Is Mania in danger of bombing with the current roster?


Fucking Hostile
Now, anyone with half a brain could see that the WWE is in the middle of a big youth movement at the moment with people like Wade Barrett, Sheamus, The Miz, Alberto Del Rio, John Morrison and more getting pushed into the main event scene. Now this is all well and good for the future of the WWE but it leaves the current roster a bit weak in terms of proven drawing power and experienced main eventers with only Cena, Orton, Hunter, Taker, Edge and possibly Jericho fitting that category, and half of them are out at the moment and in doubt for Mania. The problem is that most of the talent being pushed are not yet ready to main event a Wrestlemania and all of the experienced main eventers are either out injured and in doubt for Mania or have faced each other millions of times before and another match between them wouldn't be Mania worthy.

So basically the WWE is stuck between a rock and a hard place in terms of Mania, if they risk putting new names in the main event of the biggest show of the year they risk them feeling the pressure and fucking up or they risk casual fans, who would normally just buy Mania but nothing else, not knowing who the fuck that new guy in the main event is and not buying it. On the other hand if they put together an overdone combination of experienced main eventers and people say, fuck that, why pay to see a match I've seen 50 times before and don't buy it.

So what should the WWE do to fix this situation? I think WWE have three options here. First, they pull the plug on Cena vs Taker, the one main event level match that hasn't been done before. If they decide to go with this match then no one will care about the rest of the card, they will pay just for this match. Secondly, they could try to get a celebrity/ex-wrestler to appear or even wrestle, someone along the lines of a HBK, Lesnar, Goldberg or Sting, once again if this happened they wouldn't care about the rest of the card they would pay to see whoever it is that they got. Thirdly, they could take a risk and put one of the young guys into the main event and see if it works, this is a big risk though.

So what are your thoughts on this matter? Are my concerns justified, is this years Wrestlemania indeed in danger of bombing? If so why and what can be done to fix it? Or am I crazy and is Wrestlemania under no threat? If so why?

Please do NOT use this thread to post random Wrestlemania card predictions with no justification of explanation behind them, there are plenty of other places to do that on this forum but this isn't one of them. I don't mind you posting full card/matches so long as they have some justification to them, as in why the match would generate public interest/buy rates but please don't post random cards.

Also when I say bombing, I mean by Wrestlemania standards, obviously it won't be a complete bomb and will still be the most bought WWE PPV of the year just based on the fact that it is Wrestlemania.
I think it has the same chances of bombing as last year. They had the same number of main eventers with the exception of Shawn Michaels retiring. I think the best thing to do is make Cena and Taker for the main event even though I think they are going with Orton and Cena. They should close the show with a big blowout main event and hype that up as the real main event and then have another match for the other title with it being younger guys. So I would have Cena win the WWE championship at EC and have Taker win the Rumble and choose him for Wrestlemania, then have Brock Lesnar come in and be the referee. As far as the other championship goes, I guess I would give the ball to Miz and Morrison just to see with what they can do with it. Then another match they need to really hype up is Sheamus vs Triple H. Other than that they should be good I guess.
I've thought about this a lot lately. Everyone seems to be getting injured one after another. In the Iron man thread a while back, I noted why not have an iron man match at Wrestlemnaia this year. With all thee stars that are currently out I think it would be perfect way to get things going again. It would take up some time and make a good match for the biggest show of the year. The two obvious choices would be Cena vs. Orton in a face vs. Face type deal.

I would love to see some kind of long ass matches between Punk and Danielson. And probably a proper Morrison/Miz feud later on. If they really try and pair up some good individuals to wrestle each otherl they'll be fine.

I wouldn't suggest Wade Barrett or even Sheamus main eventing the RAW portion of the show. I could also see maybe a Christain return and possible a match against Edge for a World title. I know, its highly unlikely but WWE will scratch and claw there ways into sucess. I know for a fact, Wrestlemania won't bomb this year. They'll pull something out of their asses. Trust them.
Fix it by the creative team working their asses off for a good lead in with good matches booked and the pay off being good too. That is very hard for them though.
I think it's a possibility. In order for WM 27 to score the kind of numbers Vince is hoping for, which is at least in the upper six figures, I think that the WWE will have to really focus on building these young guys as strongly as they possibly can. This is something of a consequence of the WWE not really planning ahead as well as they should when it comes to the youth movement. Personally, I feel the youth movement really should've began at least a year or two ago while there was still a good number of veteran big names on the roster. With so many of them either leaving or out injured, the WWE was really kind of forced into the youth movement in the first place.

