Is There Anyone On Raw More Entertaining On The Mic Than Santino?


Brilliant Idiot
That Tea Party on this week's Raw, brilliant. It had legitimate funny moments, it had the camp effect that the British audience loves and it didn't seem to drag on in any way. Even Sheamus seemed to enjoy it. Lol. Realistically, is there anyone on Raw that could have made something any more entertaining?

John Cena attempts to be witty, but he just doesn't have it, for the most part. The Miz is a very funny man when he wants to be, however, it can be hit or miss with his real zingers.

To me, in the funny/entertaining category, no one touches Santino when he's given the time like this week.

Your thoughts? Disagreements? Thoughts on the segment?
I gotta admit that segment had me in stitches. I agree it looked like Sheamus was about to break character. Cena needs to take notes. He is pure WWE manufactured garbage.
I don't know, sometimes I just don't "get" all of the Santino love on these boards. I mean sure, it's kinda entertaining sometimes, but I mean, not to the point where I would say he is the most entertaining on the Mic. I give that title to Miz. He can be extremely humorous when he wants to be and also has a very serious side that he brings out from time to time. One of the main reasons I have been so quick to compliment the Miz over the last few months is because, I tried, oh so hard, to hate the guy. I never even wanted to give him a chance from the gitty up, but he has entirely won me over. If someone can do that IN SPITE of the fact that I was going in to it with a pre-determined notion, I have to give them the nod.
Santino just seems to be a natural. I read an interview about a year ago with Cena where he said his best friend in the WWE is Santino because he is the funniest person he has ever known. obviously he brings that with him into his character.

The things they write for Santino are hillarious, I am generally entertained by everything he says. if there's a lame guest host than it's not always funny but generally he's great. And the way he mispronounces the English language is very witty in it's own way also.

Call me crazy, but I'm waiting for them to let Santino wrestle the way he can, while keeping his funny character at the same time. He could be really over and he would definitely be taken seriously because the people already love him. Anybody else think Santino should get a push as an actual wrestler?
I hated that segment. I'm British, and I didn't find it funny. It's starting to bug me if I'm quite honest. Wrestling has changed, and I don't believe it to have been for the better in any way, shape or form.

The only people I find funny in the WWE are Josh Matthews and Michael Cole on NXT. Hearing those two guys rip on the NXT show, chuckle through every segment, crack jokes about the contestants and rip on each other is enough to keep me tuned in.

Given credit, Santino is a comic character. But I don't find it remotely funny. I'll agree with you in saying The Miz is funny, but sometimes the fans don't get his jokes and it's either a hit or miss, but my opinion stands the same.

Michael Cole and Josh Matthews are the funniest guys in WWE right now.
I can see why Santino is so appealing but I don't really buy it. I think it's silly and at most, too unfunny to pay any attention to. If he was given some decent matches and allowed to keep his character, I'd be more appealed but he is simply a comedy time-filler.
It's a wrestling show, I want to see people kick each other's asses. There's too much of WWE screentime that is wasted on advertising, unfunny skits and silly things like dance competitions and pointless 2 minute diva matches. Raw needs to go back to being 100% Raw wrestling and not as it seems to be now; 40% Raw, 20% advertising and 30% stupidity.

...I do apologise if that sounded a tad grumpy. I remember how excited I used to be a few years ago when I was sitting on the sofa at 1am waiting for Raw to start. It's not the same.
Yeah, I would take John Cena or The Miz over Santino any day. Cena can be entertaining while being funny. The promo where ran down every Nexus member was hilarious. I was almost in tears during the Heath Slater/Wendy's girl comparisons. His Wade Barrett impersonations can also be funny. Cena can also be very convincing when he's serious. The Miz can cut some pretty damn good heel promos every now and then. I won't go as far as some people and compare him to The Rock on the mic, but The Miz can draw heat, and he always come off as this jerk who you can't stand.

Santino can be funny. I chuckle at some of his stuff every now and then, but I don't put him on the same level as John Cena or The Miz when it comes to mic work. He doesn't have the range that Cena and Miz have. I can laugh at Santino sometimes, but The Miz and Cena are far more entertaining.
I do find Santino funny, but in small doses. Last nights segment was way too long, between the Tea Party and the match itself it took almost 30 minutes of TV time, which I am sure could have been used to push other people.

The only payoff to this segment was Morrison coming down to save the day and we all saw that coming a mile away.

But unless they are going to keep Santino and also make him a somewhat serious contender, please keep him out of the ring and make his segments shorter
In strictly the funny/entertaining category, I definitely agree that Santino is the best. I always get a kick whenever this guy is on the television and even though he is mostly just there for comedic relief, he definitely makes the most of the time he's given and he plays his role just as good as anyone in the WWE.

Overall I think Miz and Cena are better on the mic, and even though both can be funny and entertaining, I don't think they can touch Santino in that category.
I don't find Cena to be funny at all. He's not witty, not funny. He has the same, boring one-liners that WWE would feed anyone else. They could be used by virtually anyone. Santino, on the other hand, is unique. He has the ability to live out a very weird character.

