Is WWE planning to develop a lucha character?


Dark Match Winner
I was a huge fan of Rey and I kinda miss him. Imo he had a few opportunities,mostly due to his size. Nevertheless, he was a fan favorite in his WWE run and I believe that the way he left was not the appropriate one. I mean he deserved more,he was 13 years in this company and there was not even an announcement or an appreciation day. Maybe only in my eyes he deserved all these.

Now back to the issue. So my question is; is WWE planning to develop a lucha character or the mask means nothing nowadays?

I believe that all the mystery staff,even though it has been done again,is attractive and interesting.
We've seen what Kalisto can do,I mean he is a talent but he is even smaller than Mysterio and I don't see him go beyond the mid card. Rey was in some periods in the main event scene,he had some heavyweight,intercontinental,tag wins.

I don't want to talk about Sin Cara or Hunico or whatever. Sin left and they replaced him with Hunico. Clever choice creatives,well done. I think that priority should be given to new talents and not to recycled gimmicks.

Will we see a masked top star in the future?
Will Kalisto go beyond our expectations?
I don't think, as of right now, they're planning on it since we have the Lucha Dragons and it does seem like they've been trying to put them over. Since there's a 9 year difference between Kalisto and Hunico, my guess is that when they split the tag team up, Kalisto will get an individual push. He does seem to have Rey's in ring potential.
But honestly I don't think he'll be "the next Rey mysterio" , or anyone will ever be for that matter. Rey was just the best luchador, he had the whole package. It's honestly so sad that his departure didn't even get acknowledged, he deserved much more.
No. They don't need one. It's not WWE's style. You saw matches with Sin Cara. His style totally clashes with everything the WWE puts out there. He couldn't have a great match with anyone but someone exactly like himself. He couldn't cut a promo because he didn't speak English. He was a disaster. Most true lucha performers would be the exact same result. Rey Mysterio was the only exception you will probably ever see. And I don't know if I would even call him an actual "lucha character." Plus, after his program with Jericho in the summer of '09, nobody cared what Rey did anyway. We mostly just wanted him off TV. His matches were all the same.

You have the Lucha Dragons and I'm sorry... don't get me started. I dislike them as much as I dislike Rusev. Are they talented? Sure. But good lord are they annoying. For the most part, luchas can't cut promos because they can't speak English. They all have their masks so they show no facial expression. They just don't work with WWE's product. And forgive me if I'm wrong, but other than Rey, nobody else that has his background has even come close to what he did. They don't work. WWE doesn't need them.
This may sound ridiculous but I've a thought in my mind. Seriously I can't see WWE trying to push a luchador or masked wrestler to the top of the mountain once again. Or maybe they can do something with Kalisto If they want. But if they badly wants a masked superstar to be on the MainEvent level, Bring in El Generico!!!!

I think the reason Rey Mysterio made such a big impact was not only his style but he emphasized exactly what a cruiserweight was. He might have been small, but his quickness and high flying style was a hit with the fans, especially kids.

He was extremely talented, but never really believable as a world champion. When they got rid of the cruiserweight title, that to me sort of ended any possibility of someone coming in after him and maintaining the heights he did.

While saying that though, Kallisto is just as talented as Mysterio, perhaps more so, and he's only been on the roster a short time. Give him the chance for fans to get behind him. If the pops are anything like I think they are, it's already started. But like I said, he's not believable up against a Roman Reigns or Randy Orton, even in a scripted sport.

Most I think would agree that not everyone on the roster will ever or should ever be world champion, that spot is reserved for a certain few. Kallisto will fill a niche left by Mysterio, and that's all the WWE needs. There is a huge Latino community out there and why not give them representation. You don't need to see a guys facial expressions or even hear him talk to get over, Kallisto does it with action's. You can almost tell what he's saying by the picture he paints in the ring.