If The Undertaker and Triple H make a return and are able to be part of WM, I think that there's a good chance that things will turn out to be alright. People are clamoring for Triple H to make a return and people have already been talking about who Taker's next opponent for WM should be for a few months. I think the only real match left for Taker at Mania is against John Cena. It has a huge match feel about it and Triple H & Sheamus feuding should be interesting to see.
Edge vs. Christian for the WHC. Its a fued everyone wants to see espically me as being a HUGE Fan of both(more Christian) with Christian finally winning the big one.

Cm Punk vs. Daniel Bryan 30 min. Ironman match this could be the greatest Match of WM hell Match of the Century.

These 2 matches WM will make sure WM is a success
Well, fact of the matter is that WWE has been shoving the same shit down our throats for years. Cena and HHH in the main event every year and what not.. WWE finally i guess realized that they can no longer depend on HHH to main event WM every year. It worked for a little while...;) What is happening now is what happened in the the mid 1990s. If you look at the roster in 1994, 1995. The roster was god awful. And WWE took it on the chin for a few years until they developed some new guys and they ultimately kicked ass in the attitude era. What is happening now is that WWE is once again dropping their pants and has 2 be done..we cant depend on undertaker every wrestlemania...

I'm not sure Wrestlemania really CAN would be very subjective, you know it will sell out regardless of the card. I think it will do fine, and it will be a good chance to give the younger talent some exposure, and maybe get some talent over on a big stage. If you have Cena, Taker, Edge & Orton, I think you're off to a pretty good start. I am curious to see who makes the cut, and how...e.g. does Daniel Bryan get a title defense, or does he lose it first and get lumped into a MITB or battle royal? Does Miz still figure into the title mix by then? Does Morrison get over the hump and into the title picture? So I think it will be fine. Maybe not the strongest WM ever, but it will be a good show.
Well, WWE is smart to start now in terms of making creative changes and deciding to "open things up" so to speak. That will help a lot. Also the fact that they are already starting WM commercials in regards to ticket sales early. I'm not sure in relation to other years whether it has started this early or not. A lot can happen between now and Mania. Mania doesn't happen until April. I imagine Undertaker will be ready by then. I have noticed that there is almost a good month and a half between PPVs of Elimination Chamber and Mania. Several strong Raws/Smackdowns before Mania kicks into gear. I imagine Triple H will be involved. I wouldn't discount SCSA out of the picture yet. I think the talent level is there from the current roster. So I don't think Wrestlemania will bomb. Too early to tell anyways.
The WWE definately seems to be lacking experienced main eventers in time for Wrestlemania. Since last years WM, Shawn Michaels, Batista and (maybe) Chris Jericho have left, seemingly leaving the WWE with very few options. This inevitably forces younger stars into big matches, but this doesn't mean the show will bomb.

Look back a few years to Wrestlemania 21. There was no huge celebrity involvement in matches (unless you count Akebeno), and almost all of the main eventers participated in matches with young up-and-coming talent (with the exception of Shawn Michaels and and Kurt Angle) yet this was still a great Wrestlemania. The Money in the Bank Ladder match was introduced, Angle and Michaels put on a phenomenal match, and there was some great build up for the main events.

The WWE could easily replicate this with Wrestlemanai 27. If they introduced a match with an intriguing stipulation, feature at least one big match between two main event talents (Orton vs. Cena, Cena vs. Undertaker) and really build feuds and storylines (maybe have the big payoff of the Nexus or the GM angle) it should be a solid Wrestlemania nevertheless.

Now, your other two options are good ideas. Cena vs. Taker would be a big draw, however, maybe that should be left until next year. Taker is going to come back seeking revenge on the Nexus who Cena has his own issues with; it simply wouldn't make sense for John Cena and Undertaker to face off quiet yet. I really like the idea of having a celebrity or ex-superstar wrestling a match (I'm holding out hope for Brock Lesnar), and I think that would draw a lot of potential viewers. However, that being said, it's also an expensive option and might take away some of the limelight from the younger superstars.

