Is WWE Heading In The Right "Business" Direction?

Do you think the WWE going in the right direction business wise?

  • Yes I think they are doing what is best for business.

  • No, I think they are ruining the company.

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aka JuanJuanson
I dind't see this anywhere else and, if it's been posted, please merge. I see a lot of debate(sometimes involving myself) about whether or not the current era is better than the attitude era/any previous era, or about what's better for business. There are many posting their "expert analysis" and talking about what is best for business. There are many who believe WWE is doing the right thing(business wise) and there are others that think he WWE is destroying itself. I read this article here on WZ, as I'm sure many of you have, and I found it to be very interesting.

In 2004 Blizzard Entertainment released its juggernaut, World of Warcraft. Through various advertising schemes and a slow climb it eventually took over the online video gaming world, becoming the most played Massively Multiplayer Online game in history. Each of the expansions since its original release have sold over 3 million units, and it continues to be a very popular choice.

But with each expansion came certain changes to the game. Certain quests and aspects of gameplay were toned down - made easier so WoW could appeal to a more mainstream audience. After three expansions, and the fourth on its way, Blizzard's masterpiece is a shell of its former self. It now panders to casual fans, allowing for an incredibly fast leveling system so players don't have to spend months "grinding" to build up a solid in-game character. They use actors and various celebrities for commercials, trying to draw in people from all demographics.

The honest truth is: WoW is tanking. They took their focus off the hardcore gamer that the original game was tailored to fit. And in doing so they gained millions of new, young (and incredibly annoying) fans. But these fans are fickle, playing through their free trial and never touching it again. Unfortunately Blizzard calculates these trial users in their estimates for how many players they have online... The commercials may still say "over 10 million playing", but there are hardly any original WoW junkies left. Most analysts of the industry are saying they won't make it to the next expansion, and it may go "Free to Play" before 2013.

What did Blizzard do wrong? I'm all for evolution; "evolve or die" as the old saying goes. But you never leave your first love just to make a quick buck. You don't bite the hand that feeds you, and you don't leave your core demographic of gamers out in the rain so you can pander to the casual fan. Sound familiar? It's what WWE has been guilty of for quite some time.

I don't understand why these giant companies are ditching the old, and ushering in a new shiny product to appeal to the masses. We live in an age where a completely independent programer like Markus Persson can release a BETA, and have it become the most played game in the world. I'm talking of course, about Minecraft. The game just celebrated its "official release," but millions of fans around the world have been enjoying the work of Notch (Persson's famous nickname) for two years! The man has turned an indie project into a billion dollar product...

The same people that used to work for Blizzard put out a DOTA clone called League of Legends. It is currently the most played online game on the planet, and the best part: it's completely free. League makes money off the fans who like the game enough to buy in-game outfits and new characters (which they can still get if they just play the free game). How many small-time people and businesses have to succeed before people understand that you DON'T have to appeal to the casual fan!?

WWE doesn't need the celebrity guest hosts. They don't need to make crappy movies to garner a negligeable boost in sales and/or ratings. They don't need to pander to the casual fan at all... In fact, doing has spelled almost certain death for every company that has tried it. Oh, they'll make a truck load of money, but eventually the casual fans they think are so important will find a new fad. They'll move on to MMA, reality fight clubs, or the underwater basket-weaving channel. They will leave, and WWE will be left looking stupid with neither mainstream fans or their hardcore faithful.

You don't alienate your original fanbase to draw a quick buck. But I understand the need... Keeping enough hardcore wrestling fans interested enough to buy PPV's and subscribe to the WWE Network requies a LOT of work. It means real creative thinking, revolutionary steps into the future, and shaking up a product. It means actual talent development, characters that don't all act, talk, and wrestle the same way. It requires actually talented backstage employees that can craft a story.

