Is WWE In Need of A NEW Gimmick Type Match Concept?


The lord of darkness
Ill keep this short and sweet.

With Ladder matches being mainly used for MITB, HITC toned down and not used much anymore, Elimination Chamber pretty much not used anymore, and Cage matches used only to push a storyline...

Is WWE in need of a new gimmick concept to fit with this era?

Simply put...WWE has toned down the violence. Gone are the days of the brutal ladder and HITC matches. What if Triple H came out with a new concept for a WWE Title match...or ANY match? Could a new type of match work in todays programming?

So I ask all of you...

1) Is WWE in need of a new match design?
2) Would you LIKE to see a new idea brought out?
3) What type of match would you choose?
4) Could it work in this era of WWE?
WWE is definitely in need of a new match type, and one that actually sticks around at that. As far as what type of match I would make, I'm not sure but it would be fun to see something having to do with a cage. We need a match like the Elimination Chamber. One that can look menacing but doesnt give you the idea that there needs to be blood or weapons involved to be a good match.
Ibelieve they have killed the gimmick match. Money in the Bank was the most anticipated match of WrestleMania to me and now the importance is gone. Same with the Elimination Chamber. Gimmicks should not have to be used to sell an entire card. Wrestling should do that for it. If a new gimmick match were brought in I hope it would not get overused. I think most everythings been done unless you want to rip from TNA. That being said I would take an elevation X match again given the guys have the balls enough to take the bump(eh-hem James Storm).
I think that Hell in a Cell has run its course and needs to be replaced with something else. The WWE has proven time and time again that they can have great matches without the need for blood but the general carnage that we saw in HIAC was part of the image for the match itself. With the WWE being more concerned with the health and safety of its wrestlers and the general irrelevancy blood is, there's just no real reaosn to have HIAC. On top of that, the've been a lot of HIAC matches over the past 13 years and they just no longer have that mystique, that aura about them.

As to what the WWE could use, well that can be difficult. The WWE doesn't tend to use a lot of gimmick matches most of the time and, when they do, they're usually used properly. However, if anyone has "killed" gimmick matches, it's TNA rather than WWE. After all you're not going to see a 5 minute ladder match, a 5 minute Falls Count Anywhere match or a 15 minute Iron Man match in the WWE. Coming up with a concept that works on paper and in practice isn't as easy as it seems.

Off the top of my head, I wouldn't mind seeing WWE employ an annual series of matches kind of like TNA is doing with the BFG Series. Only, I'd make it for the mid-card titles rather than the main event titles. There are already several gimmick matches that lead to a person having a shot and/or winning the WWE or World Championships that they really don't need much of anything else.
1) Is WWE in need of a new match design?

Yeah, it's been a while, the newest concepts that come to mind are MITB and the Elimination Chamber and they're both starting to show their age.
2) Would you LIKE to see a new idea brought out?

Yeah, fresh and new is almost always good.
3) What type of match would you choose?

PG13 on a pole match? [Joke]. Given the overwhelming popularity of MMA nowadays they could try and revamp the Lion's Den concept, I say that more because I can't think of anything else though.
4) Could it work in this era of WWE?

Yes, it would almost definitely be able to be incorporated, most match ideas would be in this era [except barb-wire death match type affairs of course].


The problem is, where a new match would be nice and all. There is no 1 single match that could come along and fix the rigid corporate model that WWE has adopted that has made the product itself suffer.
I don't know about new, but maybe bring back a gimmick match from WCW. With the talk that there are going to be two different factions, one supporting Triple H and one supporting Vince McMahon, why not bring back War Games for Survivor Series? It doesn't have to be all blood and guts, especially if they bring back the original rules of it stating that the only way to win is by submission. I read rumors before that HHH wanted to bring War Games back, but Vince always shot the idea down. Other than that, I did a post last week asking people if they wanted to see the triple cage that WCW used toward the end of its run be brought back, and I think that would be interesting if it was used strictly for the heated, personal rivalries, such as Triple H/Orton last year.
Not entirely. Just bring back the Championship Scramble match once every two years or something, so it's not overused, but seen enough.
I want to see a new match but personally. I want to see a good 5 Man elimination title match like Night of Champions 2007 which saw Then Champion Cena vs Mick Foley, Bobby Lashley, Randy Orton, and King Booker.
Right now I would enjoy seeing Punk, Ziggler, Morrison, Mcintyre and Big Show
I don't know about new, but maybe bring back a gimmick match from WCW. With the talk that there are going to be two different factions, one supporting Triple H and one supporting Vince McMahon, why not bring back War Games for Survivor Series? It doesn't have to be all blood and guts, especially if they bring back the original rules of it stating that the only way to win is by submission. I read rumors before that HHH wanted to bring War Games back, but Vince always shot the idea down. Other than that, I did a post last week asking people if they wanted to see the triple cage that WCW used toward the end of its run be brought back, and I think that would be interesting if it was used strictly for the heated, personal rivalries, such as Triple H/Orton last year.

