Is this a good start to Orton's face run?


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I think Orton's face run is starting VERY well.. Possibly the best in a while. I'd love for him to be the next big face, but only time will tell..

But do you think WWE throwing the title in his face again is smart? Do you think this could kill his momentum?

If he loses, if not done correctly, it might hurt his steam he has.. Hopefully he does lose, and it be because of a possible Jericho run in and have Orton and Jericho feud.. Who knows..

If he wins, there goes our "Face chasing the title" months that has in the past proven to get people watching.

So what do you think? Opinions on his face run and what they are doing right or wrong?
I think the whole Orton v Swagger at Extreme Rules was completely stupid. Even the way it was announced was terrible. Unfortunately it seems the only viable match with Jericho and Edge locked in their own feud.

Orton's face turn desperately needs a solid heel to feud with, and Swagger isn't a solid heel (and neither are DiBiase or Rhodes). There aren't many in the roster that can fulfill that position well either; the heels are all mid carders or in feuds. And a loss to Swagger isn't going to help Ortons face push out either, even if Orton wins any rematches. MacIntyre might be a potential feud, but then again MacIntyre himself needs solid wins against heel or face if WWE are serious about pushing him.

So it's all going a very odd direction and I'm very keen to see how it plays out after Extreme Rules and the Draft.
Swagger needs to cheat or a run in needs to happen and cost Orton the title match in order to not lose so much steam on his face turn. He needs to chase the title and doesn't needs the belt around his waist for quite a while. Have Jericho or McIntyre cost Orton the match and Orton can focus on them for a month or so.
I think his turn is pretty much complete now. I don't see him going all out babyface like a Cena. It's been said on these forums before and I agree that he's best suited in a tweener role than in a full out face role. Which he's been doing since before Wrestlemania. He's going to get a huge pop regardless of who he faces.
Orton is not a heel or face he's the bad ass stone cold type that will RKO anybody that gets in his way of him and the World title don't you people see that today swagger tomorrow undertaker it does not matter who he faces he will punt anybody for the win
I do believe Orton is a Stone Cold character and it works well with his personality. It may change in the future, but it is perfect for him, but I do not think him going for a title right now is a good idea. Swagger is on Smackdown and could have an interesting story with Jericho and Edge, but they have completely thrown that out the window. Orton is on a different show and the story has had little or no build up.

I really do hope there is interference of some kind during the match with Jericho and/or Edge because the story as it is now does not make sense.
I definitely think this is a great start to Orton's ultimate face run. I think that is mainly because even though we all already see it's on it's way, it's starting off as a pretty slow build. Not many people are really quite sure what to expect from him yet on a nightly basis. IDK if Rhodes' concussion is real or if he's just been written off the show but if it is a legit injury, I wonder if this storyline would be different. But that's something for another thread.
I would also have to agree that his role right now, which if I had to choose of the 3, he is definitely a tweener. For unfortunate reasons I wasn't able to watch WM live this year, but even shortly before that I started pulling for him more and more. But when he was on RAW shortly after that and he won his match and got up on the ropes like always, instead of just staring out into the crowd, I marked out when the arms went back into the air.
And even though I would really really love to see him beat Swagger on Sunday, I have to agree that it would probably be a better idea for him to chase the title for awhile. Because, well, we all know that's faces usually do what they do.
It exciting to speculate and everything right now, but there will be a lot of questions answered after the PPV, after we know who walks out with the various belts, what shows some of them will end up on, and what new feuds we should/could see. And maybe because of that, depending on who goes where, they might not have to take Orton's turn at a tortoises' pace. I do like this Orton who still is more of a face but will strike everything. IMO, I hope not but lets say he starts a feud with SES, well it's a no brainer, he's the clear cut face. But now let's say someone like Edge (purely example, but I think he is better as a Heel) ends up with the WHC. As it stands now that would be cool because there would be a lot of cheers and heat probably both ways. Anyway, I'm looking forward to reading the rest of the posts. I like this thread. Nice one!
Swagger needs to cheat or a run in needs to happen.

It's an extreme rules match, how in the hell is he gonna cheat himself to victory in that? he can't cheat, the run-in although could fix a upper hand for him.

I don't really see Orton turning 100% face just yet, I really do think Orton is gonna be a very over tweener, a Stone Cold like character, and I would really prefer it that way.
And yeah I do think it's a smart move for WWE to pull Orton into the title picture again, he's a great choice for Swagger to feud with, and Orton is great at putting people over without it hurting him very much, we had him loosing to Kofi Kingston, and winning some against Kofi, but it didn't hurt his momentum at all, and a loss to Swagger, or a win of the title, either way I don't see it going in a bad direction for Orton.
What I would have to say is that it hasn't been a good start to his face run, but it has been an excellent start to his tweener run. I don't like comparing him to Stone Cold, but it is apt in terms of his psychology. Whenever Orton is around, he is capable of attacking anyone just because he can, whether they are a face or a heel. I liked the moment a couple of weeks ago when he tried to RKO Cena but ended up getting Swagger instead. If he had RKO'd Cena, he still probably would have got a standing ovation, just because he's that hot at the moment.

So, whether you consider him a tweener or a face, he has been incredibly good lately and I expect that to continue with his match with Swagger and beyond. As long as he maintains that psychology that he's displayed so well lately, and puts on some good matches, his current run should continue to be a great success.
I'm going to add a few more words because I think some of you are missing what I was saying.