He won't be pushed to the top of the mountain, but a mountain is huge, and there is more than enough room on it for a lucha character. If the fans get behind him then why not.
I did think the original Sin Cara would have went further than it did, I can't see them planning any more for a while at least since they have the Lucha Dragons as they probably prefer keeping someone around covering the demographic of Mexican fans seeing as lucha libre has always been very popular there.
Probably Kalisto. Born in the US, can speak perfect English, and is awesome in the ring. He's basically a younger version of Rey Mysterio and if he can catch the same kind of wave that Rey did, he may be able to make some big waves. Plus, WWE is always looking to market international superstars and Kalisto seems to be the "Mexican star of the future." Personally, I wouldn't rule out the World Championship one day, some years from now. Well, he's obviously the front-runner, but we can't really say until we see him branch out some more.
I believe the WWE wants to have more realistic and relative characters in its main event now a days because when you look at it you get Seth Rollins (backstabber) Dean Ambrose (Wrecking Ball) Roman Reigns (Friend/Fighter) Kevin Owens (Family Man) Sami Zayn (Good Guy) and so on so forth.

I don't mind seeing a new luchadore in the WWE. I think it's a good idea. I'm not someone who keeps up with Lucha but I remember TNA brought in a guy named Rubix. I think the WWE could sign him, keep his character and let him do his moves. That way the WWE main roster would comprise of 4 awesome talents - Kalisto, Sin Cara, Rubix, Neville.
Maybe, but it doesn't seem like WWE cares for the Lucha Dragons THAT much right now. Oddly, right now only the New Day seems to really matter, whereas usually two teams will feel prevalent. Cesaro/Kidd just because another (admittedly awesome) team after losing the belts.
Maybe, but it doesn't seem like WWE cares for the Lucha Dragons THAT much right now. Oddly, right now only the New Day seems to really matter, whereas usually two teams will feel prevalent. Cesaro/Kidd just because another (admittedly awesome) team after losing the belts.

I struggling to figure out why you would say the WWE doesn't care about them? If you look at their debut as compared to the Ascension, it's night and day. The Dragons have had a much better response from not only the announcers but the audience. The Ascension haven't got out of the starting gate yet, and I'm thinking they might never.

The reason they are focusing on New Day is because they are the tag champions, it would look kind of stupid if they didn't. Cesaro and Kidd haven't lost any relevancy either. I think this is why the division sucks quite honestly, the fans don't know what they want.
I struggling to figure out why you would say the WWE doesn't care about them? If you look at their debut as compared to the Ascension, it's night and day. The Dragons have had a much better response from not only the announcers but the audience. The Ascension haven't got out of the starting gate yet, and I'm thinking they might never.

The reason they are focusing on New Day is because they are the tag champions, it would look kind of stupid if they didn't. Cesaro and Kidd haven't lost any relevancy either. I think this is why the division sucks quite honestly, the fans don't know what they want.

You might be right. I watch RAW and Smackdown through Hulu, which edits the shows down, so it's possible I'm presuming WWE doesn't care based on that. As easy as it is to pick on the Ascension, it should be noted that WWE was interested in them at first. They only really floundered after their mediocre match with the New Age Outlaws. Even then, that's a pretty big start that showed at one point, WWE did think they'd be the next big thing.

You also might be right that I don't know what I want. But New Day was getting more attention even before they won the belts. Once again, hulu may be editing, but has Cesaro/Kidd cut any promos since turning faces? I can't think of any, which is why I'm wondering if they're losing relevancy.

Bu I admit I don't know. The division is filled with strong teams, but I wish they'd break off more into '1 Team Vs 1 Team' feuds. I'm tired of battle royales. I find it weird that New Day and Prime Time Players seem to be the primary focus, even though PTP have barely wrestled since reforming. That might also be why I'm concerned for Lucha Dragons and Cesaro/Kidd- whom I'd rather be the primary enemy.
When thinking about this debate I keep asking myself why is nobody mentioning Daniel Bryan? I mean am I the only who sees the comparison between his career and Rey's. Little guy overcoming the impossible odds to become champ, hella over with the crowd, dangerous moveset, not the normal manly looking champion, any of this sound familiar? How about 2 guys who style and moveset drastically reduced their careers. I know some of you will say that DB isn't a lucha but you can't deny that he wrestles a similar style and it contributed to his current state. The reason guys like DB, Rey, Eddie, Chavo, Tahjri, Kidman, The Hardys work is because they modify their ring styles to fit with other non high flyers. These guys understood the art of adaptation and if you want to make it on the biggest stage out there you need to work the so called WWE style. Eventually there'll be another masked wrestler to make it to the main event picture but he won't be working the same style as Rey or DB because he would be a health risk.

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