Isn't possible that it's just an angle with all this WWE Network talk?


Pre-Show Stalwart
Maybe this is something they're are going bring in on Raw. Why would they start a network when they already have the hugely successful classics on demand service? Meltzer said that they make tons of cash on that service and that they have almost one hundred thousand subscribers.

And how could they spend hundreds of millions of dollars on a cable network that doesn't even exist?
A bunch of executives fighting over a television channel that doesn't even exist wouldn't make for compelling television.

At all.
A.) It cost a shit load to get a new channel off the ground, & years of slowly building that channel up to the point where cable & dish providers will carry it, that's why they're spending so much money on it.

B.) The fact that the on demand service does so well is likely the biggest reason why WWE feels that investing this kind of time & money into a channel is worth it.

C.) If this was a angle, it would be hands down one of the worst angles ever, & would make the current AJ/Cena/Vicke fraternizing angle seems 1000x more interesting in comparison.

Believe it or not, not everything in wrestling is a swerve or angle.

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