All in all, I don't think there's too much reason to be worried. Vince knows what he's doing.
I'm not sure Wrestlemania really CAN would be very subjective, you know it will sell out regardless of the card. I think it will do fine, and it will be a good chance to give the younger talent some exposure, and maybe get some talent over on a big stage. If you have Cena, Taker, Edge & Orton, I think you're off to a pretty good start. I am curious to see who makes the cut, and how...e.g. does Daniel Bryan get a title defense, or does he lose it first and get lumped into a MITB or battle royal? Does Miz still figure into the title mix by then? Does Morrison get over the hump and into the title picture? So I think it will be fine. Maybe not the strongest WM ever, but it will be a good show.

Well I don't know if it will bomb or not, but the ppv buys for Wrestlemania have been on a consistent downward trend... I know that I will not be ordering it. I have ordered just about every Wrestlemania that they have ever made... I never ordered any of the ones from about 1991-1996... I only ordered last years Mania because I knew that it was Shawn Michaels last match... Fact is Wrestlemania will cost about $60 and it will have the Miz on the show... I can't stand that son of a bitch, so I will definately not watch anything that he is involved in. The current state of the WWE is much like it was from about 1991- 1996.
Roster-wise it would definitely fail. Legends are getting older, some of them might not be ready for WM and the young talents are not there yet.

On the other hand, i'm pretty sure Vince has already organized something big for this year, if not a couple. The only thing is they won't give a clue for now till new year, maybe around royal rumble so that it doesn't lose it's interest/drawing power. Most likely we will see an ex-WWE wrestler and a couple of storylines with great build-up that WWE has not used yet. Something similar to the way they brought up Nexus.
I think its certainly a possibility, booking wise. With the aforementioned injuries and stale matchups, it would take an intriguing storyline to pull the trigger on alot of the matches we may wind up seeing.

Its not saying that these matches would be bad matches. But take a look at the past few PPV's. They've been booked around good shows in Raw and Smackdown. But the PPV booking has been absolutely attrocious. Both Survivor Series and Bragging Rights were built around compelling storylines, with fresh matchups. However, the matches themselves, other then the undercard, didnt deliver.

I think the WWE has to consider who they have, and who is capable of putting on the best possible matches, from a storytelling point of view. Cena vs Orton, while repetitive, would likely produce another darn good match due to familiarity. But can they produce a credible enough storyline to make the match worth it? I can't answer that, honestly.

There's alot of guys within that youth movement that simply aren't ready. Miz, Morrison, Sheamus, and Barrett simply aren't ready for that spot, unless they're protected by great matches around them. That or they need to be in a match with a high profile name(such as Barrett vs Taker, Sheamus vs HHH) for the match to have value.

I do have faith in the creative booking. Edge will likely walk into Wrestlemania as a champion, and given the proper storyline, can be a nice draw. There are several Smackdown wrestlers who can put on a great show if given the chance. Hopefully Punk will be healthy in time, as a match between he and Bryan would be money.

So much depends on the health and status of the wrestlers. If Jericho decides to come back, theres a huge hole filled. If Undertaker is healthy, theres another hole filled. If Punk is healthy, another hole filled. The big word, however, is if. That's why there is a distinct possibility that things could bomb. So much depends on the value of the "youth movement", and the recovery of injured wrestlers. So yes, I do see the possibility.
The problem is that WWE currently appears to be a mix of Legends & younger up-&-comers.

The last 2 years (I assume; Didn't buy WM26), you had a great Legends match in HBK-Taker. The only problem with that is it makes 2 of the great Legends work together on the same match in the card. They are where/who they are b/c they can work a great match. Nobody is helping the younger stars work great matches.

Now, HBK is retired & Taker may not be there. I'd love to see another great Legends match... But most are either gone or far past their prime. There are some great matches that could happen with younger guys (Punk, Bryan, etc.), but you'll simply find yourself with another awesome match between 2 goods, & a large card with little-if-anything-else watchable on it.
Mania has bombed before, WM2000 totally sucked! I think that HHH should return at Royal Rumble, and go after Sheamus in a No DQ match. I think Taker vs Cena would be awesome. Speaking of Awesome, The Miz could face Chris Jericho... I think a match between Goldberg vs David Otunga would be awesome. I see the Nexus jumping in, and goldberg spearing everyone of the Nexus, with Sting come in for the save! Or other ex WCW stars. Like Steiners, Sting, DDP, etc... Wwe has alot of great talent in the mid card level right now, that a intercontinental/US Title unification match battleroyal would be awesome. Dont forget about Orton vs Kane/Edge/
I am going to still go with the fact that I honestly don't think its possible for 'Mania to BOMB. While the numbers might not where the company would want them it still will by no means be a failure.

