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Is the Tag Team division going downhill?


Mid-Card Championship Winner
The Uso's have been feuding with the Wyatt's and they've produced some spectacular matches, but I keep wishing that we'd see something else. I honestly wanted the Wyatt's to win at Battleground, so they could find a new enemy (as the other heel teams haven't been pushed), but then it occured to me...who else is there?

-The Rhodes Brothers: While their vignettes appear on a weekly basis, it doesn't seem like they've done much wrestling lately.

- Rybaxel: The jobbing heel team, who only seems to score a win these days when it's designed to set up a future loss (example: they beat the Rhodes Brothers to set up Stardust, who promptly squashed them. It seems to be happening again with Kofi/Big E). I actually want this team to break up, as I think Ryback would make a bigger singles competitor.

- Kofi/Big E: I'm presuming WWE has a tag team program with these two, possibly setting up the New Nation of Domination. It's unknown whether they will get a push for it, but I presume so.

- Titus/Slater: I'm not sure if these guys will stay together or if they just were paired to job for the relevant tag teams.

Unless I'm forgetting someone, that's it. Of the six teams, only three are treated as relevant. But compare that to just six months ago, where you had.

-Real Americans
-Big Show/Rey Mysterio
- New Age Outlaws
-Los Matadores (one of them is injured now).
-Brodus Clay/Tensai
- R-Truth/Xavier Woods

Furthermore, it seemed like these teams had bigger pushes, like they could have major feuds with whoever was champion at any time.

Also, creative has written themselves into a hole where the tag team belts seem mostly irrelevant in terms of story. The Uso's have primarily been working as bodyguards to the more relevant feuds, spending their screen-time defending Cena, Sheamus and now possibly Jericho. If the Wyatt's won, their belts would be overshadowed by Bray. I guess that's just a problem with this feud, as the Uso/Wyatt confrontations take a backseat to the whomever/Bray storyline (even if they have the better matches).

I stopped watching wrestling around 2003 and only began checking it out again late last year (before TLC), so is this a re-occurring thing? I only remember the days of the Hardy Brothers, Edge/Christian, the Dudley's, etc...but I do remember when each of those teams split up, so maybe I've simply forgotten when the division went downhill during the Attitude era. It just seems kind of sudden that we have a bunch of tag teams which are treated as relevant, but then a few months later, only a handful remain and even fewer as treated as legitimate threats.
There was no tag team resurgence. WWE just happened to stumble upon a few decent teams who put on some quality matches. It was still sparse.

I think the best thing for the division right now would be a heel team, made up of two higher level singles stars, to hold the belts for a few weeks. Then transition the belts onto a new team. So long as it isn't done too regularly, teams made of single stars can't work wonders for a belt. Crucially though, they have to defend them.
There was no tag team resurgence. WWE just happened to stumble upon a few decent teams who put on some quality matches. It was still sparse.

I think the best thing for the division right now would be a heel team, made up of two higher level singles stars, to hold the belts for a few weeks. Then transition the belts onto a new team. So long as it isn't done too regularly, teams made of single stars can't work wonders for a belt. Crucially though, they have to defend them.

Yeah I think Y2Jake is right here. Having 2 big name singles wrestlers team up to win the tag-team titles and actually DEFEND them would be great for the titles, making them actually mean something. Whoever beat this team would certainly benefit from it.

We've seen teams like Undertaker/Kane, Rock/Mankind, Jericho/Big Show, Edge/Orton, Triple H/Austin, Jericho/Benoit etc and many more teaming up for short-term title reigns and it usually seems to be pretty successful. I don't think we are ever going to go back to the days of teams like The Hardyz, Dudleyz, E&C, New Age Outlaws, APA etc all being around at the same time, that really was a great time for tag-team wrestling.
Vince has always disliked tag teams, especially tag team feuds, for the simple fact that if one man gets injured then you've suddenly got three guys who will flounder as opposed to one (e.g. Los Matadors) So take that for what you will when I get into the next part:

WWE has never done much with the tag team division in the last few years. They usually have a couple of teams who naturally great chemistry together (e.g the Uso's) or they throw together some people and see what sticks (e.g. Rybaxel). There aren't that many teams because most of the time spent on RAW's & PPV's are dedicated to the singles wrestlers and their feuds since that is what draws the interest. Tag teams have simply been another gimmick/different mid-card attraction. Sure, we've had some amazing matches recently but the real money and interest are for the singles stars.

