Is Vince McMahon ill?

Creepy Old Man

Championship Contender
People were speculating a while back that he could be ill. On the night he announced the stip for the Survivor Series main event, people saw him as sickly and frail. WWE has just released a video announcing that the Network will be available in the UK and Ireland this month (, and boy does Vince look awful. He's noticeably thinner than usual, his eyes look completely lifeless, and his skin tone recalls Gary Oldman in Bram Stoker's Dracula. Holy hell.

What do you reckon? Is the old chairman in ailing health?
Years and years and years of stress will take its toll like that. Regardless of anyone's personal opinions and if his ideas and influence are good or bad, the guy works nonstop and refuses to release the reins. If you push yourself nonstop like he does such as traveling a lot at his age and the various other high stress factors that come with his job position, it's no wonder he looks like death. Stress alone can age someone like 15 years.
The thing that people have to realize is that when he was on TV every week, we would never have noticed a difference. Since he's off TV for the most part, when we do get to see him, it's always weeks if not months between appearances, so even a slight difference will seem bigger than it is. And for the record, there is not really that big of a difference.
First is age. He's almost 70 and his father died before he was 70. Next I have to believe he is obsessed with the company and performance of the stock shares so that stress burns you out. You also have to factor in all those years he was in the gym doing roids with Hogan and others and it will bite you down the road.
Years and years and years of stress will take its toll like that. Regardless of anyone's personal opinions and if his ideas and influence are good or bad, the guy works nonstop and refuses to release the reins. If you push yourself nonstop like he does such as traveling a lot at his age and the various other high stress factors that come with his job position, it's no wonder he looks like death. Stress alone can age someone like 15 years.

Yeah true. I'd hate it for him with WrestleMania season going on now. I'm sure he's going to try to top WM XXX. I can only imagine how tough it is to determine what makes money in his opinion and what the fans want and how to get more fans.
To tell you the truth for a guy who's almost 70 and spent years building company like the WWE, he really doesn't look all that bad. Yes he's changed a lot, but he is getting older, but I see bits and pieces of the old Vince McMahon there.
He looks fine to me also remember Vince is getting up there in age and he does run a stressful business. In my opinion the WWE is of course going through alot with losing money, lower rating, low stock prices, and the WWE network subscribers not being what they want I'm sure Vince is stressed. The WWE has alot of money invested in the WWE network and if it continues to fail WWE will be in serious trouble.
Once you hit your 60's a few years is pretty visibly dramatic aging wise. I can't say whether Vince is ill or feeling well, but he has held up a lot better than most at that age.
What people also forget is that he was on the juice back in the day. Take a look at VKM when he announced "Championship Wrestling" in the 70's and early 80's, to how he looked in the 90's, to how he looks today. The 'roids effects are coming home to roost.
I don't think he's ill at all. I think he is finally starting to age. Hard as it is to believe, the man is almost 70 years old. Plus, we are quite a few years removed from the Attitude Era where the "Genetic Jackhammer" looked pretty good for a guy in his 60's. Maybe he finally stopped using ISOPURE.
I really don't understand what people are thinking sometimes. People talk about the Undertaker like he's a decrepit old man who would tarnish his legacy by even daring to think about re-entering a WWE ring. And he turns 50 near Wrestlemania time. Even worse, according to many posters on here, Sting is an absolute dinosaur, a relic who would be an embarrassment to see compete in the WWE against the Deadman, or anyone else for that manner, and he is in his mid 50's. Then the same people are shocked when Vince McMahon, as he approaches 70, doesn't look the same as he did when he was battling Stone Cold Steve Austin during the Attitude Era.

Newsflash, guys. When you're in your 50's, you're not really that old. Just ask FitFinlay4Life, he's practically there. No need to put guys out to pasture, complete with wheelchair and old age security, when you are 49 and 55 respectively. Having said that, add another 15 years or so to someone, and it's natural to begin to show your age. McMahon is a self admitted workaholic and has been for decades. It's not too much of a stretch of the imagination to suggest he has a direct steroid history. And he's almost 70. What do you expect him to look like? To me, he looks just fine. He looks like a man who is starting to show his age, quite understandable considering the rigors of his job. Any suggestion of a supposed illness is borderline silly.
Clinically speaking, a person who constantly indulges in rage isn't doing himself any good in the area of personal well-being.

However, for a person approaching 70 who has spent years and years functioning like this, I think it would be incredible if he didn't show signs of failing health.

Does the man even take vacations.....or is he back there 52 weeks a year, screaming at his employees, his face turning purple and his blood pressure shooting through the ceiling?

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