Is this a sign?


The Machinist
This week MVP debuted his new entrance theme Ballin' and damn was it epic.
The theme absolutely fits his bill and if you listen to the lyrics, it seems to have been performed by MVP himself with reference to the 305 etc.

Now in recent weeks it has been noted several times on the WrestleZone front page that MVP has been unhappy and somewhat frustrated about his current position. He did mention however that he was not leaving as many began alluding to.

Now with this new theme and defeating both Cody Rhodes and Drew McIntyre in a Triple threat this week on SmackDown, does this signal a new push? Personally, I think that he will take the title from Ziggler as he is stills struggling to get over which is sad but is the truth.

Does this possibly mean a heel turn? Personally I doubt that as SmackDown is heel heavy and although I would love for it to happen, I just don't see it happening.

Your thoughts on the theme and what this could possibly mean?
I don't think the new theme means much in terms of a push or heel turn. If anything, it just means what all the other themes of the other wrestlers means: add to the wrestler's gimmick. Which, in my opinion, it does add to the whole "Ballin" thing he has going. Even though, I have often times said that it is a rather ridiculous gimmick.

To be honest, I have always believed MVP to be shit. He's really not that talented in the ring and his mic skills aren't that great. I was actually happy when I first learned the rumors about him leaving as it is one less fucktard to give a shit about.

But anyways, regarding his match with Ziggler, I don't see MVP winning this match. He's just a filler for Ziggler to face. Yea, so I see him getting buried (jobbing) at Survivor Series (or whenever it is that they fight). After this, MVP will probably go back to being a lingering mid-carder and ultimately released. At least...that's the way I see it...
If that were the case, Ted BiDiase and R-Truth would also be going up the card and Christian would've headlined a PPV by now. But we know none of those thing's are true.

Changing a theme song doesn't mean anything for a character and reports of being unhappy makes it even worse. Besides, if WWE is gonna release another music CD like they do every year, you kinda need new songs for it.
Getting a new theme song isn't indicative that anything major is going to happen with a wrestler. As for MVP's reported unhappiness, I've read all the various stuff on the net but MVP has said on his Twitter account that the rumors of him being worried about his spot and general unhappiness aren't true. At least, that's was the story about a month or so ago.

I haven't been a big fan of MVP really but I do believe that he's improved inside the ring over the last several months. He's much more fluid in the ring whereas his matches tended to be extremely slow, choppy and outright boring. Whether you like MVP or not, the guy's loyal and he's always done whatever's been asked of him. He's the #1 contender for the IC title so it wouldn't surprise me if he did get a run with the strap.
Yeah I realised that however I really dug the new theme song and it could possibly mean a mini-push. It's just the timing of the introduction of the theme song smells like "Here you go MVP, have at it"...

In terms of Dibiase and R Truth, well both their new theme songs suck in my opinion. Dibiase's priceless theme was much better and with this new I come from money I come from class shit screams Mid Card Limbo. And R Truth? Well he's just shit anyways.

But I really do hope this means something for MVP. Although it may not, and plenty other previous threads have talked about this, MVP if given the ball (as a heel) could possibly work. But with the heel heavy Smackdown, this could just mean a mini feud with Ziggler then back to washing dished on Superstars.
I like MVP,
and I like his new theme song, but what really got me was the giant explosion in the back, He's always had pyro, But I don't think it's ever been that big.
I would like to see MVP and Dolph have a nice lengthy feud,
But I would want Dolph to come out on top,
I just don't think it's time for him to drop the strap,
and some great matches w/ MVP could make his reign that much better,
and going against a face like MVP,
Dolph could start to get his own major heat,
w/o Vickie
MVP's new theme is okay, I really don't think it's that great. I was hoping for something better but who cares. He actually debuted his new theme on Superstars a couple weeks ago, if that means anything. You'd think they would wait until Smackdown to debut a new theme rather than superstars. I don't really see anything special with MVP and I do agree that the match next week seems to be a filler as Ziggler isn't defending his title enough. I'll be surprised to see MVP win the IC title next week or go anywhere with his career in the near future.
The new music doesn't mean a thing, just a little change is all... But, MVP is definitely in a good position to take the IC Title from Ziggler, even if it is only a short little run. MVP has vastly improved in the ring, and has had a bit of momentum as of late. Why not try it? Why not let him run with the belt for a bit? I mean, if everything goes wrong just have him drop the belt to Ziggler and end it. Ziggler has been fairly boring, and I don't think the crowd really cares for him all that much, so it's not as if he must remain the IC Champ. If anything, that even further proves the point that it is time for a change.
Well, I tell ya, there have been flimsier signs than this that have proven true and a lot more that have proven false. Whether this one will prove good, bad, or indifferent for MVP remains to be seen.

I will say that it is possible. As the Intercontinental Title is a midcard title and MVP has held those before, I'd say it's completely possible that he'll be the next Intercontinental Champion. It's just as likely not to happen but be instead a way to push Ziggler by having him defeat a well-known name.

