Is WWE booking that predictable?


Dark Match Winner
I remember a discussion from about two months ago about who the Undertaker will face at Wrestlemania, and my idea was that Triple H would start a feud with the Undertaker and his reason would be to have revenge on Taker because he ended his best friends career. And after I read that WWE are planning on having that feud happen (maybe not exactly the same way, but among the same lines), I asked myself, am I sidekick or is the booking too predictable, and I wouldn't put money on me being sidekick (even tho I guessed the ammount of jelly beans in a jar and won 50 pounds/about 80 dollars? Don't know how the currencies are at the moment).

So my question is this, is wwe booking that predictable, or did I have a lucky guess?

On a side note, I'm guessing that 2.21.11 will be the return of The Game, my reasons would be:
1)WWE want everything to be a suprise
2)The Undertaker is still a SmackDown wrestler (sorry Vince, superstar)
A)"Sidekick"? Do you mean psychic?
B)Who said the WWE is doing that fued? I mean, aside from a writer with no credibility (I'd never even HEARD of him before he posted that story) on a worthless dirtsheet website(no offense to the fine people that run WZ, but they're wrong more often than they're right). I've yet to see anybody in the WWE confirm that's the direction they're going.
C)zOMGz! You got ONE match right?? zOMGz! That MUST be too predictable if you're not a sidekick/psychic! There's no other logical third explanation!
D)On a serious note(not that this thread deserves it), I have no effing idea who started the notion that predictability is always bad, but I'd like to find them and shoot them. More often than not, when you try to be unpredictable, you end up looking stupid. Sometimes something is predictable because it's the smart thing to do.
You do know it's psychic right? was that a joke?

Anyway no not now it isnt. Reports also arent set in stone no matter what they say or who they claim to get them from, you should be able to tell some things this close to Mania, but no one calls everything, though lots of ppl think they are so damn smart or always have to be negative and bash this or that. Yes it can be predictable, but not always, and the fucking so-called genuises who claim to never be shocked and saw every angle that happened coming and just bash it from there are just liars. It's the cool thing to do, is be a negative prick kinda like Cena bashing.
I've been guilty of saying the same thing. The worse thing that can happen in wrestling is for it to be too predictable...something I think the WWE has been the past few years.

However....they have turned things around. Nobody and I mean NOBODY saw Alberto Del Rio winning the Royal Rumble. Nobody saw CM Punk turn against Cena and become the leader of the New Nexus. Even if you guessed the Rock as the Wrestlemania guest gotta love the mini swerve they threw at you by having a women step out of the limo.

So far 2011 (and the end of 2010 with CM Punk) has been UNpredictable. As a long time wrestling fan I am very pleased and excited for the future.
I still don't understand why the site would have this thread as a direct link on the main page. It doesn't deserve it. I wish I was a 'sidekick' because then I'd have known not to actually click the link. Stupid me. However, I'll get my post count up and reply...

The booking has been fairly predictable although I'll say that the last month and a half have been less predictable. Having said that...predictability isn't necessarily a bad thing. Example...I knew The Rock would guest host Wrestlemania but I still marked the fuck out when his music hit. Most of the time, things are predictable because they make sense. If you want an example of unpredictability being bad, just go watch some TNA. You'll also notice that when they're predictable it's also bad.

Side the guy who said:

It's the cool thing to do, is be a negative prick kinda like Cena bashing.

First of all, for the most part, people have stopped bashing Cena. Second of all, while I still bash Cena, it's not to be cool. It's because I genuinely don't connect with his character. It's just too cheesy for me. Basically what I'm trying to tell you is to know what you're talking about before you open your mouth. Cool? K bye :p
someone will always be able to guess what happens, doesn't make it predictable. there's only so much that could happen. and if it is so predictable please tell me everything that will happen at mania in exact order?
and its not always predictable, you just see spoilers and stuff on sites like this so it gives you insight. otherwise not many people would of guessed the rock being the host of mania. just like anything with a script, you will be able to guess what happens next sometimes, its just how writing works, you can guess and be wrong or guess and be right and try to enjoy and appreciate how they did it.
The "sidekick" joke sounded better in my head :D And I didn't say that predictability is such a bad thing, my question was, is wwe that predictable, yeah the first guy who commented, don't be so negative :) I actually said in my thread that it might have been a lucky guess, so your c) part was a bit.... Mmm.... not funny :) And fabulous rougeau, actually a lot of people guessed the ADR royal rumble win.
Yes, WWE booking is that predictable.

