Is video gaming just a fad?


What the title says,

I personally think so.
Gaming, after many years, is truly starting to lose it's appeal. It's simply not as popular or fresh as it used, it's not as revolutionary as it once was.

Games are continuously being put out there just for the money of it. There's almost no games out there with any real thought put in it. They build on old ideas instead of creating new ones. (EA is a great example of this)

People aren't willing to pay full price for games anymore ($50-$60)
And now with the ability to go online, buying extra content for your game that just drives the price up even more. (which is total crap, I mean, why can't they sell me the full version?)
Consoles them selfs are getting to be to high priced for the average gamer.
(The wii did well to break that barrier, but it will not be able to keep those prices up forever)

In my opinion, gaming is not a profitable enough market for video game designers. People aren't willing to the high price for consoles in general,
The only surviving video game player will be the computer.
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What the title says,

Is video gaming just a fad?

I personally think so.

I don't

Gaming, after many years, is truly starting to lose it's appeal.

To who? Maybe it is to you, but not to me...I fricking love gaming. If it's 'many' years then it's not a fad is it?

It's simply not as popular or fresh as it used, it's not as revolutionary as it once was.
Not as popular as it once was? Working in retail and selling video games, I know we're one of the biggest departments. It works out of this generations worth of consoles (at the current sales figures) 1 in 30 people have a console...Not revolutionary? Try telling Nintendo that!

Games are continuously being put out there just for the money of it.
The aim in any business is to make money...

There's almost no games out there with any real thought put in it. They build on old ideas instead of creating new ones. (EA is a great example of this)
Same with the TV, film and music industries as well...all 'entertainment' is like that.

People aren't willing to pay full price for games anymore ($50-$60)
I know in the UK hardly anywhere charges full price anymore. Average UK game would be £35 where when it was Megadrive time, the average price was £70.

And now with the ability to go online, buying extra content for your game that just drives the price up even more. (which is total crap, I mean, why can't they sell me the full version?)
That pisses me off, but has no bearing to gaming being a fad.

Consoles them selfs are getting to be to high priced for the average gamer.
(The wii did well to break that barrier, but it will not be able to keep those prices up forever)
Wii and X box are dirt cheap. Do you have any idea how much a console used to cost? The N64 was £300 on release...the same price as the PS3 is now. Were there any complaints? Nope.

In my opinion, gaming is not a profitable enough market for video game designers. People aren't willing to the high price for consoles in general,
The only surviving video game player will be the computer.

HAHAHA seriously, look into it before basing your opinion, whilst the UK is practically in recession the number one place making money is...Video Games. How is that not profitable?!

Gaming's not a fad one bit...The first official video game was 1950s I;m sure, but the mid 1970s to now, the real period of gaming...A fad that lasts over 30 years? I rest my case.
In no way is gaming a fad, and to think otherwise is ignorant. Gaming is more popular now than it ever has been, because its more mainstream now. People are waking up and beggining to realize that video games aren't just kids stuff. If they were just a simply fad, would politicians and and scientists be worried about the effect they have on people? Of course not, because they know that their popularity will only increase with time.

You say that there aren't any new creative ideas? Bull. Look at games like Braid and Mirrors Edge. Hell, look at earlier games like Viewtiful Joe and Okami. Or how about the Wii, the system thats quite literally fun for the whole family? Thats creativity at its finest. Also, many successful gaming series that continually built on there old ideas. Zelda, Mario, Halo, Final Fantasy, all franchises that are still highly successful today.

Saying that their more expensive isn't completely accurate either. Phantasy Star 4 for the Genesis was 100 dollars when it first released! Also, 60 bucks isn't that bad, especially considering all the hours of entertainment you get.

So no, video games aren't a fad, their here to stay. !0 years from now, their popularity may even eclipse that of movies and television.
Really? The thing that we have been doing for decades is just a fad? Everytime a new system comes out, what do people do? Line up for hours. Get shot, or stampeded. Pay multiple times the worth for a new system. Does that sound like something that is dying off? Everytime a new game comes out with any worth, it is hyped like a cure for cancer. People love video games, and will never stop playing them as long as they continue to be a great source of entertainment.
To who? Maybe it is to you, but not to me...I fricking love gaming. If it's 'many' years then it's not a fad is it?

Whoa whoa, first off, I love gaming. I been doing it since I was six years old.
What I mean to imply in this thread is that I think gaming will eventually have a death like a fad. It's just some thing that won't appeal to people anymore.
It'll be something people will look back on and say, what were they thinking?