Why spend the time and resources to put out a revolutionary product, when you can just keep bringing in new fans that will pay for your monthly events and move on? Because...they will move on. People like me will always be around, but as long as the product is terrible, I refuse to pay for any of it. They need to bring back the hardcore fan, because we are the ones actually passionate about the product. We are the ones who can take WWE back to a place of sky-high ratings and PPV buys. But we only latch on to things that are good. We gravitate towards the Minecraft's and LoL's because they are good alternatives to a terrible industry.

I've said this for a long time: WWE will never die because of competition. There's not a soul alive that can touch Vince McMahon in this day and age. There's not an interested party with enough money or vision to make it happen. WWE won't die because it has to defend itself, it will die because it doesn't. TNA's best strategy isn't to challenge Vince and company to a Monday Night War. All they have to do is let the ship sink on its own...

Follow me on Twitter @MikeKillam.

So after reading this what do you guys think? Is WWE really doing what is best for business? Or is just "making a quick buck" and ultimately letting the "ship sink"?
I think they have to make it rated TV-14 again... Because of how it is now they are losing ratings and they are losing hardcore fans to make a quickbuck off of a fad built for little kids.
Problem with PG era is that kids 13 and younger don't have cars and credit cards. In order for them to get to the show, adults are going to be involved and adults would rather attitude era as opposed to muppets and super cena.
Dude WoW is fine, just cause it doesnt have the player base that it once had doesnt mean its tanking or dying or w/e.Other players are allowed to play the game and have fun not only the 18+ no life elitists who bash anyone that isnt up to their standards.
They need to bring in new people just like WWE does.

Sure WoW is dumbed down, its clear as day, but its fun as hell for people who dont play it for 12+ hours a day and get bored of it cause of that.The point is to bring in new fans and keep them, rather then seeing the game die to 500K hardcore subscribers.The point is to make money.And if people are buying your shit , then dont change it.

whats that got to do with WWE?WWE is getting new fans, instead of relying on 80 year old guys who chant E C DUB in 10 years.In 10 years alot of 15+, hell a lot of 10 years old are gonna be old enough to not be considered "Someone who hasn't reached puberty".( paraphrasing The Rock" ).

It is a good bussines model for the long run.Do you ever hear the so called "men" in the arena so vocal about a superstars they like?Besides a certain superstar they dont like?It's clear as hell Cena is not hated and its only because its cool to hate him that people do so.

I'm glad Cena is who he is as a character becase it makes the men in the arena actually give a shit about sth.Rather than stay there silently acting like their girlfriends brought them to a chick-flick.
Problem with PG era is that kids 13 and younger don't have cars and credit cards. In order for them to get to the show, adults are going to be involved and adults would rather attitude era as opposed to muppets and super cena.

But, some of those parents wouldn't allow their kids to watch at all, if some of the "Attitude Era" things were still taking place. It's kind of a catch-22, in that aspect. You also have to consider that WWE is a publicly traded company, so it has to "keep it's nose clean," to a certain extent.

As far as the recent ratings drops, RAW is still right at the top of the cable ratings, behind Monday Night Football this past week. Also, keep in mind that the football game (saints vs Falcons) saw QB Drew Brees break the single season passing yards mark. so, it's not like there was no interest in the game. On top of all of that, a lot of places observed this past Monday as a holiday (since Christmas fell on a Sunday) which means there is a good chance that families were still celebrating Christmas, meaning less people watching TV.

I'd wait a few weeks if I were WWE, before I panicked about ratings dips. With Monday Night Football being over, let's see what happens after the holidays conclude.

I'm sure some are immediately going to say no without even thinking about their answer. They'll see this thread as an excuse to rant and rave regarding their dislike for the PG rating and how going back to the Attitude Era is somehow going to be some sort of immediate & instant cure all

Let's be honest, NONE of us has any experience in running a wrestling company. I'm willing ot bet that none of us posting in this forum has any real experience if managing a large business in and of itself. We don't know very much about what goes on during these meetings regarding the creative & business aspect of WWE. The vast majority of us have little to no experience booking a wrestling card, writing angles for a wrestling storyline or any of the other aspects that goes with the WWE.

