Is Sheamus REALLY Going to Main Event WrestleMania XXVI

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Midnite Express 2009

Getting Noticed By Management
By all accounts, Sheamus is going to headline this year's WrestleMania (unless he loses the title at the Elimination Chamber Pay-Per-Vew). There are a few things that disturb me about this. 1st of all, Sheamus looks weak. Despite his size, he's constantly being made to look like a champion who has to rely on silly DQ rules in order to retain his title. He beat Cena in a match that well, made him look weak in getting the rub, and ever since, he's pretty much had squash matches against the WWE's mid-carders while barely hanging onto his title against top contenders like Cena or Randy Orton.

Also, will having him in the main event dilute the pay-per-view itself? IMO there are serveral others who I feel should be in that spot BECAUSE the fans would appreciate it much more. Seeing Sheamus main event is almost a directly slap in the face to the dozens of great Mania main events from the past. We all know he'd lose the title anyway, so why give us something that's predictable in the first place? Why not a title match that's if not epic, enjoyable to watch? I know last year's main event was a let down to a certain degree, so why not TRY to make right by the HHH vs. Randy Orton match by giving the fans something worth watching (i.e. the Shawn Michaels vs. Undertaker match from last year).

This is my 1st post so I hope I get some feedback. I LOVE the way the WWE is keeping this interesting, BUT I certainly would not pay to see Sheamus main event a WrestleMaina. A few pay-per-views here and there was great, BUT NOT Mania, sorry.

So my question is, if not Sheamus, then who? Who should be the person going into Mania with the WWE title, or will it actually be Sheamus afterall? And does anyone find it perfectly fine or do they think this is way too much, too soon?
I really can't see Sheamus winning the elimination chamber. It's all very well putting the belt on him but so far, he hasn't pinned anyone important and has gotten by on DQs. Obviously one way or another that has to end next month. I'm still betting on Orton Vs Dibiase for the title, although I'm not sure how they're going to go about that.
What I would want to see is a repeat of a couple of years ago, when Edge stole a second shot and won the title. But make it Batista cause of losing in SMack Downs EC have him attack someone in the back who is a part of Raws EC for no reason. Then have it said that if he wants to interfer he will be invovled in the match. Have him some how win and have him face either HHH or (if they cant get the Rock) John Cena. He had 2 great matches with HHH befroe and it has been awhile since plus did you see Smack Down. And Cena they only fought once never had a rematch what a better way to do it.
I gotta agree with Loveless. Sheamus drops the belt. He has to. There is no way they are going to have him headline Wrestlemania, it just isn't going to happen. Sheamus may have impressed them enough to give him a trial run with the title, but he hasn't done ANYTHING to have earned the main event at Wrestlemania. At No Way Out, the title changes hands, if not before. Possibly even tonight.
Unfortunately I think Sheamus is gonna retain at No Way Out (why did they even change the name). I know a lot of people have said that HHH wants to wrestle Sheamus at Wrestlemania and I got a feeling that is what will happen. I don't know how they are going to set up this because there is not a standing feud between them and usually these wrestlemania feuds are pretty in depth by the time they get to the PPV. I don't know if Sheamus has the ability to put on a full Wrestlemania main event match that is both entertaining and compelling. I hope he doesn't actually headline WM because it's ridiculous to think that someone 6 months into the biz can headline WM when guys like Kane or Benjamin (I know he's not a champ but he kinda deserves a push) are kicking off the MITB matches
No, Sheamus is not going to main event WrestleMania this year. Sheamus will be in a match for the WWE Title this year at WrestleMania, if he retains at the...sigh...Elimination Chamber. There's a difference between main eventing and being in a title match. Edge and Jericho will be main eventing at WrestleMania. Sheamus will be fighting for a World Title. People always complain about the same people main eventing WrestleMania, but now you have an alternative and you still bitch? I doubt Sheamus will retain past the Elimination Chamber, and if he does, then his World Title match won't be the main focus of the show, and if it is, thats exactly what you should have thought about for the past three years when you were bitching about awesome WM main events like Orton/Hemsley, Cena/HHH/Orton, and Michaels/Cena. You got your wish.
So having Sheamus in a title match is not the worst that has happened and even if it somehow is the main event, it will be by far better than some of the other stuff we have had.