The aim in any business is to make money...

When I said they only put games out just to make money, I meant games like
Ninja Reflex, Jenga, Burger King, just random stuff that company throw out there, It devalues the the gaming industry. and moves like that are what kill it.

Same with the TV, film and music industries as well...all 'entertainment' is like that.

I have the same complaints about them as well, but that's for a different thread.

I know in the UK hardly anywhere charges full price anymore. Average UK game would be £35 where when it was Megadrive time, the average price was £70.

Ok, but these days with the downloadable content (depending on the game) you can spend up to $30 or more on the extra content alone.
So while games may have cost less, you still have to pay extra to get the full experience, and I think people will eventually see this.

That pisses me off, but has no bearing to gaming being a fad.
maybe not, but it is what's killing the dustry.

Wii and X box are dirt cheap. Do you have any idea how much a console used to cost? The N64 was £300 on release...the same price as the PS3 is now. Were there any complaints? Nope.

That's why I said the wii did a good job on the price.
And £300? it was realeased in the US for $199, I have a hard time believing that there would be a $200 price difference

HAHAHA seriously, look into it before basing your opinion, whilst the UK is practically in recession the number one place making money is...Video Games. How is that not profitable?!

Gaming's not a fad one bit...The first official video game was 1950s I;m sure, but the mid 1970s to now, the real period of gaming...A fad that lasts over 30 years? I rest my case.

Before I answer this, where do you work? A gaming store? one that sells used games?
In no way is gaming a fad, and to think otherwise is ignorant. Gaming is more popular now than it ever has been, because its more mainstream now. People are waking up and beggining to realize that video games aren't just kids stuff. If they were just a simply fad, would politicians and and scientists be worried about the effect they have on people? Of course not, because they know that their popularity will only increase with time.

I would say gaming hit it's peak in the last 2 years, remember when it had it's own tv tourament special on dish network? and what happend to that? It's gone. When was the last time you heard the media reporting a indepth story on the effects of video games? It was a long time ago.

Gaming isn't getting the media coverage it once got, because nobody cares anymore.

You say that there aren't any new creative ideas? Bull. Look at games like Braid and Mirrors Edge. Hell, look at earlier games like Viewtiful Joe and Okami. Or how about the Wii, the system thats quite literally fun for the whole family? Thats creativity at its finest. Also, many successful gaming series that continually built on there old ideas. Zelda, Mario, Halo, Final Fantasy, all franchises that are still highly successful today.

Mirrors edge is creative? all you do is run, with a small amount of puzzle inserted into the game. you can do that in far superior FPS.
Viewtiful Joe was a fun game, but come on. the whole game was about slow motion, which had already been done to death.
I have actually never played Okami.

But do you really think all those series will last forever? I mean they will have tp stop eventually. People will eventually catch on to the fact that they are playing the same game over and over again.

Saying that their more expensive isn't completely accurate either. Phantasy Star 4 for the Genesis was 100 dollars when it first released! Also, 60 bucks isn't that bad, especially considering all the hours of entertainment you get.

Well look at games like rock band 2 and guitar hero world tour,
Buying the game itself (without all the fancy controllers) is $60,
while it may come with 65 songs or so, to get the rest of the music costs easily over $100 with each song costing $0.99 to $1.99 (only a few however are $1.99) so while the game cost more, at least you knew you were getting the full experience.
Really? The thing that we have been doing for decades is just a fad? Everytime a new system comes out, what do people do? Line up for hours. Get shot, or stampeded. Pay multiple times the worth for a new system. Does that sound like something that is dying off? Everytime a new game comes out with any worth, it is hyped like a cure for cancer. People love video games, and will never stop playing them as long as they continue to be a great source of entertainment.

That's my point, Gaming is something that needs to be fresh to be a source of entertainment. With the slacking that gaming companies seem to be doing now a days,it just seems to me that gaming is something that isn't taken seriously anymore. by the media, by sciencetist, lawyers I mean, since Jack Thompson, how many lawyers since have taken a gaming cases as seriously as he had?
I personally think so.
Gaming, after many years, is truly starting to lose it's appeal. It's simply not as popular or fresh as it used, it's not as revolutionary as it once was.

I don't. And the truth is, you have to look deeper than you seem to be looking to find the reasoning behind why gaming (to you) seems to be at a decline.

First: Games appeal to our youth, and the teens of the world more than anything. The old addage is, you grow up, you grow out of it. So perhaps as you're getting older, you simply are becoming tired with playing a game. Much like when you grew out of being a child, you grew out of playing with a selective toy.