For the most part, we come on here and write about what we like, what we think, what we don't like, what we'd like to see happen and what we think should happen. That's all well and good but just because I might think an idea sounds great and a few others do as well doesn't mean that it's something that's going to make money. That's no guarantee that my idea and what I think should happen will be accepted by the majority of WWE viewers.

When it comes to talking about the overall direction of the company, we all might have our opinions. We're entitled to our opinions but that's not a guarantee by any stretch of the imagination that we know what we're talking about from a long term, financial point of view.

Like a lot of people, I have concerns about the WWE Network. In my mind, it doesn't seem all that particularly necessary. At the same time though, I, like everyone else, don't know the whole story. I haven't had access to all the various meetings about the WWE Network so I don't know all the details. Maybe there could be some interesting and even entertaining programs that'll air on the network. I'm willing to at least give the WWE Network a chance. Unfortunately, this WZ article is pretty typical of the mentality of many internet wrestling fans: hate the idea without even giving it a chance. Many have already decided to hate the concept in its entirety without even trying to give it an opportunity and that's just kind of sad in my view. To me, it does sound as if a lot of fans want to see it fail just to get some sort of sheer, vindictive joy out of seeing it happen.

I don't know whether WWE is going in the right direction here or not. I do know, however, that one reason Vince is still in the game when everyone else has gone the way of the dinosaur is because he thinks outside the box. Sometimes we might not like the direction he goes in some ways and that's natural. Can't please everyone all the time. I do think WWE has shown time and time again, however, that when it comes to the various IWC armchair & fantasy bookers, they don't know nearly as much as they imagine they do.
You should publish that, those men might buy it.

Tho I don't want people to think im insulting these men, as I dont have anything personal and I think everyone can do as they damn well please.

But I just find it funny that you hear the voice of the men in the arena , basically , only when Cena is involved in sth.Be it in ring or promo on the tron.

If it would be cool to cheer ziggler or something they would do that, but its not so they dont.You only hear em say "Cena Sucks".Hell even CM Punk chants are starting to have more kiddies then men.

I'm trying to understand their mentality, but I cant.I just hope they show the same passion or at least a portion of it for other superstars,Cause whenever Cena is on screen people are either cheering for the heel ( because of Cena ) or just booing him endleslly, without ever just taking a minute to aknowledge the other talent.
I think its very silly to compare Blizzard/WoW to WWE.

WoW might be on its last legs. They may have made the game appeal to more players, it worked though. It made them a ton of money. Remember video games are not supposed to have long lives like wrestling.

WoW is in its 7th or 8th year now. I played hardcore for about 5 of those. All games die eventually. Blizzard isn't going bankrupt when WoW does close eventually though. They have Diablo III dropping, two more Starcraft 2 games coming and this MMO, Titan or whatever its rumoured to be.

They have a long term plan. WWE does not. They are taking the money like Blizzard did, but they don't seem to be planning what to do with it moving forward.

I agree the movies etc are stupid but they still make a decent amount of $$$ out of their current product. They are still one of if not the highest rated cable show Monday's.

Are the hardcores annoyed? Sure. Will they still watch and bitch about it online? Most likely.

Games and Wrestling cannot be compared in my opinion.
The reality is that as a model wresting itself is coming to the end of the life cycle... Tastes are changing for more reality based combat such as UFC and MMA and the concept of a scripted show is dated. Look at the forums for WWE 12 and the furore over bugs in the Creative Community and Universe modes... Today people want to be the booker themselves in the main, they want the WWE "their way" and I think long term that will be the model that either revitalizes or destroys it. People are tired of Vince's model that says Cena is "his guy" when theirs might be JoMo...

