Is Now The Perfect Time For Johnny Ace To Form A Stable?


Pre-Show Stalwart
Yes its been asked a few times by many members in general about the stable debate in today's WWE. But we look at the way Ace has brought lesnar into the WWE to own cena. Ace and otunga have used the likes of henry the miz along with ziggler swagger with vicky managing these 2 guys, to take out PPL Ace does not like. We look at how Ace is drunk with power, would it add to Ace's tyrant reign has general manager? and double standards he has set himself, like how ace fined sheamus 500K, yet nothing was done to Y2J. Making punk defend the title every week, and hiring lesnar to try and destroy cena

why doesn't Ace put the cherry on top of his reign and add a stable, the members are? Johnny Ace, otunga, lesnar, henry,the miz, ziggler swagger and vicky, if Y2J was sticking around longer, maybe Y2J will stay around longer, and if Y2J does? add Y2J to the stable. So punk cena and sheamus maybe add a couple of more guys and they are up against this powerful stable, let the stable dominate many weeks and weeks of this feud. It would add one huge feud storyline, and it would help create a platform for ziggler and swagger to maybe become future main eventers, like it did for batista and orton.

So what do you guys think? is now the perfect time to create the stable? in the way Ace has his favourites, and usig his favourites to punish the likes of cena punk and sheamus.
Well, isn't that basically what Team Johnny was? I wouldn't be surprised to see the members of Team Johnny possible become an established stable, but I'm hoping that doesn't happen.

The problem is, that the current Lauranitis character already feels like a watered down rehash of Mr. McMahon, Eric Bischoff, and every other heel authority figure since the GM concept really became a staple in WWE. The parallels are pretty evident, and putting together a stable is only going to further come across as watered down Corporation.

They've already paired Lauranitis and Lesnar. That basically gives Lauranitis an immediate connection to the biggest name in WWE at the moment. Where do they go with a stable form there? Yes they could use Otunga, Ziggler, Miz, and Swagger, but with all due respect to them, they aren't nearly over enough, and haven't been given nearly credible enough pushes as of late to be seen as worthy of running with Lesnar. Instead, it'd simply look like Lesnar with a ton of midcard henchmen, and they more than likely end up just putting him over as a heel.

I'd rather WWE stay away from GM stables. It exaggerates the GM role, and that in itself has already been far too inflated, and takes up far too much quality television time.
The time for stables is over IMO. It always gets convoluted and ends disappointingly. I would much rather have Johnny Ace favour all heels. To me that would be more realistic and believable for a heel authority figure than to have a small clique.

Other than Nexus' debut, there hasn't been a good stable for awhile, and for good reason. The initial idea is fine, but then it limits the wrestlers as to who they can feud with and prevents any face turns either. Also, how are they going to be defeated? Is John Cena going to have to come by and pick them apart or does he need to form his own stable?

Closer to Survivor Series, I can stomach the idea of a temporary stable, but please, for the love of God, no other time.
They could have kept it really simple and just went with the Ace-Team: Del Rio, Christian, Henry, Otunga, and Big Johnny. When they had their little moment in the ring a couple months ago I thought it could grow into something much bigger, but they never really went back to it. They don't need to include Vickie, Swagger, Ziggler, etc with them, they should exist on their own.
Personally I think it should happened before now, however with Johnny 'bringing back' Brock Lesnar maybe now is the time to start building the team around Brock for example his legal council Otunga for when he takes people out so they can't sue him, the head honcho John L, bring in some of his 'training partners' like Rollins, Hennig jr give them the rub, but also that they're second fiddle but they're getting TV time.
As mentioned before, we haven't had a good stable since Nexus, and unless we plan to feed the members of this stable to Cena, and have him drop 23 chairs on top of Lesnar, than HECK no! Also, am I the only one who misses Otunga's tear-away jeans? (a bit off topic, I know...)
They missed the perfect oppurtunity last year at ss i had it planned:
awesome truth
...and cena.

i honestly thought wwe would let cena turn on rock at ss and beat him down with awesome truth and zig,swag and vicky& otunga would be with johnny already then awesome truth and cena would join. then after that i would of has nash & cena vs hhh& punk and let hhh turn on punk and let him join the stable that way you would of had authority-hhh&johnny, star power-nash&cena, the outsider style-awesome truth, manager-vickie, and youth-swaggger and ziggler. and all the kids would hate them because cena and hhh turned heel it could of been a great stable instead we just got the same old lame crap.
I certainly hope not, stables annoy me. The (original) Four Horsemen, DX and The Hart Foundation are the exception in that they were all individuals of their own style and had no problem putting over face talent.

