Is Superstars a Threat to Impact?


JC CooL 420
It's been said on that Superstars will be changing timeslots and they will be head to head with Impact's first hour...

It's no problem at all for me, because I don't catch WGN America anyway...

Is this a problem for Impact or not?

I don't think it'll have much affect on Impact...
I watch both (though not Superstars as much lately), but it won't be a problem because there is a replay of Superstars three hours later. And again on Sunday morning.

That is, if they don't get rid of Superstars from those time slots.
What is the point of this thread?
Anyway, in no way what so ever is Superstars a threat to iMPACT!! Sure, Impact may not be at it's best right now, but superstars is where most of the time lower card/Jobbers wrestle. Hell, Primo main events Superstars. Superstars has nothing on Impact
No I don't think that this move will affect Impact at all. Not many people get the channel superstars is on so it won't affect ratings and If I had the channel for Superstars I would definitely watch Impact over Superstars. I think it will have no affect on Impact Ratings.
I don't personally think it will be a threat to Impact, however it will be interesting to see how TNA responds to the move. Superstars is essentially the "D" for the 'E.
Where as Impact threw everything at the WWE when it moved in Monday nights, this is almost a slap in the face to TNA. WWE is putting the modern day equivalent of Velocity against them.
TNA will want to blow Superstars away. Otherwise morale will hit rock bottom in the new "War".
Well I personally like superstars, because we get to see guy's wrestle who we don't see very often. But in no way will superstars be a threat to Impact, like the above posters said, a lot of people don't have WGN as a channel.
Coming from somebody who only watched TNA when it first debuted quite some years ago and hasn't watched it since..

No, you have nothing to worry about. I'm an avid fan of WWE, I can actually say that I'm 'obsessive' about it, but Superstars is awful; even I'll admit that. Trust me, you have nothing to worry about.

I see alot more people watching iMPACT than Superstars; Superstars is just a filler show; it's there when people who weren't on Smackdown or Raw get a match.

You'll be fine.
It def is a threat. I personally enjoy both shows. How ever if christian is wrestling on superstars like he was a few weeks back I'm def going to tune into that. Cody Rhodes was recently on and I'm into his new gimmick. All im saying is their are certain wrestlers who compete on superstars every now and then that will make me switch over from tna. So yes it is a threat
I think this move means a little more than most people probably give it credit for.

There are some people out there who are just fans of in-ring professional wrestling. You put superstars, one hour of pure wrestling and clean finishes, up against Impact, it might do something. I'm not saying it's going to slash the Impact ratings in half, but I think it might do a little more than scratch the surface.

Put it this way, TNA would much rather superstars be in it's current slot, rather than the first hour of impact.
Yes Superstars will hurt Impact. It will scrape Impact but a scar is still a scar nonetheless and WWE is only doing that to try to hurt Impact's audience a bit. If people are looking for wrestling on a Thursday Night at 9pm and happen to be flipping through the channel and see Superstars, they're going to watch Superstars at that timeslot when they could have potentially flipped through the channel and saw TNA wrestling. If anything, at least 400,000 potential wrestling fans will be watching Superstars and that is plenty of fans that TNA could use so yes imo it will hurt TNA.
This change in time slot for WWE Superstars will have no effect upon iMPACT whatsoever in my opinion. For one thing, Superstars is like their D-show, and even though TNA is astronomically far behind WWE overall, I don't think WWE's D-show will pose a threat. I am by far and away a WWE guy rather than TNA guy, yet I have never watched an episode of Superstars, not once, yet I do attempt to watch at least some of iMPACT whenever I can, if I am able to stay awake. I'm not even sure if Superstars is even broadcast where I live, as I have never even gone looking for it.

WWE has its established audience and for those who prefer to watch Superstars because it's WWE, they will watch it and not watch iMPACT anyway. iMPACT also has it's loyal fanbase, albeit minute in numbers, and these loyal handful of fans will not be enticed away from TNA either.

I'm sure TNA will do just fine in direct opposition with Superstars, they'll manage to hover around their typical 1.0-1.2 ratings, and Superstars likely won't lower these numbers.
I have to say that Habs is wrong and LetEmKnow is right this time. With Impact averaging a 1.0 and Superstars averaging a 0.74 (thank you, I have to think that there are some wrestleheads watching both shows, marking out from 8 til Midnight every Thursday. Make them choose, and some of them will choose Superstars on any given week.

Impact's ratings will be hurt a little bit--they will pull 0.95s on nights they should have done 1.05s, say, but Superstars will be hurt too.

Update: The original report was mistaken. The Replay is changing timeslots, not the 8 p.m. Thursday showing.

WWE News: Replay of WWE TV show changing timeslots (updated)

Sep 10, 2010 - 12:06:29 AM

By James Caldwell, Torch assistant editor

Correcting our earlier report, the replay of WWE Superstars will be changing timeslots on Thursday nights/Friday mornings, not the original airing on Thursday nights.

During Thursday night's replay airing of Superstars, WGN America announced via a crawler on the bottom of the TV screen that Superstars will be changing timeslots starting next week.

The replay of Superstars will now air at 1:00 a.m. EST/12:00 a.m. CST on Thursday night/Friday morning. The original airing will remain at 8:00 p.m. EST on Thursday nights, one hour before TNA Impact on Thursday nights.
Let The Thursday Nights Wars begin. Hahahahahahahaha

WWE Heat V.2 shouldn't effect the ratings since the show is a showcase for lower midcarders and Divas, with the occasional actual "superstar" to ME the show.