10 years ago it was E-Fedding and Backyard Wrestling, then games like No-Mercy brought in the customisation... With the next gen consoles and if done right, within 3-4 years the technology will be available for every fan to run the WWE or wrestling their way, with TV quality models, WWE if they are smart will run a subscription service when that time comes. I for one would love access to a game that lets me use every WWE superstar ever... Will it ever happen? If the model works well enough it could be an earner that all wrestlers would want to be a part of.

The WWE network is the final gambit away from pro wrestling, they'll need to fill hours of airtime with other programmes... and they will need to put some element of power back into the hands of the fans to make it work... In essence WWE wants to be HBO... but samey product is not what got HBO to where it is, they took risks, allowed its fans to shape its programming and it was definitely NOT aimed at kids!
WWE should get rid of the PG-13 rating
The attitude area wasnt that bad when you think about it the only bad ting is the swearing
But the swearing would be an issue these days because times have changed

But if the WWE had the Attitude Era back now like bring back stone cold do a classic promo or even the rock hell even cena would do good

but WWE needs to change somthing hey cant keep having the same things they try to change it up by having steel cage matches "but the steel cage just dosnt work anymore it dosnet make me think 'OMG a steel cage match" sure im happy about it but it just dosent work anymore.
Even the mighty 'HELL IN A CELL'' use to be the most dangourous unforgiving match type there is but they dont take advantage of it

The money In the Bank-now theres 2 matches a year they put on awesome
matches but its lost that effect there should only be 1 winner

And yes i understand that there human beings that they cant do all this stuff but just change somthing

But on camera John Cena dosent get to be himself he has to be this big superhero and do the same stuff thats why people hate john cena he dose the same old things over and over

BUT WWE IS DOING THE RIGHT THING AS A COMPANY.they do good in attendances,merchindise,etc...but everyones waiting for that big change that one thing that every WRESTLING FAN WILL REMEBER ! LIKE-turning John cena Heel and have him put over the rock and cut a promo the following raw and raw massive heat somthing that people will rember or someone young and put over a top star give them an impact
World of Warcraft is still the #1 MMO. The WWE is still the #1 wrestling company in the world. Even if they're not as popular as they used to be they're still more popular than the MMO's that cater to hardcore gamers and the wrestling companies that cater to hardcore wrestling fans. The comparison is a good one, but not for the reasons the author intended. The comparison proves that hardcore fans are an entitled bunch of know it all cry babies no matter what product they follow.
Yeah man the nerve of those new customers thinking they have a right to enjoy something too. We were here first, man. Why I'll bet those Blizzard guys are actually making a profit off new customers. Profits I tell you, profits!!! Consarn it, all publishers should have to live in a van down by the river to appease a select few fans who have proven they earned the right to call themselves "hardcore".

And those new wrestling fans? Durnburn young whippersnappers with their twitter and their facebook and their social media. The nerve of them flibbityjibbits! Back in my day we had to walk 10 miles for our wrestling. Barefoot in the snow uphill both ways. That makes me so mad I could just wear white after labor day, I tell you what.
Yeah man the nerve of those new customers thinking they have a right to enjoy something too. We were here first, man. Why I'll bet those Blizzard guys are actually making a profit off new customers. Profits I tell you, profits!!! Consarn it, all publishers should have to live in a van down by the river to appease a select few fans who have proven they earned the right to call themselves "hardcore".

And those new wrestling fans? Durnburn young whippersnappers with their twitter and their facebook and their social media. The nerve of them flibbityjibbits! Back in my day we had to walk 10 miles for our wrestling. Barefoot in the snow uphill both ways. That makes me so mad I could just wear white after labor day, I tell you what.