If they have a team Ace stable it'll just make the careers of those involved more stagnant than they already are, it'll come off as a low-brow means of giving them a purpose on tv. The Nexus didn't do anything for anyone except (to a small extent) Barrett, the nWo made every member who wasn't Hogan Hall or Nash look like a weak stooge. Maybe if there weren't so many green members, thinking of Brock teaming up with Swagger makes my head hurt.
As a fan of good heel stables, I could get into hatin' on a Johnny Ace stable if they did it right. Miz and Otunga are good picks. I wouldn't put in Ziggler because he should be in a title hunt imo. Henry could be the muscle.
I don't know about a fullfledged stable, but I do really like the idea of a Miz/Otunga tag team. Could bring some much needed legitimacy to the tag titles. Not to mention they have similar "reality star" aspects of their gimmick. I would totally mark for them.
i dont get how ppl dont like stables...if done right..stables could be interesting and boost other stars in the group (evolution, legacy) keep it as general as possible ziggler or jack swagger (they r with vikki) and no reuniting of awesome truth....
i can c this:
Team Johnny Ace
- Johnny Ace (leader and gm of both shows)
- david otunga (right hand man)
- brock lesnar
- mark henry
- alberto del rio
- christian or miz
A Miz/Otunga tag team isn't a bad idea, at least until something opens up for Miz again, in terms of a good singles program.

The real problem with the idea of a stable at this point is that it risks muddying the waters of the brand extension. If we are supposed to believe that both SD and Raw are still separate entities, then a Team Johnny stable running through both brands is just a bit too much, especially when Lauranitis has thus far, aside form Lesnar and Henry, been shown to associate with heels that aren't exactly main eventing at the moment.

So then the question becomes, is there a SD Team Johnny and Raw Team Johnny? That'd be like the NWO factions all over again.

There's nothing wrong with Johnny Ace favoring certain heels, or even all heels, and letting them maintain their individual identities rather than as a collective. It'll help push them more than any stable will. Ask David Otunga...I don't think the Nexus or New Nexus did that much for his career, but just being a heel, standing next to Johnny Ace with a travel mug for a few weeks established his character and motivations.

At this point, as stale as the GM concept is, if they are going to keep doing, they need to do it a manner that putting talent over, and getting them to the next level, rather than blurring the lines amongst heels that are already often hard to tell apart.
I think a stable of Laurinaitis, Otunga and Lesnar is a very good starting point. Nice mixture there already of different type of characters.

I would let them garner some steam and then maybe add someone else. Laurinaitis and Vickki Guerrero as an item would repulse and garner A LOT of heat!!!

Someone mentioned The Miz. I think the Miz would be good but pairing him up in a stable with Lesnar just doesnt seem right.
Stables ONLY work in a power struggle situation. ie: Evolution, nWo, Horsemen, Corporation/DX, etc... Right now with Laurinaitis in control there is potential for a heel stable but normally they are created to gain control not upon having control. Plus a stable really needs another faction to feud with because they lose credibility when faced against a "SUPERMAN" face like Cena or Orton. See Nexus vs Cena as a perfect example. Albeit Sting vs nWo was built like that but nWo looked strong in assaulting everyone else in WCW regularly and taking control.

A stable also needs a capable mouthpiece/manager to draw heat and Big Johnny IS NOT the character to spearhead a faction. Someone like Regal or hell even Matt Striker would be better. Right now in my eyes the current WWE roster doesn't have enough superstars that would make sense together in a stable.

I would love to see a faction with Regal, Hero, Daniels, Claudio, Rollins, and Ambrose (all Indy guys who share a style and past) feud with guys like Orton and Punk for the top spots in WWE, but that is highly unlikely given the context of the Big Johnny storyline and to me having Brock Lesnar as the top "heel" he overshadows a stable of smaller Indy heels...

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