As much as I love and want tag team wrestling to be relevant (much like the women's division), it hasn't exactly been a selling point. Unless they make some more main event singles stars go into tag teams going up against legitimate teams, it won't be doing anything much else other than be another attraction as well resurgence pad for falling stars.
IMO the tag division is the beat it's been in years. I do agree it seemed to be going down hill, but that was because of the Uso/Wyatt program. Now that seems to be done, I see the other teams stepping up and the division really taking off and some fresh feuds.
I think the tag division is as good as ever. You have a nice cross section of teams putting on good matches. I think people look at the AE tag scene with rose colored glasses. If there was a time that more than three teams were really relevant during that time, I don't remember it and I can't imagine it lasted that long. The OP even refers to just three AE teams and the rest as "etc.". He is comparing a full era to one point in time today. It is all silly, Usos and Wyatts steal a show, the Dust Brothers are doing something fun and unique, Rybaxl is competent, Big E and Kofi, are just starting out, Matador's have an injury, we just had numerous talent cuts but the tag division is going downhill. Relax, everything is fine. Teddy Long may be dead but his spirit lives on.
The tag division was better in the latter part of last year, but that was thanks to having amazing heel teams like the Shield and the Real Americans. Since then we've been left with....pretty much just the Wyatts. RybAxel barely counts since they're jobbing most of the time, it feels like even the announcers are surprised whenever they pick up a win lately. So they had to go to resort to just the Wyatts, and as great as their matches are it's been too one-sided in the Usos favor to be really excited. (Was hoping the Wyatts won last Sunday to spice things up)

But it's there is potential left in the tag roster. Star-Goldust is fresh and I'm very interested to see where they take this crazy thing with Cody, Ascension will hopefully be worth the wait whenever they show up and Big E/Kofi/Woods will hopefully turn out to be something great. It take a lot to reach last year's level but least there's stuff to look forward too.
I think the tag division is as good as ever. You have a nice cross section of teams putting on good matches. I think people look at the AE tag scene with rose colored glasses. If there was a time that more than three teams were really relevant during that time, I don't remember it and I can't imagine it lasted that long. The OP even refers to just three AE teams and the rest as "etc.". He is comparing a full era to one point in time today. It is all silly, Usos and Wyatts steal a show, the Dust Brothers are doing something fun and unique, Rybaxl is competent, Big E and Kofi, are just starting out, Matador's have an injury, we just had numerous talent cuts but the tag division is going downhill. Relax, everything is fine. Teddy Long may be dead but his spirit lives on.

I did point out that I might only be remembering the highlights of the era, which is why I primarily focused on the contrast between now and late 2013/early 2014.
Tag Teams- Face Heel. Unknown
The Usos. The Wyatts. Kofi/BigE/ Woo
Rhodes brothers. Rybaxel.
Los Matadores
This is a pretty bland division if you ask me. I enjoy atleast one wrestler on each team,
But these teams are seriously boring. Rhodes Brothers are face, Wyatts are heel each team has a personality/gimmick let them feud, the championship don't have to be involded to have a great tag team feud for one.

Also if WWE had a good thing in internation Airstrike, but they decided not to continue, .............I'm sorry but I keep looking at these teams and not one really stands out. The Usos are a great team but they can't really talk, the " " brothers only do promos or beat Rybaxel, and the Wyatts, I don't know how they even became #1 contenders when they keep losing every important match they are in (just like Bray).
They're lots of tag team possibilities and I want to see WWE use some of the underused talent in tag teams like MAYBE Heath Slater and Zack Ryder or Bo Dallas and Damien Sandow (w/his old gimmick)
I love tag team wrestling and even if they dont do anything with their main roster tt division they seem to be trying to create plenty of new tag teams in NXT so hopefully they work out.
I think the tag division is as good as ever.

I couldn't believe what I was reading, but then saw who wrote it...and all of my disbelief went away immediately.

I could go into a history lesson of the height of the tag team division of the 80s and early 90s; but, you would bring modern nonsense into the argument like the Killer Bees never won the belts and the Powers of Pain were Road Warrior/Demoltion rip offs. That era was the best, BY FAR, in the history of the tag team division. The Attitude Era was also great, but nowhere near the quality of the mid-late 80s/early 90s.

