Is now the time for a new WWE logo?


Pre-Show Stalwart
With WWE focusing heavily on the rebranding of the company and changing the name officially just to WWE, is now the time to change the logo as well? I know Miz just stole the current logo and turned it upside down to create his Miz World Title Belt and that logo could technically remain as his, but I think if they were going to go with it now is when it should be done. So what are your thoughts? Also if anyone has any please post your own logo ideas, concepts, or images, would be cool to see peoples ideas.
Yeah I guess if the letters WWE are no longer going to stand for anything other than simply WWE then they should change the logo to WWE in some form or other.
I say change the letters, but not all of the championships....the titles that look fine are the world titles, divas and united states....I think the IC title needs a makeover because many titles change incarnations over the years, but this one has been the same since the mid 90s...I think its time a for change, as well as the tag titles which are hideous, but thats for another discussion...I think the logo does need to be changed with the changing times....
Wasn't there a new logo floating around the internet a few months back?

I think it is time for a change, this logo should have left with the attitude era anyway.

I agree with Darbare about updating the IC title too, but I also think the WWE title should change, and I like the new tag belts, so keep them the same.
Wasn't there a new logo floating around the internet a few months back?

I think this was it.


I do not like it but I think it is heading in the right direction. I like the idea of the old WWF Logo but with an extra bit to make it an E not an F. Which is pretty much what that new logo is going for but doesn't quite have it for me.

If you scroll down on this site sombody has made pretty much what I mean.
You have to wait until The Miz loses the WWE title. Then you can have Cena come out and talk about how The Miz disgraced the WWE title and the the WWE logo and both need to be replaced so we can forget about what he did.

But assuming they do it right, this is about the time they should change the logo and the WWE title, yes.

EDIT: the above logo is the one that was rumored last year, yes. And I like the idea of something along those lines...taking something similar to the old block WWF logo and making it an E, since today's product is like a modernized version of the 80's kids stuff.
You know I was going to make a post about this in a few weeks YES WWE needs a new logo the one they have now is so outdated they have had it for 13 years and when they changed names back in 02 why didn't they just change logos in the first place ? I mean come on Vince you changed the old WWF logo to the New Generation Logo then to the Scratched Logo and to this day still have the scratched logo in the word of the late Owen Hart Enough Is Enough and It's Time For A Change bottom line.
Well they should change, but in my prespective that logo has a lot of history, so its hard!

But i would dig a new logo!!
I would also dig if some user post something about WZ users make a new logo for WWE, like a Tournament or something :D

WWE is moving to the futuree, so that new logo will be something futuristhic, you can count on that!!! :lmao:
I'm kinda torn on this one. I like the logo the 'E has now, but also it reminds me so much of the WWF. It's so rough, and.. raw. It doesn't really suit a PG-rated program, though it doesn't make too much of an impact.

Seeing it changed wouldn't make me tear my heart out, but assuming they do a good job on it, it could really add to the current WWE product.
As long as they make it good.
I think they should have an nba logo of cena as their logo. that would really get attention and piss fans off! it would be great. It would get sooooo much buzz!

Not really, I do think they should change the logo. I seriously thought that they should change the name. as long as its "WWE" it'll always be wrestling, no matter how much they want us to forget that. As a fan, I enjoy it being WWE cause it'll always be wrestling to me. At the same time I know they wont change it because of the weight it carries, but the change WWF to WWE, they could change it to "WE", but I think thats taken THE "E", well thats taken... Idk. but the logo needs a change at least.
I mean, look at KFC, it's still "chicken", WWE will always be "wrestling".
I would not mind the WWE logo changing but it would be complicated because they would probably have to change all their merchandise to compensate for the logo.
I think the logo is fine with the scratch logo and if they changed the logo the channel Women's Entertainment "WE" could sue them like the World Wildlife Fund did a decade ago. So the logo needs to stay so get over ur belly achin.
There is no need for a new logo, the current logo has become famous and if someone who did not follow WWE saw the current logo, they will probably still recognise it. Over time a new logo will become recognisable, but it just seems like a lot of effort for little reason. There is no need for WWE to change there logo, IMO.
I think its time for a new logo, I've been waiting for one for a while actually. The old one looks pretty grimy to me(not a bad thing), I think they should just go for something a little simpler, like the Nexus font, but keep the color white. I just think it would be a good idea, I work at a grocery store, brands change their logo's all the time(not their names, to whoever suggested WE would sue, WWE isn't planning on changing its name to World Entertainment, they just aren't going to say World Wrestling Entertainment anymore, they'll still say WWE tho).

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