That being said I can definitely see Vince having a HHH or UT having a match every now just to mess with Dixies crew.
why must you start out your comment with "what is the point of this thread?" .. It is the internet, stop trying to be a internet nark. The point of the thread is SIMPLE. He is curious if everyone thinks superstars will hurt TNA and begin the folding of TNA or will they move to a different day if a WWE show does start hurting the ratings. I feel this is a DECENT POST. Internet negativers get on my nerves.

Anyways to the post. Anytime you put another wrestling show on the same slot as another there is a chance of one hurting the other. Rabid WWE fans may watch TNA only on Thursdays because they just love wrestling. Now you put a WWE show in that slot, if they are rabid WWE fans, they will watch WWE Superstars, therefore it could hurt TNA. Do I think you will see a dent in TNA's ratings? No, because they have their core fans that watch it week in and week out which is why their rating stays in the 1.0,1.1,1.2,1.3 areas all the time. Its the same people watching week in and week out.
Superstars is still a show?

No this won't affect iMPACT! at all, I'd imagine. Superstars gets like what, .2's in the ratings? I'm pretty sure the 26 people watching that awful show since they're the only ones in the United States who actually get the channel it's broadcast on in the first place.
The Superstars replay is what's moving to an hour later, not the original airing of the show. The replay has been at midnight and will now be moved to 1 a.m. so there's really nothing of any importance going on.

Operating under its current format, I don't think Superstars would be much of a threat to iMPACT! if the WWE did move the show to go head ot head with the first hour. In all honesty, you'll generally get some good solid wrestling matches on Superstars most of the time but it's the WWE's D-show really. For all intents and purposes, it's a throwaway show that has a bit of an old school pro wrestling show feel to it like WWF Superstars of Wrestling or WWF All American Wrestling.

If the WWE actually invested time and energy into the show, however, I have no doubt it'd be a legitimate threat to iMPACT!. It wouldn't take much work to turn Superstars into an actual show. If the WWE plugged the show on Raw, Smackdown and NXT, brought in big names on the show to wrestle on a regular basis and connected the various Raw and SD storylines to what happens on Superstars, then it simply wouldn't be a throwaway show any longer. If the actual show were to be moved to go head to head with iMPACT! under that kind of format, then it'd definitely be a threat.
To even consider TNA to be threatened by Superstars is laughable. Not because it couldn't happen, but mostly because Superstars is shit with very very little storyline development, and just 2-3 matches to feature guys that hardly matters. Not exactly the kind of thing that should be able to compete with TNA? Certainly a lot of people believe TNA to be shit, but it shouldn't mean that TNA couldn't thrive just perfectly next to Superstars.

Let's remember, TNA "thrived" (partially) against RAW. Pulling somewhat the same ratings every now and then, so for TNA to thrive against the A show, should mean that they're nowhere near the level of being threatened by the D show.
I have to say that Habs is wrong and LetEmKnow is right this time. With Impact averaging a 1.0 and Superstars averaging a 0.74 (thank you, I have to think that there are some wrestleheads watching both shows, marking out from 8 til Midnight every Thursday. Make them choose, and some of them will choose Superstars on any given week.

OK, first of all, the highlighted segment of the post above is near blasphemy. To suggest that LetEmKnow could be correct about something while I'm incorrect, come on, now, that's crazy talk :).

So it would appear that this was all much ado about nothing, that it is only the replay of Superstars which is being moved. This now shifts to a hypothetical discussion only.

If iMPACT and Superstars were to go head-to-head, in their current formats, neither show would affect the other to any significant degree. TNA would have its tiny staple of dedicated smarky fans, guys who would never be enticed away by Superstars. iMPACT would plod along as is, under-achieving to the tune of about 1.0-1.2. Superstars would have even fewer viewers, because it is, after all, the D-show. Those who watch it now would still continue to watch; if they haven't been lured away by iMPACT to this point, they likely wouldn't be now either.

Now if WWE got serious and put some thought, some energy, and some focus into Superstars, and then went head-to-head with iMPACT, that could be catastrophic to TNA. And with a potential catastrophe looming with the potential let-down of the arrival of "them," another nail in the coffin of this nature would be the last thing TNA would need.
the big reason why a time change wouldnt do much to the first hour of impact is because WGN doesnt play on everyones tv. unfortunately like me, some people have to suscribe to it
Even if Superstars were to go head to head with Impact, I seriously doubt it would have any affect on Impact in any way. Superstars airs on WGN, which is a station that most people don't have. I don't even think if Superstars were to air on SyFy or even USA that it would even come close to making a 1.0. Even TNA ReAction pulls stronger ratings then Superstars.
Superstars doesn't have anything on IMPACT!. Superstars features guys like Primo, Yoshi Tatsu and JTG and nobody cares about them guys. If Superstars changed it slot when it first started then I think it could be a threat because it was pretty good but now it contains guys like I've already said.
What is the point of this thread?
Anyway, in no way what so ever is Superstars a threat to iMPACT!! Sure, Impact may not be at it's best right now, but superstars is where most of the time lower card/Jobbers wrestle. Hell, Primo main events Superstars. Superstars has nothing on Impact
When Primo Main Evented it was against Randy Orton. But not many get WGN as a channel say I do not think it will it will affect the rating much. But we shall see.
No. Like alot have mentioned, it's a show where they put guys that they don'tknow what to do with. Now I enjoy it because they actually have good long wrestling matches and not 2 minute throw aways so the main eventers can have 30 minutes for their entrances. Plus it's not a threat because (at least on my schedule) they are not at the same time. Superstars comes on at 6 and Impact starts at 7. So no it's not a threat. If they moved it back an hour and loaded it with guys like Cena, Orton, Sheamus, Miz and the lik ethen maybe although I believe the eposiode with Cena main eventing still didn't peak the ratings any.

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