Is Megan Fox really that hot?


The Arrogant Assasin
Seriously, she looks kind of plastic, her tits arent very big, shes a bit too ksinny for my likeing, and she is now bald.
There are plenty o' fitter people out there, so why do people talk so much about Megan Fox being really fit?
She's hot in my opinion, but she's the sort of person who you just sleep with, she's not someone you have a proper relationship with (probs because she does have that plastic thing going on)

now this is a woman who is fit and who you would have a relationship with

Yes Cheryl. I live about 5 streets from her family.
That Fox girl isn't my type, but I'll be damned if she doesn't have the nicest pair of lips I've ever seen. If that's the work of a plastic surgeon, then he/she should be given a medal of some sort.
She's hot in my opinion, but she's the sort of person who you just sleep with, she's not someone you have a proper relationship with (probs because she does have that plastic thing going on)

now this is a woman who is fit and who you would have a relationship with


A mix between Penelope Cruz and Debra no likey.
Megan Fox is fucking gorgeous, except for the tattoos.

She really isn't, at all. I love girls with dark looks but she leaves me stone cold, the made by Mattel, designed by Jordan body doesn't help but mainly it's the stupid vacuous look on her face at all times making her look uniformly dull. Christ I could go out on a Friday night into the local chavfest dancehall and find 10 girls who look exactly like her, orange, trashy, fur coat and no knickers types who I wouldn't touch with a rent-a-dick for fear of losing my deposit.
Yes, yes she dfinately is. Her tits are plenty big enough. They aren't huge, but the are fuckin perfect.

Shame though she is bat shit fuckin crazy. No thanks.
You could not pull a girl that looks like that and badmouthing her makes you feel better about that. Really? She is universally regarded as one of the most beautiful women in the world, yet, it makes you feel better about yourself to go against the grain.

EDIT: This is not to NorCal. I am sure he could pull a girl that looks like that.
I have never found her attractive at all. Really don't understand all the hype.
The crazier she is, the more likely it is she'd be attracted to me. I have no idea what that says about me.

Same here. If I was with a girl that attractive, it would be one of, or a combination of

1. Loser
2. nothing else going for her but her looks, working at KFC
3. Single mom
4. fuckin crazy

See. Im not delusional. Options 2 and 3 would be acceptable to me, BTW
Option 4 is usually fun for a couple of months, but after you realize there are so many ways to bend her over, the crazy gets old/scary.
Those couple of months can turn into over a year if she promises you to behave better and change while going down on you whenever you are ready to put her to the curb. Trust me, I can attest to this.

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