Second: It's completely revolutionary. In compared to yester-year, we've come a very long ways from the days of "pong" and "pac-man".

We're playing in 3-D worlds, we're solving more mind-puzzling mysteries, we're seeing a great deal more in graphics, we're even becoming more connected with the amount of multi-player games that format for people to play over the internet. That's revolutionary.. and when you truly think of where it all started.. it's extraordinary.

Games are continuously being put out there just for the money of it. There's almost no games out there with any real thought put in it. They build on old ideas instead of creating new ones. (EA is a great example of this)

Everything in today's economy is being produced and put "out there" for money. That's what makes the world go round.

Perhaps you aren't finding any "new" games because you've become stagnate on one category. A lot of people end up that way. You set yourself to liking a certain type of game, and before you know it.. everything's the same, nothing's new. It happens.

Finally, you can't use E.A. as an example. They mainly make sports games. How "original" do you expect them to get? They upgrade each year's sports games as much as they could. But you can't go too crazy, especially if it's a franchise game that's worked as well as the likes of "Madden".

People aren't willing to pay full price for games anymore ($50-$60)
And now with the ability to go online, buying extra content for your game that just drives the price up even more. (which is total crap, I mean, why can't they sell me the full version?)

I agree that video games are way too pricy, but once again that's what happens when we grow in technology. We advanced so much, that we ultimately had to raise the price, just to continue being capable of making the expensive game.

When you think of how much a game costs us ($50-60) stop and think how much it actually cost the developer and all the people who created and put the game together. I bet you'd be more happy with paying $60.00 than what it actually took. None the less, of course I still agree.. but only because it's expensive, not because it's wrong.

And the issue with buying "extras/add-ons" to your game isn't a "cheap" way for them to continue making money.. it's a cheap way for us to save money if you think about it. Would you rather they made one game, then remade the same game with a little add-on here, or there and remarketed it at the full price of $50-60.00?

Take the new Smackdown vs. Raw game. This will be the first year you can get upgrades to the game. Sure it's going to cost about $20.00 to buy the stuff (on xbox 360) but in the end, it's worth it for some to have the little extras and newer wrestlers. It makes the game "new and fresh" again, and gives it even MORE replay value.

Consoles them selfs are getting to be to high priced for the average gamer.
(The wii did well to break that barrier, but it will not be able to keep those prices up forever)

Once again, just like the video game issue. Take a look at how much money likely went into producing and constructing the console, then look at how much we're paying.

It's a circle of life type of thing, if we don't pay them the money for the current gen console, they won't ever make enough money to come up with newer ideas to make "next gen" consoles.

And the Wii is lower priced because it isn't HD, nor does it have the abilities of a PS3, or Xbox360. It'll do just fine though, not because of it's lack... but instead because of it's name value.

In my opinion, gaming is not a profitable enough market for video game designers. People aren't willing to the high price for consoles in general

Last time I checked, it was a very good market. Millions, if not Billions of people have purchased and own an Xbox 360, as well as a PS3 and a Wii. People will pay whatever the price ends up being, sooner or later, if something catches their eye so much that they just break down and buy it.

It's a market that'll never die out, nor dry up through money because it's a market that feeds ultimately off of irresponsible teenagers, and whiney children who cry and moan for this sorta thing as a birthday, chirstmas, or random everyday type of "gift".

The only surviving video game player will be the computer.

Ultimately, the computer won't survive as a "video game player" because it's doing greatly to survive as what it's mainly used for overall. However, the concept of where you're going WILL survive in each "next gen" console.. and that's to take the ability to play anyone, anywhere, anytime.. all over the world. Thanks in part, to the internet.

It's a you help me, I'll help you situation.. and it's going to always work out fine.. until we stop having children, that is. And hehe have you seen America's population and it's projected increase in new children? Yeah.. sooner or later we might have to take Japan/China rule/law and start offing every child that isn't a "1st born". :disappointed:
No. If it is it's one of the longest fads I've ever seen as it's going on 30 years now. That's not a fad, that's a tradition. Atari was something that blew people's minds. The thing had a shelf life of almost 12 years and those games were atrocious. THe thing about games is that with ever next generation the technology gets that much better, making the games that much better. I mean think about it. When people were playing pong, do you think they were dreaming that one day they'd be able to literally control the movements on the screen a la the Wii? I doubt it. Every generation of games is an improvement on the last, and with the latest batch of systems and the advent of online play, the sky's the limit. Gaming isn't going anywhere.
I don't. And the truth is, you have to look deeper than you seem to be looking to find the reasoning behind why gaming (to you) seems to be at a decline.