Saying the tag team division today is as good as ever just proves why you are the stupidest person on this forum. It could have been argued before, but the murder weapon was just found. The defense rests.
Ugh....Warlod and Barbarian were a team in NWA/WCW long before Demolition was a team.

The tag ranks nowadays are good for a decent to good match on every card. Given Vince's reported opinion of tag team wrestling, that's not too bad. Yes, it would be nice to have a couple of more teams in order to have a secondary feud, but it's better than it has bee. In the past. If you go back to the Attitude era, you had the Hardys, Dudleys and Edge/Christian, and then a few other teams there to give some content. It's actually very similar to what is happening today, and people refer to the Attitude Era as a great time for tag teams.
I would like to think they're doing more tag team work on NXT to fill that void. Maybe whenever Kevin Steen comes around, he teams up with Sami Zayn again? Dunno if they'd wanna go that route again or not. But, the Ascension will have to be coming to the main roster soon then there's about 4 more decent teams down there that could at least compete.

Its definitely not 80's good though. That...yeah that will take a LOT to be that good again.
I can't see the E putting Steen and Zaynerico together again. There is money in Steen working singles and Zayn can get over huge on his own. If the E didn't re-team the Kings of Wrestling when they had both in NXT,I can't see them doing it with Steenerico. Ascension should be making their way up to the main roster soon.
Falina "Red" Reznikov;4943027 said:
Vince has always disliked tag teams, especially tag team feuds, for the simple fact that if one man gets injured then you've suddenly got three guys who will flounder as opposed to one (e.g. Los Matadors) So take that for what you will when I get into the next part:

WWE has never done much with the tag team division in the last few years. They usually have a couple of teams who naturally great chemistry together (e.g the Uso's) or they throw together some people and see what sticks (e.g. Rybaxel). There aren't that many teams because most of the time spent on RAW's & PPV's are dedicated to the singles wrestlers and their feuds since that is what draws the interest. Tag teams have simply been another gimmick/different mid-card attraction. Sure, we've had some amazing matches recently but the real money and interest are for the singles stars.

As much as I love and want tag team wrestling to be relevant (much like the women's division), it hasn't exactly been a selling point. Unless they make some more main event singles stars go into tag teams going up against legitimate teams, it won't be doing anything much else other than be another attraction as well resurgence pad for falling stars.

I think this pretty much nails it. As soon as a tag-team gets over with the fans they get broken up and made singles competitors. It's been going on for so long now that fans don't even see tag-teams as teams anymore: They see them as just another angle. I've thought for a long time that Vince sees tag-team matches as merely a vehicle for getting more singles stars involved in the show than he would otherwise have time to squeeze in.....which is why most of the tag matches we see involve one-off pairings of guys who normally don't play together (Cena/Reigns for example).

As long as Vince treats tag-teams as just another angle that's how the fans are going to perceive them and the tag division will remain dead.
I couldn't believe what I was reading, but then saw who wrote it...and all of my disbelief went away immediately.

So dramatic Gorilla, do you show such passion when acting out with your 1980's action figures?

I could go into a history lesson of the height of the tag team division of the 80s and early 90s;

Please do but it doesn't change the fact that despite what a lot of fans thought was important as a child is really no different than what a child thinks today.

but, you would bring modern nonsense into the argument like the Killer Bees never won the belts

No, but I might make of Brian Blair's haircut.

and the Powers of Pain were Road Warrior/Demoltion rip offs.[/quote]

Does Tom Zenk know that you want to touch him where he pees? Actually is Tom Zenk still alive? No matter, go on.

That era was the best, BY FAR, in the history of the tag team division. The Attitude Era was also great, but nowhere near the quality of the mid-late 80s/early 90s.

You mean the era when you were a kid.

Saying the tag team division today is as good as ever just proves why you are the stupidest person on this forum.

No, what proves I'm the stupidest person on this forum is that I give you the time of day and respond to your drivel.
I'm stupid for trying to explain to you that tag team wrestling has never been that big of a deal in the WWE. Vince has not found much money in it and has pretty much just left it as a sideshow. It is a way to fill time and vary the flow of a card. The biggest tag match in history had Mr. T as a competitor and had nothing to do with the titles.

