Is There A Problem?

What is the problem?

  • Need to concentrate more on MMA fan needs

  • Need less Sting/Jarrett

  • LAX is not working

  • Blame the whole back to school/work thing

  • Too much time spent on promos

  • Too many "8-man-tags"

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Getting Noticed By Management
As I am sure most TNA fans know, Impact has been averaging a 0.8 rating the last few weeks after reaching heights of 1.2 and it is making me start to ask a lot of questions. Why is this happening?

Is it because people don't like the direction of recent shows?

The fact that Sting and Jarrett are taking up more air time?

Is it because MMA fans want to see that shoot-style like they were getting with Joe, Daniels and Senshi when TNA first debuted on Thursdays and they are no longer staying tuned in?

Has Sting's novelty value already wore off, did he ever have any?

The absence of Scott Steiner since Hard Justice?

Or could it even be as simple as the holidays being over and no one can be bothered staying up late watching TNA when there is school and work the next morning?

I know i probably shouldn't be answering my own threads, but I didn't get a chance to explain my thoughts.

Personally I think the whole Sting/Jarrett thing is to blame. Not many people watching TNA at the moment know Sting like TNA wants them to know him. Sure he has some name value, but more so with audiences that watched wrestling 5-10 years ago. TNA don't relaise that they have a whole new audience. They need to focus on bringing in those MMA fans. They should have their shows open with brawls, and with matches like Senshi taking on Samoa Joe in a ROH strong style contest that lasts about 10 minutes. Hell maybe even bring in Tito Ortiz for a few appearances, at least it will keep them tuned in and give them the opportunity to experience how good TNA is. Thats the problem, TNA doesn't get a chance, but if people actually give it a go they will be hooked.

Also they really need to concentrate on bringing in current wrestling superstars. Like i said its a whole new generation of fans. Most people that use to watch WCW dont watch wrestling anymore. TNA needs people like Benoit, Angle (which is a case that looks stronger and stronger by the day), and so on.

I think the problem is that it is a bad time slot and on a bad day. Nobody wants to stay up that late to watch wrestling except for die hard TNA fans. Also, Thursday nights have always been bad for wrestling. Smackdown never did really good in the ratings apart from that first year or so until they moved to Fridays. Thunder was crap anyways, but even if they did put on good shows they wouldn't draw good ratings. Fact is, Thursdays just aren't good for wrestling. It's must see TV thursdays for all the national channels like CBS, NBC, ABC, and Fox. They need a better time slot on a different day. Also, I do agree that there is just WAAAY too much Sting and Jarrett. Sting is just awful on the mic, and his wrestling ability has decreased with age and it doesn't look like he can keep a crowd entertained for long enough anymore. As for Jarrett, he does a great job on the microphone, but he can't keep the crowd entertained. After seeing matches like LAX v. AJ & Daniels or Joe v. Rhino v. Monty or any other high entertainment X division match, watching a match with two slow moving guys like Jarrett and Sting is just boring to watch. While I used to think that they should wait to put the title on Joe (even though he deserves it now) since that would give people a reason to continue to tune in, I have to say, they need to put the title on Joe. Everyone loves him and WANTS to see him fight. A lot of people buy pay-per-views simply to watch him wrestle. Put the title on Joe and watch the ratings sky rocket. There's not enough Joe.
The problem with TNA imo is its a 1 hour show at a bad time... For them to be succesful in the future they need a 2 hour show at a better time... Like 9 or something
the main problem is that its only a hour long, there is no time to showcase the talent start and maintain fudes etc... it needs to be 2 hours long
People say the same thing...You stay up to watch why not TNA...and what about the replay at saturday...
People stay up because it airs at 10:00, not 11:00, that's usually the latest some parents let you stay up, and if they let you stay up later, they obviously don't give a fuck about you.They really aren't going to improve in their current state, crappy timeslot, not much advertisement. I haven't watched the show for quite some time now. I usually buy their PPV's though. TNA deserves better then this. Oh well.
Its because there was no UFC and that school started now so all the little kids can't watch it if its too late. All they need is a better timeslot and they will survive
Replays!...and i sneak up and watch it...Its called fooling your parents..and they average ratings from older men if ya read off of
ShaneRamlall said:
Replays!...and i sneak up and watch it...Its called fooling your parents..and they average ratings from older men if ya read off of

I meant the little kids in 4 and 6 grade that don't think of that
The problem is that

(1): it's becoming "WCW Junior" (referring to the time when WCW went downhill) with their angles that end like a WCW storyline. I remember one time when either Christian or Sting came that they promised to have their mystery man appear on that show only to pull a 'car broke down angle' to ensure high ratings for that week and the week after. WCW did that stuff and that would anger me when they did to the point where I just turned the channel to WWE.