Don't get me wrong, The Miz is funny plenty of times while on the mic. However, at times, he also boarders on the "Anyone would say this and it'd still be at the very least somewhat funny."

I don't think you could name another person on Raw that could pull off what Santino pulls off.

Some might not find it funny, but he has very good presence on the mic and gets the crowd from the moment he talks. While some feel that was 30 minutes of Santino and Sheamus, though, it wasn't. It was building a feud between Sheamus and John Morrison. They are keeping these two away from each other for the most part, which is a good thing. This way, when the match finally takes place, it seems more rare.

Morrison continues to get the "win" over a guy they still let dominate virtually anyone else. That really makes the build unique and exciting. Santino is being used to allow Sheamus to get over while he gets beaten down on a weekly basis. It's actually very unique nowadays.
Well, if we're gonna be stuck with 'funny' segments, better 'Santino' than loser Hornswoggle.

c'mon - the guy got the crowd to pop for Vladimir Kozlov fercrissakes! Plus, it really looked like Shamus was trying hard to not laugh 'for real', which was amusing in itself.

Gimme Santino over Hornswoggle, since it's clear that these types of segments aren't going away.
I don't know about others being "more" entertaining than Santino on the mic, but I'd say Santino is damn good at what he does.

The segment on RAW was funny. Santino had that one nailed and Sheamus is unintentionally funny 'cause of the situation he's put in. In this case, with Santino in a tea party with him being all calm. Like him or not, Santino is a grade A entertainer and I didn't even care about the quality of the match that followed through.
I don't know, sometimes I just don't "get" all of the Santino love on these boards. I mean sure, it's kinda entertaining sometimes, but I mean, not to the point where I would say he is the most entertaining on the Mic. I give that title to Miz. He can be extremely humorous when he wants to be and also has a very serious side that he brings out from time to time. One of the main reasons I have been so quick to compliment the Miz over the last few months is because, I tried, oh so hard, to hate the guy. I never even wanted to give him a chance from the gitty up, but he has entirely won me over. If someone can do that IN SPITE of the fact that I was going in to it with a pre-determined notion, I have to give them the nod.

I honestly don't get The Miz love on these boards, I want to punch that dude in the face every time he opens his mouth and not in a good way. He's a douche, while I'll concede that he's confident and capable on the mic, he's FAR from great.

Santino on the other hand, for what he is, is brilliant. Unlike The Miz he has the ability to get his opponents over, Sheamus looked like a guy you don't want to mess with the way Santino put him over.
Santino is the man I love him. The ultimate best on the mic ever has to be the Rock tho. I know we are talking current wrestlers but what made the Rock great was he could be funny, a real smart arse and then back it up in the ring. Santino cracks me up but he is just comedy relief not a real wrestler in the sense of the Rock. I would love to see a still funny but dominate Santino not one getting fluke wins. I know his fluke wins add to his comedy character and they are funny but I dont think it adds credibility. Y2J was another funny mother effer and he could back it up most times. The best comedy segments came from the attitude era however and in the PG era they lean more towards the slapstick type stuff as I guess that appeals more to a family oriented environment and Santino is perfect for that. I dont see Santino getting over in an edgier environment. He is a childrens character.
I find some of Santino funny, but I wouldn't call him the funniest or most entertaining in the WWE. That tea party segment went too long for my liking, and only found some of it to be funny. Believe me, Santino does have his moments, but a lot of times it just doesn't work for me.

Right now, Cena and the Miz are the most entertaining in WWE. Cena does have his hit and miss, but not as much as Santino. And I find myself enjoying more of the Miz each time he gets on the mic. I look forward to his mic time, as ii know I will always be entertained. Can't say the same for Santino.
Santino is funny, so are Cena and the Miz sometimes, but the problem is they are all nothing on the mic compared to some of the greats of the past. The Rock was just pure classic hilarious comedy, and no one today compares. But yes, the segment last night was the funniest in a while, and Kozlov is actually a great straight man, lol.
So far, the only superstars being mentioned as better than Santino on these posts are Cena and Miz.

Miz only comes out and questions other people's comments about him. Really? Reaaallllyyy? Yes, Really. His mic work is good, but not Awwwwwwwesome.

Cena is a rah-rah guy. You want some, come get some. The champ is here! Every time it's the same thing. The last funny thing I remember Cena talking about was comparing Slater to the Wendy's girl. That was funny, but he's not always like that.

To the tool who thinks Cole and Matthews are the funniest in raw right now, get a grip, get off these forums and go watch some more NXT, a show that can't even make it on tv anymore.

The biggest knock against Santino is that all he is lately is a comedy jobber. It sucks because they could use his role in this Sheamoose storyline to build back his wrestling credibility. I'm not saying have him continually beat Sheamus, but at least be competitive. Santino is not a bad wrestler, and his work on the mic is the best in WWE right now.