When someone comes out to cut a promo, you know exactly what they'll say, you know exactly when someone will interrupt, you know exactly when someone is about to be attacked and even exactly how the commentators will react. Don't even get me started on the matches.

The Elimination Chamber PPV is extremely guilty of this. Take both Chamber matches, with the Wrestlemania feuds of Cena vs Miz and Edge vs Del Rio already in place and actively building by the week, is there a single person alive that doesn't think they'll win their respective matches? If this PPV has the lowest buyrate of all, it's because the entire WWE "universe" (god i hate that term) can see the results coming a mile away.

As for The Rock's involvement at Wrestlemania, tell me you don't already know whats going to happen. If he's the referee for Cena vs Miz, you'll get a few tense confrontations between Rock and Cena, making you think "anything" can happen, when infact Miz will push his luck, take a Rock Bottom, Cena gets the win and The Rock shakes his hand "passing the torch". I will LOATHE seeing The Rock give the rub to John Cena, but it's going to happen.
No matter what happens people will complain. If it's surprising, it sucks. If it's not surprising, it still sucks.

So what if it's predictable? You want to get swerved a trillion times? How does that make it better? I know on NCIS or any other cop show that they'll catch the bad guy, so what?

When a guy is obviously pushed he'll obviously win. Because if a guy is pushed and keeps losing, people will complain he isn't being built up right. And if he keeps winning it's predictable he'll win.
I don't think so. If anything, the perfect hindsight of the IWC makes it seem that way. The Triple H/Undertaker match isn't even set in stone.
Can people honestly say the WWE are predictable? The Nexus storyline, the firing and rehiring of Daniel Bryan, Bret Harts return, Booker and Nash at the Royal Rumble, The ROCK returning are all but a FEW examples. Lets be honest, without the spoilers from various websites and sources we would not have a clue about most things that go on, its a simple case of people looking online, seeing what will happen before it happens, then saying they knew it would happen and then assump pieces of the puzzle together. Without the internet wrestling as a whole would not be as predictable as most people assume.
So my question is this, is wwe booking that predictable, or did I have a lucky guess?

On a side note, I'm guessing that 2.21.11 will be the return of The Game, my reasons would be:
1)WWE want everything to be a suprise
2)The Undertaker is still a SmackDown wrestler (sorry Vince, superstar)[/QUOTE]

I don't know if this registers as a comment but I personally think that WWE is so predictiable lately simply because I'm a long time fan aka 13 yrs now. After 13 yrs I have seen it all, storylines, angles, gimmicks, etc. So when I see something "recycled" I just know Oh this is gonna happen and well it does. I only say this because I will sit and watch kids get totally surprised when Alberto wins the RR when 7 yrs ago I saw the same angle happen with Lesnar...(poor example I know but hopefully you get my point)

On a side (side) note. My hat is off to the attempt of 2-21-11 I personally think it is Sting but if not Vince did a great job because he left 3 clues in the promos.

1. WCW had a promo just like this at 1997 Starcade

2. The latest promo had 1 guy inside (taker) and he was dry then a 2nd guy (Sting) outside wet

3. the latest thing I discovered VERY VERY CLOSELY watch the stairs in the promo as the foot steps on them, under the steps there is a Scorpion....OMG STING IS COMING!!!!!!!!
WWE Product has been so predictable for years! Think about it, when were we really surprised? I wasnt last week with The Rock! And I am not gonna be surprised when HHH comes out to be the Raw General Manager! Big Deal! Another boring WrestleMania.
Now if I saw STING on 2/21/11 NOW THAT IS A SURPRISE! I though VInce said he was in the Entertainment Business? I havent been Entertained with WWE Product in years!
I'm gonna have to agree with the people who said it before me, the only reason people aren't surprised anymore is because you can't go a single day without going on any IWC site without seeing a spoiler of some sort. If you don't believe, just look at the NEWS section you'll see a spoiler for every show, except for RAW because it is usually live but you see some type of spoiler. And for all you arrogant people who think they are so smart cause they can predict "everything", just go a year without looking up anything to do with wrestling and see how well you can predict things. Its the spoilers and we all know it
I have no effing idea who started the notion that predictability is always bad, but I'd like to find them and shoot them. More often than not, when you try to be unpredictable, you end up looking stupid. Sometimes something is predictable because it's the smart thing to do.

