Is Johnny Ace Really The GM We Should Be Complaining About?

Radical Canadian Goose

Getting Noticed By Management
Maybe it is just me, but, I was just reading a post on here suggesting that fans are going to start boycotting Raw as long as John Laurinaitis is in charge. Me, not so much, I actually am warming to his character and would love to finally see him step in the ring with CM Punk.

Anyways the point of this post is that I although I am fine with Johnny's job I am souring on Teddy Long. I mean suspending Mark Henry was a good storyline, but come on, replacing him with Khali. Really? was there not a better option? Plus the weekly backstage segments with Aksana are useless. I'm just saying that we have dealt with Teddy for far to long, his act is getting stale and if we are going to whine about a GM on WWE television he should be the one.

What does everybody think?
If there is a reason to boycott the WWE, there are better reasons than John Lauranitis. Actually, if people want to boycott the WWE because of a character, then the WWE would be better off without morons like that.

I agree, Johnny Ace is playing the heel GM role almost as good as Bishoff (Almost, not quite) People complain about how boring he is, but to me that's what I find funny. I love it whenever he says "I'm Mr. Excitement"
Both of them suck. Teddy has been as useful as tits on a bull for years, and Johnny Ace stumbles over his words and pulls Mike Adamle's all the time, not to mention that voice is so irritating.

Saying that Johnny Ace is not all bad, he's not good but he's the not all bad
Completely agree.

He is awful and annoying, and his segments with aksana make him look like a silly, sleazy old man.

I have been praying for him to be removed for such a long time.

Why waste the position on this man?
Heres the thing about Teddy Long, he has been in this business in either a manager, ref or GM role for so long how can he not be stale? Seriously go back and see how many times Teddy has been Smackdown GM, at this point you can either go switch every couple of months from heel to face, or give him some awkward goofy role like being electrocuted and having tourettes (sorry Goldust)
If there is a reason to boycott the WWE, there are better reasons than John Lauranitis. Actually, if people want to boycott the WWE because of a character, then the WWE would be better off without morons like that.

I agree, Johnny Ace is playing the heel GM role almost as good as Bishoff (Almost, not quite) People complain about how boring he is, but to me that's what I find funny. I love it whenever he says "I'm Mr. Excitement"

That's how I feel. I don't understand all the hate for Johnny Ace. He actually cracks me up when he says he's Mr. Excitement. He's boring and that's what makes it so funny to me. :)
My perfect GM situation would be Big Jonny on Raw and bring back Edge to be GM on smackdown. He could really shake things up as he's got history with almost everyone on SD. I think he might even be able to play a heel GM role, he could be the perfect "Im going to screw everyone except my friends" GM type :)
No one is going to boycott RAW because of Lauriniatis. There have been many heels before him claiming that people tune in because of them and not once did anyone actually boycott the show. I like Johnny Ace, hes the perfect GM for RAW. Hes got that white collar and huge ego appeal that not only fits the landscape of USA network but gives superstars the perfect go to guy if they want something. Teddy Long however has run his course. He was interesting the first couple of years because he could keep the heels in line without them rebelling but somewhere along the line SD outgrew the need for a GM. If anything I think SD needs a oldschool wrestler as a GM. Someone like Kevin Nash to take over the reigns and bring in a little attitude and conflict between the superstars and the GM. RAW is fine for now but in the future I'd like to see someone similar to Bischoff take over for the long run. We need those tough, cold hearted, no nonsense guys back in the GM position to make up for the lack of Vince.
I highly doubt there's going to be any serious boycott of Raw because of Big Johnny. I can understand if people aren't into the guy, there's no pleasing everyone, but any talk of any sort of boycott is yet another example of internet fans talking out of their asses, taking things far too seriously and just in general need of some sort of life. If some people are taking this that seriously, then I suggest seeing a therapist because they've clearly got some far deeper issues going on.

If someone actually did want to boycott Raw, the Attitude Era saw some much more legitimate reasons to do so such as the infamous Katie Vick angle, Val Venis getting his penis chopped off with a katana via a Japanese wrestling faction, The Undertaker hosting occult "blood sacrifices" while speaking in tongues, etc. These are examples of ludicrousy and callous disregards for any degree of taste or dignity. These were legit examples in which I could see people being pissed off enough to boycott Raw, but not just because of a heel character that some might just not be into.

As far as Big Johnny goes, the guy's grown on me. It's something of a different take on the on-screen authority figure that we haven't seen in a while. We're all used to seeing the over the top antics of figures like Vince McMahon, Eric Bischoff, Hulk Hogan and a few others that it took a little while for me to get into the guy. I'm sort of burned out on the portrayals of Vince & Eric. Some aspects of Big Johnny reminds me of authority figures you see in films or tv somtimes that are extrordinarily uptight, self absorbed, completely uncool but honestly have no idea just how hated and despised they actually are. They truly think that they're cool or are some sort of visonaries that it makes them very easy to cast in the role of a villain. It's very easy to dislike someone like that and it gets only easier when you make their primary adversary someone that the audience loves, such as CM Punk and Triple H.

As far as Teddy Long goes, I think he'd be alright if they just did away with the whole Aksana stuff. All the sexual puns were slightly funny in the beginning but not so much now. Thankfully, their segments are usually extremely short so I really don't have any huge complaints about them. One thing I do like, however, is that Teddy Long is no longer the spineless turd that he used to be. He's not the sniveling little snot that Drew McIntyre made get on his hands & knees to apologize ot him and I like that. It's not revolutionary, it's just logical and you'd be surprised how often being logical is simply enough. Teddy Long is supposed to be in charge of SD! after all, so actually having him behave like someone who is in charge is actually a novel idea.
Boycotting Teddy Long would be like boycotting New Coke. Nobody cared about it to begin with. Smackdown is so irrelevant these days it almost irritates me to even see threads about the characters on the show, lol.
WWE need to clear up who the Anonymous Raw General Manager was, then clear up who Laurinatis and now Helmsley are forever texting backstage. Im thinking all three are Stephanie McMahon, pulling the strings all along. It makes sense, provided WWE tell the storyline in a sensical matter. Steph playing her husband and her former superior off each other would work well.
I completely agree with you. I actually don't think Johnny Ace is doing that bad. But I find Teddy Long boring and getting old. All the guy does is usually just make tag team matches, with the occasional entertaining match (Show v Henry v Bryan was good idea though). If Shawn Michaels or Mick Foley want to stay relevant to the WWE, why not have one of them as the GM of Smackdown. I mean Foley did pretty good that Chistmas special of Smackdown.
That could all work. I think that they'll lose their minds like they did during the invasion angle though and focus completely on making HHH likeable.

All I'm seeing done with what could have been a great angle is Johnny Ace is the heel boss and HHH is the face boss. Punk cuts a promo on both of them being jack asses, so HHH plays as though he too doesn't like Johnny Ace and attempts to get some of Punk's praise.

I haven't seen anything in regard to the texting lately so I figure it's another abandoned story line.

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