First: Games appeal to our youth, and the teens of the world more than anything. The old addage is, you grow up, you grow out of it. So perhaps as you're getting older, you simply are becoming tired with playing a game. Much like when you grew out of being a child, you grew out of playing with a selective toy.

I guess the reason I feel this way is because there haven't been any games lately that made me go "wow, this is what gaming is all about".
When I first started gaming It was one of the most exciting moments of my life. Everytime I played my gameboy it always seemed so exciting, like I was a part of the adventure, it sucked me and I couldn't get enough.
As the years past, nothing really appealed to me anymore,
Games started feeling like they had been rushed through production, they didn't have the thought and care like they used to have.
And maybe you're right, I may just be growing up and out of my video gaming stage, or maybe now it's just because my standereds are too high.

Perhaps you aren't finding any "new" games because you've become stagnate on one category. A lot of people end up that way. You set yourself to liking a certain type of game, and before you know it.. everything's the same, nothing's new. It happens.

while I do play mostly RPG's, that is not what I only play.
I play some FPS, Rythem games, A racer ever now and then, sand-box games,
I don't have a a certain catorgory when it comes to gaming.,as long as it's well done.

Finally, you can't use E.A. as an example. They mainly make sports games. How "original" do you expect them to get? They upgrade each year's sports games as much as they could. But you can't go too crazy, especially if it's a franchise game that's worked as well as the likes of "Madden".

Why can't I use EA as an example? they have over 100 games that aren't sport titles, let's look at few from last year alone.

Mercenaries 2
Army of two
Dead Space
My Sims
Rock Band 2

I just took a few, there are many others.
And if you look at this list this list that took me about 2 minutes to do, and I could give you a title that each of these games ripped off.

And is it really so much to ask for some orginality? Look at Mario, he goes around jumping on turtles, eating mushrooms, collecting coins, and that was on the nintendo's first console, which prove that a crazy formula like that, could become a smash hit.

When you think of how much a game costs us ($50-60) stop and think how much it actually cost the developer and all the people who created and put the game together. I bet you'd be more happy with paying $60.00 than what it actually took. None the less, of course I still agree.. but only because it's expensive, not because it's wrong.

Are you saying I should be happy that I don't have to make the game myself?

And the issue with buying "extras/add-ons" to your game isn't a "cheap" way for them to continue making money.. it's a cheap way for us to save money if you think about it. Would you rather they made one game, then remade the same game with a little add-on here, or there and remarketed it at the full price of $50-60.00?

Take the new Smackdown vs. Raw game. This will be the first year you can get upgrades to the game. Sure it's going to cost about $20.00 to buy the stuff (on xbox 360) but in the end, it's worth it for some to have the little extras and newer wrestlers. It makes the game "new and fresh" again, and gives it even MORE replay value.

Why can't they just sell me the full version? No remakes, no having to pay for extra content, the full game, that's all I'm asking from the makers. I should have a choice, Make me pay for it now, instead of later, or pay for some of it now and the rest later.
I shouldn't have to wait for the game to be "finshed" before I can fully beat the game.

It doesn't add replay value when you pay an extra $10-$30 for what's usally only a few more levels. In the end, I just don't feel like I'm getting the most out of the money I'm giving.

Once again, just like the video game issue. Take a look at how much money likely went into producing and constructing the console, then look at how much we're paying.

It's a circle of life type of thing, if we don't pay them the money for the current gen console, they won't ever make enough money to come up with newer ideas to make "next gen" consoles.

And the Wii is lower priced because it isn't HD, nor does it have the abilities of a PS3, or Xbox360. It'll do just fine though, not because of it's lack... but instead because of it's name value.

Here, I will have to say that the ps3 is doing a great job with the pricing game, from what I'm hearing from reports on g4 they've actually started selling the ps3 for less then how much it costs to produce. The reason they do this is because they need the gaming market and because they making a decent enough profit off the games.

I knew that about the wii, it's a family system, and the family just doesn't the HD experience.

Last time I checked, it was a very good market. Millions, if not Billions of people have purchased and own an Xbox 360, as well as a PS3 and a Wii. People will pay whatever the price ends up being, sooner or later, if something catches their eye so much that they just break down and buy it.

It's a market that'll never die out, nor dry up through money because it's a market that feeds ultimately off of irresponsible teenagers, and whiney children who cry and moan for this sorta thing as a birthday, chirstmas, or random everyday type of "gift".

