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Is there more to the woman with high heels?


the Frog
If you watched Raw tonight, then you probably saw the scene before commercial break that showed a pair of legs in high heels get out of a limo.

As i have seen bits and pieces of people's thoughts; i think many are thinking it was going to be Stephanie.

When they didn't comment on anything else about the woman, i wondered if maybe The Rock was hyping up how he wanted to meet the Undertaker. Then i was expecting Stephanie and HHH to come out and say "nuh-uh" to The Rock because HHH wanted to fight him, but that didn't happen either.

So i can only think of a few options.

A.) It was just something to throw people off, in order to build the surprise.

B.) The speculation about who the woman was will be continued next week.

C.) Perhaps they were going to cut a Stephanie promo, but either they were too busy pulling out their PG-Hair because of the profanity the Rock was using or The Rock got way more of a pop than they ever expected so they decided to cut it.

What do you guys think? Do you agree with any of the options i put out, or do you have your own theory?
There is going to be something with The Rock ignoring that GM's email. They wouldn't have just thrown that in there. What would it have said? They wouldn't have had a females legs get out of the limo, and then not have anything to relate to it. There IS something there. I think it will be Stephanie McMahon, but that is my opinion. I think she will be seen on TV within the next few weeks, and will be the one who makes the match, pitting The Rock as the special guest enforcer, in a Miz vs Cena match for the title.
Just a thought maybe it was stephanie to finally reveal the the rock was the GM becasue the truth of the matter is the rock cutoff Cole when the the computer beeped so truly we dont know what was going to be said
Just a thought maybe it was stephanie to finally reveal the the rock was the GM becasue the truth of the matter is the rock cutoff Cole when the the computer beeped so truly we dont know what was going to be said

The Rock was in the ring when the GM emailed through, therefore its not The Rock.
I could very well be Stephanie (Next week would be 2 years since she took a leave of absence as the Raw GM) and the message via email is that The Rock will be the guest referee in the Cena/The Miz match
Just when I thought that The Anonymous General Manager will never be revealed, this 10seconds of the woman's legs has turned over the complexion of the angle. I think over the course of the next few weeks, the GM will be revealed. I don't know who and I don't care, the angle needs to end.

There has to be something going on. Its way too coincidental, the GM's email gets cut off while the lady in heels intrigued the audience, only to raise question marks around the fans. It should be the anonymous GM but there is no guarantee yet.
The Rock was in the ring when the GM emailed through, therefore its not The Rock.
I could very well be Stephanie (Next week would be 2 years since she took a leave of absence as the Raw GM) and the message via email is that The Rock will be the guest referee in the Cena/The Miz match

I like this idea. Like honestly, if anything could happen with this storyline, I hope it's this. It really makes sence. And I think it was a great idea to use the woman's legs to hype up the Rock more. But if I know the WWE, they won't completely drop this woman, and we will see her revealed soon enough, hopefully as Stephanie, and hopefully as the GM. I think that this is probably one of the best routes WWE can take with having only shown what they did.
I'm guessing Stephanie is the Guest GM personally. They can't drag it out that much longer and now that The Rock is back, the reveal won't be as much of a disappointment anyway. She might be revealed as the GM and say she won't allow Rock to compete at Wrestlemania, just so they have a way of getting The Rock out of a match without him coming out and saying he doesn't want to.

On the other hand, they might just leave it as just a tease, although they didn't have to show anything backstage if they didn't want to so that leads me to believe that we'll hear more about it.
We're reading to much into it. It was to swerve us even just for the ad break to make us think it wasn't the rock (or the other person people most expected it to be bob barker) nobody had actually said they thought it was a women, So it was a great way to have us rethink who it could be during the ad break.

If it hadn't of been said that the rock recorded a promo before raw I would of thought that they had a back up plan incase the rock was running late and he only just made it, but he was there all along.
We're reading to much into it. It was to swerve us even just for the ad break to make us think it wasn't the rock (or the other person people most expected it to be bob barker) nobody had actually said they thought it was a women, So it was a great way to have us rethink who it could be during the ad break.

