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Is Morgan ready? Will he ever be ready?

Mr. Artistic guy

Better Off This Way
Matt Morgan has for some time now been linked with the world title scene. He romanced with it a while back when Kurt was trying to pick him up for the MEM but now he is really one of the two guys looking likely to be the next world heavyweight champion.

Now Matt Morgan is currently 34, he has reached about as good as he is ever going to get as a performer. Personally I am just interested to hear what other people think about the possibility of him being TNA's next world heavyweight champion, good or bad? Therefore I want to know:

1) Has he earnt it?
2) Is he good enough? and if not will he ever be?
3) Should TNA go in a different direction for the next champ?

See I like Matt Morgan as a performer and I really really try to like him as a talker but I can't, he's just really bad. He has no problem getting words out but he just doesn't have a realisation of what to do in a given situation. For instance when Bischoff is speaking Morgan he always does this kindof "fair enough" look, it's fairly hard to describe, whereas the feud ought to be so bitter that he is staring a hole straight through him but he doesn't understand that. The one time I saw him look intense is when Jarrett attacked him when he started his crusade against concussions and he looked amazing but since then he comes across as quite tame and annoying.

For me Matt Morgan is not good enough a performer to hold the world title unlike people like Chris Benoit and his talking skills are so hit and miss I find it really hard to back him when there is a far superior Mr Anderson standing beside him this whole time. But I don't know what to think, I want to like him but he makes it very difficult for me, I still don't know if he is championship material.
Frankly, I don't see what people don't see in Matt Morgan. He's a huge body, more than capable of wrestling effectively in the ring (note my use of effectiveness, not "great" as though only superior wrestlers can get over) and above all else has a personality worth selling!

Is he ready to be TNA World Heavyweight Champion? Yes and no.

Yes, as a performer he is, but no, as a character he's not quite there yet. This story with Anderson IMO has been built around Anderson capturing the gold, not Matt. Matt has been a road block for him, and has been booked to look like the "good guy" in this fiasco (while making Anderson look like an asshole), which pushes Anderson, not Morgan, contrary to what you may think.

I do believe he'll hold that title sooner or later, but this current story line isn't going to be the opportunity for it, nor should it.

I also have to LOL repeatedly at the line you wrote saying Morgan wasn't as good as Benoit, but Benoit was good enough for the Championship. :lmao:
Personally, I do believe that Matt Morgan is ready to be the next TNA World Heavyweight Champion. Why not? He's a big guy who clearly has the look of a professional wrestler and the look of a champion. While he's not exactly a mat technician, that hardly matters, the really big guys are often less technically gifted, and that applies to him as well, but his in-ring work is good enough to be champion in TNA. I don't mind his mic work at all, especially since he kicked that nasty stuttering gimmick ;) He's paid his dues, has been around for a while, and he's a former WWE guy which seems to earn you a lot of favor amongst the TNA brass.

He's been loyal to TNA. He's been in factions and he's gone solo. He's been heel, face, and tweener. I certainly see him as a better option than Jeff Hardy, consider all of the extraneous matters surrounding him at this time. They have to ge the title off of Hardy, see how things play out, and if positive, give it back to him down the road. And Morgan is as good as anyone else to give it to. Of course, the purple belt has to go, but that's a whole other matter.

I think that Matt Morgan is certainly as good an option as Ken Anderson. His in-ring skills are as good. His mic skills are comparable as I'm not as big on Anderson's mic skills as some guys are. And most importantly, Morgan won't pull a muscle and be out of action for a couple of months the next time he bends over to tie his shoes, or some other innocent activity like this which tends to cost him valuable in-ring time. Anderson comes with far more question marks and more risk than does Morgan.

Plus, if Morgan doesn't work out, just strip him of the title with no reason given and hold another tournament to choose his successor :)
I also Believe that Morgan is ready to be a TNA World Champion it may not be right now but I do think he will be at least once in his career. I think Morgan is a Really Good Talent. He obviously has to the look to be a World Champion, His mic skills are good and for someone his size he's good in the ring. I think Morgan's time will come and he will win the World Title eventually but this current storyline to me is built to have Anderson over come his concussion and beat Jeff Hardy for the World Title.
I think Morgan's best-case-scenario for a career arc is Dave Batista. Like Batista, he's come to the game later in life and is similarly constructed as a big man with a great look but very suspect mic skills. It took Batista time, but he eventually found his groove and overcame the charisma issues to be a solid Main Eventer.

One thing Morgan needs at some point down the road is a permanent heel turn. I know he turned face recently but that was an emergency situation to cover for Anderson's injury. Like Batista, Morgan is exponentially better as a heel. His size naturally lends itself to intimidation and bullying. I also think his mic work was better when he was the "DNA of TNA." His best run, IMO, was when he was claiming to be the Tag Team Champions and referring to himself in the plural. It was clever and he executed it well.

Will Morgan ever be the flagship of TNA? No, and he shouldn't be. But if he can become TNA's Batista then he'll fill a valuable role and probably have exceeded expectations for most people. I don't think he's that far off, but a heel turn is vital to his long-term success.
As far as talent is concerned there is no reason why Matt should not be a World Champion. He is good on the mic unlike what the OP has stated and he was particularily good in his feud with Kurt Angle. He certainly has the required look and he wrestles well in a power based style. I've certainly seen World Champions who were way less talented than Morgan and so I certainly would not mind seeing him as World Champion.