Someone neeeds to bring this to the attention of Vince Russo.

I think the destinction between predictability in the sense of "heels beats face by cheating, face eventually beats the odds" is fine. However, when it leads you to start booking filler matches like Lawler v. Miz, in which the outcome is hardly in question, and which does more to set up Lawler for Wrestlemania than it does Miz, then you have a problem.
I still don't understand why the site would have this thread as a direct link on the main page. It doesn't deserve it. I wish I was a 'sidekick' because then I'd have known not to actually click the link. Stupid me. However, I'll get my post count up and reply...

The booking has been fairly predictable although I'll say that the last month and a half have been less predictable. Having said that...predictability isn't necessarily a bad thing. Example...I knew The Rock would guest host Wrestlemania but I still marked the fuck out when his music hit. Most of the time, things are predictable because they make sense. If you want an example of unpredictability being bad, just go watch some TNA. You'll also notice that when they're predictable it's also bad.

Side the guy who said:

First of all, for the most part, people have stopped bashing Cena. Second of all, while I still bash Cena, it's not to be cool. It's because I genuinely don't connect with his character. It's just too cheesy for me. Basically what I'm trying to tell you is to know what you're talking about before you open your mouth. Cool? K bye :p

Actually I do and that was one example, there are many things that not all, but most of the IWC does like that and I've witnessed this for years, between most of the IWC it's like a damn competition. Talk about predictability, the IWC is more predictable than wrestling. And much like a so-called "Super Genuis" some think they know it all. Really, I hate and will always hate The IWC. It's absolute shit! And nothing has changed this far and it looks like it never will.

You never hear anything positive from them and when you do, they still try to add their dose of negativity. It comes to a point when you have to ask why you are still even watching something you cant find anything positive in, that is stupid for these people who are so smart. You go into any chat or forum about wrestling you just walk into a bunch of IWC jackasses who think they know everything and if you dont think how they think you dont know wrestling because wrestling is this and that. Not to mention anything that is glorified and held high in this business most will trash it, betray it, turn on it (some of who actually liked it at once) and tear it down

I just hate them because they are never fucking satisfied with anything just a bunch of failures at life who arent doing shit with themselves so they spit on the success of others, that's what most of the IWC are and are scum like critics.
I think just about anyone could have come up with the Triple H/Undertaker angle. Sorry to burst your bubble. And to be honest, I would not mind seeing that match since they had a classic match at a previous Wrestlemania. I am intrigued at having the Undertaker face Sting (even though it would be a longshot). And I don't want to see Taker face Barrett for the simple fact that I don't think he's ready to be put in that type of spotlight yet. Give Taker to someone who already has that established name.
WWE Product has been so predictable for years! Think about it, when were we really surprised? I wasnt last week with The Rock! And I am not gonna be surprised when HHH comes out to be the Raw General Manager!

How can you say you weren't surprised by The Rock returning? You weren't surprised at seeing Bret return? Or Del Rio winning the rumble? Or the Nexus? Obviously you must have read it somewhere and this is why you weren't surprised. Classical example of the IWC ruining predictability, however it is the persons choice to read these spoilers. The same can be said for HHH being GM if it is even true, its simply a case of you reading about it. I challenge you to go 3 months without looking online and telling me wrestling is predictable then.
No. It's not too predictable. Some things that seem predictable are done that way in hopes of giving the fans what they want. Also, with so many scenario's "leaked" to the net, you're bound to catch wind of what will happen. That doesn't count as a prediction, but it could seem like one in the long run.

Also, for any person who calls it right, there are a dozen fans that have no idea.

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