Ironically Triple H wanted a War Games for Survivor Series 2002, but since it was a WCW idea Vince didn't do it. So they created the Elimination Chamber.

People on here were complaining about the Royal Rumble being "old" and not unique anymore, and WWE would eventually do a 40 man rumble. Which honestly isn't that big of a deal or anything "unique". Just takes up more time.

I still enjoy the Chamber matches, since they have guys bump like crazy and they are always good matches.

It's only been about 9 years since the Chamber debuted, and that's pretty quick to start wanting a new gimmick match.

Just as long as it isn't a triple cage match.
I've had this idea for awhile now, I heard HHH wants to bring back the tag division so how about a tag team Royal Rumble? basically the same as the Royal Rumble but the last 2 men remaining are crowned tag team champions.
It's not so much that they need new gimmicks, it's that they destroyed the old ones with all the gimmick PPV's. Hell in the Cell is the greatest example. The Cell used to be the end all match of feuds. People got excited when it was announced. Cell matches would only take place after months of feuding without a clear winner. They were a HUGE deal. Now you just look at your calender. Look at all Cell matches they have had on the Cell PPV. None of them belonged in the Cell. They just had to have a Cell match because it was Hell in the Cell month on the calender. None of them even deserve to be mentioned in the same sentence as the originals.

TLC is another fine example of a once great match going to shit. Same as with the Cell. If a TLC match was announced it was a huge deal because it meant a feud was certainly going to end. Now, just look at whoever wrestled at Surivor Series and you know next month they will be in either a TLC match, or a God awful tables, ladder, or chair match.

You can't build a gimmick match to be huge when everyone knows that it's coming no matter what by looking at the calender.

Do they need a new gimmick? Not exactly. They need to use the greatest gimmick match in wrestling history. WAR GAMES INSIDE HELL IN A CELL! Rumor has it that Vince has always hated War Games because the two rings make every other match on the card look stupid. I agree. Use the Cell for a WarGames match. With all the space on the outside it has plenty of room for 10 guys in it. Give the fans a new twist on something that a lot of us have wanted for a long time.

P.S. Am I the only one who thinks that you shouldn't be able to eliminate someone from the Chamber until everyone has entered? If they changed that it would make it a hell of a lot better in my eyes.
I don't think the gimmick matches they have now are bad. Whats bad is the way they are forced down our throats. A Hell In A Cell match was used to end a feud. Elimination Chamber was a match when you had so many people who deserved a title shot and wanted to give the fans something more special than just a fatal four way.

The problem that happened was WWE started naming PPVs after gimmicks and giving us a PPV for every gimmick, so we would have a great feud between 2 superstars but the PPV is call fatal 4way, so lets fuck it up and add 2 more stars. Split brands leads to Elimination Chamber matches featuring Drew McIntyre who was barely relevant enough to be in a 40 man royal rumble.

They don't need new gimmicks, but they need to save them for when they are needed. Make them feel more special when they happen instead of just something to fill an October PPV
ECW (Heyman Years) had a match i think it was called the double jeopardy match 2 matches would be going on at the same time and ala a 4way The rules of this match was that two matches were happening at the same time, Corino vs. Sandman and Credible vs. Lynn. The winners would continue the match against each other while the losers remained at ringside as lumberjacks.

i think wwe could make this in to something big as i intially liked the idea of it i really dont remember how the match came out but i know wwe has the talent to make these memorable matches and must see

and i also think war games should comeback and they need to do something like
I don't think that the WWE needs any new gimmick matches, they just need to tone done the overkill of them. If you have 2 MITB, HITC and Elimination Chamber match on the SAME PPV it kills the importance of the match. What I would like to see them do is still have the gimmick PPV's but limit the gimmick match to one per. Imagine how awesome it would be to end a feud and a PPV with ONLY 1 Hell In A Cell or 1 MITB match at the MITB PPV and that winner can cash in on ANY show.
i was actually thinking of this earliar having the names Hell in a Cell , Money in the Bank, TLC, Fatal Four Way and Elimination Chamber all of these PPV's are match types that people seem to enjoy.