While the gaming companies do ok when it comes to this market, the real profit makers are companies like Gamestop and playntrade.
Where, like you said, pray off of "irresponsible teenagers" who come in, trade there games for less then there worth, and pick a different used game,
instead of having to pay for new ones.

This is what will crumble the gaming industry is stores like this where they buy the old used game and sell it at a cheaper more affordable price,
Thus taking profits away from the devolupers.
I guess the reason I feel this way is because there haven't been any games lately that made me go "wow, this is what gaming is all about".
When I first started gaming It was one of the most exciting moments of my life. Everytime I played my gameboy it always seemed so exciting, like I was a part of the adventure, it sucked me and I couldn't get enough.

Either you forgot to add an "in", to make it say "it sucked me IN".. or our conversation just got really creepy and a bit weird. :lmao:

As the years past, nothing really appealed to me anymore,
Games started feeling like they had been rushed through production, they didn't have the thought and care like they used to have.
And maybe you're right, I may just be growing up and out of my video gaming stage, or maybe now it's just because my standereds are too high.

while I do play mostly RPG's, that is not what I only play.
I play some FPS, Rythem games, A racer ever now and then, sand-box games,
I don't have a a certain catorgory when it comes to gaming.,as long as it's well done.

I guess I can't fully understand where you're coming from, because I'm (26-going on 27) still a big kid at heart. I have a Daughter, and enjoy playing with her.

And in the time I have to myself, when I'm not doing this, or any number of other things.. I completely, 100% love my video games. Anything from Final Fantasy, to Madden & SDvRaw, to Dead Rising, to even Golden Eye for the N64.

I try to span out every once in a while, and when I begin to get bored with a game.. I switch it up. Perhaps you haven't switched it up in a while, or even more so, perhaps with all the array of games you have.. (and this has happened to me) everything you own, and even the games that would interest you because of what you're used to liking.. all seem, look and feel like they'd be flat-out boring.

I went to the Gamestop store in an attempt to buy a used game, just to try something new.. and I walked out with nothing, because my heart, and my mind just wasn't into what all I seen. It happens sometimes.

Why can't I use EA as an example? they have over 100 games that aren't sport titles, let's look at few from last year alone.

Mercenaries 2
Army of two
Dead Space
My Sims
Rock Band 2

I just took a few, there are many others.
And if you look at this list this list that took me about 2 minutes to do, and I could give you a title that each of these games ripped off.

I get the rip-off from some of those games. Especially the rip-off that is, Rock Band to Guitar Hero.

When I think E.A. though, I think sports games. And that's why I said you couldn't use them.. because you can't truly upgrade/change a sports game.. outside of who's on what team, team colors, names, home-field looks, etc.

A lot of the games you did list, dispite it taking a small amount of time.. are very similar, albeit their storyline is different. Maybe you're getting bored because it's all one big same thing.

And is it really so much to ask for some orginality? Look at Mario, he goes around jumping on turtles, eating mushrooms, collecting coins, and that was on the nintendo's first console, which prove that a crazy formula like that, could become a smash hit.

It's never too much to ask for something new, refreshing and original.. but sometimes it isn't always that easy.

Again, we've come A LONG way from pong. So you have to give the game developers some time to think up something new and original. We have a huge list of category games out there.. it will become hard to constantly find something that stands out.. like Mario did when it first debuted.

Are you saying I should be happy that I don't have to make the game myself?

In a ways, albeit not rudely, yes.

Almost everyone who plays games, at one point would say to themselves.. I wanna make a video game. But the truth is, it is a huge deal of hard work. In the end, as a gamer.. you just have to take what you get, and try your hardest to be satisfied. You can complain, that's how companies, developers and industries know they need to change it up.. but sometimes just know you can't always have every little thing you want.

Why can't they just sell me the full version? No remakes, no having to pay for extra content, the full game, that's all I'm asking from the makers. I should have a choice, Make me pay for it now, instead of later, or pay for some of it now and the rest later.
I shouldn't have to wait for the game to be "finshed" before I can fully beat the game.

Thing is.. with my example, the Smackdown vs. Raw game WAS/IS finished. Evan Bourne and Ted DiBiase Jr. were two guys that weren't around during the making of this game. So instead of finding a good CAW of them, or waiting a whole year.. I'd gladly pay $20.00 to pick up an extra group of wrestlers, and alt. attires.