Seriously. As both an MMO player and a wrestling fan I know first hand how entitled gamers and fanboys are. They're also just as big on the gloom and doom, pining for the good old days as the wrestling fans. It's funny how people who call themselves hardcore fans are so ignorant of the respective histories of the medium they follow. Wrestling works in cycles. There are ups and downs that have nothing to do with how good the wrestling product is. And infact it's during the worst times when they give people like Bret Hart the top spot only to find that no matter how much better than Hogan the smarks say he is, he isn't. "Hardcore MMO fans" don't want n00bs. They don't want the game to grow. They are selfish much like the wrestling fans who shout down families at wrestling events. Actually I think wrestling fans are slightly less selfish, but just as delusional in some cases.
Dude WoW is fine, just cause it doesnt have the player base that it once had doesnt mean its tanking or dying or w/e.Other players are allowed to play the game and have fun not only the 18+ no life elitists who bash anyone that isnt up to their standards.
They need to bring in new people just like WWE does.

Sure WoW is dumbed down, its clear as day, but its fun as hell for people who dont play it for 12+ hours a day and get bored of it cause of that.The point is to bring in new fans and keep them, rather then seeing the game die to 500K hardcore subscribers.The point is to make money.And if people are buying your shit , then dont change it.

whats that got to do with WWE?WWE is getting new fans, instead of relying on 80 year old guys who chant E C DUB in 10 years.In 10 years alot of 15+, hell a lot of 10 years old are gonna be old enough to not be considered "Someone who hasn't reached puberty".( paraphrasing The Rock" ).

It is a good bussines model for the long run.Do you ever hear the so called "men" in the arena so vocal about a superstars they like?Besides a certain superstar they dont like?It's clear as hell Cena is not hated and its only because its cool to hate him that people do so.

I'm glad Cena is who he is as a character becase it makes the men in the arena actually give a shit about sth.Rather than stay there silently acting like their girlfriends brought them to a chick-flick.

At this point, I respectfully disagree that many people hate Cena and boo him because it's cool to do so. I think the reason Cena gets booed so much now is because the WWE refuses to turn him heel. They're booing the WWE and the idea that the WWE can just shuffle the same garbage onto the stage week in and week out just as much as they're booing Cena the man or Cena the character.

I don't hate Cena and would never follow what the crowds are chanting, but when I'm at home watching you can be sure I roll my eyes everytime Cena comes out and puts on this ridiculously phony display of emotion when he screams his lines and shakes his face at the same time...a nice rip off of both HHH and The Rock there by the way.

Cena is stale. Cena is predictable. That's why Cena gets booed.
John Cena gets booed because he is the poster child for this lackluster era of the WWE, which can't compare to the greatness of the past. He is boring, stale, generic, and totally overexposed, just like the WWE is these days.

If you were constantly served hamburger OVER and OVER again every single week after you were used to Filet Mignon, you'd be pretty pissed too. The guys who are booing and chanting "Cena Sucks" are the guys who are old enough to remember when wrestling was great.
Cena comes across as corny and insincere. However, the main reason he get's booed is because for years he has been shoved down peoples throats and has been almost unbeatable. It has nothing to do with people doing what's "cool". If it was to be cool, they could just as easily cheer him as it is just as popular.

