Is Jeff Hardy Still Working For Vince McMahon?


I Am The One Who Knocks
Simple question really.

You see, I can't fathom in my mind why Jeff Hardy would go to work for TNA. WWE put so much time and effort into the man. Only for him to piss it away. A 3 Time World Champion in WWE. After all the suspensions and clawing his way back to the top. He then left after Summerslam to pursue other opportunities outside of wrestling. A mere 4 months later and he's wrestling again, only this time for the competition.

What really begs me to ask this question is not only the company loyalty thing, it's that he went from being a main event level player, to what seems like the beginning of a feud with Homicide. Far from the level he was at. Why? Could he be there to evaluate the talent? To see who might want to jump ship? This may very well be a stupid question, but it is a very legitimate one. Is Jeff Hardy still working for Vince McMahon and trying to evaluate the talent, to see who could be WWE bound in the future. Seeing as there are a lot of talent in the WWE who they are trying to push, but simply can't get the crowd support, or have them believe in the newer generation. Call me crazy...but I think he is doing this for Vince.

What do you think?
Interesting theory...very interesting. I suppose it could be possible Jeff might be a "mole" because him going to TNA just doesn't make sense to me. He was a three time world champion, and even if it was just because he was merchandise selling machine, he got a monster push on his way out. He main evented Summerslam, and probably had the best feud in WWE 2009 with CM Punk. So, why would he take a break from wrestling, and then go to TNA shortly after he said he was "burnt out"? Also, you have to remember, with the exception of Matt Morgan, a lot of TNA's stars would have to re packaged to fit in WWE. I don't think guys with names like Suicide and Homicide would work in the PG era.

There's also another thing you have to remember about the man who is Jeff Hardy. I don't know the guy personally, but from what I've seen on DVDs and read in interviews, he seems like one of those people who lives for the moment, and does wild stuff spontaneously just get a thrill every now and then. Jeff is a free spirit, so who knows what his intentions are.

-- It is now confirmed that Jeff Hardy has signed a deal to work a regular TNA schedule. Hardy told TNA co-workers that the organisation's schedule fits his lifestyle better than WWE's gruelling full-time schedule.

Also, following last night's iMPACT!, Homicide said on the "Right After Wrestling" radio program he expects to feud with Hardy, saying:

"Anything could change and I could do something else or Jeff could do something else at the TV tapings on Tuesday, and I think it would be a great match-up of Jeff Hardy vs. Homicide. I'm really hoping it will happen."
Looks like there's your answer. He didn't want to deal with the schedule. I guess that makes sense.
Im talking hypothetical here. More of a what if. Just because he signed a deal, doesn't mean hes still not in Vinces back pocket. Open up your mind and let it think about it for awhile type thing.
Well just because he signed another contract with TNA doesn't mean Vince isn't still paying him. It's a good 'what if' question in my opinion. And would also make Vince look pretty damn desperate, too. To send someone as a 'mole' to do anything wreaks of desperation.

This would make for good TV and would also bring a little more kindling to the fire as far as the WWE vs. TNA thing is concerned. Next thing you know, Foley appears on Raw or what have you. But here's a better question.. what if HOGAN'S a MOLE?! What if he's took Vince's money and bought TNA!? Wow x 1,000,000

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