(2): It does need two hours to where more feuds and more talent can get airtime and not use the extended time to extend the current feuds of the 'old guard'.

(3): The 'old guard' (Jarrett, Sting, Steiner, and Nash) need to bring in the future of TNA into feuds and put them over and pass the torch.

(4): They need a committment from Spike to push them and show UFC afterwards instead of the other way around.
The UFC thing is being used as a lead-in but, putting on TNA before hand would mean no opportunity to retain the UFC viewers. I think that Spike is screwing with TNA though, why would you not promote the fkn show, ive seen a million ads for all their other stupid shows - including the ones that die from poor ratings after 2 weeks - and yet TNA gets nothing. Also that WCW reference happened like 5 months ago. TNA doesnt do bullshit like that, and if they do its so rare it doesnt have such a devastating effect. I see the WWE now as WCW junior - its just totally random and non-sensical storylines, with bullshit matches (on the rare occassion when matches are actually included as part of a WWE show). I dont see any reason why anyone would possibly see themselves as being forced to turn to the WWE instead of TNA for something like that. More like the other way around.
iamwrestling said:
I think the problem is that it is a bad time slot and on a bad day. Nobody wants to stay up that late to watch wrestling except for die hard TNA fans. Also, Thursday nights have always been bad for wrestling. Smackdown never did really good in the ratings apart from that first year or so until they moved to Fridays. Thunder was crap anyways, but even if they did put on good shows they wouldn't draw good ratings. Fact is, Thursdays just aren't good for wrestling. It's must see TV thursdays for all the national channels like CBS, NBC, ABC, and Fox. They need a better time slot on a different day. Also, I do agree that there is just WAAAY too much Sting and Jarrett. Sting is just awful on the mic, and his wrestling ability has decreased with age and it doesn't look like he can keep a crowd entertained for long enough anymore. As for Jarrett, he does a great job on the microphone, but he can't keep the crowd entertained. After seeing matches like LAX v. AJ & Daniels or Joe v. Rhino v. Monty or any other high entertainment X division match, watching a match with two slow moving guys like Jarrett and Sting is just boring to watch. While I used to think that they should wait to put the title on Joe (even though he deserves it now) since that would give people a reason to continue to tune in, I have to say, they need to put the title on Joe. Everyone loves him and WANTS to see him fight. A lot of people buy pay-per-views simply to watch him wrestle. Put the title on Joe and watch the ratings sky rocket. There's not enough Joe.

I agree on the time slot!
I agree on a few things previously mentioned.

1. Bad Time Slot.
2. It needs to be 2 hours.
3. Poor promotion by Spike

I also agree that Sting and Jarrett are overused. To me they are almost like McMahon and HHH now, where they headline ever Impact and every PPV and Jarrett always has the belt. It's just very boring, Sting is not an exciting wrestler and I think he is terrible on the mic - his voice and tone completely do not match he "crow" style gimmick. While it is good to have big names like Nash and Sting come along you simply can't push them as the best or else, yes, they do become like WCW where you push old talent.

They need to create new characters but I simply don't see them being able to do that with 1 hour. While WCW was rehashing old talent WWE created the Rock and turned HHH and Austin into main eventers. If TNA has the time to create angles and storylines they could create a superstar. They do have the best wrestling in the game, now they need to add story to it. I think Alex Shelly will be great.

Hopefully Spike will give them a better slot and longer hours. Once that happens we'll prob see a cut back in Nash, Sting, etc.
problem: too many promos , matches arnt really that cool Except for main event
By the tna is on at 7 for me wooooooooo
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