It's games like Guitar Hero/Rock Band that I would get annoyed with having to spend a great deal of money on one or two songs. But it's also the same concept.

The game itself IS completed. But at the same time, you want new and fresh, so it's constantly upgrading itself.. and it doesn't take a year or longer to do so.. like most games used to.

If you play the SD/Raw games, you'd understand how frustrating it is to wait a whole year just to get someone's updated tights, theme song, or even a new wrestler.. all of which that could've changed when the game hit shelves. So it wouldn't be in. I love getting the ability to upgrade my game before next year's version.

It doesn't add replay value when you pay an extra $10-$30 for what's usally only a few more levels. In the end, I just don't feel like I'm getting the most out of the money I'm giving.

It depends on what you're buying, on whether you'll feel you're getting a deal or ripped off.

For me, SD upgrades are a deal. Yet the TNA iMPACT! upgrade of Mike Tennay and Curry Man.. that's a rip-off. Then again, so is that entire game.

Here, I will have to say that the ps3 is doing a great job with the pricing game, from what I'm hearing from reports on g4 they've actually started selling the ps3 for less then how much it costs to produce. The reason they do this is because they need the gaming market and because they making a decent enough profit off the games.

I think in complete honesty, the PS3 is just trying to out-do Bill Gates and microsoft. Gates has enough money to buy everyone about 10 times over, and he'd still have several BILLION dollars left.

PS3 is a market that right now, just wants to make sure they stay in the game. So they try to get above everyone else. And Gates, the billionaire that he is.. likely won't care if he isn't making the most. Because he already HAS the most. :lmao:

I knew that about the wii, it's a family system, and the family just doesn't the HD experience.

That's untrue. I'm a Family man, and I love my HD. :p But overall, yes.. it's a little kids console (for the most part) so obviously it's going in more children's bedrooms than living rooms.. thus, no HD. (unless your kid is very lucky)

While the gaming companies do ok when it comes to this market, the real profit makers are companies like Gamestop and playntrade.
Where, like you said, pray off of "irresponsible teenagers" who come in, trade there games for less then there worth, and pick a different used game,
instead of having to pay for new ones.

This is what will crumble the gaming industry is stores like this where they buy the old used game and sell it at a cheaper more affordable price,
Thus taking profits away from the devolupers.

I agree fully that used video game stores are a rip-off and hurting the industry.. but they shouldn't be connected to the developers, or the companies that make games/game consoles.

Used video game stores are an off-branch. Think of them as a Rock Band, to the gaming industry's Guitar Hero.

They sell what they can, for whatever you'll pay for it. They just want the money for themselves, they don't care how much.. as long as they get it.
No way is it just a fad. If that were the case, there would be no such thing as a playstation, playstation 2, playstation 3, etc because the fad would've worn off if it was only popular for a couple years.

I personally think it will get much bigger than it is right now, with the Wii smashing all kinds of records for it's use of motion controls, to new genre's coming out, better graphics and gameplay no way will it slow down. Then you introduce online play that has countless of hours of play time and there is nothing that shows it will slow down.

To further prove that, if gaming was going to wear off, companies wouldn't be spending millions of dollars to have their advertisements in the game. Playstation home just launched and its a HUGE advertisement space. Red Bull has their own island to advertise their products, and EA Sports is coming out with a HUGE space of their own for Playstation Home. There is no end in sight for gaming.
What the title says,

I personally think so.
Gaming, after many years, is truly starting to lose it's appeal. It's simply not as popular or fresh as it used, it's not as revolutionary as it once was.

Games are continuously being put out there just for the money of it. There's almost no games out there with any real thought put in it. They build on old ideas instead of creating new ones. (EA is a great example of this)

People aren't willing to pay full price for games anymore ($50-$60)
And now with the ability to go online, buying extra content for your game that just drives the price up even more. (which is total crap, I mean, why can't they sell me the full version?)
Consoles them selfs are getting to be to high priced for the average gamer.
(The wii did well to break that barrier, but it will not be able to keep those prices up forever)

In my opinion, gaming is not a profitable enough market for video game designers. People aren't willing to the high price for consoles in general,
The only surviving video game player will be the computer.


The gaming industry is earning more than the film industry. People are more willing than ever before to go out and buy a console. Halo 3 sold 8,2 million copies in months. That's roughly 400-450 million dollars. Most blockbuster movies only earn around 100-150 million tops.