On topic now. I don't understand why everyone uses merch sales to argue that WWE is doing the best thing right now and that an attitude/tv-14 era would not work. Are the t-shirts, head bands, masks, sweatbands etc going to suddenly stop being produced because the rating changed? Absolutely not. The attitude era had plenty of merchandise as well. I had like 5 different Stone Cold Steve Austin shirts. Merch sales would only increase from a new Attitude-like era. Why? If more wrestlers developed an actual character with more of their own personality, it would just allow a greater variety of merchandise. In addition, fans would have more favorite wrestlers therefore buying more merchandise. When people say tv-14 people freak out as if it is going to be some R rated horror show with nothing but sex, blood, alcohol and foul language. No. Just because you go back to tv-14 doesn't mean you have to go to the extremes that the rating would allow. It means that you have more room to have edgy stuff and bigger shock value. WWE has only recently gone to the PG rating. It was mid 2008 I believe. It wasn't a smutfest full of blood and gore in the years before that was it? Absolutely not. The divas wouldn't have to go back to bra and panties matches just because the rating would allow. They can still have "serious" matches. Superstars won't have to fill their promos with cuss words just because the rating allows. They will simply have more wiggle room for their character and would be allowed to put more emotion/emphasis into their promos. For example, when Truth came back, instead of relating it to Christmas presents he could have said something more along the lines of "your ass is mine". All the matches wouldn't have to(and never did in the past) result in bloodbaths. They will just have the opportunity to better sell some of their more dangerous matches like HIAC, elimination chamber, last man standing, ladder/tlc matches. How can someone believe that one of these specialty matches is "the most dangerous match in the business" if they all walk away unscathed. Lol remember back in the days, on the Raw after a PPV wrestlers(especially Triple H) would limp out with bandaged foreheads etc. WWE is more G rated aside from the matches. With a higher rating, a wider variety of character and storylines, and a less "scripted" feel, the product would appeal to a larger fanbase and arenas would sell out for weeks, the way the used to. They get most of their revenue from ticket sales anyways. Merch sales would still be there and most likely improve. Casual fans can still watch and hardcore fans will be brought back. hell casual fans would likely become hardcore fans. None of us started as hardcore fans, right? PPV buys would definitely increase if their were more storylines. People will want to buy to find out what happens with the story and if it ends. Remember back in the Corporate Ministry days(highest rated period btw) they had the end of an era match? Things like that will keep people watching. Nowadays there isn't that "omg I can't miss Raw/Smackdown tonight so I can see what happens next" feel. It's more of a "I'll just DVR it", "oh well I'll just miss it tonight" or even "I hope something actually happens tonight..nope. Guess I'll watch something else."
All the creative team needs to do is focus on writing storylines(throughout the roster not just ME). Let the wrestlers develop their own characters and promos and just have creative edit/tweak them. Creative wouldn't have to do as many hit and miss experiments. They will be able to spot those that have real charisma and those that don't. This would result in less lowcarders being held down while they try to experiment with a select handful. That alone will bring in a larger fan base and it will allow wrestlers to get themselves over so, when they do, it wouldn't feel so forced. Mid card would be relevant again which would slowly rebuild relevance to mid card titles. More relevance to lower card titles means more big title matches, period. This will increase PPV buys and tv ratings.
So there you have it. You would get increased merch sales, ticket sales, PPV buys, and higher ratings. Win/win/win/win situation.
I can't believe people think that the WWE is shitting on itself despite solid earnings in what seems to be a prelude to a double-dip recession. What would please the Attitude era smarks among us - the return of blood as a storyline device, the return of crude sexual innuendos, the weak bad-ass posturing? Bullshit.

I'll only say that if the economic model and the age-old assumptions that created and maintained the Attitude era was in any way sustainable (if it made more money for Vince and his company in the long-term), Vince would've kept it, parental advisory boards, Christian fundamentalists, soccer moms, and congressmen calling for Vince's head or no.
I saw the title and was about to post up Mike Killam's post myself...... I agree with it 100% WWE is just maintaining and hoping for a big short term payday... in the long run It is not going to last.
What would please the Attitude era smarks among us - the return of blood as a storyline device, the return of crude sexual innuendos, the weak bad-ass posturing? Bullshit.
There was a lot more than blood, and sex in the attitude era. I wouldn't expect you to know this as you were only 5 and probably didn't actually watch it. The attitude era was famous of fully planned out stories, twists, characters, shocking moments, great wrestling, and charisma. There were so many good things about it. Why do you high light the same negative aspects of it? Is it because you never watched it and just talk about what you here a bunch of other young IWC marks say? The blood and sex didn't define the attitude era. Despite all the good things about the attitude era, you focus on the bad.

