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I have not heard the buyrate or anything for Wrestemania but have heard a lot of people saying that the matches were not that great except for Undertaker and Michaels which got me to thinking what is the problem with the Pay Per Views? Is the problem with the pay per views in fact Raw and ECW and Smackdown.

Correct me if I am wrong but the Monday before Wrestlemania was there a JBL vs Mysterio singles match? Isn't this a free preview of what will come on Sunday? And then you had the Triple Threat situation. One week you had Cena vs Edge, then Edge vs Big Show, then Cena vs Big Show. Arent the pay per views losing there excitement when the people are getting to see the match for free on Raw or Smackdown. I am pretty sure back in the day Austin and Rock never was booked in a match with each other before the pay per view.
They did gaffe on those two matches, and we seen Miz and Morrison vs Carlito and Primo in a number of ways at least 4x, and the exact same 6-8 man matches with the MiTB participants. They handled this particular issue correctly with Undertaker/HBK, Orton/HHH, and Hardy/Hardy, but that should be the case with everyone. I think their build overall has been terrible as a whole, and I think that's a bigger equation into suffering buyrates (teaming up with the economy) than the lack of branded PPVs and such.
Thank You! Somebody finally pointed that out. Why would you have an already scheduled WM match on the Raw before? If Rey is going into a match with JBL, why do they fight before? This is why, in 20 years of watching and being a fan of professional wrestling, I think that the writers and staff that the WWE has now and in the past 5 years, are the laziest work I have seen. No, Austin and Rock never had a match leading up to thier match at Mania on Raw. Maybe Austin vs a member of the Corporation with the Rock getting involved or something to that affect. But never a one on one on Raw, the Monday before.
It should go back to the good old days when someone wins the championship at a ppv the the next month is spent finding the #1 contender that finishes at the next ppv the the next month building up the title match when they only fight at the following ppv. Why were there no run ins at mania where were legacy? They were at the ppv!
It's called a build-up !!! It's called creating storylines !!! It's called creating feuds !!!

Face it people, wrestling today is not like wrestling in the past. There aren't several different cliques like DX, the Corporation, the Four Horsemen, the Brood, etc...

Guys don't have allies that fight their battles for them anymore. Aside from Legacy, there really aren't any superstars to fight another superstars battles.

If all these guys were held off Raw, Smackdown or ECW for a month while they simply cut promos on each other, you'd be starting a thread wondering why they weren't wrestling.

I'd rather see Cena fight Edge one week, then Cena fight the Big Show the next.

It's either that or watch The Brian Kendrick, R-Truth, Chavo Guerrero, etc...
You can still have the champ on tv but have him run in on the #1 contender and backstage attacks or hire someone to make his life difficult not just do interviews and not have them wrestle just not have them wrestle each other
Build ups are very important, but what is just as important is how they are done. If you notice the matches that led up to HHH/Orton fueled the fire more and more (no comment on the end result, but way to drop the ball WWE). Other buildups lose their steam too quick. Rey and JBL, what the hell was that all about? First of all, there was nothing there to begin with. Second, we saw the exact match on Monday; why not do the old school tag match Rey/whoever .vs. JBL/whoever and has a quick win or a big beat down, that is how you set up a match. Hardy build up wasn't bad, I just didn't enjoy the match all that much. They should have just dressed Shelton up as Matt Hardy and put him in the match. Cena/Show/Edge was a terrible waste of time. The same damn thing, over and over. Having 36 variations of a match all with different outcomes doesn't not excite me for the match. Imagine watching a TV show 36 times, every time it has a different ending. No matter how good that TV show is, after about 3 or 4 times you just wanna fast forward to the end and even then it's no big thing. HBK and Undertaker was a build up that only those two names are capable of, great buildup, they made a memorable wrestlemania match to truly be proud of. Money in the bank got saved by the athleticism of Benjamin, Kofi, Christian and even MVP and then got flushed by CM Punk....what a crap ending. Overall, build ups are necessary, but they need to be done right.

For next month I do not want to see a new version of an almost 3 on 3 match with Shane/Batitsta/HHH and Orton/Legacy (yes I meant to put the tits i there). Give me glimpses as to what it will be like, maybe an ambiguous match that leaves me thinking, some run ins.....no drawn out tag matches...please. I don't care if Legacy can beat Shane and HHH, or If HHH and Batista can beat Orton and Cody, or if HHH and Batista cant beat off. I know, a little weird, but after 3 or 4 of those matches it gets to that point. After you see every component of the match, you it starts to get stale and instead of building up a great match, your breaking down the entire idea that you started with. Give me a buildup, not a breakdown.
I think that the problem is, as Ive been noticing, is weve seen it all. We were ALL expecting a run-in from Legacy in the title match. So they did something new, which was have a ref-bump, but no run in. That was the predictable outcome. But what other options did they have? Weve seen the ref-bumps, the run ins, the beatdowns, the backstabbing. I dont know necessarily that this is the case of lazy boooking, rather then there being nothing else new "creative" they can do. And its frustrating, because we all want it so bad as fans, its just hard because its all been done before. The suspense is gone, and it sucks.
The main problem was the sheer amount of time before wrestlemania. There was almost two months with no pay per view but the matches were basically set the night after no way out. Its hard to keep a fued interesting that long with out having the match. It's obvious they had no idea what to do with cena/edge/show, but with ones they knew what they wanted to do with like ortan/hhh and hardy/hardy i got bored watching the build up on tv. HHH/Ortan hit its peak of interesting when HHH showed up at ortans house, if we saw the match we did the night after that happened we would have been happy with that match. Instead they had to keep it going, but couldn't just have HHH destroy ortan again, it had to seem even going in, so they than built up ortan after having HHH beat the crap out of him at his house. I feel like it was merely a time thing. They had to keep in interesting for two months, they just should have taken it real slow instead of trying to shock and awe us every Monday, if you have more shocking and entertaining things happen on raw than in the match that shocking stunt is building towards it only makes the match look worse.
i think its the storylines i mean were seeing like randy orton vs triple h over and over i mean do you want to see the same rivalry over and over and they copy there storylines also like whenever they start a rivalrie with randy orton it either starts when orton kicks him?her in the head or when orton wants a title shot and i think the gimmicks/charachters i mean like noone has gimmicks anymore i mean MVP really thats a good gimmick? WWE needs better writers or else its downhill from here
i remember back in the days gone by they would have a random match between say for example bret hart and samu of the headshrinkers and just talk about brets current fued or have his next major opponent pop up in the corner and talk about how he is gunna crush him or something to that effect.

i think these days where everyone has short term memory loss they constantly need 2 see the same guys fighting week in week out just so at the end the wwe can run a video package before the match to show why its happening

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