But i think it is also ridicoulous they they got rid of excellent PPV's such as Backalsh, No Way Out, Judgement Jay, Bad Blood all of these atleast had a decent name to match a PPV.

I'm not exactly creative when it comes to match designs but i'm sure there is a great imaganation lieing restless for someone to pick up on and use as there gimmick or icon.
This is not a new match type but in my opinion they should bring back the King of the Ring Tournament.

They should have say an 8 man tournament all matches held on the one night with the qualifiers held on either Smackdown or Raw, maybe with each brand having four men representing them in the tournament.

It helped launch the careers of the likes of Stone Cold and Bret Hart so why not attempt a rebirth of this tournament? It would be a better theme for a PPV than a submission match PPV in Breaking Point, even Bragging Right was pretty much just the Survivor Series with an identity crisis.
P.S. Am I the only one who thinks that you shouldn't be able to eliminate someone from the Chamber until everyone has entered? If they changed that it would make it a hell of a lot better in my eyes.

hehe lets go off topic for a second on this one, I definately agree with this, I have always maintained balance on SvR games when I was in a chamber match till everyone came out. made the match alot more interesting, and challenging.

Now for a new gimmick match, I think they just need to reinvent some of the things they have now(make the steela cages look different), and kill the gimmick match PPV(MITB, HITC, TLC, EC, etc.) the stuff they have now i still find great, but they need to have more of a story line and not a ppv name so we the fans dont know when to expect one. and then when we here about it, it will make us all jittery and want to actually watch it. There are some matches that aint been used much that i would like to see more of though, Three Stages of Hell, Best of 5 Series, Gauntlet, etc. Maybe steal some ideas from WCW and ECW. By the way Vince you did buy them out so, those matches or ideas are rightfully yours... USE THEM.
I do think WWe needs a new type of match. A completely new type of match would be great I think. I personally think the only thing you can really do thats new though is with a cage. Maybe something where you have to break out of the cage would be pretty cool. And really who says it has to be new. Bringing War Games to wwe would be pretty cool or even something like the king of the ring. I think king of the ring would be great for a new (but at the same time old) ppv. War games would probably be need more for grudge matches and my breakout idea seems more for a championship match.
The short answer is no.

The long answer follows. A gimmick match is made special by the strength of the performers participating in it, compounded by the strength of the feud surrounding it. I'm going to borrow from TNA here because I can't remember the WWE ever doing something so completely moronic as this. Impact once had a ladder match on TV between Taylor Wilde and Sojourner Bolt, either for the title or the number one contendership, I can't remember. They had no feud whatsoever, had never built up the match, and also Sojo Bolt was awful. When you attach a ladder match to that, it doesn't mean a damn thing, and the stipulation and everyone in general looks stupid. Recall, if you will, Judgment Day 2009, when Edge and Jeff Hardy met for the World Heavyweight Championship at Extreme Rules. This was an awesome match. Why? Edge and Hardy had feuded off again/on again since November, had been involved in a feud for the title for about two months prior, and had already wrestled a standard match. Also, Edge and Jeff Hardy were both two fantastic wrestlers at that point in their career. Combine these factors, and you get an awesome match, wherein the gimmick stipulation heightened an already great combination.

What a gimmick match does it reflect the quality of the feud and wrestlers participating in it. Pick shitty performers in a bad feud, and the gimmick match tends to enhance the shittiness because it just looks stupid. Take great wrestlers in a good feud, and the gimmick match makes it better (in most cases).

So when you look at things like "Oh, X match is so overdone" or "Z match has its own PPV and its just not special anymore" it just doesn't really mean anything. It doesn't matter that there's a HIAC PPV, what matters is that they throw guys into HIAC that don't really deserve to be there. If you run a HIAC match that has great feuds and wrestlers behind it, it'll still rock socks, no matter how many times a year they do it or if it has its own PPV. The same goes for a ladder match, TLC, Elimination Chamber, WarGames, whatever.