If it hadn't of been said that the rock recorded a promo before raw I would of thought that they had a back up plan incase the rock was running late and he only just made it, but he was there all along.
I think it was just a swerve as well. I don't think the rock ignoring the gm will be anything going forward either. He basically just crapped on alot of things that wwe fans have been hating recently.
I think we are grasping for straws here. The female getting out of the limo was clearly just a way to throw the smarks off the scent of The Rock for the buildup. And the GM chiming in was just a way to let The Rock lay into Michael Cole and use his catchphrases on someone. Neither of these will be mentioned again.
I think we are grasping for straws here. The female getting out of the limo was clearly just a way to throw the smarks off the scent of The Rock for the buildup. And the GM chiming in was just a way to let The Rock lay into Michael Cole and use his catchphrases on someone. Neither of these will be mentioned again.

Yesa that is exactly what I think too. This is WWE winking at the internet fans and saying Got you. I don't think the lady or the GM will amount to anything.
Not just the net fans, but the live crowd too. They wouldn't be popping like they did if they saw the Rock exit the limo before the break.

Aside--My whole issue with the Taker vinettes is that they tried to make it mysterious, but took all the mystery out. What makes me stay tuned is cliffhangers and question marks. A pair of legs is a question mark. Revealing taker like they did, takes the energy out things.
As mentioned in a previous post somewhere on here Stephanie has a tatoo on one of her feet. Therefore it cant be her.
I wouldn't rule out the high heeled woman being involved in the future.
As far as the GM.I garuntee that it will all have something to do w/Vince(possiblE GM)
and Rock,Cena,Miz,Cole,Lawler & all the current angels
!!just my opinion!!
I think we are grasping for straws here. The female getting out of the limo was clearly just a way to throw the smarks off the scent of The Rock for the buildup. And the GM chiming in was just a way to let The Rock lay into Michael Cole and use his catchphrases on someone. Neither of these will be mentioned again.

I could not disagree more. There's no way Rock cutting off the GM won't be followed up on. No way. Maybe, just maybe, the legs and heels won't be mentioned again, but that's highly unlikely as well. There's no reason for them to swerve like that, because it's The Rock. He doesn't need a swerve.

Not just the net fans, but the live crowd too. They wouldn't be popping like they did if they saw the Rock exit the limo before the break.

Aside--My whole issue with the Taker vinettes is that they tried to make it mysterious, but took all the mystery out. What makes me stay tuned is cliffhangers and question marks. A pair of legs is a question mark. Revealing taker like they did, takes the energy out things.

Ok first, you're crazy if you think the crowd would've been affected in the least if The Rock was shown before the commercial break. It's The Rock. They could've shown him every commercial break for the last month and he still would've got an insane reaction when he showed up. It's The Rock.

As for your aside...you really think the WWE doesn't know that? The fact that they revealed Undertaker makes it more of a mystery to me, because there's clearly more to it. The WWE isn't run by idiots. The vast majority of the time, they know what they're doing. Now they have people staying tuned with a huge return (Undertaker) AND a cliffhanger/question mark - who was that second person? What's going to happen with Taker next week?

As for the original post...

So i can only think of a few options.

A.) It was just something to throw people off, in order to build the surprise.

B.) The speculation about who the woman was will be continued next week.

C.) Perhaps they were going to cut a Stephanie promo, but either they were too busy pulling out their PG-Hair because of the profanity the Rock was using or The Rock got way more of a pop than they ever expected so they decided to cut it.

What do you guys think? Do you agree with any of the options i put out, or do you have your own theory?

Well, first of all there's no it's C. They're not going to just change it on the fly like that. It's also not A, but I don't think B is completely right either...my guess is it won't be explicitly ackowledged (Cole's not going to go crazy about "who was the woman that got out of the limo???") but at some point it will make sense. A woman (Stephanie?) will get involved somehow, likely tied into Rock cutting off the GM. Maybe it will all be tied into The Undertaker's stuff as well...Taker comes out, Stephanie interrupts him, reveals she's the anonymous GM, makes The Rock the special guest referee for Cena vs. Miz, and then tells Taker somebody has a message for her...out comes Triple H(or Sting?), who demands a match at Wrestlemania.

Ok, maybe that's a bit much for one segment.
I think there should be more too it as mystery woman arriving in limo at key moment = forgotten about is more latter day WCW than WWE IMO.

It wouldn't surprise if she is connected to the mystery GM, perhaps it's Steph and she is the mystery GM? either way; nice legs! :icon_mrgreen:

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