Is TNA's style of wrestling destructive...

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Pre-Show Stalwart
Is TNA's style of wrestling destructive to it's long term product and/or does it make TNA unique

TNA obviously has a much faster paced style of wrestling where alot of the psychology is cut out. They also don't sell as much, have alot of high risk moves and kick out of finishers way more than what happens in WWE. Plus the finishes are usually unclean.

My question is, does it hurt TNA overall in the end and/or does it make TNA an alternative.

Please respond if you know where I am coming from
i personally like this style of wrestling better then WWE...if you go back to the Attitude Era days of WWE...TNA's current style of wrestling is how it was back then
I wouldn't say the psychology is cut out. In the big X division spot fests, yes, but they're becoming a lesser and lesser part of TNA. When people see TNA is a lot about technical wrestling, they assume that it doesn't involve psychology or any of that sort of thing. Truth is, it has psychology, it's just not the traditional brand of psychology. It reflects a sport more closely, where upsets are possible and heels aren't automatically lesser to faces (though they usually are). Again, still not talking about the shitty X Division spotfests; which I also don't consider to be the be all and end all of the X Division.

TNA attracts fans with athletic spectacle, something which has been underestimated by many wrestling fans. Show a modern fan Hogan/Warrior and they'll soon fall asleep, no matter how good the psychology is (it's fucking simplistic, that's for sure). It's all about components and to the priority they have over each other.

It's good they offer an alternative, though more success may be found by straight up ripping off WWE. I wouldn't say it directly damages them, though I'll certainly change the channel if I see another Steel Asylum match.

Edit: And no way in hell is TNA's style like the Attitude Era style, which was largely sloppy brawling. WCW style, I might give you.
If I'm being honest, and there isn't any reason why I wouldn't be.. I don't watch T.N.A. because I think they're going to give me exactly what the W.W.E. does. I watch them, because I hope and want different, and unique.

Sometimes that works in a negative way.. like with Genesis, and the spoiler(s) for Against All Odds. But the fact is, it's definately not something the W.W.E. would do.

Now then, one of the things that's made me a die-hard T.N.A. fan, especially through all the crap-ass storylines, and gawd-awful Main Events.. has been the wrestling abilities. W.W.E. focuses on telling a story, through a carefully laid out match, that often times doesn't excite as much as it used to.. unless it's the Main Event, or a feud.

T.N.A., in every match, will show you something great. Wrestling ability, from everyone. (almost, exclusing Team 3D, Nash & Steiner) I don't care if a finisher is kicked out of 20 different times. Most finishers these days are stupid anyways. (Cena = FU, Joe = choke submission, Foley = crotch sock, etc, etc.) The good finishers are almost NEVER kicked out of. (Canadian Destroyer, Style's Clash, etc.)

While anytime a match is ended in a draw, countout or DQ it's annoying, that unfortunately comes with the game. It's to help build that match, feud or individual(s) to a deeper format. You can't always have someone win and lose.

So in the end, I don't think their style is hurting them one bit. I think if they attempted to completely mimic the W.W.E., that would hurt them.. because they don't have the ability to be just like their rival. They have the ability to be themselves. And for the most part, they do a great job at it.
No I dont think it's destructive at all, I also wouldnt say that it's as different from WWE as it likes to think it is. The X-Division spot fests are no different than your average cruiserweight spot-fest used to be only with supposedly more popular wrestlers (how that works when more people know Jimmy Wang Yang than Jay Lethal is beyond me).

I am with Sam in that the psychology isnt cut out, at least not in the main-events, guy's like Angle have gone on record saying that they are trying to teach some of these guy's things like psychology, timing and selling. I mean when I think of Kurt Angle perform one thing he doesnt lack is psychology and storytelling, it just reflects his wrestling style.
AJ Styles is another example, he's a highflyer that shouldnt be called a spot-monkey because he has what I'd consider good psychology.

I think TNA are moving along, maybe they've realised that not everyone wants to see a shit load of flips and suplexes in every match, some guys like me like to see two big guys slug it out who occasionally venture into bodyslam territory. Why do you think Sting's my favourite TNA wrestler?

I dont know I think I just went way off topic, so back to the original question. No TNA's wrestling style isnt destructive, for the most part it maintains the elements (to me) that make good matches and sometimes just puts their own little spin on them (for good or bad). As far as kicking out of finisher's constantly it just seems that that is the new trend wrestling in general is taking.
I don't think it's destructive. I think it's constructive. I only recently started watching TNA, and I gotta say I'm impressed. I wanted to see what all the talk (more like murmurs) was about, and I'm sold. I love the wrestling. It's faster and more innovative. It actually looks like wrestlers are having fun in the ring. It's night and day compared to WWE, where matches are extremely formulaic - almost feel like wrestlers are afraid to screw up, so they just do the basics. Sad... Sadder I never watched anything else besides WWE for so long.
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