Let me make it simple for you and many others. The attitude era sold out arenas on a weekly basis(more ticket sales), had the highest ratings(more ad revenue), higher PPV buys(more money again) and high merch sales(gasp how can you sell a t shirt if its not a PG show?). The parental advisory boards, Christian fundamentalists, soccer moms, and congressmen calling for Vince's head? Well then take the sex out, tone the blood down. Just because there were a few flaws that made it offensive to some doesn't mean we should scrap the whole thing. When people call for an attitude era, they aren't asking to add sex and blood baths. We are asking for stories, twists, characters, shocking moments, great wrestling, and charisma. So if your only argument against going back to an attitude-like era is because the sex and blood are to foul to be marketable then, guess what? You don't have an argument at all. If you don't like pickles on your burger, then get rid of the pickles. Don't throw everything else away and eat the buns. I seriously don't understand how this is a difficult concept for people.
Surely there is a happy middle ground. Using the existing roster spilt (RAW & SmackDown!) why not tailor for example SD as the child friendly show and RAW the more edgy brand, targeting an older audience. This way WWE gets a wider age range of fans, plus fans will grown up with something to watch once passing puberty. Might finally put to use the worthless brand spilt.

Rather than all this why doesn't WWE return to the Attitude era, why can't RAW return to the Attitude era?! (Minus Mae Young & Mark Henry Type Storylines!).

Just a thought...
There was a lot more than blood, and sex in the attitude era. I wouldn't expect you to know this as you were only 5 and probably didn't actually watch it. The attitude era was famous of fully planned out stories, twists, characters, shocking moments, great wrestling, and charisma. There were so many good things about it. Why do you high light the same negative aspects of it? Is it because you never watched it and just talk about what you here a bunch of other young IWC marks say? The blood and sex didn't define the attitude era. Despite all the good things about the attitude era, you focus on the bad.

Let me make it simple for you and many others. The attitude era sold out arenas on a weekly basis(more ticket sales), had the highest ratings(more ad revenue), higher PPV buys(more money again) and high merch sales(gasp how can you sell a t shirt if its not a PG show?). The parental advisory boards, Christian fundamentalists, soccer moms, and congressmen calling for Vince's head? Well then take the sex out, tone the blood down. Just because there were a few flaws that made it offensive to some doesn't mean we should scrap the whole thing. When people call for an attitude era, they aren't asking to add sex and blood baths. We are asking for stories, twists, characters, shocking moments, great wrestling, and charisma. So if your only argument against going back to an attitude-like era is because the sex and blood are to foul to be marketable then, guess what? You don't have an argument at all. If you don't like pickles on your burger, then get rid of the pickles. Don't throw everything else away and eat the buns. I seriously don't understand how this is a difficult concept for people.

QFT. Perhaps the teenage IWC mark doesn't get it because it was before his time, so he has no basis for comparison. Everyone I know who is around my age and grew up watching the WWF thinks the current product is garbage, and for the most part doesn't watch anymore. They only get interested again when people like The Rock or Bret Hart come back.

The reasons you highlighted about why the Attitude Era was great were also the reasons the Golden Era (Hulk Hogan, "Macho Man" Randy Savage, Ultimate Warrior, "Million Dollar Man" Ted DiBiase, Bret "Hitman" Hart, Undertaker, Andre the Giant, Jake "The Snake" Roberts, Mr. Perfect, etc.) before the Attitude Era was great, and that was also PG rated just like today. It wasn't because of blood and sex. The Attitude Era and Golden Era were WAY more creative in terms of great characters and great storylines.
I say yes and no. Currently they are marketing towards the kids with the television product some but thats to build to the future. The problem I see with the business model is that they are trying to only market the Main event and more specifically having only 2 or 3 main guys. What is needed is to market the product and all of its divisions like they used to. market the midcard and Tag division and Womens divisions to start and seperately from the Main Event.

