thats on his doctor, not him. It is on the prosecution to prove that he was violating a protection order, that if i read it right, was filed just hours prior to the incident. Was Angle even informed of the Order? If he was did he just happen to be in the same area? Whatever, it doesn't matter. There is nothing on Kurt Angle besides the suspended licenses hands down, until proven otherwise. The prescription allegations must be put on hold, as well as the stalking, thats all im saying. All you people willing to be the judge, jury and executioner by whatever info you read on some wrestling website and take as facts. Its ridiculous. Im not saying he's innocent of any of these things...just innocent until proven guilty so there was no reason whatsoever for TNA management to divert from their plans to keep the title on him for the time being
Dude where the hell did I say that the burden of proof for the prescription was on the prosecution? I never said that in regards to the prescription. He DOES have to provide that. I was referring to the stalking and all that. My main point was that people are so quick to judge the situation as a whole, as a reason to take the title off him, suspend him, or fire him. If he has a prescription for something illegal thats on his doctor, not him. It is on the prosecution to prove that he was violating a protection order, that if i read it right, was filed just hours prior to the incident. Was Angle even informed of the Order? If he was did he just happen to be in the same area? Whatever, it doesn't matter. There is nothing on Kurt Angle besides the suspended licenses hands down, until proven otherwise. The prescription allegations must be put on hold, as well as the stalking, thats all im saying. All you people willing to be the judge, jury and executioner by whatever info you read on some wrestling website and take as facts. Its ridiculous. Im not saying he's innocent of any of these things...just innocent until proven guilty so there was no reason whatsoever for TNA management to divert from their plans to keep the title on him for the time being

You obviously haven't read all of the articles because YES, Angle was served with the court order. That means he was told "stay away from Shaka!" If they both happened to show up at the mall at the same time, that isn't a violation. If he sees her, he has to go the other way. But when you're sitting in your car within viewing distance of the person you're supposed to stay away from, that's a clue! She's in a Starbucks. Why would he just be sitting in his car where she could see him for quite a while?!?! I can tell you it was quite a while because I know how long it takes for 911 calls to get answered, then dispatched, then for the officer to respond! I guarantee you, she called 911 and it was quite a while before the first responding officer got there. So he gets there, and Angle is STILL THERE! Come on, man! Use your head! You really expect us to believe it was just an unfortunate coincidence Angle was sitting in his car for a LONG period of time right near the chick he's supposed to avoid?? Oh, and let's not forget he's not supposed to be driving in the first place because of his DUI conviction!!

And Angle did not have a prescription for that stuff, so stop trying to blame the Doctor. He didn't get a prescription from a Doctor then go to his local CVS and pick that stuff up. You can't get it in the U.S.!!! That stuff is like crack! You can't get a prescription in the U.S. for it!
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