Is WWE burying Zack Ryder?


Pre-Show Stalwart
It's all in the thread title. Is WWE burying Zack Ryder right before our eyes?

It seems to me they are burying Zack Ryder. In my opinion they make him look lucky rather then good. In addition to that they make him look like a coward with no courage whatsoever. Like how they inserted him into the Kane and Cena angle. Granted all superstar are supposed to be agraid of Kane at this point. But, babyfaces tend to have more guts (for the sake of keeping it clean). Ryder showed no desire to stand up to Kane at all.

Perhaps they have a larger plan in mind, but in my experience they see Zack as feeder and they have no big plan for him. Curious to see your responses.
eh i dont think hes being buried really a little bit he is but not much him running from kane makes sense and him saving eve was very heroic on his part i hope if ryder does defend against swagger next week (its still being advertised but now wwe is saying ryder is "hurt" because a chokeslam onto a air mattress hurts like a bitch :lmao:) i hope ryder does indeed defend against swagger but not next week i hope he faces swagger at royal rumble as swagger needs something to do for the ppv and so does ryder and lets face it neither one has a shot at winning the rumble so why not let them have a us title match? :shrug: bottom line no i do not think zack ryder is being buried
Like routron said despite fearing Kane he did try to save Eve and he is also no said to be injured I don't see this as burying him whenever he comes back from that injury the crowd is more than likely gonna pop and I'm sure he'll get some type of pay back or something
Buried? he's involved in the top storyline on Raw, how is that being buried?

While a fued for his title defense seems to have taken a back seat, he's getting major TV time.
It's all in the thread title. Is WWE burying Zack Ryder right before our eyes?

It seems to me they are burying Zack Ryder. In my opinion they make him look lucky rather then good. In addition to that they make him look like a coward with no courage whatsoever. Like how they inserted him into the Kane and Cena angle. Granted all superstar are supposed to be agraid of Kane at this point. But, babyfaces tend to have more guts (for the sake of keeping it clean). Ryder showed no desire to stand up to Kane at all.

Perhaps they have a larger plan in mind, but in my experience they see Zack as feeder and they have no big plan for him. Curious to see your responses.

It's a natural and believable progression. You would be scared too to face Kane or Cena or HH if you were in that "universe". Ryder is a mark for these guys and he can now hang with them. He will be lucky and coward until he find courage and aspire to more and then he will truly make it.
Short answer: No. Long answer: Nooooooooooooooo.

I mean, don't accuse me of thinking this Kane storyline is any good. I'd rather you accuse me of being a pedophile or an anti-semite. Ryder's on television every week, plastered in his merchandise, which sells a metric ton every hour, and has been booked pretty favourably as of late. Stuggle as I might to actually buy it, this is WWE's way of making Kane look like a feasible threat again. That and the shitty 1950s horror movie stuff.
I personally am of the opinion that Ryder is being buried. While he is the current US Champion, all of his wins over Dolph Ziggler have looked like flukes. In most instances, he is made to look like an idiot who's only claim to the top is becoming popular on the internet rather than earning Vince's respect. It's clear to me WWE is only using Ryder now to appease the WWE Universe and not specifically b/c they believe in him. I'd be surprized if his reign as US Champ lasted over a month or two.

To sum it up, WWE has pushed him as a joke since day one, and I don't see that changing anytime soon. His current character is too comical to be taken as a serious threat and he needs to revamp his character in order to have any kind of credibility. Otherwise, he'll probably revert back to being a jobber once his title reign is over.
They're using him in the best and only way he can be used, as a supporting player in a story. At least in his current form.

It's not that I hate his gimmick really, it's that I hate the way he talks. If it was played with a bit of charisma and humor, instead of just outright stupidity, it'd probably be more appealing and have a higher ceiling.

You could tell Cena's rap character was going to propel him to something bigger because he was genuinely witty and funny (to the time). All Ryder does is kinda talk fast. I really don't like the way he speaks, it annoys the hell out of me.

I do like his entrance music, though.

So, I guess my point is...if they are burying him. Good. Like I said in all the other threads, hopefully Kane burns him alive and Ryder has to wear a mask that prevents him from opening his mouth ever again.
It's all in the thread title. Is WWE burying Zack Ryder right before our eyes?

It seems to me they are burying Zack Ryder. In my opinion they make him look lucky rather then good. In addition to that they make him look like a coward with no courage whatsoever. Like how they inserted him into the Kane and Cena angle. Granted all superstar are supposed to be agraid of Kane at this point. But, babyfaces tend to have more guts (for the sake of keeping it clean). Ryder showed no desire to stand up to Kane at all.