Funny thing about the IWC(which I have been around for over 10 years now) is we all wanted the youth movement and now that we are getting it, people want the legends back. For me I am more excited about the prospects of this WM than I have been for a while now.

But it is WM and It is a spectacle so there is a good chance we will see a match involving a celebrity and/or a match involving a legend. Chances of getting someone like Sting or Goldberg are pretty low and guys like Flair or Hogan are over in TNA, but anything is possible(except the Flair or Hogan thing). The Brock/Taker confrontation got the media interested so I wouldn't be surprised to see that one go down, but with the injuries its not likely. a Stone Cold or Rock match would obviously draw but they are really just pipe dreams with SCSA maybe not even being able to do a match and Rock's busy schedule. Chances are we will get anohter Bret Hart match, but its novelty is gone, and I wouldn't be surprised to see Vince involved in some sort of match either.

So basically you need to generate interest with the storylines. Cena vs Miz is marketable because of their past feuds and the fact that they have always had an entertaining feud. Not only that a mega heel vs a mega face is always a draw, as long as they begin the buildup around RR.

Nexus is hot and I heard a rumor(which you can only take so seriously) that they are planning on ending Nexus around the WWE Draft, so oitting Taker against Barrett in a gimmick match(Hell in a Cell, Cage, Buried Alive, ect) would do well, the seeds have already been planted.

Edge, Orton, and HHH are all guys you can plug into feuds, rather it be with the younger talent or each other. I wouldnt be surprised to see Sheamus vs HHH again.

I will admit that there arent any HUGE plausible matchups with the exception of Taker/Lesner....but I am OK with that, with the current roster you could put on a real entertaining show still.
Mania has bombed before, WM2000 totally sucked! I think that HHH should return at Royal Rumble, and go after Sheamus in a No DQ match. I think Taker vs Cena would be awesome. Speaking of Awesome, The Miz could face Chris Jericho... I think a match between Goldberg vs David Otunga would be awesome. I see the Nexus jumping in, and goldberg spearing everyone of the Nexus, with Sting come in for the save! Or other ex WCW stars. Like Steiners, Sting, DDP, etc... Wwe has alot of great talent in the mid card level right now, that a intercontinental/US Title unification match battleroyal would be awesome. Dont forget about Orton vs Kane/Edge/

Let me run down that card, & see if there's anything not run-down about it...

1] Sheamus-vs.-HHH has already been overdone. (The idea of a No DQ match just reminds me of his match with Umaga, I think it was at Cyber.)
2] Taker-Cena? Only if they make it a "loser retires for real" match, & the one who is currently gone loses.

Until you hit the midcard matches, I see nothing else worth even responding to.

Kane-Edge should be done by then, & I forgot about Orton the second they put Miz over him.
I'm not going to go into match possibilities, or wishful past superstar returns. What I will say is that, while I probably won't be buying WM (especially w/the economy the way it is...) I will be highly looking forward to it and HOPING it has the newer talent taking the ball and running with it. I have been more interested lately in WWE and the fresh new faces that are coming forward and I think that if they prepare properly and bring their A game it can be just as exciting as if you had the legends on the card. And this is from a die hard "old school" grew up watching the old stuff, including the AWA on a black and white tv in the middle of the night kinda guy. But anywho, I believe there could be great wrestling and great matches which could make it a memorable 'mania if it's done right. I mean, Miz reminds me of the 80's heel Piper, moving forward with his mic skills while not being the biggest guy on the roster. Heck, he even has his Cowboy "Ace" Orton in Alex Riley. (And don't go saying I'm putting Miz on the same pedestal as Piper, just notice the similarities.) But this could be a virtual launching point for a great number of new talent which has shown that they do have the ability to put on a good match. But if not properly matched up and booked solidly and consistently it also has the possibility of becoming one of the worst. It all depends on who they put together on the card and how much effort these guys put into preparing.
It won't bomb, but right now I can't think of any matches I'd really want to pay 60 bucks to see. The undercard will be the same as always. A Punk Danielson match would be great, but that wouldn't sell a PPV. Money in the Bank should be great this year if they put guys like Kaval and Gabrial in it. The real problem is the main event. Cena is very stale right now, and we have seen him fight Orton countless times. Cena against Miz, Barret, or Sheamus wouldn't be a money making main event. The Undertaker and Cena is a real possibility, but Taker is to a stage were he can't be rellied upon to have a great match. Considering that he wont be back for months, they might not even have time to build a proper match for him. Kane and Edge certainly can't main event the show. (I like Edge but the only reason he main evented 24 was because he was with Taker.) I'm also not convinced of what Jericho or Triple H could do if they came back. I'm a big fan of both, but Jericho was never a mega star in the likes of Triple H of the Undertaker, and Triple H wouldn't get the same reaction that he did when he came back at the Rumble in 02. I think a Triple H vs. Taker or Jericho vs. Cena would go ok. In fact they real savior might actually be Y2J. If Vince would give him a few months of cutting those phenominal promos he did in his prime on Cena, he could get a buyrate up. But it would have to be Y2J against a heal Cena, not the slow talking suit wearing Chris Jericho.

