Is Jinder Mahal Some Sort of Joke?


Fidgets over vanilla midgets
OK, so I've been embarrassed by Jinder Mahal's gimmick for a while now. Since he left The Great Khali (who turned on Jinder, apparently deciding that maintaining his sister's honor was just no longer his thing), the only reason we've been given to hate him is... he speaks some Indian language (perhaps Punjabi?) instead of English. I really thought this brand of heel would've died out by now. It's so stupid that a foreigner who speaks English would address his opponents and the crowd in a language none of them would understand. Who would do that? What does that accomplish? Are all foreign heels complete idiots?

But now, we've been given the icing on the cake. He's been beginning to do Muhammad Hassan's both hands in the air taunt and his theme music has always resembled Hassan's, and now? He's using the arm triangle reverse STO (the exact version of the reverse STO Hassan used) AND the camel clutch (which was, of course, also used by Hassan). Seriously - what in the hell? Why is this?

Hassan and Jinder are completely different ! Jinder is Indian and im guessing Hassan was suppose to be muslim. I like the direction that Jinder's charecter is going and i love the use of the camel clutch. He seems like a throw back of the Iron Sheik just in the modern era
I like Mahal. I like his promos. I wasn't watching during Hassan's stint, so I can't speak on that. As for what type of heel he is, he seems to be the basic "I'm better than you for whatever reason" guy. Why do you speak a language no one understands? To get the crowd to boo you, duh. But when he speaks english,he always gets his point across. My favorite line was on the Smackdwon holiday special: "You people buy gifts you can't afford, for people you can't stand!" I think the camel clutch is a stereotypical finisher, but he didn't have one to speak on before, so thats an improvement. I just hope the E focuses on different things with his character, other than money(which he doesn't show he has) or being so boastful(what does he have, 2 wins?)
Jinder and Hunico both kind of have played out gimmicks. I really dont think either will draw heat under their current characters.
Hassan and Jinder are completely different ! Jinder is Indian and im guessing Hassan was suppose to be muslim.

*Insert ignorant American joke here*

Indian is a nationality, Islam is a religion. Get there on your own.
Hassan was great. Stellar in the ring, good enough promos, Jinder however needs to bulk up a little and having heard him speak English, I know he can deliver a generic heel promo fine.

You still need a gimmick to be remembered, 'tis an asset.
Mahal trying to pass himself as a rich forigner wasn't working since we already had Del Rio pull off the gimmick soon before and the fact it could have still worked but was ultimatly derailed by Khali leaving didn't help either. What else can they really do with him either than the stereotypical forigner who hates America? He's decent in-ring (but still has room for improvement) and is quite good on the mic. with his english and Punjab (i think), the only other thing he really lacks is a proper (and not an obviously fake) crowd reaction. Mahal has potential to possibly rise up to the Mid-Card but unless the crowd starts to really care I don't see him going any futher up the ladder.
hes nothing but a jobber to me at the moment, but who knows what might happen.. just look at Ryder.

havent seen anything in jinder that would warrant a push. apart from a lack of heels

Ryder went out and did something about it, Jinder just speaks indian and rarely translates it to get any real heat
Id like to think they had big plans for Mahal when he first moved up to the roster rather then gave him cutting the same promo every week and job out to Sheamus. I think they planned on having Khali as his enforcer against his own will to make up for Mahal's physical shortcomings. Of course once Khali decided he was going to stop wrestling Mahal was left in limbo.

He can cut a decent promo i guess. Speaking with a foreign accent/language has always been a good way of getting cheap heat. He size prevents him from going anywhere above the midcard though. When you see him facing the likes of Sheamus and Randy Orton you know the match is going to be over in 3 minutes.
I would like to clarify two things about Jinder Mahal:

1. HE DOES NOT SPEAK INDIAN. There is no language called Indian. He speaks Punjabi.

2. There is very little similarity between him and Muhammad Hassan. Hassan was a Arab-American who was pissed off by the way the Americans treated anyone who looked even remotely Muslim. Mahal is just a generic arrogant rich foreigner.

As for his talents, he can cut promos better than many other guys who are on his level. His ring skills can definitely improve. He does not get much of a reaction because he has never been in any decent feud. The storyline with Khali was lame.

His current feud with DeBiase is lack-luster, and both are to be blamed. While DeBiase may get slightly better reactions than Mahal, his skills are not much to brag about.

As for his future, if he can improve in the ring and get decent crowd reactions, he can be a good mid-card heel.
Sometimes I get the feeling they are portraying him in a stereotypical way but he could be a solid midcarder. Just stop the feud with DeBiase already, its going nowhere and Jinder's current gimmick doesn't really clash with DeBiase's enough to make me feel their feud is legit. I can only suspend disbelief so much
Jinder Mahal is just plain annoying, he keeps getting his ass kicked and then comes back.

He has the sort of heel character that you hate because he is a pest. No matter how many times he gets owned or destroyed (mostly be Sheamus) he comes back to annoy you again. He is a decent in ring worker and to answer the title question yes he is a joke, that's how he is meant to be. He hasn't been in long enough matches or neither have I seen too much of him so the only thing I could say about him now is that his the annoying pest type of heel, similar to how Simon Dean (anyone remember him?) was back in 2005 on SD.
Don't act like the comparisons to Hassan aren't there! McMahon practically trademarked the rehash, so you can't deny they're not all Iron Sheik knockoffs anyway (I'm not being serious so keep the ignorant American comments to yourself.

On rare occasion the WWE is successful at pushing multiple stars at once (though its never stopped them from trying). Mahal is another one to the list who got pushed to the back in the midst of an exhilarating Nash conspiracy storyline.

100 posts, all of them horse shit. Thanks for giving me a voice WrestleZone... you ****.
Don't act like the comparisons to Hassan aren't there! McMahon practically trademarked the rehash, so you can't deny they're not all Iron Sheik knockoffs anyway (I'm not being serious so keep the ignorant American comments to yourself.

On rare occasion the WWE is successful at pushing multiple stars at once (though its never stopped them from trying). Mahal is another one to the list who got pushed to the back in the midst of an exhilarating Nash conspiracy storyline.

100 posts, all of them horse shit. Thanks for giving me a voice WrestleZone... you ****.

I gotta agree with you dude. I think they tried to package Mahal as a new school Muhammad Hassan, but it failed....miserably. Let me just say, he's not going to be at Hassan's level......EVER!

Anyway, he comes off like a Newer version of Tiger Ali Singh, except he isn't paying the fans to embarrass themselves on TV. From what I've heard, he can cut a promo, but he just needs some time and the right person to feud with.

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