Perhaps they have a larger plan in mind, but in my experience they see Zack as feeder and they have no big plan for him. Curious to see your responses.

This makes absolutely no sense. By your logic, the WWE is burying Cena too!

Basically it boils down to this. Zack Ryder has been placed in the top storyline on RAW. He's getting a huge push along with Eve. Thats the REALITY of things.

Kayfabe wise, he is thrown in the middle of all of this. He didn't try to attack Kane, he didn't try to talk trash, Kane just went after him cause it will get to Cena. So in essence, Ryder is jut trying to get away from Kane. He has nothing to prove. When Kane couldn't get to Ryder or Cena, he went after Eve, now getting HER in the middle of all of this.

Last week, was Ryder just supposed to sit there and let Kane beat him and drag him to "hell"?

Kane is out for blood and Cena right now. Ryder going after him or trying to stand up to him isn't going to help the situation. He is going to get hurt either way.

This was only ONE WEEK of Ryder's true involvement. Who's to say next week him and Cena dont team up and go after him? Who's to say that he doesn't "man up" and protect Eve by going after Kane?

For all we know, this might be WWE and Ryder phasing out the whole Jersey gimmick a touch and forcing (by choice as far as character) him to be something...bigger.
If he was being buried he wouldn't even be in the story, he'd be losing matches easily on RAW with no storylines. He sure as hell wouldn't have the US title.
I think some of you are missing my point. I'm not neccesarily talking about his involvment in the Kane/Cena storyline. I will admit I DID miss the few seconds of Raw when Kane went after Eve and Zack retaliates. I was not aware of that part. While it is a big deal for Zack to be in that I'm not liking the fact that they constantly make him look like his wins are because of luck. It makes him look inferior to EVERYBODY else. A United States Champion should not look INFERIOR to everybody.

Take your personal feelings about Zack out of it for a minute and look at it objectively.

Maybe I am wrong and they are going to angle it so he DOES find the courage and what not and that his wins won't be flukes. I don't see it. Vince hates the IWC. Sure they do the twitter and the facebook stuff, but, thats all in the name of advertising in hopes of non-fans stumbling onto it and bringing them in to the world of being a wrestling fan.
It's obviously a subject Ryder marks hadn't thought of yet. If I'm wrong, fine by me. It won't bother me either way. If and when I am proven right, I told ya so.

Seriously people. Think about it objectively. I try to be objective on any thread I post on. You guys are saying "no,no,no" because you dont WANT it to be true. In all honestly, I can see Vince and company giving Zack the U.S. title just to take it away from him and rub it in your faces.
Look at the bigger picture, Kane is a freshly changed heel, with a new look & attitude, Ryder is the IWC sweetheart and the fans love the guy, Kane's bigger, badder and more dominant than Ryder so Kane terrorizing Zack is fine, it's giving Kane that badass feel bullying and wait for it... it's all leading to Cena knocking the big bad bully down.
Here we go. Another person who doesn't know what the term "Bury" means. Ryder is being used on tv more than ever in high profile situations. That's not being buried. Where did you get this idea that Zack Ryder was going to be this unstoppable wrestling force and not the underdog character he's always been? Oh no, he can't whoop Kane's ass in a fair fight. He must be getting buried! No, actually he's being pushed. So this thread makes zero sense.
How are they burying him when hes in the main event of RAW and involved in one of the top storylines with two top stars?
I'm sorry but being in multiple segments on Raw is not getting buried. He is getting plenty of tv time. Both Ryder and Eve should be greatful. Ryder is a midcarder that somehow became part of the current top storyline in the WWE.

They are trying make Kane look like a monster. Ryder character is a goofball. It doesn't hurt his credibility that he is intimidated by Kane. He still tried to protect Eve from Kane.
He should be getting buried, but he's not. His character is cringeworthy, and not in a good way. The guy can't cut a promo to save his life and I actually feel embarrassed watching him attempt to string a sentence together. Lame, contrived bullshit gimmick
I dont really know what to think of this.

I've heard that Ryder is mainly being buried because of the 6 man tag on raw he had w/ punk and Daniel Bryan but I dont buy it. In fact, i dont think hes being buried at all.

He had a shitload of momentum chasing the US title and finally got it. Now i feel like he is simply being put on hold for a slight moment and being intertwined with the Cena/Kane feud.