I don't want to get crapped on for this, but I really think a good way to get the buyrates up would to have a WCW theamed 8 or 10 man tag. Pay up for guys like Goldberg, Booker T, Nash, Steiner, and Sting to have a big match with 4 or 5 young guys who don't want the old dudes there. It writes itself. With the exception of Sting, those other 4 guys could be easily signed. It would be a great way to get the nostalgia buys. Especially with the 10th aniversery of WCW's fall.

Another thing hurting Wrestlemania is the gimmick PPV's. We have had them all year so there wont be a TLC or Hell in a Cell Match. They might not do money in the bank. A good thing for them to do would be to get three teams of guys that can really, really go, and have them put on a 25 minutes TLC tag match like we saw at Wrestlemania 17
no wrestlemania will not bomb this year,vince knows what he is doing and will pull out some good match ups and as far as undertaker possibly not being at wrestlemania well u all can skip that idea because he will be there,wrestlemania isnt wrestlemania without the undertaker and i dont think he has missed a single wrestlemania since his debut so i dont see him starting now...but heres some potential matches i can see happening at wrestlemania:

#1.....john cena vs the miz vs randy orton-wwe championship
#2.....triple h vs wade barrett
#3.....undertaker vs sheamus
#4.....kane vs the big show-world championship
#5.....daniel bryan vs cm punk-us championship
#6.....dolph ziggler vs mvp vs kofi kingston vs cody rhodes-i.c championship
#7......christian vs alberto del rio-grudge match
#8......slater and gabriel vs the usos vs john morrison and r-truth vs edge and rey mysterio-wwe tag team championships
#9.....divas battle royal-divas championship
tell me what u think of my matches for wrestlemania
btw there will be no money in the bank match at werstlemania due to the fact that wwe has a money in the bank ppv
I say no but what should be done is a passing of the torch kind of Wrestlemania
Every match features one vet and one up and comer and most importantly some of the new guys must win

Sheamus versus HHH rubber match (after Sheamus wins at the Rumble)
Miz versus John Cena
Edge vs Christian
Taker vs Wade Barret
Orton versus either Alberto Del Rio or John Morrison
RAW's WrestleMania will probably have to do with The Miz, Randy Orton, John Cena and the Nexus. The Miz will defend his title against Orton at TLC in a Ladder or eponymous match with some assistance. At the Rumble, John Cena will make at number 29 with Randy Orton, Wade Barrett, Sheamus and some of the Nexus still in the ring. They will clobber each other and it will come down to Sheamus, Wade Barrett, John Cena and Randy Orton. Triple-H returns at 30, winning the Rumble. The Miz successfully defends his WWE Championship the same night against John Morrison. At Elimination Chamber, Wade Barrett, Husky Harris and Michael McGillicutty qualify for the RAW Elimination Chamber match along with The Miz, John Morrison and Sheamus. Sheamus wins in spite of Triple-H's mind games only to be assaulted and be elected by Triple-H as his WrestleMania opponent. At WrestleMania, John Cena and Wade Barrett face-off in a Lumberjack Match with Randy Orton as the special guest referee with the following stipulation: If John Cena loses, he is banned from the WWE once and for all. If Cena wins, the Nexus is to be disbanded once and for all. John Cena wins after Wade Barrett receives an RKO from Orton. In the main event, Triple-H defeats Sheamus to become the new WWE Champion. At Extreme Rules, Triple-H looks to settle the score against Sheamus once and for all in an 60-minute Iron Man match defending his title once again.