I think it should be pointed out, however, that if he does get the championship, he won't hold it for a very long time. Why? His criminal record, that's why. Yes, there are many who say that this shouldn't matter, but the fact is that it does. The WWE is extremely PG and extremely "family friendly" right now and the last thing that they want to do is piss off the concerned parents in the T.V. audience. Elevating and glorifying a man who is openly an ex-convict might just make them uneasy. There is also a practical reason as to why his criminal record will keep his championships short lived and prevent a main event push: touring restrictions. So far as I understand it, many foreign countries that the WWE might want to tour in have strict restrictions on convicted felons. Even if you've served your time, they won't let you in. The WWE will want any champion to be able to tour when and wherever they wish to go and MVP is restricted.

Still, they might placate him with a midcard title. MVP is, I have to say, one of the better performers in the WWE and is very good at getting hungry up-and-comers over. This may well be all that he's here to do.
I see MVP more of the guy that will put the future over compared to actually being the future. He hasn't done anything for me but be another name facing off against someone WWE is trying to push.

The fact that he has a new theme doesn't mean he will be in the title hunt soon either; Killjoy brought it home I think. WWE is due for an annual compilation of wrestler's themes. This will be a cool addition. WWE also needs MVP to win some matches to actually seem like a potential threat to his opponents (same can be said about the "push" happening with Santino right now).

I don't find MVP that vastly entertaining. He is doing his job week in and week out but his character is generic to me. "Ballin" has been a quote for the past ten years and is in no way an original spin to his gimmick. I just don't feel a big change in his career. He might snag Intercontinental gold a few more times but I don't see anything passed that. Could just be me though.
Well you'd have to mad to think right after mvp has expressed his unhappiness publically recently and linda's campagn whch was what was limiting his push due to the nature of his past criminal life, and the fact that is now over, to think this isn't happeneing as a result of those things. You dont hvae to like MVP but I do believe vince has always been fairly high on him, and I think this is an example of that.

I think this has come about due to talks between vince and MVP and has been put into action since the unsuccessful senate campaign has ended, and this is at the very least a push for MVP. It could equally well have been other guys in smackdown, and if he doesnt win the belt, you'd better be prepared for him hanging around in the feuding mid-card for a good while at least, if he doesnt win the belt that is.
No I don't think it means anything big for MVP. They have been discussing a new theme for MVP for months now, it's just a change. He went over Cody and Drew because he's the face and what faces are there for Ziggler to face on Smackdown after his feud with Kofi?

They're pushing Ziggler and having him go over Kofi, than MVP several times will garner more heat for him, which is good, I love Ziggler.

So no, I don't see MVP winning the IC title anytime soon. gthe new music is just to freshen up his character.
The one thing that confuses me is mvp's ex con past. You'd figure people would openly a former criminal how servred his time, yet the wwe univerese seems to love him? He's probably a great way to put him in the spot light by having him win the ic(which doesn't happen this week unforuntely as this site already proved). He's an ex con who is loved by the fans and is a great example that you can make something of yourself even if you make some mistakes in the past.

Parents could use MVP as a way that no matter what you do, and what mistakes you made you can still succeed. Parents would go crazy over this, plus he would be a great role model for some troubled kids out there,and most kids in general. His feud with matt hardy when they were tag champs was pretty funny and is golden on the mic and better than most on smackdown and currently one of the top 10 or 20 of best guys on the mic who are currently on the active wwe roster.

Plus ziggler being champ is getting stale, and the vickie ziggler couple just killed the story for me and hurt zigglers rep since he really cound't get a clean win with out vickie constantly inyerfereing.
I don't see it as hints to be the beginning of any kind of push. In regards to his facing Ziggler, MVP will always be a popular enough challenger to be able to throw into a match for some hype. He might eventually win the IC Title and possibly even tag gold, but that is it. He will never be a World Champ in WWE. Nor should he be. He is a serviceable guy. Not every guy that ever gets in the ring will be a World Champion. MVP will never get that push.

Assuming he remains in WWE for a good amount of time. He will always be the mid card, hyped up, pissed at his status, one step above a glorified Jobber, fan favorite. Though he will have his Heel turns. It will be easy to turn him when he isn't getting over as a Face and they want to try something new. Then, after that does not work AGAIN, he will resort back into the BabyFace, Ballin yellin', mid carder!
Anybody that really believes that getting new theme equals a push really needs to think again. If this was true then Chris Masters, Christian, Ted Dibiase and R-Truth would all be maineventing by now.

MVP is over the hill and won't be getting a push. Other than his finisher what has changed for the guy since his debut? Nothing. He is the prime example of a guy the IWC held huge expectations of even before he showed his true colours to us. He is basically Kazarian with charisma; good on the mic but bland as hell in the ring.

MVP will not be getting a push in fact he will be lucky to be employed in 6 months.
I don't really like MVP's new theme. He should have stuck to the old one and brought back his blow-up tunnel. That thing was cool. I don't think this will mean a heel turn. New themes don't signal a face/heel turn all the time. It just signals a new theme, and possibly a push. He got a shot at the Intercontinental Championship and lost. He still sucks, so let's move on. Hey, it's blunt but it's true. MVP was way better 3 years ago when he had his year long US Championship run and still came out in the blow-up tunnel. When he lost both of those two things he became far less interesting and began having worse matches. Having this new theme doesn't signal a new heel turn because they already have enough heels in the midcard and he got his push, he lost.

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