The tag division may not be very good or important but if you go back and look at the tag division's history objectively you will see that at least today you will at least get a decent match if not a very good match. Something you may not get from Studd/Patera, Demolition, the Can/Am Connection, or even your precious Killer Bees.

It could have been argued before, but the murder weapon was just found. The defense rests.

Actually you're accusing me of something which would make you the prosecution. But that doesn't make you the stupidest person on this forum.
Right now, there are two good teams that have been putting on a great series of matches. The Usos have pretty much won me over by with solid match after solid match. Luke Harper is carrying the Wyatt Family, but nothing wrong with that. The point is that we are a long, long way from when teams like La Resistance and The Spirit Squad holding the tag titles, or The Godwinns Vs. The Body Donnas feuding.

The Rhodes brothers are still the Rhodes whether they decide to give Cody Rhodes the Stardust gimmick or not. They put on fun, entertaining matches and work well together.

Rybaxel is....well, a team of two losers whose whole gimmick is they slammed their names together. (shrug...can't win em all)

It's not the pinnacle of tag team wrestling, but it's better than where the WWE has been in the past. *coughCrymeTimecough*
Tag team divisions have been going down hill for twenty years. There was a time when tag teams were main events, drew huge numbers and were the premiere attractions for various promotions. Much like jobbers, relivent mid card titles and good matches, the WWE killed them off years ago.
Please do but it doesn't change the fact that despite what a lot of fans thought was important as a child is really no different than what a child thinks today.

You mean the era when you were a kid.

The era when I was a kid was the 1970s and I'll be the first person to say that tag-team era which he's talking about blows the tag-team era of my childhood out of the water just as it blows does today's tag-team division out of the water.

So no, it isn't about childhood: The era he's talking about was just that good for tag-teams.....in ALL the promotions not just the WWF.
The era when I was a kid was the 1970s and I'll be the first person to say that tag-team era which he's talking about blows the tag-team era of my childhood out of the water just as it blows does today's tag-team division out of the water.

So no, it isn't about childhood: The era he's talking about was just that good for tag-teams.....in ALL the promotions not just the WWF.

How so? What makes it so much better or so much more important? I watched The Hart Foundation and The Rockers. They were still just low to mid card guys fighting over a title. Certain guys may have eventually been elevated but at the time they were just there to fill time until Hogan, Andre, Macho, Flair, Slaughter, Warrior etc.

So when was WWE stacked with tag teams who were drawing in crowds and competing in main events? What tag teams are in the WWE Hall of Fame?

And just to be clear, I am not arguing about other promotions. The OP is stating an opinion about WWE in a WWE section of the forum. I've heard nice things about The Freebirds. Maybe they were important to whatever promotion you're talking about that doesn't exist any more and I am happy to read about it but in Vince's world tag team wrestling gets to have some moments but really has never been very important for much more than an occasional big match that may have nothing to do with the actual division.
How so? What makes it so much better or so much more important? I watched The Hart Foundation and The Rockers. They were still just low to mid card guys fighting over a title. Certain guys may have eventually been elevated but at the time they were just there to fill time until Hogan, Andre, Macho, Flair, Slaughter, Warrior etc.

So when was WWE stacked with tag teams who were drawing in crowds and competing in main events? What tag teams are in the WWE Hall of Fame?

And just to be clear, I am not arguing about other promotions. The OP is stating an opinion about WWE in a WWE section of the forum. I've heard nice things about The Freebirds. Maybe they were important to whatever promotion you're talking about that doesn't exist any more and I am happy to read about it but in Vince's world tag team wrestling gets to have some moments but really has never been very important for much more than an occasional big match that may have nothing to do with the actual division.

The feud between the US Express and Volkoff & Iron Sheik headlined cards pre-Wrestlmania. The Islanders vs The Young Stallions main evented the '88 Royal Rumble. The British Bulldogs vs The Dream Team was part of the triple main event of Wrestlemania II. This was at a time when there weren't that many PPVs btw.

The Hart Foundation
Volkoff & Shiek
The US Express
The Rockers
The British Bulldogs
The Wild Samoans

This isn't even counting the Legion of Doom (aka the Road Warriors), the Steiner Brothers, and the Brainbusters all of whom had short runs.