SmackDown's WrestleMania should be a lot simpler to sort out. Edge defeats Kane at TLC to become the new World Heavyweight Champion. Kane begins haunting Edge and an Inferno match is scheduled for the Royal Rumble. After the Undertaker's gong goes off, Edge seizes the opportunity to put an end to the match and retain his title and setting up the stage for the Undertaker's return at WrestleMania XXVII against Kane. At Elimination Chamber, Edge is pitted against Alberto Del Rio, Rey Mysterio, Jack Swagger, Big Show and Kane. Edge once again puts Kane away following another quasi-interference by the Undertaker. For the following weeks, Edge continually dodges Long's attempts to set him up for a championship match saying that at WrestleMania, he will defend his championship against Hornswoggle. Edge is put in a handicap match against Hornswoggle and Big Show much to Edge's chagrin the Friday night before WrestleMania. Edge loses after Show deliver a powerful knockout punch followed by Hornswoggle's body splashing Edge for the count. At WrestleMania, Edge comes out and begins to complain about he was the victim of a horrendous assault when Hornswoggle's song hits to cheers only for Long to come out with Hornswoggle and announce that in spite of Edge's best efforts to achieve his goal, he could not allow for Edge to take advantage of Hornswoggle but that regardless he would have to defend his title against someone hand picked by Hornswoggle. As the crowd chants the Big Show's name, Christian's theme sends shock waves throughout the stadium. Christian defeats Edge to become a World Heavyweight Champion with a TLC rematch at Extreme Rules where Christian defends.

My two pennies.
There is a danger that it might not do as well as 2010 as 3 wrestlers from 2010's main event are missing. (Batista, Jericho, HBK) Also, there is no Bret Hart's return to Wrestlemania this year. Hence I believe 2011 will be the year we see either Cena/Taker or a Cena/Orton match with both being faces. I can also see wwe setting up a celebrity match/gimmick to draw more mainstream audience. I can see the Miz or Big Show used in such a manner as they are both decent on the mic and seem like personalities that can work well with celebrities. This is how I see Wrestlemania card to be this year without factoring celebrity involvement.

#1 CM Punk vs Daniel Bryan(c) - US title (Replace Punk with Dibiase if Punk is still out.) Match done to appeal to the ROH fans. Open the show with a bang.

#2 The Usos(c) vs Santino & Kozlov vs Kaval & Big Show vs Barreta and Hawkins- tag titles. Filler match. Can be replaced if there is celebrity involvement at Wrestlemania.

#3 Nexus (Gabriel, Slater, Otunga, Mcillicutty, Husky) vs Team R-truth (R-Truth, Big Zeke, Morrison, Mark Henry, Evan Bourne )in a 5v5 match (could be overkill doing another nexus tag match but I am replacing money in the bank with this to involve 10 wrestlers in a match.)

#4 Sheamus vs Kane (monster vs monster so that these two would be on the card)

#5 Dolph Ziggler(c) vs MVP vs Drew McIntyre vs Cody Rhodes - IC title. I expect Ziggler to be tweener or face by this time. 2 faces and 2 heels in the fatal 4 way.

#6 Kofi Kingston vs Jack Swagger (They seem to have good chemistry in their match on smackdown so would be a good filler.)

#7 Triple H vs The Miz (I was torn between hhh vs sheamus and this. Went with this because hhh vs sheamus was already done in 2010. Didn't want people to complain about having the same card as the previous year. Competing with hhh can add creditability to the Miz.)

#8 Alberto Del Rio vs Mysterio vs Edge (c) - World Heavyweight Championship (I would include Christian in the match if he recovers in time. This is the match to elevate Alberto, showcasing him in a championship match at Wrestlemania)

#9 Barrett vs Taker (Taker to seek revenge on Barrett for Nexus burying him at Bragging Rights. Nexus bigger picture to be revealed?)