He carries the guest host week to week, his dvd reviews of Stone Cold's movie was classic, and nothing comes close to the honk-o-meter. I'm all for Santino on the mic, and hopefully WWE lets him show off his wrestling talents soon.
Actually, I do find Santino to be the most entertaining mic worker right now. The guy is naturally funny, and doesn't try to hard. That's my biggest problem with Cena. He isn't a naturally funny guy, and he tries way too hard to come across as humorous.

The Miz says some funny things from time to time, but he bores me. He has this horribly monotone delivery that makes it nearly impossible for me to care about what he's saying. He drags his words out, and is very slow while speaking. I think he's the most overrated mic worker in the business.

Santino, as I said earlier, is a natural when it comes to comedy. The crowd goes absolutely wild for this guy, and the WWE refuses to capitalize on it. Give him the I.C. or U.S. belt again. The Honk-A-Meter was probably the most entertaining angle the I.C. title has been involved with in years. The guy can wrestle as well, when given the chance to showcase his talents. The WWE has misused Santino for so long, I think it's almost a miracle the guy is still as over as he is.

However, I am not sure how good he would be with a serious promo. But for now, he is the most entertaining talker they have on Raw.
Mic work in general, not necessarily in terms of comedy, CM Punk tops everyone in my opinion, but I guess he won't "officially" be on Raw for a while.

Santino is awesome, I just wish they would get over the notion that a comedy character needs to be a total jobber. Sure, the occasional losing streak with comedy antics and getting squashed by the bigger guys, I guess that comes with the territory, but it doesn't have to be taken to the humiliating level that they've taken it with Santino's win/loss record. If he gets any wins these days, it's thanks to John Morrison interfering, which again makes Santino look weak, and isn't much of a victory at all.

The guy is pretty built. With the influx of guys who look smaller than ever (refer to the thread about wrestlers no longer looking tough), I don't think we can afford someone with a decent physique being a total jobber. In my opinion, he would still be a perfectly believable competitor who can get a legit win, and still be funny and goofy about it. Santino getting a legit win over someone and then doing his trumpet celebration would be even better than him rolling up a distracted opponent in a school-boy pin.

He definitely deserves some more credibility behind his character and I think they are really missing the boat on what they could be doing with him. I think it's about time we have a comedic personality who can still kick butt in the ring. He should be legitimately embarrassing opponents in the ring, and taunting them and doing all his goofy antics on top of it.
I personally never liked alot of the humor that the WWE has tried to jam down my throat. But then in comes Santino. He is so funny that he has worn me down so much that his sketches are sometimes the highlight of raw for me. But then koslov came in, and i didn't like the idea of him joining santino, but thats worked out as well. So I have only good things to say about santino.
If this question had been asked a year ago, I might have agreed. But to be honest, I've had my fill of santino and I don' think he's funny or entertaining at all anymore. He's stuck in this rut of being a useless coward who is still surprised when he manages to pull off a move that works. His mispronunciation and grammatical errors was slightly charming at first but is now just eyeroll-inducing.

Again, if he hasn't been doing repetitive and lame comedy routines almost every week for the past year, perhaps my answer might have been different, but his act has grown stale, he is not funny, and I don't like hearing him talk anymore.
A few comical segments here and there are good. That's why Santino has his job. He's absolutely hilarious. And to his credit, it's not the writing. He could even make Cena's boring one-liners funny with his delivery and presence.

I remember an interview where Santino said specifically he tries to get the other wrestlers to break character and laugh. And he's got most of the people in his segments to do that at least for a split second.

Plus, Santino and his donkey, Koslov are a pretty funny duo. I can't understand why the WWE doesn't try to get them in movies.
Michael Cole and Josh Matthews are the funniest guys in WWE right now.

REALLY!? Michael "Vintage" "And I quote" "I am the new face of RAWWWWWW" Cole!? I'm glad you don't speak for all English people because I highly doubt that opinion is echoed anywhere in the UK... Michael Cole is pure garbage anyway you look at it.

But yes Santino is the man plain and simple. Santino can turn almost any segment into a hilarious bit. He could work a 10 week program with HORNSWOGGLE and it'd be more entertaining than anything Michael Vintage Douchebag Cole has ever done.
The funniest think involving Cole involved Booker T, some "vomit" and Cole's mouth being open. And that was only a great moment because then we got Jr/King commentating SmackDown! together.
Well it really depends on what "entertains" you. You obviously find some scared fat hairy guy who purposely destroys the english language entertaining...I find this entertaining, classic attitude entertainment:)


But just so no one uses the, it's PG now, excuse...this also entertains me.

Santino is a very funny man. The tea time segment was a tad long but you could tell Sheamus wanted to break character a couple times in the middle of it. Also you know your good on the mic if you can get a "Kozlov" chant going. I think he could be great in a segment with Morrison, the reason I saw that is because when he had the dirt sheet with Miz, JoMo was actually decent he just needs someone work with it seems.

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