^^^^^ All of those teams had status above that of "filler". Just because Vince blew up and devalued the tag teams in the early '90s doesn't mean that's the way it always was.
How so? What makes it so much better or so much more important? I watched The Hart Foundation and The Rockers. They were still just low to mid card guys fighting over a title. Certain guys may have eventually been elevated but at the time they were just there to fill time until Hogan, Andre, Macho, Flair, Slaughter, Warrior etc.

So when was WWE stacked with tag teams who were drawing in crowds and competing in main events? What tag teams are in the WWE Hall of Fame?

And just to be clear, I am not arguing about other promotions. The OP is stating an opinion about WWE in a WWE section of the forum. I've heard nice things about The Freebirds. Maybe they were important to whatever promotion you're talking about that doesn't exist any more and I am happy to read about it but in Vince's world tag team wrestling gets to have some moments but really has never been very important for much more than an occasional big match that may have nothing to do with the actual division.

There is an issue with this... You, for once... are not right... ;)

The problem with the "great tag teams of the 80's TM" and why so few are in the HOF... is a misnomer... THEY ARE... or rather the successful member of them who moved on is... Rockers - Shawn, Hart Foundation - Bret, Brain Busters erm.., oh thats right Arn went in with the Horsemen...

Tags were VERY important to Vince in that expansion era... it was a way to create new stars and fill his cards with matches, while his focus was on Hogan... However the downside of the post Hogan/Icon era is that once "normals" like Bret and Shawn were the top guys then tags became almost meaningless... Vince still tried and pushed guys out of teams like Mabel, Billy Gunn, Miz... but the reality is it has taken till now for the TALENT to grasp that being a tag wrestler for years is a good thing... not a stepping stone.

Look at the Usos or Dust 2 Dust for want for a better name... two teams that "fans" would love to see face off... or would they? No... they have 2 teams there that are a good foundation, based from blood, personal beefs ala Marty and Shawn are not in the equation... that's a start... you then have guys like Rybaxel who couldn't buy a break or improvement solo but together they have at least found common purpose, to improve their careers... Ryback is a much better worker for working with Axel... The Wyatts, a team who "CAN" take the titles any time...doesn't mean they SHOULD...

If the Nation idea takes off then I can see something special... not Kofi and Big E as teased... but they will be desperate to avoid the "racial" stuff, so Sami Zayn becomes part of the group and teams with Woods... instant classic team.

Look at NXT... The Ascension... even the Vaudevillans... love it or hate it it's a "proper gimmick" team, like the "classic tag era"...

Tags are doing fine... they never were THE show, just part of it and for a time home to the talent of tomorrow... now WWE seems to realise that they have to accept them as their own thing, not a feeder system or somewhere to put singles guys you can't think of much better for... the division can only improve.
And you just HAD to point that out?

The point is that WWE DO look after their Tag Teams HOF wise, but they don't always do so the obvious way... look at all the packages about the Soul Patrol a while back during Black History Month... When the time is right WWE does right by teams, but they are not the "be all and end all" and as such don't always get included in things like HOF... Should Demolition be in there? of course, but sadly Crush's absence and legal record is a downer on it... much less the bad feeling between Bill Eadie and Vince... Powers of Pain... sure but not a GREAT team... Bulldogs, absoulutley deserving, but Davey is dead and Dynamite is in a wheelchair and a basket case... they can't put him on the HOF show in good consience... Warrior was one thing, Tommy Billington on that stage is a car crash and they (and he) knows it...
The feud between the US Express and Volkoff & Iron Sheik headlined cards pre-Wrestlmania. The Islanders vs The Young Stallions main evented the '88 Royal Rumble. The British Bulldogs vs The Dream Team was part of the triple main event of Wrestlemania II. This was at a time when there weren't that many PPVs btw.

The Hart Foundation
Volkoff & Shiek
The US Express
The Rockers
The British Bulldogs
The Wild Samoans

This isn't even counting the Legion of Doom (aka the Road Warriors), the Steiner Brothers, and the Brainbusters all of whom had short runs.

^^^^^ All of those teams had status above that of "filler". Just because Vince blew up and devalued the tag teams in the early '90s doesn't mean that's the way it always was.