The Wii is selling like no tomorrow. 2 million consoles sold in ONE MONTH! That's absurd. 360 sold around 800.000 consoles in the month of november, PS3 sold 300.000. That's 3,1 million gaming console sold in 1 month, and I'm not sure, but that could be in america only. Not counting portable consoles, the Nintendo DS has sold well beyond 60 million, the PSP over 30 million.

There's more adds on TV now for games than ever before. It's being reffered to in pop culture a lot aswell.

And are you seriously saying that games weren't put out there for the money back in the NES days? I was even WORSE back then. The amount of shovelware on the NES/SNES/Genesis etc. was insane.

Gaming is as much of a "fad" as the Internet is. Gaming has lasted well over 30 years now, and it's only getting stronger.

Gaming too high priced? The PS2 cost 400-450 dollars on release, and it's the best selling console, ever. 120 million+ sold world wide.

If you want to talk about a part of gaming dying, you should look at the PC. The benefits of the PC is slowly fading away. HD TVs elimated the fact that PC ALWAYS will look better. They still do, if you're willing to shell out a lot of money for a powerfull rig (that still has to be updated a lot within short periods of time).

Developers are going away from the pc because of piracy and the horrible development chores. When you make a game for a console, you have specific specs to go for and develop to, and everyone can just buy the game and play it without problems.

I'm not a console fanboy, not at all. I often play TF2, Company of Heroes and Football Manager on my pc. But why do you think games like Far Cry 2 were also sold on the consoles? Because the PC gaming market just isn't there anymore. If you aren't Blizzard, Maxis or Valve, you have no business on the PC. Just look at the numbers, PC games sales are abysmall compared to consoles.

Piracy and MMOs are killing the PC as a gaming platform. If you play World of Warcraft, you're not going to play much else. And if you are, most people just pirate it. It's not like it's rocket science anymore.
No way, is video gaming just a fad. It is constantly developing and improving. The video game industry earns a lot of cash every month. More and more people are buying consoles and games like never before. The 3 current next gen consoles are amazing. The Wii is a motion sensor console in which it keeps you active and fit, while having fun with friends. The Xbox 360 is cheap for what you get for the price. Xbox Live is amazing to say the least, it also has great games and terrific graphics, not to mention you can rip music onto your hardrive. The PS3 connects to the internet wirelessly so people can play online, free of charge. The graphics for the games are basically unmatched.

Video gaming has never been bigger. People say the old school games were the greatest. I disagree with this, but I must admit that games were funner back then to an extent. I remember playing Sonic for months on end. I remember trying to pass a certain level of the Lion King on Sega Megadrive when I was a little kid. It was great. Then my obsession for video games increased when I got my Playstation 1. Now, at 17 years of age, I still play on my Xbox 360 almost every day when I get a chance. I still enjoy it, and shooting games in particular have never been funner, in my opinion.

You might have lost interest in video games due to being older and just getting "over it" in general. But many, many others still see the appeal of video games and the industry is booming right now. Video gaming is very successful and just like the internet, the possibilies are endless and it will always continue to develop. It's just amazing thinking of all the stuff that our consoles will be doing in the future. In 30 years, we already have online play, the option to listen to music on your console whilst playing a game, wireless controllers, vibrating controllers, blu ray players built in, amazing realistic graphics & sound and much more.

Video games is definately not just a fad.
OK, this is bizarro world. I agree with Rusty. Video gaming can't be a fad, because fads don't last thirty years. The method by which the games are played may be fads, but the industry itself is a mover. Gamestop, for instance, was one of the few companies that was up over the holiday season.

In the 70's and 80's games were played in arcades. They were very social, and led to new avenues for meeting people.

The Atari, and later Nintendo Entertainment System, took video games away from social settings, and now led to isolation. People would sit at home and play, non stop. How many friends does the guy who beat Mario 3 in 11 minutes have? I, however, am popular. It's because it takes me 16 minutes.

As internet speeds and technology as a whole improved, video games became less isolationist. PC games, such as Counterstrike led the revolution of online gaming. People could congregate, like at the arcade, without ever leaving home.

Now, with the next gen consoles, people can play four at a time, against several other people four together, or alone. People can even link systems and have 8 people in one home playing Halo or GRAW 2.

The pet rock was a fad, in that it couldn't be constantly improved, so it became stale. Video game designers constantly push the envelope of the the limitations on technology and realism. Games are an an experience one can live alternately in. No game sounts on immersion more than Warcraft. People become their character, and we are back to isolation. The trends may repeat themselves, however the motivation continues to evolve, and the evolution of the product is what keeps it from becomming a fad.
Well i'm agreeing with the majority here. There is no way that video gaming is a fad. A fad doesn't last long. And video gaming has been around for a long time. And what's the first thing that your mate says when you go over to their place? "You want to go on the Xbox?" or something similar.And with the appeal of better graphics, online play, and numerous other new features, there's a lot of appeal in gaming. It's still a great source of entertainment for the world.