hogan vs sid WM VIII
lt vs bam bam WM XI just to name two

Now I'm not saying I want Sheamus to main event, but I would like to see him in the title match. Maybe if he shows his stuff at Mania they will book him the way they should
I too believe Sheamus will fight for the WWE title at Mania. If HHH, and Vince I guess, are really behind this guy, then I'm sure they will want him to win the elimination chamber...thennn drop the title to HHH at Mania. I really don't see this being the last match on the card though. Sheamus sucks. I'm sorry, but he does. He is not a REAL big guy, he's smaller than Batista and Cena (muscle wise). He has never put on a good match, Orton carried him at the Rumble. On the mic, he is God awful (some if it probably has to do with his accent, granted). I am sure over the past two months HHH, and surely Vince, have seen this guy not gotten over quite as much as they would have wanted him to on the road to Mania. I can see this one being the mid-card Title match, with Jericho/Edge or Edge/whoever ending the show.
I see your point about Sheamus main eventing WM, I believe Sheamus should not main event it however he should be in real matches from now until WM that he actually wrestles till someone gets a pin, that would help make Sheamus look more of a worthy champion than he currently does, then at WM it should be a good main event.
WrestleMania usually has about three main events, WWE got people to buy a match involving Umaga & Bobby Lashley, so I'm sure they can do the same for Sheamus & Triple H. Trump & McMahon might've actually sold the Umaga/Lashley match, but Cena vs. Batista, Undertaker vs. HBK and the involvement of Bret Hart & Vince McMahon will sell this years show.

Him being in a WWE Championship match doesn't mean he's carrying the show, it doesn't have to mean he's this year's poster boy, it doesn't mean he even needs to have a good match, all because WrestleMania sells regardless of what's put on offer these days. Last years show was a huge success, it's hard to believe it was because of Undertaker & HBK and a couple of rematches.
Esteemed colleagues of the WrestleZone Forums, Embrace the Horror!!!! It is looking like Sheamus is going to taint the main event scene of Wrestlemania!!! The question that really looms in seeing through to this glaring white nightmare is: Does Sheamus retain his title at Elimination Chamber? My money says no he doesn't. But, that doesn't mean he can't demand a rematch!!!

That is probably how it is going to do down by my greatest calculations. If the intentions are to have Triple H v.s. Sheamus for the WWE Title at Wrestlemania, than I would think that in order to make that happen in some sensible manner, you would have Triple H win the Elimination Chamber, and have Sheamus either use the "Rematch Clause" that Randy Orton made so famous, plain demand a rematch and somehow get it, or attack Triple H on Raw to instigate a rematch. That is the only way I see it going down unless there are other plans.

So folks, prepare yourselves. This could be the start of another Triple H title reign that could last for months. There is the real horror for you to embrace. And that doesn't even bother me, I couldn't be more happy about the prospect. I'm an unforgiving, celebrated, Triple H mark from hell. I can't wait. Unfortunately there are a lot of people who would rather have an aneurysm than a Triple H title reign.

You must pick. It's the lesser of two evils. Triple H time, or more shameful Sheamus. Pick your poison.
I really can't see Sheamus winning the elimination chamber. It's all very well putting the belt on him but so far, he hasn't pinned anyone important and has gotten by on DQs. Obviously one way or another that has to end next month. I'm still betting on Orton Vs Dibiase for the title, although I'm not sure how they're going to go about that.

Before I start I'll just say that I'd love to see Orton v. Dibiase. BUT...
It just isn't going to happen. How do you go about it?
- Firstly, Dibiase is less of a star than Sheamus, so I can't see the logic in having him Main Event over Sheamus.
- 2, How do you go about it? Orton wins EC? What happens to the Sheamus rematch clause? Why aren't Cena/HHH/Michaels/whoever allowed a shot? If Dibiase wins... go back to point 1.