#10 Divas battle royal or gimmick match (Filler)

#11 Cena vs Orton (c) - wwe championship(Face vs Face, The Rock/Austin at Wrestlemania for this generation)
Well, I don't think a bomb will take place in Atlanta. As the WWE, will have a lot of legends involved. I mean, they are having a WCW theme hall of fame (According the Internet sources) A lot of old fans might get interested when they hear names of Nash and Sting get inducted in the Hall of Fame. Might want to see if those guys get involved.

It's December now. WWE has some good Mid Card Heels, especially from Smackdown. Guys like Del Rio, Drew, Cody Rhodes, Dolph Ziggler. Possibility of not having a MITB ladder match this year. They could build something pretty decent my April.

What would the main event be... I have not a clue, and and won't worry about it till February. Gives them 2 months to build the event. On top of that, we might be a year or two out from having another WM 17. Especially with that youth movement going on in the WWE.
RAW's WrestleMania will probably have to do with The Miz, Randy Orton, John Cena and the Nexus. The Miz will defend his title against Orton at TLC in a Ladder or eponymous match with some assistance. At the Rumble, John Cena will make at number 29 with Randy Orton, Wade Barrett, Sheamus and some of the Nexus still in the ring. They will clobber each other and it will come down to Sheamus, Wade Barrett, John Cena and Randy Orton. Triple-H returns at 30, winning the Rumble. The Miz successfully defends his WWE Championship the same night against John Morrison. At Elimination Chamber, Wade Barrett, Husky Harris and Michael McGillicutty qualify for the RAW Elimination Chamber match along with The Miz, John Morrison and Sheamus. Sheamus wins in spite of Triple-H's mind games only to be assaulted and be elected by Triple-H as his WrestleMania opponent. At WrestleMania, John Cena and Wade Barrett face-off in a Lumberjack Match with Randy Orton as the special guest referee with the following stipulation: If John Cena loses, he is banned from the WWE once and for all. If Cena wins, the Nexus is to be disbanded once and for all. John Cena wins after Wade Barrett receives an RKO from Orton. In the main event, Triple-H defeats Sheamus to become the new WWE Champion. At Extreme Rules, Triple-H looks to settle the score against Sheamus once and for all in an 60-minute Iron Man match defending his title once again.

SmackDown's WrestleMania should be a lot simpler to sort out. Edge defeats Kane at TLC to become the new World Heavyweight Champion. Kane begins haunting Edge and an Inferno match is scheduled for the Royal Rumble. After the Undertaker's gong goes off, Edge seizes the opportunity to put an end to the match and retain his title and setting up the stage for the Undertaker's return at WrestleMania XXVII against Kane. At Elimination Chamber, Edge is pitted against Alberto Del Rio, Rey Mysterio, Jack Swagger, Big Show and Kane. Edge once again puts Kane away following another quasi-interference by the Undertaker. For the following weeks, Edge continually dodges Long's attempts to set him up for a championship match saying that at WrestleMania, he will defend his championship against Hornswoggle. Edge is put in a handicap match against Hornswoggle and Big Show much to Edge's chagrin the Friday night before WrestleMania. Edge loses after Show deliver a powerful knockout punch followed by Hornswoggle's body splashing Edge for the count. At WrestleMania, Edge comes out and begins to complain about he was the victim of a horrendous assault when Hornswoggle's song hits to cheers only for Long to come out with Hornswoggle and announce that in spite of Edge's best efforts to achieve his goal, he could not allow for Edge to take advantage of Hornswoggle but that regardless he would have to defend his title against someone hand picked by Hornswoggle. As the crowd chants the Big Show's name, Christian's theme sends shock waves throughout the stadium. Christian defeats Edge to become a World Heavyweight Champion with a TLC rematch at Extreme Rules where Christian defends.

My two pennies.

umm wow how stupid ur ideas are...1st of all they already did the whole nexus disbanding stipulation at the hell in a cell ppv when the stipulation was that if john cena lost he would have to join nexus but if wade barrett lost the nexus would be disbanded....and they did the whole john cena being banned stipulation at survivor series...and ur whole miz vs morrison match for the wwe title is based solely on the fact that they was former tag team partners...and ur whole edge thing would require edge to turn heel again and i dont see him turning heel again so soon after turning face.....and what the hell is up with everyone and thier edge vs christian shit,i mean cant we get off the whole former tag team partners wrestling each other thing..1st its the miz vs john morrison then its edge vs christian...hey why dont we bring back hbk and marty jannetty and have them wrestle each other also..people need to stop making match ups based on former tag team partners

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