I'm not saying his face run or tweener run in terms of him turning INTO a face. He already is.

What I mean is, NOW that he's a face, do you think throwing a title shot at him this soon is good for the SUCCESS of him being a face.

If he becomes champion, he needs to be that Austin character. That just kicks ass everywhere.

I would love him to build all the way to Summerslam, and have him win the title there. Then let the new era of Orton run. I think giving him the title this soon kinda slows his momentum.
i dont actualy like orton as a face. i think he suited a heal better, hes more entertaining as a heal and is alot better at being one also.
BUT i think that if him and jericho have a rivalry it will b a good 1
I actually like Orton more as a heel. I like the "I'll take ANYONE out to further myself" bit.

As a face I think Orton's chase for the title needs to be fairly long. I think at least 2 months is a good time. Lose at Etreme Rules, Win at the next PPV but by DQ so Swagger retains the title, then win at the PPV after that for the title. After he wins the title he needs to hold it for awhile. And I mean 6 months. I miss the long title reigns. They made the titles mean so much more.....
I like the idea of him being a tweener-face, but I'm not sure I like how they are going about it. It just doesn't seem like he is being given enough to do. This feud with Swagger has been nothing. They have had hardly any interaction, and Orton isn't cutting promos.

I just don't think Orton is getting enough attention. They have something there. The fans are marking out for this guy in a big way, and what do we get? We get to watch him wrestle random matches on Raw week in and week out. I want to see him in another very personal feud. Something with Jericho, CM Punk or Batista if he goes to Smackdown (assuming those guys are still there). At this point in time, I want to see more from him. More wrestling. More dialogue with other wrestlers. More promos. Raw has gotten a bit stale for me, and he really lights up the show, IMO.

I don't think they are ruining it, hurting it, etc. Not yet. But I just want more face time for Orton...I dunno, maybe it's the mark in me.
First of all i dont think he will be a face but a tweener.

and...the rest of your points are?

i think orton will not turn full babyface. i think that's actually impossible considering the gimmick he has right now, of a venomous, backstabbing, vicious snake who will do anything to get what he wants. he will remain a tweener for a long time...i hope.
I love Orton, he's always been one of my favorites. He was pretty cool in Evolution and Rated RKO, but when he came out and adopted the "Viper" persona he quickly became one of my favorites.

Usually I only mark out for entertaining, talkative and funny heels -- The Rock (best work was a heel duh), Jericho, CM Punk, etc. But RKO is just so fucking bad ass and deliberately ruthless that you gotta love him. He's found a character that he can completely immerse himself in and sell perfectly. His music (I HEAR VOICES IN MY HEAD), his intimidating slow walk, his slightly psycho look in his eyes -- he's perfect.

I loved him as a heel. I loved his resentment towards HHH for kicking him out of Evolution and how he got ultimate revenge by going on a rampage against him and his family. There's few heels out there that can sell themselves as a legitimate menace like Orton can, if any. Other heels are mostly just pompous, smug and/or cowardly, but Orton would actually go out of his way to hurt you, often for no reason at all.

Lately he's been more face-like, but his character hasn't changed much. They just aren't doing much with him really. Like someone else said, there's few promos, few backstage segments, and most importantly a lack of edgy behavior. The only thing he did that was heelish the past month or so was an attempted RKO to Cena. While cool at the moment, its pretty week that thats the only heelish thing he's done.

He still has his swagger, he still has his aura, but he isn't doing stuff that Randy Orton does. The RKO I know would be jumping Swagger or Cena backstage and give them a punt to the head. The reason RKO gained a fanbase was because of his heel tactics, and they are taking that away.

This is what I hate especially about faces -- they barely have any personality. And when a character turn face he becomes just a generic good guy. Look at Edge, look at Batista and now look at Orton. I hate how WWE takes all the good parts of a character away when they turn face.

Luckily Orton isn't a complete face yet and he's still technically "tweener"... so hopefully they can turn this around. I love the idea of tweener Orton, but so far they are botching it. Make him do more heel stuff! Just make him do it against another heel. I mean come on, the crowd would go NUTS if Orton just randomly jumped Sheamus next RAW.
The WWE really takes an interest in the IWC. As soon as we mention the reminiscence of Stone Cold to Randy Orton, the WWE catches it. It's not like it isn't obvious:The Rattlesnake, The Viper; RKO similar to Stunner etc.

This week they utilized it. He comes out and begins his promo with a different demeanor. Hes calmer. Trying to use face tactics like "I hate Triple H but.." and then after Sheamus says something he goes "I have a better idea Sheamus..." in exactly the same tone Stone Cold does it. Then he uses the "RKO" threat. The RKO. Its the new Stunner. "How bout I hit you with an RKO"? Not to sound like the Miz but really??? An RKO. Not as fluid as saying Stunner, but its kinda odd to use a 3 letter word as a threat. Kinda funny unintentionally.

Then we go to his match. During his match everyone should catch it. "Orton's stomping a mud hole." He does the same Stone Cold stomping Steve is famous for. If its not blatantly obvious Randy is the new Stone Cold I don't know what is.
I don't think he's a complete face. He's a tweener mostly, but he feuds mostly with heels. After last monday I see a Orton/Sheamus feud. I don't think he needs much momentum right now anyway.

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