I would love to see Sheamus ME WM and retain the title. He has the 'it' factor IMO. One match isn't going to put people off buying Mania. Mania sells itself, but with matches like Edge/Jericho, Hart/McMahon and Taker/Michaels the card is already stacked.
No way will Sheamus main event Wrestlemania. He may be in the title match but that can be the undercard as shown by pervious Mania's. Wrestlemania 26 will already have enough fantastic card that a world title match with Sheamus won't hurt it. I personally don't really want Sheamus in the world title match. I find him pretty shit but I don't hate the idea. Its always a good for fresh faces in the main event even if I find them to be a pile of wank. On topic, no Sheamus won't be in the main event and if he is i'll change my name to "I get touched up by Areoplex.
Sheamus will probably enter WrestleMania as the world champion, and I don't see that as a bad thing. No matter how you see it, he's going to have beaten John Cena, Randy Orton, Triple H, Kofi Kingston & Ted DiBiase to get there. The first three are huge stars, so I don't really see how he'll be going in weak. Sheamus has been pushed quickly, but I don't really see why he won't be perceived as a bona fide main eventer by then. It's never going to be the main draw of the show, but it wouldn't be the first time that has happened, nor will it be the last, so I don't think it matters.
There's a chance Sheamus could main event Wrestlemania, but I don't think it will happen. I still believe he lose the belt at Elimination Chamber because him going into Mania as champion just doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me. We all know he has been endorsed by Triple H, but outside of the IWC, I guarantee you not too many people know that. Even if they did, why should that be enough to set up a feud between him and Triple H for the title at Mania? It just doesn't make sense to me. A Triple H VS Sheamus match for the WWE championship is something that could take place on Raw or on some other random WWE ppv, but not Wrestlemania.

I think Edge will main event Wrestlemania, but who will he face has become the million dollar question. I know him spearing Sheamus at the Rumble was teaser, but that type of stuff usually happens all the time when Rumble winners are trying to decide who they will face at the big show. All signs seem to be pointing towards a match between Jericho and Edge at Mania, but I'm not sure Jericho will win the chamber match. I think Mysterio will win it or Taker will retain. Either way, we will just have to wait to see how everything plays out.
Sheamus is NOT going to win the Elimination chamber, there is no way they are going to let a champ that green ME the biggest show of the year, lets take a look at who's in the match
Sheamus, pretty much explained why he isn't winning

Cena, He's to busy with Batista and the Hart/McMahon feud

Kofi, don't see him as a WM ME guy either, more than likely he's gonna be in MITB again this year

Orton & Dibiase, from the sound of things he's feuding with Dibiase,or about too, and I can't see Dibiase getting a title match this soon let alone one that would have him in the ME of WM

Triple H, this is the guy who is going to win the EC, lets face it he MEs every WM these days, kinda like Sting maineventing every BFG since joining TNA, and really has nothing else going on at the moment, so to me Triple H is the most logical bet on who is going to ME the Raw side of things, I'm also guessing Triple H is who Edge will be facing as well
Wow! Lots of Sheamus haters! I do not think this guy is great by any means, but he is not that bad. He is descent in the ring and descent on the mick and has a unique look to him. He has had some descent matches and just because he is champ and got pushed so quickly, everyone hates on him. I see why everyone hates that and even agree with some of it as I feel that guys like Morrison, kofi, or even miz deserve to be pushed more than sheamus as they have been around longer and are more over with the fans but i dont think everyone should hate on sheamus just because of that.

Now to address the thread, Sheamus is the champ right now and i do think he will retain the title at ec to go on to mania as the champ. That does not mean he will main event it, but he will be in a champioship match. Here is why Sheamus is going to be champ at mania, the wwe has already put all of thier cards into sheamus. He beat cena for the belt and now they have been trying to run with him. If he loses the belt at ec, it is too soon and they would be taking all of their confidence right out of him. It would tremendously hurt sheamus and he would fall back to a mid carder and probably be put into the mitb match. The wwe pulled the trigger on sheamus and now they have to run with it. It would be totally giving up on him if he is not champ going into mania which i dont think the wwe wants to do right now as they have kind of forced him upon everyone.

I think sheamus will face orton at mania not hhh like has been speculated. the only way sheamus faces hhh is if hhh wins at ec which i do not want to see for the 5th time. I think hhh somehow gets involved with taker and hbk to set up a triple threat match or they may go the hhh vs. hbk route. either way, hhh does not face sheamus at mania. Instead, Sheamus faces orton. I know Orton has been busy with legacy, but i think they have been setting up orton vs. sheamus these past few weeks on raw. I know they have had a match but it ended in dq which is why they could still put on this match. It seems like they are trying to make orton a face similar to stone cold, a character who is so bad ass that he is cool. With Orton not really having any friends and turning on legacy and giving the rko to sheamus, he is kind of getting over with the fans which is what i think the wwe wants. This would make orton the face vs. sheamus the heel. I really think that is what will happen. No matter what though, i see sheamus either as the champion or in the championship match as it would be giving up on sheamus if he wasnt.
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