Build up more than 2 marketable superstars (Cena and Orton) to the public to draw people in. If the consumer doesnt like them then what can they market? Many people don't like them but they are the names synonymous with wwe and are the ones you see. Like car companies have your main ones but show that there are many more varieties and options in the product line. Ford- markets Trucks as the main line but shows commercials and has departments geared specifically for their compact, crossovers, hybrid, etc. lines.
The problem is WWE is not solidifying a fan base. They pander to the internet, which can only picture things then share them on a forum. That requires no trial and error, just a post by someone whos considered to be smart online to get a good reaction. They pander to children, who love the stuff because theres action, bright lights, and toys. Once they grow up they'll call wrestling gay and move on. Theres absolutely no credibility in the wrestling biz. First of all this whole breaking the 4th wall thing is cute when its spaced out but you dont see any TV show characters acknowledging on the damn show that they're just characters every week. Second, the guys in the ring dont look like wrestlers, they look like guys who would be in your high schools Glee or LGBT club (no offense to anyone who leads an alternate lifestyle). I'm pretty sure I'd have a fair chance against 80% of the WWE roster and I'm by no means a bodybuilder. Its all in how WWE is packaged. UFC looks like a rough and tough place to be regardless whether the guys in the octagon can talk a good game or are cosmetically appealing. We need violence, real violence, not a fight in the lobby of an arena on smackdown every other month. We need characters that act like the badasses you know in real life. We need to tone it down with the bright lights and big stages. WWE is supposed to look like a fight is about to take place, not another episode of American Idol. If you package it like it actually means something and stop listening to fans who thing aerobics and a lot of kicking in any way shape or form resemble an actual fight then WWE would be getting somewhere. But as long as WWE feeds off the one hit wonders, the Ryders, the Cenas, the children, nothing is going to change for the better.
I think they are doing just fine. The ratings may not show it each and every week but the WWE is in no way shape or form hard up for money. I work for Wal-Mart and I can tell you we sold more WWE Toy merchandise this year at Christmas than any other single toy for boys in that age demographic. We sell out of all the WWE dvds that are released even the WWE Studios upon initial release. Tons of school children ages 5-13 are seen with WWE theme apparel and book bags and other stuff every year at the back to school season. WWE is making money hand over fist with all it's merchandising right now because they are geared towards kids and that's a good thing. All the old school die hard fans that just grew up with the "Attitude Era" won't agree with that buts it's true, to paraphrase it's damn true. I have been watching wrestling since the early 80's, right around 82 or 83 is when I started watching religiously, wherever I could find wrestling on a TV I was watching. When Hulk Hogan kicked off Hulkamania around 84 wrestling was pretty much similar to the way it is now, very much aimed at grabbing kids and was heavily promoted as a family event. When those kids, like myself grew the wrestling product grew with us or us with them, however you want to look at it and that ushered in the so called "Attitude Era". The AE ran it's course, some fans stayed some fans left, so WWE had to make a choice stick with the old fans that will gradually grow tired of the product and leave or changes things up again in order to bring in another generation. My son if 5 years old and loves wrestling, his favorite wrestler of course is John Cena, much like when I was a kid my favorite was Hulk Hogan. He has wrestling figures and posters and rings and clothes and just about everything else you can think of. He loves it so much that his kindergarten class voted him most likely to become a professional wrestler when he grows up, and right now thats really what he wants to do. I let him watch old WWF dvds with me and he like Hogan, but his other favorites are Warrior and Macho Man Randy Savage, he loves Savage. He even said when he grows up and becomes a wrestler his move is gonna be the Flying Elbow Smash like the Macho Man. So yeah I am happy with what the WWE is doing right now and I have no worries that they are gonna be around for a long time to come. Wrestling much like everything in like has it's cycles, fads come and go and peoples tastes change as the grow. WWE will see that their current fan base is growing up and things in the product will change to fit their tastes and then when they are done with it WWE will change again, it's just the circle of life in the wrestling business.

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