There's something for everyone. If you're a music freak, you have SingStar and Guitar Hero. If you're a sports nut, you have Basketball, Soccer, NFL etc. You get the idea. No matter what kind of thing you're into, the video game industry has something for you.

Oh, and you say there are no new game concepts. Little Big Planet. Completely unique game. Video game companies are trying their hardest to think of new ideas, and occasionally they think of one, but nearly everything has been done. It's almost impossible not to do something that hasn't been done before. And as FTS said, they keep on upgrading the technology. There are more things in the gaming world for us to do, and this keeps drawing us back in.
Either you forgot to add an "in", to make it say "it sucked me IN".. or our conversation just got really creepy and a bit weird.

Yeah.. It was about 4 o'clock in the morning when I wrote that.

I get the rip-off from some of those games. Especially the rip-off that is, Rock Band to Guitar Hero.

To be fair, the same company who made Guitar hero, also made Rock Band.
So I don't know if that's technicly a rip-off or not.

When I think E.A. though, I think sports games. And that's why I said you couldn't use them.. because you can't truly upgrade/change a sports game.. outside of who's on what team, team colors, names, home-field looks, etc.

Well how about a different type of view? You could play from the quarterbacks view, or the safety's point of view or anyone's point of view. I mean, the game doesn't have to get rid of the classic camera view, just throw in a few little bonus things like that.

A lot of the games you did list, dispite it taking a small amount of time.. are very similar, albeit their storyline is different. Maybe you're getting bored because it's all one big same thing.

What? I'm sorry, but when I think My Sims the last game in the world I think about when I'm playing that game is Dead Space.
and while Dead Space and Army of Two may both have the same over the shoulder view, there in no way the same kinda of game play.

It's never too much to ask for something new, refreshing and original.. but sometimes it isn't always that easy.

Again, we've come A LONG way from pong. So you have to give the game developers some time to think up something new and original. We have a huge list of category games out there.. it will become hard to constantly find something that stands out.. like Mario did when it first debuted.

I agree with this. But it seems like it's been such a long time since we got anything truly refreshing from what's out there now. If you look at what's hot right now, Gears of war 2, Fallout 3, Call of duty 5, all these games have been played before they were even released.

In a ways, albeit not rudely, yes.

Almost everyone who plays games, at one point would say to themselves.. I wanna make a video game. But the truth is, it is a huge deal of hard work. In the end, as a gamer.. you just have to take what you get, and try your hardest to be satisfied. You can complain, that's how companies, developers and industries know they need to change it up.. but sometimes just know you can't always have every little thing you want.

I have to be happy to even play a game? It would be different if I was being handed the game and system for free, I would agree with you.
But I'm not, I'm giving them my hard earned money, so why can't I ask for little details I would want?

Thing is.. with my example, the Smackdown vs. Raw game WAS/IS finished. Evan Bourne and Ted DiBiase Jr. were two guys that weren't around during the making of this game. So instead of finding a good CAW of them, or waiting a whole year.. I'd gladly pay $20.00 to pick up an extra group of wrestlers, and alt. attires.

It's games like Guitar Hero/Rock Band that I would get annoyed with having to spend a great deal of money on one or two songs. But it's also the same concept.

The game itself IS completed. But at the same time, you want new and fresh, so it's constantly upgrading itself.. and it doesn't take a year or longer to do so.. like most games used to.

If you play the SD/Raw games, you'd understand how frustrating it is to wait a whole year just to get someone's updated tights, theme song, or even a new wrestler.. all of which that could've changed when the game hit shelves. So it wouldn't be in. I love getting the ability to upgrade my game before next year's version.

But $20.00? so you don't have to create your own CAW? I've been playing these games since no mercy on the N64, and I have in no way wanted a wrestler on my game so badly that I was willing to pay an extra $20.00
for them. That's probably one of the fun things about SDvsRAW games is tyring to create someone using there highly advance CAW system.

It depends on what you're buying, on whether you'll feel you're getting a deal or ripped off.

For me, SD upgrades are a deal. Yet the TNA iMPACT! upgrade of Mike Tennay and Curry Man.. that's a rip-off. Then again, so is that entire game.

I never played the the TNA game, is that really all you can download?

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