Well, the WWF/NFL Battle Royal was actually the Chicago portion of the WM2 triple main event, but I agree with your point. haha

To get it out of the way, whosnext, George Steele's Barber continuously shows lack of knowledge and understanding of wrestling and its history, so you are probably wasting your time there. The fact that he made a jerk comment about the Freebirds possibly being important in whatever out-of-business promotion they were in shows a) he doesn't know b) he doesn't care enough to look it up and c) he thinks anything that happened in other promotions doesn't matter because they are now out of business. He is a fool.

I agree with you... The tag team scene, not just in WWF, was a very big deal back then. Anyone who watched or did any kind of research knows that. I don't want to talk to everyone like they are George Steele's Barber--that isn't fair to people with a clue.

Volkoff and Sheik, US Express, Moondogs, Dream Team, British Bulldogs, Fabulous Rougeau Brothers, Hart Foundation, Can-Am Connection, Strike Force, The Funks, The Wild Samoans, Demolition, Powers of Pain, Legion of Doom, Killer Bees, Islanders, Young Stallions, Twin Towers, Rockers, Nasty Boys, Bolsheviks, Bushwhackers, Beverly Brothers, Natural Disasters, Steiner Brothers, Colossal Connection, Money Inc., Brain Busters, Men on a Mission, Orient Express, Power & Glory

The mid-late 80s and early 90s were STACKED with teams. These matces were not fillers. People wanted to see these matches. There were storylines behind them. There were things other than titles on the line and THAT WAS GREAT! (I find it ironic that titles mean so much to today's fans, when the relevance of the titles has never been less important.) The action was fast and furious, there were teams made of speed, made of brute, made of both--Hart Foundation was a great mix of technical wrestling and strength. Managers were involved and added fuel the flame. Stables made things interesting as well. Back then, if two guys were thrown together--Bundy and Studd, for example--it wasn't as random as the pairings of today. They were Heenan Family members and it made sense for them to tag up.

I have admitted repeatedly that my era of being a "fan" was from 1986-1992. After that, I slowly went away from it and today I check it out occasionally. I thought the New Generation era sucked, but agree that the Attitude Era was great. My point is, I love the time in wrestling history that I grew up with. BUT, I get that today's fans don't remember it that well. And I get that today's product--well maybe not today's product, but the product after I watched religiously--has its pros, and not all cons. However, I cannot take any other era of tag team wrestling seriously--at least when discussing the best era. Hardys, E&C, Dudleys...great matches! But the era of tag team relevance, dominance and talent was the mid-late 80s/early 90s and I honestly feel that, even though people can have their own opinions, it cannot be argued with a straight face.
And you just HAD to point that out?

He wouldn't have HAD to point that out if you didn't first struggle to think whether or not EITHER of them were in the HOF and then WRONGLY list only one of them being inducted.

To your other point, I made this argument recently in a post about the relevance of the IC belt. I agree that Hogan being THE GUY trickled down to making the other belts relevant.

At a time where it wasn't cool to root for the bad guys, most people loved Hogan and wanted him to win. The formula worked FOREVER: Present an invincible-looking heel, promote his match with Hogan, get to PPV and have Hogan come out to a huge ovation and get the upper hand, heel dominates match, Hogan "Hulks up", shake off some shots from the heel, wag his finger, boot, leg, celebration, posing, fade to black.

The matches leading up to that main event were not all "filler". They were a great part of the show that people wanted to see...not just to kill time waiting for Hogan. Some matches were filller, a lot were attractions and wonderful.

The IC belt and tag belts meant a lot because Hogan had the World title locked up and people wanted a chance to see a title change. The formula of Hulkamania was more than the matches I described above. It was its effect on the whole card. The Rockers or Tito Santana opening the card to get people's juices flowing, the hated, foreign mid-card heel facing off against a mid-card USA-loving face, THEN title matches and matches to create #1 contenders. WWF wasn't just storyline after storyline back then. The past was acknowledged in the future. You think this bullshit of having opponents tag TOGETHER--like they do on RAW these days--would fly back then? It is nonsense now and would have been absurd back then. The whole federation had an interlocking role. Lumberjack matches had clear heels and faces outside. Today it is 12-15 heelfaces or faceheels whatever surrounding the ring. These guys are involved with their storyline and no other.

Everything worked together back then. It made a lot more sense and was far more enjoyable to follow.

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