But again as IDR mentioned the story of the Immortals is also the story of Mr Anderson. He has been built as the messiah of TNA and it is him whom all TNA fans want to see as their next TNA World Champion, not Matt Morgan. With that said he might get a short reign but it will be something like the title reign Lex Luger got in WCW in 1997. It will also be interesting to see how TNA book Matt once this concussion storyline has run its course. That will also determine if he will become a world champion in the future or not.
Frankly, I don't see what people don't see in Matt Morgan. He's a huge body, more than capable of wrestling effectively in the ring (note my use of effectiveness, not "great" as though only superior wrestlers can get over) and above all else has a personality worth selling!

Is he ready to be TNA World Heavyweight Champion? Yes and no.

Yes, as a performer he is, but no, as a character he's not quite there yet. This story with Anderson IMO has been built around Anderson capturing the gold, not Matt.

Agreed. Morgan definitely has the look of a Champion, and while not being the best actual wrestler out there he is easily as good, and probably better, than many other big men who have held the gold. He is by far better than Nash, Big Show and has a better moveset than Hulk Hogan.

He doesnt quuuite have the mic skills yet, but he is more than capable of holding his own. The more mic time he gets, the better he will get.

Is it Morgan's time now? No, it is quite clear than the storyline has been constructed for Mr Anderson to eventually win the title after overcoming his concussion and gaining his revenge over Jeff Hardy, but that is fine. Morgans time will come. He is young and will definitely be a future champion
1) Has he earnt it?

Earning something in pro wrestling is hard to quantify, if you get over massively then you have earned it, no matter how short of a time you took or how good you are. In Morgan's case he's gotten over relative to that small TNA nucleus of fans in the Impact zone and he's worked hard and has been reliable, so yeah I'd say he's earned it.

I do think his push should have came via the Immortal angle, he was an ideal choice to be their champion and Hogan's protege.

2) Is he good enough? and if not will he ever be?

I think he could work smarter for a big guy, he bumps too much for a 7 footer, but overall I would say he's good enough to be TNA champion and could credibly carry the belt.

3) Should TNA go in a different direction for the next champ?

No, but I think long term the focus should switch to a face turned AJ Styles and a main event elevated Robert Roode.
I seriously hope Matt Hardy don't go TNA... it will just be ANOTHER set back for damn good TNA talent that could be their WHC easy.

Matt Morgan has the look, the mic skills, the in ring ability, the ability to keep you watching but yet again TNA decide to push WWE talent like it's somehow better? It happened to AJ, now it's gonna happen to Morgan even though those two are arguably better than people like Jeff Hardy...

Also I kinda stopped watching TNA recently simply because I got bored of watching the Bischoff regime (as I like to call it). Sure I watch the a few tag matches and I'm loving the TV title right now but when ever I come to watching the main story/match I just fast forward or switch off my computer or TV...
I honestly find it quite gratifying to know how much faith people say they have in him, it convinces me. I'm still not, however, convinced about his mic work.
I think Morgan's mic skills are ok, but he needs to get a personality of some sorts that separates him from some average joe coming out and ripping a promo.
has he earned it? - noone "earns" the championships they win anymore- its all about what can you do as the champion? as far as has he paid dues? uhhh.. i guess, i dont know what qualifies as paying dues anymore- hes a tough enough guy, so he didnt get in the "right" way, and he didnt do the independents, im not sure if he ever had to sleep in his car, or drive 200 miles to make 25 bucks in front of 13 people;
is he good enough? - on the mic, hes atrocious, he doesnt play his character so that you can get behind him as a good guy or as a bad guy. his actual mat skills are decent, but he doesnt seem to know how to "tell a story" in the ring; will he ever be?- maybe in 10 years if he gets more experience with the WWE;
should TNA change their WHC picture? - well, if you read everything on this site you know that they arent planing on having hardy lose the belt anytime soon, theyre building towards hardy-rvd for the belt, anderson will become a full fledged heel and he will contend against rvd... is that what i would do? no- they have kurt freakin angle sitting around- the man should ALWAYS have the belt...
The best thing about morgan imo was the Helevator(which he doesnt do any more wtf) that move as awesome and along with his pyro entrance reminded me of Goldberg almost. But not only is he annoying on the mic i find his some of his moves annoying!(reverse choke slam, them stupid back elbows in the corner) this questions a tuff one but i would rather see mrrrrr Anderson get the strap then morgan. Andersons solid on the mic, very funny and great in the ring. But once again Anderson used to have that awesome top rope green day plunge finish which he doesnt do now because he ripped his back up with it. Still,Morgan a champ?... one day. Anderson on the other hand is ready now and has been ready since MITB in my opinion.
My opinion is that they should have done a program after his match with Angle at Bound for Glory. Instead they had him tag with Hernandez then lose the titles I don't recall and he's been switching between heel and baby face for a while now and they usually come out of nowhere. I mean look at the last one. Anderson has a concussion and he feels bad for him?! Isn't this the guy that was Fortune's enforcer that helped bloody and decimate EV2.

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