Zack Ryder will get a US title feud before during or slightly after Wrestlemania. It is inevitable due to his popularity. So to answer your question, no Zack Ryder is not beng buried just being put on the back burner for a moment.
...Are you serious? Okay, first of all, lets put you in a ring, then let's put Kane in there. Lets see how that pans out, then when you show fear, we'll label you as buried. Last time I checked, Kane is a fucking MONSTER currently in a program with the top (or second top, depending on how you rate Punk) face of the company, so it's natural if he eats midcarders for breakfast. It doesn't mean he's buried, not by a long way.

Second of all, he's in main-event segments. How does a midcarder who is not long removed from his first singles title win, being in a main event in any way, shape or form, consist of said superstar being buried? He's punching well above his weight and doing well with it.
It's all in the thread title. Is WWE burying Zack Ryder right before our eyes?

It seems to me they are burying Zack Ryder. In my opinion they make him look lucky rather then good. In addition to that they make him look like a coward with no courage whatsoever. Like how they inserted him into the Kane and Cena angle. Granted all superstar are supposed to be agraid of Kane at this point. But, babyfaces tend to have more guts (for the sake of keeping it clean). Ryder showed no desire to stand up to Kane at all.

Perhaps they have a larger plan in mind, but in my experience they see Zack as feeder and they have no big plan for him. Curious to see your responses.

Hmm, Zack Ryder. United States Champion, on Raw weekly, in a current storyline involving main event talent Kane and John Cena. How could anybody think Ryder was getting buried?????? All talent put over others or are on the receiving end of attacks, that Ryder is being booked as the fall guy to Kane shows how much fait the office have in him. Obviously by this storyline arcs end, Ryder, with the assistance of Cena will pull off one of the biggest upset pinfall victories seen on Raw, the payoff is there. There is no other way Ryder could be used in this storyline, he cant been Kane one on one, he is still viewed as a geeky nobody who got a push because of his internet show. But being buried????? Really????? God that is a ridiculous thought. Ask Zack how the previous few years in WWE have been for him, that is getting buried.
I don't believe that he is being buried. I believe that he is being used trying to ensure that people will actually cheer for John Cena. They are using Ryder to most definately point out that Kane is the heel. The whole Kane/Cena angle was getting Kane cheered and Cena booed. How do you avoid that? Input Zack Ryder.
Anyone saying they arent is either trolling or severly misguided and is not able to see that he is just a weak pawn, a side character in this Kane vs Cena story.

He is made to look bad by attempts at getting with Eve, they are trying desperatly to make him "uncool" and "lame", while trying the oppossite with Cena. Yet the crowd (especially in New York) does not see it that way.

Begging Eve to be his date, acting like a dork, telling his dad he is affraid, being scared of a upper midcarder like Kane, that pretty much tells me that they are trying to defuse and get whatever steam he has managed to get for himself to be gone.

Its odd because Ryder didnt make himself in another promotion, a rival of sorts to WWE, so that they now feel the need to humiliate him like they did to almost all the WCW stars and ECW stars. But he became somebody on YouTube, and i guess McMahon appriciates that he has managed that, but at the same time is irritated that this punk ass boy has managed to get more fanfare on his own, than Vince's WWE machine has been able to do for several failed pushes.

Instead of looking what Ryder does well, and using him as an example, they are punishing him by making him look like a idiot, unable to change a tier of a car.

A guy like him, unwanted is most likely walking on eggshells backstage, as they are probably looking for any reason to get him to look like a fool. He better not lean on Hunters jacket or anything like that.

Him, Bryan and Punk the internet "darlings" were blamed for that bad rating on that one Raw that was the final segment, well Cena and Kane just had a bad rating too, will they blame it on them? Or the fact that Ryder was just a co-star in their stupid feud?

Who do you think they will blame?
Buried? he's involved in the top storyline on Raw, how is that being buried?

While a fued for his title defense seems to have taken a back seat, he's getting major TV time.

I agree 110%. He is in a huge storyline that will progress into something bigger in the coming months. Even if he loses the title which is highly unlikely, the crowd is still behind him, he's merch is flying off the shelves in every city he's been in, and the WWE has recognized his worth in the company to put him in such a storyline.! Definitely being elevated.
Okay. Fair enough everybody. You win, he's NOT being buried. He's not GOING to get buried. Maybe I just didn't get my point across well enough. We'll see how it all pans out over the next few months. As I said, maybe I'm wrong but I doubt it. If I am, I will gladly eat crow.

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