The WWE doesn't need to bring a new gimmick match into the game - if you want gimmick matches to be better, stop focusing on the gimmick and start focusing on the men taking part in it. They determine how strong the match is, not the gimmick. You could have a Triple-Ring Double-Cage Pole-On-A-Judy-Bagwell Death Match and it wouldn't mean a thing if you stuck two guys in it who didn't have a good feud or who weren't particularly good. Making new gimmick matches is the opposite of a solution to the problem of lesser quality gimmick matches, it's just the continuation of the problem of fixating on the gimmick rather than the performers. Better wrestlers and better feuds make better gimmick matches.
After thinking about it and reading some replies...I thought of a good one, one that I have always wanted to see attempted.

What about about a double threat type match? A cage match INSIDE the Hell in the Cell! You not only have to beat your opponent and escape the cage, but you also have to beat them to escape the cell. It could also be pulled of with showcasing the brutality of it, all while being surrounded by steel cages.

Now, I saw what you said Jack-Hammer. On paper it MIGHT work, but the actual concept and match may fall short. Yes it would sort of depend on the wrestlers involved. BUT...tell me Punk vs Jericho wouldn't be good? Or Morrison showing off his acrobatic style like he did in the EC.

IDK, its something I've been toying with and even trying to create with Smackdown vs RAW. I dont want to see a WAR GAMES match done in WWE or any TNA gimmick match. Im talking about a NEW NEVER BEFORE SEEN MATCH. Just like when Elimination Chamber debuted.
I would love to see the three cages used at the end run of WCW. Possibly the Battlebowl Lethal Lottery brought back. That lead to a lot of matches that I never thought would happen. That being said, I don't think they really need a new gimmick match, and also agree that the PPV named gimmick matches ruined them
I don't know if it has been done yet or not, but I'd like to see gauntlet matches done with a twist.

Maybe a double gauntlet match for Survivor Series where there are two teams that aren't tag teams with the winner getting something major like a title shot that night...

Or perhaps a tag gauntlet where two guys take on two guys at a time... which would be excellent for tag teams like Taker/Kane or Kane/Show...
I've had this idea for awhile now, I heard HHH wants to bring back the tag division so how about a tag team Royal Rumble? basically the same as the Royal Rumble but the last 2 men remaining are crowned tag team champions.

thats actullay not a bad idea it would be intersting and kinda cool depending on if the teams in it were random teams (i know some would have to) and if they were gonna do it i think having the last 2 men in the match being named tag champs is a good idea as it adds some unpredictablity as to who would become the champs and could see some old teams reunite during the match!

i personally cant think of any good match types they could use i have a few love to see war games brought back and triple cage match being brought back might be good depending on how it was used
Ok so xoxo French Kiss xoxo quoted me on my king of the ring post saying that Sheamus won the king of the ring recently and suffered the curse of the king of the ring.

Right well my idea was to take back the prestige of KOTR tournament and to not have the whole tournament held on Raw with just anybody thrown in there, but instead held at a PPV with qualifiers held on both Raw and Smackdown.

Sheamus won KOTR when it was a on Raw, and that was a reason it failed, do you not remember King Booker a few years back when he suffered the same fat over on SD? Years ago this tournament did build careers and great fueds and it deserves a return to its former glory and not a return to a 3 hour Raw, becuase that doesnt sell tickets its the name Raw that sold those tickets and not the name King of the Ring. Sheamus was barely jobbing at the time and never had much popularity thats another reason why it failed, it was probably thrown together in the space of 5 minutes with Sheamus coming out as the winner.
I think some of them need to down-graded and yeah bring in something new!

For example, the royal rumble is a classic and always is I think. Leave that alone.

Survivor series needs a new angle, something royal rumble esque but with a twist. Perhaps you could have a WWE champion who doesn't deserve the title go up against 4-6 guys who perhaps DO. A test of the champions kinda thing. Perhaps have the WWE and Heavyweight champion have to defend together against the rest of the high card wrestlers.

MITB sucks, every time someone wins it, it is like saying "this guy will be a champion sometime soon" It sucks! When might keep you guessing but it just sucks.

They need to have people win their first title in a normal match I think. It just sucks the way they go about it. And then when perfect scenarios happen and they don't cash in it looks stupid aswell.

Hell in a cell, elimination chamber, TLC etc are all ok I suppose, but they need to focus more on the title matches and leave the rest alone to give them more weight i think.

I dunno like others have said they over use some of the gimmicks. Or maybe they just don't mix them up enough.

Maybe with MITB, after someone wins it, we should have a MITB bank match within 1 or 2 months and keep the briefcase in play (maybe to much going on there)

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